Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1959, p. 15

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Thursday, June 18, 1959 Pistakee Highlands THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEft Pot-Luck Dinner To Benefit M.Y.F. , Hazel Morley -- Hyatt 7-3320 ^^ay Sielisch -- Hyatt 7-3414 We would like to remind you once again of the pot-luck dinner that is being sponsored by the M.Y.F. group. Everyone is invited to attend, just bring along a dish for the table. A movie will be shown and it is a very nice way to spend the evening with your family and friends. It's on June 28 at the tjgfn. Mark it on your calendar st you will remember to attend. The food is always delicious and plentiful. game. The 'teens are on the job of mosquito spraying. They were busy by the beach and will soon be around to your homes. Jeanne Janquart had a slumber party in honor of her tenth birthday. Helping to make it a night to remember were Karen Ran, Susan Krause, Susan Itogenback. Sherry Hancock, Linda Shiga, Janice,Erbin, Susan Conway and Linda Fowler. A good time was had by all. Janice Janquart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz, were visiting them over the weekend ffom Milwaukee. Page Fifteen ' Paper Drive j The paper drive held on j June 6, with the profits going j to help the young people go to camp, was a real success. Our thanks to-tall the people who set out their papers and tA\those who helped collect it. Krany thanks to Martin Rogde who was so kind to store it in his garage until it could be sold. Happy Anniversary We wish a belated happy anniversary to Reb and Barb Sisk. The Sisks quietly celebrated the sixth year on June 6. It's^a Boy A fourth son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heilgeist on June 9 at Woodstock hospital. The little fellow weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 ozs. As of now he is still unnamed. We will have his name in next week's issue. Graduation Party A large party was held in honor of Kathy Melnerney's graduation from high school. During the day, open house was held for the family and friends. Buffet style dinner and drinks were handy at all times. In the evening Kathy entertained her friends from school, j Kathy will continue .her job during the summer and this fall will enter college. Congratulations, Kathy. Tami Marie That was the name chosen for the new baby daughter of Burt and Joyce Froney. Tami Marie was born on May 27 at St. Therese hospital. Happy Birthday Little Jimmy Hurckes celebrated his fifth birthday on June 11. On the riirith he shared some cake and ice cream with his neighborhood friends. ^ Broken Leg Little Stevie Hurckes broke his leg after he jumped off the front stairs of his home. We hope it won't be too long before the cast is off and Stevie wil Ibe getting around on his own again. Registra As we mentioned before, a registra is available for all persons wishing to register here in the Highlands. Mrs. Robert VanZevern is more than happy to register anyone at her home on 112 N. Meadow Lane. Happy Birthday To Kathy Mclnerney who itfHl be 18 years old on June 19. ^'o Emma Eide who celebrated her birthday on June 12 and to Marion Mueller who celebrated hers on June 11. In The Swim Our beaches are getting a real work out now that the hot weather is here for more than one day at a time. It was pretty crowded over the weekend. With all the small' kiddies in the water, it was hard to keep track of your own. Attends Wedding Hazel Rogde spent all of last weekend in Harrisburg, Ky., where she attended the wedding of her niece, Helen Trayner. m Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Rorback are on vacation here in the Highlands visiting with their daughter Betty Geirbach. We hope you enjoy it here. Trudy Rogde was one of twenty-two girls who attended a slumber party at the home of Arlene Barbarsky in Sunnyside over the weekend. The j^ls enjoyed swimming and barbecues. Mr. and Mrs. Risto and Lola Du Pree spent a day in Chicago. While Grandma Risto and Lola visited with friends, Mr. Risto took in a base ball Ladies Night Out On the tenth of June, eight male residents were official baby sitters for the evening. Dolly Novotny, Dot Erbin, Carla Bales, Janice Janquart, Lois Mason, Hazel Morley, Marilyn VanZevern and Wanda Dobecki got together for a night out and dined at a very nice restaurant. This is an annual thing for the girls and they have been saving their pennies all wifiter in anticipation of a night out alone. "Highlands News of Your Neighbors" Herb and Lorraine LinSermann spent a lovely day last Sunday with some friends of Lorraine's childhood days. They will be busy this week too, their daughter, Marilyn, and children arrived June 14 to spend a week with them. Lorraine hopes the country air will help Marilyn get back on her feet. Last Monday the Lou Tomao family spent the day swimming and picnicking at Cedar Lake. The Stanley Osbornes of Ann street are entertaining Stan's parents from Gulfport, Fla. They expect to stay two weeks with them. The Dowds spent last weekend in Chicago, they left Saturday afternoon and returned early Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon Barb Sisk and her son, Dennis, Marcia and her children, Cheryl and Jeff, visited a friend of Barbs in Antioch. They spent the afternoon swimming. Wednesday evening a neighbor of Mr. and Mrs. Pitt called to say there are some wonderful people in this world, namely our Barb Schlick and Mrs. Novak who have helped them I so much. Mr. Pitt is confined to a wheel chair. held in the Johnsburg Community center. Saturday Erna Rockel had a party at her home. The hit of the evening was Don Bentz in plaid Ber- I muda shorts. We hear his date, jJudy, won't be seen with,him ; now. Sunday night both Kathy Mclnerney and Forest Rein- • hartx had parties at their I homos. Monday evening Chris i Thode celebrated with a beach i party. ' Wednesday evening June 10. | the 'Teen club held a beach ; party, which was enjoyed by J all who attended. It was a very | nice orderly party. We have seen Forest Rein- ! hart on crutches, but no one ; knows what happened. Hope to i see him off the crutches real j soon. I Delores Formella and Lola | DuPree went to a skating j party June 10, "Teen Chatter" "Graduation Parties" Friday night after the high school graduation many Highlanders were seen at a party I "Servicemen on Leave" I ' , D e n n y L i t w i n i s t h o r o u g h l y j enjoying his leave and so are the girls in the Highlands. He has been busy every minute ! since he has been home and ! will be busy until he leaves > June 24. Denny spent Thursday evening showing films of his adventures at the Schlicks and we hear he has been doing this all over the Highlands. 'Ever think of charging admission Denny? Could be some leave money for fun. ! "News1 of Your Neighbors" ! Karen Krumwiede celebrat- | ed her second birthday June | 19. she received some pretty gifts and had a nice big birthday cake. Lou Spankuch is on vacation and has been busy puttering in the yard, he and Toots are hoping to be able to spend a few days in Wisconsin. . Dawn and Jeff Misavice are spending a week in Chicago with their grandmother, so Audrey and Wally are living it up. They admit the house has a strange quietness to it since they are alone. Bill Schlick's mother, Mrs. Remke, is spending the weekend with them to help celebrate Bobby's birthday. Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of June 10, 1909 It is now thought.that smallpox epidemic in Marengo is well in hand. There have been seventy-two cases, with fortyeight houses under quarantine. From the files of the Plaindealer of twenty-five years ago comes the item that during the heavy rain on Sunday night and Monday, the roof over 'Henry Colby's store, in Ri\erside block sprang a: leak, completely deluging his store and goods with water, causing a damage of more than a thousand dollars. As s u m m e r approaches there's one -bad habitt many good people should ende'avor to break themselves of. It is cutinu: across corners of lots and curbs. There is nothing more discouraging to the property owner, who takes pride in the appearance of his lawn, than to have a path worn across the corner of his lot by the "short cut" fiend. When you are tempted to leave the sidewalks, stop and think how you would feel about it if someone tramped up your lawn. The Piaster fell from the entire west half of the ceiling of the Presbyterian church at Woodstock one night recently, demolishing a beautiful chandelier, which was the pride of the church, and landing against the eieizent new pipe organ. A concert had been given in the church in the evening, ancjl it is fortunate that the plaster did not fall during the program. for had it done so it would have undoubtedly resulted in the loss of life. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of June 5, 1919 McHenry was given its first visit by an aeroplane las.t^unday afternoon, when a machine landed in the pasture of the farm of Supervisor S. H. Freund. No sooner had the bird men effected a successful landing before a large crowd had assembled. Aftei' the men had gotten their bearings and made a few adjustments they took off in an easterly direction. Twenty-one members were present when Mrs. Clara Starlit t entertained the Social Wheel at her home on Mill street . Thursday afternoon Misses Pearl and Lelah Claxton will be hostesses at the next meeting' on June 12. One of the most enjoyable" social events of the season took place at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling at Orchard Beach 1?aturdav evening, when the Misses Eva and Lillian Stilling entertained the members of the Dramatic club, which recently I so successfully produced "Way 1 Down^ East". | McHenry entertained the . largest Decoration day crowd | that has visited this village in ! years. There were more automobile tourists in the village on that day than in years. All of the hotels and restaurants took care of big crowds for dinner and supper. Two special trains left McHenry Sunday evening, one of which was made up here. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of June 7, 1934 Misses Christine Wegener and Rose Tonyan are members of a class of eleven who will graduate from the nurse's training course at St. An- THE OLD SPOT INN OSCAR & HERMINE WEINGARTNER, Props. S E R V I N G . . . . Hood Food, Wine and Liquor- HOME COOKING AT ITS BEST! Located on Pistakee Bay next to Pistakee Yacht Club Sale ends July 5th DHOES IN ONE HOUR! Dries so fast, bugs and dust won't spoil the finish For shingles, shakes, siding fc RESULM^LY s649 GAL NOW OILY $549GAL. SWEI00 ^ CHOICE OF 24 COLORS AND WHITE ^ BLISTER RESISTANT Overheated Motors HttQuo Ofy tike ffaut A clogged radiator can mean real damage* Inland's Factory-Method flow Test assures 100% cooling efficiency. RADIATOR Gleaning and Repairing A? LOW, FLAT-RATE PRICES ksptcfio* and [slimotet or* FRS UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY j Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of Stilling's "66" Service S00 E. Elm St. McHenry Phone 788 Jos. FRETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone McHenry thony's hospital Sunday, June 10. Commencement exercises will be held in the chapel at the hospital that evening. On the following Wednesday they will be included which graduates at exercises at DePaul university, with which the hospital is affiliated. Forty-four seniors comprised the largest graduating class in ihe history of the public schools of McHenry, receiving their diplomas at the * fourteenth annual exercises of the Community high school Friday evening; June 1. The address of the evening was given by Dr. Silas Evans, president of 6Ripon college, and the salutatory address was given by Guy Duker. The first June wedding in this vicinity, took place at St. John's church, Johnsburg, on June' 2. when Miss Cecelia Schaefcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer of Johnsburg, was united in marriage to Mr. Michael Olejniehak of Chicago, Rev. Fr. Vollman officiating. \ Mrs. Ben Hiller was seriously burned Thursday evening when her clothing caught fire from the gas store while preparing supper. She rushed into the yard, where neighbors smothered the flames. Her clothes were nearly burned from her body and her back, hips and hair were burned. She is recovering at her home. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT The Illinois Division of Waterways has announced receipt of an application for a construction permit in McHenry county by the Northern Illinois Gas company. Bellwood, to install a 4-inch gas main under and, acrqss Rush creek on the easterly side of U.S. Route 14 near Harvard. 3% INTEREST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1. 1959 MO E N insist on convenient single-handle faucet . . . when y o u b u y a new home ... when you remodel H. E. BUCH & SONS Plumbing St Heating Hwy. 120 East Phone: 48 Potent Drugs? We hove a wealth•« • ••to get you and d your health I O Oar large prescriptions volume permits na to maintain ample stocks, including many rare drugs and the newest specialties. Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--and precisely as directed. As a special precaution, we dou« ble-check each compounding step. Yet, you'll find our prices no higher than elsewhere. Try us, next time. Bo!pr S Drug 103 So. Green Phone 40 McBenr aifpssfps Thousands of motorists have been tempted by Cadillac s beauty and elegance--and then have discovered to their great delight that the Jinal decision can be made on the basis of purely practical considerations. For a brief exami nation of the facts reveals some amazing information about Cadillac's remarkable value. So if you have been tempted by Cadillac, visit with your dealer soon. We think that you, too, will be persuaded by the great car's economy. The standard oj the world in endurance VELVET SHINGIES, SHAKES AND SID»2 ssss? DURABLE mess .O N E COAT COVERS MOST <X-° painted SURFAC'es • 48 COLORS AND WHITE THlil) ||i; j '• \ • SELF CLEANING ENDURANCE^ HOUSE PAW Wt* FLOOR P*!*1 fir ON IT Sing*** iggp'll IWlil 30 MINUTE FLOOR PAINT 1 FOR BASEMENTS, PLAYROOMS, PATIOS O Roll it or brutli M O For interior wood O Clean brush or with water O Dries tn 30 minutee* walk on it one bo or later SAVE »L©© PBK O AIIL-PUE2P®SE 1 • For mM woodwork, furniture, walls, GAL wrought iron; inside or out 0 Brilliant fast - drying colore plus - yellowing white r®g. 92.79 FOX RIVER VALLEY BOAT CO PH@HE 454 120 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. •••••"' XMJsA.WJ 400 FRONT STREET VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. PHONE 17 or 3200 McHENRY, ILL.

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