Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1959, p. 7

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, ** Thursday, June 18. 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Situation Wanted MAN -- Experienced cook and restaurant manager-owner seeks position full time. Age 33. Excellent references. Phone " McHenry 2920 after 5 p.m. 7 MONOGRAMMING expertly teie. Elli Jarv. 102 Minnie St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 4263. 7 HOUSEWORK WANTED, full or part time. Good cook and practical nursing experience. Write Mary Huff, 415 Hickory Drive, McCullom Lake, c/o Bernice & Whitey, McHenry 7 'WILL DO ironing in my home. Neat and fast. Will pick up ajfi deliver. Phone McHenry 2418. 7 Real Estate LOT FOR SALE -- 100x130. Country Club Estates, bordering McHenry Golf Course. Phone McHenry 439-W. 29-tf ) Page Sertoli Real Estate 3 BEDROOM brick waterfront home. Gas heat. Garage. New pier and sea wall. Call weekends, McHenry 1624-M. 7-3 YEAR ROUND, 2 bedroom home, full basement, attached garage, fully landscaped. 60 x 125' lot. Lake Rights. $12,000. Phone Wonder Lake 5061. 4tf j 3 BEDROOM RANCH. Beautiful location, swimming, etc. W-w carpet, 2 car garage. Bargain price $17,500. Phone owner, Wonder Lake 6913. 7 BRICK 2 STORY business building. Will sell on contract for $8,500 with $1,000 down payment. McHenry Realty, 532 Main street. Phone McHenry 268. t 31-tJ 4 ROOM HOUSE on choice corner lot, 66x135. 3 blocks from town & depot. Ideal for small or retired family. Call evenings 1635. 4-tf Real Estate '16 ACRES of choice land located in Lake County on Dartfcll Road. Phone McHenry 2551 or 353. *7 SmBEDROOM ranch, full baseirrent, facing McHenry Country [Hub golf course. Corner lot. One mile south of town. Phone 1376. 6-tf •FOR SALE OR TR^DE: 2 flat bpick home in Austin Texas for Fox River or lakefront home. Inquire 82 Prairie Ave., Leke- ,land Park, McHenry. 4-tf . -SALE by owner -- 3 bedroom modern ranch style frame home. Full basement, attached garage channel in back ^laM. Many extras. For appointment call McHenry 1471- W. 4-tf FOR SALE • HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSIfc. "ESSES RESORT PROPERVY A KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Row! McHenry, lu. Phone: Mclienry 421-J 42-tl FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 2 bedroom home. Gas heat, storms and screens, neled living room, sliding or closets, many extras. Full basement, baserrfent garage. Scenic view, lake and beach "rights. Lot fully landscaped. Many evergreens. Six miles from McHenry. Phone HYatt 7-3235. 1-tf LOOKING • FOR A HOME /ihton Homes will build any kind, anywhere. All types of financing. No money down, 5% down or conventional. Model at 817 South street, Cooney Heights. Open Sundays. For information or to see model on weekdays call LEE COONEY ^Telephone McHenry 119-R w 45-tl NEW 3 bedroom home on Fox River at 203 Riverside Drive, McHenry Shores. Phone owner, LUdlow 5-2563. 51-tf 4 BEDROOM CAPE COD. brick home on IV2 lots. Nicely landscaped, gas heat, city water & sewer. Ideal for children, walking distance to stores & depot. Will show by appt. Ph. 1737. 7-t.f 3 BEDROOM contemporary ranch; Near Johnsburg; Beach rights; attached 2 car garage; 67x112 ft. wooded corner lot; natual gas heat; drapes, washer- dryer; cork floors, beamed ceiling; all thermopane, combstorm doors. Near church, schools. 2 yPs. old asking $15,- 500. 302 Oak drive, Sunnyside Estates. Call McHenry 2425. 5-3 Widow Must Sacrifice 7 room home, bath and %, automatic gas heat, full basement, 2 car garage. Storms, screens and awnings. Cabinet kitchen, knotty pine breakfast room. Large lot. (Extra lot available). Pistakee Bay -- Wooded Estates. Lake rights. Private beach and park. For Appointment Call McHenry 759-W or 759-M 6-4 FOR SALE New, 3 bedroom ranch home located end of North Riverside Dr. IV2 baths, recreation room 13x38 ft., basement, attached garage, birch cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors, natural gas heat, alum, storms & screens. Lot -- 70 ft. on river, 110 ft. facing road, sea wall. PRICE $25,000 Gall GEneral 8-7175 Cliff Benjamin Constr. Co. Lake Zurich, 111. 7 > , Homes For Sale . We have exclusive listings. McHenry Shores, Country Club Subdv., Lakeland Park, Sunnyside, Pistakee Lake, Wonder Lake. $6,500 to $53,000. ^jLet us know your needs ACTIVE REALTY Phone McHenry 742 50-tf We Will BuAd You A 2 BEDROOM COMPLETE HOME On Your Lot FOR AS LITTLE AS $7,700 $300 Dow» Balance to 30 Years Also Roto-Tilling, Lawn Rolling and Black Dirt REMODELLING & REPAIRS on FHA TERMS 21 years of building experience For Free Estimates PHONE McHENFtY 430 ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE BY OWNER, 3 bedroom ranch, large living room, tile kitchen and bath, birch cabinets, woodwork. Wall to wall carpeting 2 car garage. Cement driveway. Many extras. $15,000. For information call McHenry 329 7 SELL OR TRADE equity in three bedroom, 2 bath ranch house on channel leading to Fox River and Lake Pistakee Will consider cash or anything of tangible value. Make offer. Call McHenry 2665. 7 BY BUILDER MODEL HOME Ranch Style On large lot, 100x185', 3 bedrooms, full basement, 1*2 baths, garage 14x24, fruitwood oabinetsr tiled flooi-s in kitchen and baths, formica counter tops, § closets, thermopane picture window, L shaped living and dining area, hardwood floors, forced air heat, located in McHenry. Full Price $15,900 25 Year Financing Phone Crystal Lake 3914 For Appointment WATER FRONT 2 bedroom frame on lot 50 by 136. Country Club. Included is all furniture and 14 foot aluminum Starcraft boat with 30 horsepower Johnson outboard and trailer. Like new. Ail for $15,000. You will have to act quickly to get this. 2 bedroom brick on 70 by 244 foot river lot. Gas heat, garage, boathouse. Underground sprinkling system. Furnished. $29,000. 200 foot of the finest river front obtainable. Concrete seawall. All fenced. Fine lawn and trees. 8 room house, garage and play house. Complete. This property excellent buy at $42,500. 2 Blocks East of Bridge on Highway 120 3-tf H 4JOIN A TOP RATED COMPANY Good Starting Rates -- Opportunity To Learn Free Family Group Insurance Good Working-. Conditions PROFIT SHARING " ' Openings For Arc Welders Mechanics Turret Lathe Operators Internal-External Grinder Radial Drill Operators 15 THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. fth and Sunnyside ^Libertyville, 111. Almost new 3 bedroom luxurious ranch, with 80 foot sea wall, 2 car garage, underground wiring, river pump, natural gas heat, water softener. This home is the last word in comfort and taste. $45,000 will buy it. Real Estate THREE BEDROOM home, living room, dining-kitchen combination, utility room, washer and dryer. Forced air oil heat, garage and extra lot. McHenry 3465. 7-tf APPROXIMATELY 70 acre farm for sale. $550 per acre. Subdivision started. Overlooking lake and park. Must be seen to appreciate. Call JUstice 7-0915 or JUstice 7-0036 after 6 p.m. 7-4 SACRIFICE 6 ROOM ranch; 2 years old, large lot, fenced yard, patio, bath and M>. $16,000. Assume 4*4% mortgage. Phone 3076-R. By owner 7 FOR SALE OR RENT -- Immediate possession. 7 room house, 4 blocks from depot. Can be bought by right party, with no down payment. Corner of Fourth and John St. Phone McHenry 71-J. 7 WHY NOT enjoy that boat and fishing on the Fox River now. 2 bedroom, living, kitchen and bathroom, full basement, oil furnace, year 'round home, just remodeled, new kitchen cabinets and sink. Immediate possession. Price $15,- 500. Phone 1216 after 6 p.m 7 Real Estate NEAR McHENRY:^Nearly new 2 bedroom ranch, utility room, oil furnace heat, large lot, IV2 car garage, wall to wall carpeting, electric cooking stove, electric washer, electric dryer, awnings, storm windows and other extras. Owner transferred. Full price $12,000. Call McHenry 2551 or 1801-R. 7 FACE BRICK ranclKcy} ^corner lot. 3 bedroom, full basement, aluminum storms and screens, gas heat. Birch cab. $16,000 rnone McHenry 705-W. 7 -FOX RIVER -- McHenry. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, dishwasher, ^fireplace, basement, oil heat. 2 car garage. Boat and summer house, pier, fenced. $28,- 50.0. MErcury 9-9663. 7 6 ROOM, 3 bedroom, 2 attic rooms, screened in porch, automatic heat, lqrge lot, near river, close to town. Reasonable Phone 1747-R. 7 Real Estate COUNTRY, HOME, Country Club Subdivision. 4 room house, gas heat, full basement, attic, 2 car garage, large lot, many fruit trees. Wonderful place to live. Priced to sell. Kent Corp. Riverside. Ask for Mr. Draper or Mr. Green. *6-2 LOT FOR SALE -- One block east of McHenry Recreation. 2 fruit trees, large oak. Gas heat permit. McHenry 3465. 7-tf Wanted NEW Beautiful Aluminum 3 Bedroom RANCH HOME with Garage attached 2 ft. eaves. 16 ft. kitchen with 23 ft. of maple kitchen cabinets. Wardrobe closets. Removable windows on spacious 115 ft. wooded lot. Very secluded. Open for inspection weekdays 5 to 7, weekends 10 to 5. Owner Wm, W. Albert Orchard Heights Subdivision McHenry, 111. 7-2 4 bedroom solid brick and lannon stone ranch. 99 foot river lot with 24 inch cement seawall. Only the very best material was used in the building of this beautiful home. Natural gas heat. Asking $55,000. For homes in all locations and in every price bracket -- CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. McHenry Modern three bedroom ranch home with family room, baths, two car garage, gas heat. Close to town and schools. Nice neighborhood. Family type home with two bedrooms, 1V2 baths, birch kitchen cabinets, glazed patio, natural fireplace, 18 x 30 family room panelled in knotty pine. Plenty of- closet space and two car garage. Close to schools. Lakeland Park Very cozy two bedroom home with hardwood floors, large kitchen, lVfe car garage. Price includes electric stove and refrigerator. All in excellent condition. Nice neighborhood. $12,000. McCullom Lake Remodeled and very smartly decorated two bedroom home with partial basement and 11 j car attached garage on lot 70 x 160. $10,200. Cooney Heights Beautiful two bedroom home with breezeway and l'z car garage. Lot 60x169. Nicely landscaped. Priced to sell at $15,900. Shalimar Very nice older home with glazed, heated porch, bay windows in bedroom and dining area, large pleasant kitchen full basement, two car garage Expandable upstairs area. Spacious grounds beautifully landscaped. Fruit trees and berry bushes. Only $15,900. 210 S. Green St. Ph. 112f 7 HOUSE FOR SALE by owner, l'a story brick. l'-a car garage, city sewer, gas heat, landscaped. 812 Grove St., Cooney Heights. *7 NEW BRICK RANCH HOMES Located On Choice Large Corner Lots in Edgebrook Heights Sub. 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace and wood paneling, dining room, large kitchen with built-in oven, range and snack bar. 1J2 tiled baths, shower in basement, silent switches, full basement, 2 car garage, gas heat. FRED PEPPING Builder Phone McHenry 409 7-tf TOP PR1CL PAID for .run, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WOULD LIKE ride from McHenry to Woodstock. Leave McHenry around 12 midnite. Phone JA 6-7140. 45-tf DAILY RIDE to North Shore R.R. or north side Chicago. Karl Barnickol, McHenry 1995- J weekends. *6-2 To Be Given Away TOY COLLIE puppies, 5 weeks old. Call after 6 p.m. McHenry 216-R. 7 Lost and Found PINK WALLET containing valuable papers, in McHenry area Sunday, June 7. Finder call collet, TAylor 9-6066, Chicago. Reward. 7 Miscellaneous MEMORIALS and bequests to the McHenry County Heart Fund are appreciated, promptly acknowledged, tax deductible. Send in care of McHenry State Bank. 5-4 CHAIN O' LAKES GAME FIELD AND STEAK HOUSE 1 Mile West of Highway 12 on Rt. 134 Friday Fish Specials from $1.00 up SPECIAL FOR JUNE ONE WHOLE MALLARD DUCK By Reservation Only $3.00 call MRS. KARL EFFERS McHenry 166 Real Real Estate Hospital Auxiliary by Betty Houck At the regular board meeting of the woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital, held at the annex Tuesday, June 9, a vote of commendation was | given to all members of the style show committee for their excellent work in putting on the very successful production. ' As every auxiliary member should know, our next project is the Country Art Fair to be held this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at McHenry Junior high school. With over ninety exhibitors, there will surely be something interesting to everyone there. Be sure to come out and bring all your weekend guests. Tickets are available at the door, and the same ticket can be used for all three days, and as often as you may wish to use it. Again we are appealing to you auxiliary members for "help wanted", not only as volunteer workers in the Pink Lady shop, but also for volunteers in the hospital itself. Even if you have never been asked personally, we mc welcome your assistance.; you are able to give an Jpln or two of your time, pleas^ Jali Mrs. Robert Newkirk ifl||p0c- Henry 1737 and offer your services. We need each and every one of you to help n^ke cur auxiliary a growing adjunct to our (growing McHeinry hospital. Though Memorial Day is past, * it might be timely to mention the memorial fund boxes at the funeral homes in McHenry. Contributions piaced in these boxes are acknowledged by a card to the bereaved family and to the donor. * You do not have to be a resident to trade in McHenry bul it helps. Wanted To Buy CASH IN YOUR attic and basement. We want articles of all kinds for our resale store. Anything from antiques to modern. Bring them in or phone us. Royal Oak Sales, Hwys. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, III Phone Crystal Lake 4278. 1-tf Legal APiD WRt SokoMiibli ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS 11\ STOCK EASY TERMS McHtwy Co--ty Wefl & Pinf "'•* WELLS DRILLED OB DRIVES W« MR) ALL HAVER «f nWlp Looted la 2h« VWagm of McCuOoa Lmm 2 TVli 'm,n ** lll4« and WMoncdHerrn rLya korn Mth» M cOlIkn PHONE 713 Legal BUYING or SELLING A. H. GALLAGHER 200 ft. lot McHenry Shores -- Water rights. $3000. OPEN HOUSE -- SUNDAY, .1:00 to 5:00 JAK-ANA HEIGHTS - Johnsburg BiJlevel, 3 bedroom, living, dining, recreation room, l'a baths. Garage. Gas heat. Plastered walls, basement, face brick on all 4 sides. Corner lot 100' x 170'. Price $23,750. Reasonable terms. JACOB FRITZ - Realtors In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 FOR SALE McHenry Country Club Living At Its Best -Two-bedrooms. TV room as third bedroom, living room 24x15, natural fireplace, nature's beautiful view looking througl thermopane picture windows can't be beat. Dining room, 11x11 kitchen that every woman dreams about. Wk bath, 2 car garage has electric eye, part basement, gas heat, air conditioning through whole house. This home 7 years old. Near school, shopping and above all built for comfortable living. Shown By Appointment Only Office Phone McHenry 1655 Homo Phone McHenry 1516 7 • McCULLOM LAKE 2 bedroom, ceramic tile bath. Year round home with gas heat. New wiring, new roof, etc. Only $8,500. McCULLOM LAKE Year 'round 2 bedroom home, full bath with shower stall. Screened porch. Built-in bunk beds & TV. $8,500. HUEMANN'S SUBDIVISION Attractive, clean Ranch: 2 bedrooms, tile bath. Fenced yard. Fruit trees. Water rights. Asking $11,000. McCULLOM LAKE 3 bedroom home on lovely large lot. Outdoor B-B-Q. FA oil heat. Expandable 2nd floor. Asking $11,500. LAKELAND PARK ,3 bedroom ranch with tile bath. FA natural gas heat. Low taxes. In excellent condition. $12,125. SUNNYSIDE 3 bedroom ranch with tile bath in excellent condition. Basement. Water rights, pier. Attached garage. $15,000. LAKELAND^ PARK 3 bedroom, tile bath Ranch on 140x140 lot. Lovely kitchen. Utility room. Natural gas heat. $15,800. COUNTRY CLUB SUBDIVISION Darling grey shingled home. 2 twin-sized bedrooms. Utility room. 18x20 carpeted living room. Large cabinet kitchen. All plastered walls and ceilings. Fenced yard. 2 car garage. Water t ights. $16,500. LAKELAND PARK 65 feet of LAKE FRONTAGE. 1 year old 3 bedroom Ranch. Furnished. Tile bath. Excellent condition. $17,500. JOHNSBURG Grand 4 bedroom, 1\» tile bath completely remodeled homo with basement and 2 car att. gar. Paneled family room^Large birch cabinet kitchen. Lot 86x440. $21,000. McHENRY 2 Apartment on Riverside Drive. Room for a 3rd apartment. Basement. Gas heat. Garage. $28,500. ~ PISTAKEE LAKE 67 feet of Lake frontage. All king-sized rooms. 4 bedrooms, 1 \*2 baths. Basement. FA oil heat. Large porch. 2 car garage with 2 extra guest rooms. $31,500. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. Hv GALLAGHER * AND ASSOCIATES OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 JINNY GALLAGHER -- McHenry 1629 Ordinance No. 36 APPROPRIATION BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McCullom Lake, McHenry County, Illinois: SECTION I. That for the purpose of defraying all! the necessary expenses and liabilities of the Village of McCULLOM LAKE, McHenry County, Illinois, for the fiscal year commencing April 1, 1959, and ending March 31st, I960.1 the following sums or so much thereof as by law may be authorized, be and the same are hereby set aside and appropriated for the following purposes, to-wit: GENERAL CORPORATE FUND 1. General Government Salary of President $ 1.00 Salary of Trustees 6.00 - : Salary of Clerk 120.00 Salary of Village Attorney 150.00 Salary of Treasurer 1.00 Salary of Police Magistrate 1.00 Office Supplies 100.00 Communications, telephone 20.00 Election Expense • 75.00 Auditing Expense 275.00 Publication Expense 100.00 Dues tp Municipal League 27.50 Miscellaneous 1,050.00 Meeting Expense 84.00 L Commission to County Collector & Clerk 200.00 ! Interest on Anticipation Warrants .... 115.00 Purchase of Dog Tags 15.00 Professional Fees 50.00 ? Insurance Premiums 70.00 Preparation of Codes and Ordinances 150.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT . .$2,610.50 2. Police Department Expense of Policemen $ 960.00 Supplies of Police Magistrate 20.00 Gas and Oil 325.00 Repair and Maintenance of Vehicle • • • 100.00 Insurance Premiums 300.00 Dog Registration and Pound Expense 75.00 Supplies 100.00 Purchase of Police Car 1,300.00 Communications, Telephone • • • 100.00 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT $3,280.00 S. Street Department Street Repairs 881.50 Engineering Fees 200.00 Street Signs 50.00 Snow Removal 700.00 Road Oiling 400.00 ". Street Lights 100.00 . TOTAL STREET DEPARTMENT ....$2,331.50 Total General Corporate Fund $ 8,222.0® SPECIAL CORPORATE FUND 1. Street and Bridge Street Repairs '..$1,330.00 Grading 500.00 Commission to County Collector and Clerk • • 77.00 TOTAL STREET & BRIDGE FUND ..$1,907.00 Total Special Corporate Fund $ 1,907.00 McHENRY COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE FUND .y (Vi Rate to Village) 1. Street and Bridge Fund Street Repairs $ 710.00 Commission to County Collector and Clerk 94.00 TOTAL STREET & BRIDGE FUND • $ 804.00 Total Road & Bridge Fund $ *04.00 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS j 1. Vehicle Tax Fund Purchase of Vehicle Tags $ 45.00 Street Repairs 555.00 TOTAL VEHICLE TAX FUND $ 600.00 Total Other Special Revenue Funds • • S 600.00 For expense of improving and maintaining streets in addition to the items mentioned elsewhere in this ordinance for that purpose. The foregoing for the improvement and maintenance of the streets is hereby appropriated from anticipated revenue from Vehicle Tax Licenses. TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $11,533.00 SECTION II. That any unexpended balance of any items of any appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any other-of the items of appropriation made by this ordinance. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval ;\nd publication as provided by law. JOSEPH R". LEVESQUE Village President PASSfeD: June 15. 1959. APPROVED: June 15. 1959. ATTEST: Emma B. Pyritz Village Clerk of McCullom Lake. McHenry County, Illinois (SEAL) (Publish June 18, 1959)

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