Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1959, p. 18

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P«g» Eighteen THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Wednesday, July 1, 1956# Ublml Park PLAN WELCOME PARTY IN JULY FOR NEWCOMERS Vickie Bottari--2262-J - 1524-J with another cousin, Ethel Di- Modica, and at , the Bucaro home to fill in for Sandy was Rickie Behof. The welcome committee con-' 'sisting of chairman Lyda Radisch, Jean G&gnon, Fran Cina, Louise McEnery. Jean^Parisi. Dolores Rogers and myself met at the home of Mrs. Jean Gagn o n f o r o u r m o n t h l y b o a r d j meeting and we are again plan-, n i n g t o h a v e a w e l c o m e p a r t y j for all newcomers sometime i during the month of July. Further information will be forth-' coming in future issues. Happy Anniversary to ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEnery on their thirty-third year • of wedded bliss which they celebrated on Saturday, June 27.f They spent the day! with their son. Father Jim. in Shullsburg, Wis. j Slow Down Speed limit signs of 20 mph have been placed throughout the community but it seems that some are still inclined to go much faster than this. Let's; try to keep the speed limit to 20 mph b e c a u s e t h e r e a r e many, many children out playing now that school is out. CUB SCOUT Den 4 Pack 361 ; The following boys of Den i C ' P a c k 3 6 1 s p e n t T h u r s d a y a t ' C&dar Lake beach: Ken Pnazak » Phil Bucaro, Bruce Okal, Flay Barle, Ray Bottari and Several members of the Bucaro,; Barle, Okal and Bottari families were also included. Mothers who went along for. the fun were Mrs. Okal, Mrs. Bu-1 oaro and yours truly. We didn't know from one hour to the other whether we were going; to go or not but then we sure! were glad that we finally did decide to go because it turned out to be a very beautiful day and we sure had a wonderful time. Christening: Little Vincent, (better known to his family as little Vint) Linnane was christened at St. Mary's Roman Catholic church by Father Nilges at 1:30 p.m. last Sunday. The godparents for the little fellow are Mary Dizzino and Edward Dunne. Guests at the Linnane home for the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Maineke and daughter of Meadowdale, Mr. and Mi's. Dizzino from Chicago, Mrs. Small, Ed's mother and dad. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Linnane, all from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Mihael Walsh and family -of Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh\and fantilv from Elk Grove Village and Pat's mother, M\ Walsh, from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Owens of Lakeland Park. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Joan Burmann who celebrated her birthday on June 27. Village of Sunnyside Set July 18 For Village Barbecue Irma Gunther--1577-J j The date has been cjiosen for : our barbecue and it is July 18. So start making your plans about what you you are going to eat and how many guests you will be bringing. We hope j that the turnout will be bigger i than last year. Next week we j will give you full details and j tell you if we will be doing \ some of, the things we did last ; y e a r , s o m a r k y o u r c a l e n d a r s i so . \ ou won't forget. i j Village Meeting: ! On July 6 there will be°"a regular village meeting anjfl as you 1 all know after the meeting it is open forum and -you can voice your complaints or opinions. . ! Dean and Jackie Cios, Ed and Betty Lehman were there to help in the celebration. Mary Katherine Fredrick celebrated I her birthday June 28. Pre-Teen Outing Last Saturday morning, Mrs. Joan Bucaro and Mr. and Mrs. Owens left the subdivision just loaded down with pre-teens for their outing which was also held at Cedar Lake. The group that really had a wonderful time here were: Sandy and | Donna Bucaro, Donna Kwiatek, Allen Johns. Judy Rheining, Mary Ann Borhert, Adrienne Ozog, John Hickie, Jimmy Kujak, Marleene Donarski, Creig Leigh. Kenny Laurence. Kenny Owens, Wayne Laurence, Eddie Anderson. Jimmy Woods, Nina LeCerba. Dianne Owens and Judy Keins. Vacation Sandy Bucaro spent last week taking in the sights of Chicago while staying at the home of her cousin, Nina La- Cerba, and then she came back to Lakeland Park just long enough to go on the picnic with the pre-teens and then ^vent for one week in Niles Gripe Column Here a,i>e only a few of the many gripes people are having:; First. The barking dogs. You who do own dogs please tryto keep them in the house after dark so they are not out in the yard barking 'till all; hours of the night. j Second. Lights on bicycles, j There are many children riding their bikes at night without lights and several times drivers have come very close to j hitting one of them. If your! children are out riding at ; night, see to it that they have: a reflector light in the back and a good light on the front of their bicycles. Third. Children playing on the streets, i There are many children playing on the streets who defy, t h e d r i v e r . T h i s i s v e r y d a n g -j erous. Stress \it to your little; ones that they should play! i n t h e e m p t y l o t s a n d n o t i n j the middle off'the streets and! if they are in the streets to move out of the way for automobiles so that we have noi accidents. Father's Day I hqpe all of you wonderful fathers had a nice Father's ' Day with your children and friends. I think the Lehman ! house had the most cars, when ! Betty's brothers and sisters ; came to see their father who lives with her. Among the : guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam i Lenoci and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Camelo and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sqotto and children. Mr. and Mrs. A. Licka and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lenoci and children, Mr. and Mrs. T. Infelise. and children, M r . a n d M r s . N „ L e n o c i a n d j Mr. and Mrs. F. Alexa and chil- : dren. A wonderful time was | had by all and the delicious | food didn't get stale. The Metz- ! ger Family had a lot of com- ; p a n y w h e n F r e d a n d M a r i e j Bowers and their two children ; came in from Milwaukee, Mrs. : Elizabeth Miller came in from j C h i c a g o , E l i z a b e t h ' s u n c 1 e , i came by with some friends and ; c o u s i n . J o e H e r r e r , c a m e w i t h j his family. • Birthdays DeDe Kalmes had a surprise i b i r t h d a y p a r t y p u l l e d o n h e r j at hei sister Leah's house. Welcome Home Well our son, Fred, is home after spending ten days at the seminary in Wisconsin and he had such a good time that he didn't want to come home. The only thing was that he came home with a bad cold. .Home Bureau Our meeting was held at the home of Jean Leakey and Hazel MacLaughlin gave the local leader lesson on "Flower Arrangements", she did a good job too. We had a combined picnic and farewell affair for Lee Beier who will be leaving us for the cold country, we sure are going to miss her. Sick List Mr. Murray is looking better these days. Irene Garrity had a bad day last Saturday and the Johnsburg t rescue squad was called to rush a tank of oxygen to her. he is catching fish I don't think he will want to go home. That's all for now so how about some phone calls with some news? Observe Birthday Joe Cammarata celebrated ' his birthday on Father's Day with his children and friends. Those present spending the ! weekend with him were Sam ! Scrimenti and family; Roy No- I sal and family; Phil Cammar- | ata and family; his mother-inlaw and counsin. Sunnyside Estates SECOND ANNUAL ASSOCIATION PICNIC, JULY 4 by Lois Anderson Play Field I hope all of you saw Bud Garrity, LaMarr Williams and Mr. Seibert cleaning the field next to the Gar^tys. They had a»rough time getting the weeds cut so that the children will have a place to play baseball and other games. Visitors Vic and Chuck Dipple and their boys, Chris. Curt, and Kevin, from Newcastle, Ind., stayed a few days with the Williams family and when they left they took Steven Williams with them for a vacation. Chuckie Fritz went home with his grandparents for a vacation. We had company on Thursday from the city when Stanley and Mae Wujs, their daughter, Kathy, cousin, Linda, and girl friend, Cheryl, came to spend the day. Stanley and Bill went to play nine holes of golf and my man won. My brother. Otto, is spending a few days with us and the way EDITORIAL HOLIDAY ACCIDENTS Accidents killed 655 "other guys during the Fourth of July holiday last year. i Three hundred and seventy ] "other guys" died in traffic, | 192 by drowning and 93 in misjcellancous accidents. •? j Not one of those 655 thought i an accident could dr would :happen to him. I The "other guy" is all of us. i No one is immune from acci- | dents. Or rather, everyone is j immune to the extent of. his own caution or common sense. k This Fourth of July --: like last year's -- will be a three- : day weekend holiday for mil- I lions of Americans. The National Safety Council has • warned that motorists will clog j highways and funseekers will j jam parks, lakes and picnic ; grounds. The time will be ripe j for some kind of accident. Don't you be one of the "oth- | er guys" this Independence Day. j Crime may not pay, but | much trouble is due to the fact | that some people disbelieve it. j The safety, security and wel- | fare of the U. S. depends upon I the safety, security and wel- : fare of its people. Saturday being the fourth of July, we will have our second annual picnic in Sunnyside Estates. It is our good fortune that no houses have been built on the site we used last year so that's the place. For those who don't know it's on Oak drive near Florence up in the woods. The time is from 11 a.m. on. The above is all you really need to know but here are some other statistics. The .committee headed by John Mischke has been working like, beavers and has done an excellent job considering the short time they have had. There will be free drinks and ice cream for the kids, games, races for all ages and prizes for each event. Incidentally the prizes alone are worth coming to the picnic for. If you are not a pop drinker, other refreshments can be bought for a small fee. Bring your own food and if you want to cook it there, there will be two charcoal fires burning all day, courtesy of Harold Palmer. This is a community affair. Why take to the roads on a holiday such as this when a perfectly won d e r f u 1 time awaits you in your own subdivision. You are most welcome and so is the company you may have at your house. Come early and stay late for an enjoyable fourth of July. number three to be exact. Why not attend and help celebrate our second birthday as a unit working for the betterment of our community. Last minute details of the picnic will be taken care vf also, so come along and be an active part of the activities. Time: 8 p.m. place; Johnsburg public school. New Arrival The Jensens have a new baby at their house. Raymond, Jr. put in his first appearance on Friday, June 19 at Woodstock Memorial hospital. His parents are Ray and Donna Jensen of Grandview drive. Paternal grandmother is Lillian Jensen also of grandview drive, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. Barger of McHenry. Congratulations to the new baby and the proud parents and grandparents. A warm welcomes extended to two new families who moved into Sunnyside Estates. Mr. and Mrs. James Farley came here from the north side of Chicago to their new home on Indian Ridge. Jim and Margaret have five children, Jimmy, 12, Mary, 10, Steve, 5, ! Kathy, 4, and Helen, 2. i Also from the north side*f 'Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I Current now live on Oak drive, i Joe and Margaret are the parents of two little girls, 5 year old Linda and 2 year old Jackie. A belated happy birthday to Jackie who celebrated on June 24. May you have many happy years in your new homes and we extend our warmest v*- come to you. Birthday Tomorrow (Friday) Pat Bott puts another year behind her as she celebrates her birthday. Saturday, Bob Leaky celebrates number ten and on July 6 our very capable newsboy, John Senkerik greets number 15. Mary Rose will celebrate her date of birth on July 7. Hope you all have a very happy birthday. Welcome Life's Little Lesson -- you can't buy what you want unless you have cash or a substitute therefor. EPS RENTAL RENTS Electric Hammers to Wheel Chairs PHONE 32 m Meeting The association meeting tonight (Thursday) will see the outgoing officers present the new officers with their badges of office gavel, ledgers, notebooks, etc. This is the beginning of another year for us, LIKE FATHER LIKE SON The Adams family applied the adage "Like father like son" to the highest office in the U.S. John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams, are the only father and son who both became presiednt. 3% INTEREST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1, 1959 TAKES HOW AMP POOS! ^ Famous CHAMPION GROUND GRIP i No other low priced tractor tire gives a deeper center bite... No other tractor tire gives so much for so low a price O R D I N A N C E A P P R O P R I A T I O N BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR. McHenry County. Illinois: SECTION 1. That for the purpose of defraying all the necessary expenses and liabilities of the VILLAGE Ot LAKLMOOR, McHenry County, Illinois, for the fiscal year commencing May 1, 1959, and ending April 30, 1960, the following sums or so much thereof as by law may be authorized, be and the same are hereby set aside and appropriated for the follow- | ing purposes, to-wit: GENERAL CORPORATE FI ND j General Government i Salary of President $ 100 Salary of Trustees <6 at $1.00 6.00 Salary of Clerk 600.00 i Salary of Village Attorney 300.00' ' Expense account of Treasurer 120.00 Office Supplies (Clerk) 150.00 ! Supplies - Health Dept. 50.00 j Legal Publications 100.00 Auditing expense 125.00 Publication Expense 100.00 | Municipal Dues 50.00 Contingent 1,000.00 Professional Fees 50.00 Insurance Premiums 800.00 Preparation of Codes and Ordinances 150.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $3,602.00 $ 3,602.00 Police Department Expense of Policemen $2,000.00 Maintenance of Police Radio 600.00 Gas, Oil, Repair and Maintenance of Vehicle 900.00 Dog Registration and Pound Expense 75.00 Supplies, Police Dept. 200.00 Purchase of Police Car 1,800.00 Communications, telephone 300.00 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT $5,875.00 $ 5.875.00 Public Buildings and Grounds Village Hall Rent $1,200.00 i Parks and Beaches 500.00 TOTAL PUBLIC BLDGS. & GROUNDS .. $1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 Street Department Road Oiling $ 400.00 Street Lights 1,600.00 Rom where I sh„Jy Joe Marsh Don't "Check" With Red! Red Johnson, owner of the local hardware store, likes to keep business simple--"pay as you go," says Red. Recently, to emphasize the point, Red had a sign painted for the store window. In big red letters, it read: "Please -- absolutely no checks accepted --pay in cash only." When the sign painter had finished the sign, he delivered it to Red and named his price-- ten dollars. "Very reasonable,** said Red. And the next thing you know he was handing the fellow a check for ten dollars! From where I sit, some rules we make boil down to "don't do as I do, do as I say." It reminds me of a friend who drank nothing1 bat iced tea and Criticized the fact that I preferred a glass,of beer. IJhAt's not only annoying, it's intolerant. Good neighbors should make tolerance the role with more "do" and less "say." ^ ftitpQfrigkii thtitd States frfywi ftriwidftfiPTT GOOD NEWS FROM SHUR! You Can Now Purchase The Home Of Your Choice And A Beautiful Lot In 9TRYCLUB ESTATE BOTH FOR - NO MONEY DOWN - Price For House and Lol As Low As $15,000.00 Many Lovely Plans To Choose From or Bring Your Own Plans for Free Estimate STILL SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL LOTS AVAILABLE ADJACENT TO McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB. NEAR SCHOOLS. STORES. ETC. Why Pay Rent? Stop In To See Us SHUR CONSTRUCTION CCL INC. 210 S. Green St. of Phone 1126 ISJSJ@JSJSJSM3JSI3ISM5J5I3MSE^ ^ If sfabuluscious! Your new look in lipstick I r / V / « T / ^ T . W i w - m T - r T T - a r r r m n r v - r \ 9 In TRACTOR TBiE REP AMONG TOTAL STREET DEPT. . . .$2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $13,177.00 Truck. Tractor and Passengar Car Tires - All Sizes SPEC THIS ' B! 7.H@si :! S MYL©t<i T0RIS Blackwall or Whitewall Tube-type or Tubeless 30% orr TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND • • SPECIAL CORPORATE FUND Street and Bridge Street Repairs $1,350.00 Snow Removal 200.00 Street Signs 50.00 TOTAL SPECIAL CORPORATE FUND ..$1,600.00 $ 1.600.00 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Collection and disposal of garbage $1,800.00 $ l,80n.00 ; The foregoing for garbage collection and | disposal is hereby appropriated from * ; anticipated revenue from special garbage tax levy. Vehicle Tax Fund Purchase of vehicle tags $ Street Repairs 45.00 605.00 FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERY We Allow from $2.00 to $6.00 on Your Old Battery DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES! McHenrw Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. fl$6 W. Main St. PHONE: 294 McHenry, 111. OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS . . .$ 650.00 $ 650.00 For expense of improving a:id maintaining streets in addition to items mentioned elsewhere in this ordinance for that purppse. The foregoing for the improvement and maintenance of the streets is hereby appropriated from anticipated revenue from Vehicle Tax Licenses. TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $17,227.00 SECTION II. That any unexpended balance of any items of any appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any other of the items of appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT Village President ATTEST: Richard J. Hyatt Village Clerk of Lakemoor McHenry County, Illinois (SEAL) (.Publish July 1, 1959) 12 exciting new colors.. pale! shocking! off-beat I Revlon creates the greatest lipstick fashion news of all time! Cream-filled pastels..• shocking violets. •. tawny tangerines--all so tempting you'll want three or four! It's flattery unlimited! , L,::> € Extra attraction! fWHITE A LA CARTE' Create your own custom color tones with this white! Under a color, it lightens. Over a color, it highlights. BOLGER'S v

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