Pag* Eight THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Little League STANDINGS Won Lost Tied Eagles Cardinals Bluebirds Falcons Orioles Owls Tournament 8 6 5 4 2 1 time here McHenry Country Club Golf News by Busse Thursday. July 16, J3E. Legals again to determine the Nation- j 1 •-- al Little League champions. McHenry's all-star team, which j This morning there are probwas chosen unanimously by the 'Qui,e a few1 headaches m six managers, will play the town as yesterday was Hookey Crystal Lake all-stars Monday i day at our dub. It is the only night, July 20, at 6:15 on the ! staS day of the year held at Crystal Lake Little League *he club. So if the wives of diamond. The players will | f'ie men whp attended would leave by bus for our Little like to make a hit with their League field "at 5 p.m. A car j hubbies, tr> to be consoing on | caravan will leave from the this headache day. : The second round of the I tourney was ' NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of GUSTAV PEARSON, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all perso is that Monday, September 7, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of GUSTAV PEARSON, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry Courity, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. J. C. PEARSON Executor DON A. WICKS. Attorney (Pub. July 16. 23, 30. 1959) N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GEORGE HARTMAN, JR.1 FOR AMENDMENT TO same place at 5:30. We hope j that the people of McHenry ; ^ast "Presidents will follow the team to Crystal | held last Sunday with the ie- Lake and give the boys the jsuits being as follows: Buss n support which they deserve. ; over Bennett, Marion over Don Meyer was elected to j Bruns, Overton over Wheelock, j ZONING CLASSIFICATION ! manage our team. Fred Meyer , Kirisala over Muska, Evans; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVr j was elected as coach. If we win over Sayler, Frank Johnson i en that in compliance with, the Crvstal Lake game, will over Art Jackson, Freund over the provisions of the McHenry j TMin nlav WprinpsHav night ' Consago, and Rourke over Et- 'Countv Zoning Ordinance, a July 22 at 6:15. ' j{en- Sunday matches will public hearing will be held by ; Due to the V.F.W. carnival 1 Pil Buss vs Marion, Overton vs , the Board of Appeals of the and the tournament, the sched- i l^insala, L\ans vs Fiank John- ^ IVIcHenrv County Zoning Or- t nip jc ranroilpd fr*nm Tulv 16 I son, and Nick Freund vs j dinance relative to a change j to the 23. Below you will find I Rourke. 1 in classification to Residential ! the revised schedule. Thursday, July 23 -- Cardinals vs. Owls July 24 -- Owls vs. Eagles July 26 -- Orioles vs. Blue birds July 27 -- Falcons vs. Cardinals July 28 -- Eagles vs. F alcons July 29 -- Orioles vs. Owls July 30 inals July 31 -- Owls vs. Falcons August 2 -- Bluebirds vs. Owls August 3 -- Cardinals vs. Eagles August 4 -- Falcons vs. Orioles August 5 -- Eagles vs. Orioles August 6 -- Falcons With the tremendous amount of the following described of play on the course it would j property: be greatly appreciated by the Greens committee if you would please take time to repair ball holes on the greens and rake the traps. I am beginning to feel foolish about the course record. Under normal circumstances a Bluebirds vs. Card- ! course record is broken about one every 10 years. Our course record has now been broken twice within a week. The newest record is now a 65 which was the score I had last Saturday afternoon. It is not only a record for amateurs, but professionals as well. T^fftEvans had the unfortunate task of having to play in the foursome which included Ralph Bennett and myself. Wanting to make sure that he would not get hurt by any flying clubs, Tom casually walked Bluebirds 1 to the first helmet. tee wearing a HOLD TAG DAY FOR July ii COUNTY MEMORIAL "Christmas in July" Bake ; HOSPITAL JULY 17 Sale -- Pink Lady Shoppe -- • Sponsored by Women's Aux- j One of the oldest continuing iliary to McHenry Hospital. < responsibilities of the women's July 17-18-19 j auxiliary for McHenry County Refreshments Served at | Memorial Hospital in Wood- Pink Lady Shoppe by Worn- j stock is tag day. This year, July 17 will be tag day in Wonder Lake, Crys- : tal Lake, McHenry and Woodsi ock. Mr§. William Fyfe, chairman, is being assisted by C.- Mrs. William Tittle and Mrs. , George Kunzer. i Taggers will be chosen from Annual Summer Lawn Card • the ranks of the auxiliary for Party -- St. Patrick's Catholic ; the most part, but to add "that Church Lawn -- Dessert little bit more" their daughters Luncheon -- 1:30 p.m. -- Spon- i will help. sored by Altar and Rosary -- Sodality. , j MODEL HOMES DAMAGED August 5 Two model homes at Sunrise Fox River Valley Camp, ; Ridge subdivision, Wonder R.N.A. -- Annual Outing near j Lake, were damaged by stones Elgin -- Meet at Mrs. Peter i which were thrown through en's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. July 21 f C.O.F. Meeting. Riverside Camp, R.N.A. -- Regular Meeting -- K. of Hall -- 8 p.m. July 29 The South half , of the; N o r t h e a s t q u a r t e r o f S e c - j tion 28 line Southwesterly \ of the center line of the public highway known as Route 120; the North half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 28; the Southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian in McHenry County, Illinois; Part of the East half of the East half of Section 28; the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 28 line Southwesterly of Route 120 the North one-half of the Southeast quarter of Section 28 and Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 28 in Township 45 North of Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian excepting and reserving therefrom certain portions. Said property is located six-tenths of a mile West of i the City of McHenry on Route ; 120, and consists of 142 acres ; more or less. Said hearing will be held in . the City Hall in McHenry, at the hour of 3 P.M., on the 4th ' d a y o f A u g u s t , 1 9 5 9 . A l l p e r - j sons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By - s - John Looze Its Chairman Petitioner's Attorneys: KNOX & MADSEN Crystal Lake, Illinois ; Phone - 1500 (Publish July 16, 1959) EXPERT TELLS PROPER CARE OF STRAWBERRY PATCH j By this time most strawberry plants have finished producing berries. The question nowfacing home gardeners is: "What do I do with the plants?" First of all, says Frank Owen, fruit crops specialist of the , University of Illinois, it should j be explained that strawberry : patches can produce fi^uit for several years if they are properly cared for. This means that ' diseases, weeds and overcrowding must be kept to a minijrnum. Otherwise the patch will [produce only small berries and small yields. Renovating action taken now will help to keep your patch near ,jts production peak for several years. { First, mow off the tops of all berry plants. Use a rotary mower, farm sickle mower or lawn mower. Set the blade high enough to avoid damaging the crowns. You just want to remove the leaves. Then rake up all leaves, old straw and other debris and burn them. To prevent overcrowding, narrow the rows to 6 to 12 inches in width. Use a plow, roto-tiller, garden disk or hand hoe. Try to destroy all plant growth beyond the 6- to 12- inch width". Remove all weeds left in the narrowed row. The next step is fertilization. For one acre, broadcast 500 to 700 pounds of 5-10-5 or a similar fertilizer over the entire acre. Or use 5 pounds of 5-10-5 for every 100 feet of row. Soak the soil until the mois- j ture level is 6 inches deep. The I best way is to let a hose run slowly over the ground. In ad- ! d i t i o n , w a t e r t h e p a t c h : throughout the summer when- I ever it's dry. j A l s o , c u l t i v a t e w h e n e v e r j weeds sprout through the soil, j Allow runner plants to root : as they form during the rest ; of the growing season. Rows i should increase to a width of ; 18 to 24 inches. After this < width is reached, remove all runner plants that form there- : after. ! Check the patch often for i signs of insects or disease, i Spray accordingly. A spray j schedule is available from the i University of Illinois. Write j to Department of Horticulture, ; 124 Mumford Hall, Urbana. i Most diseases will kill or j stunt plants. And some diseases, such as red stele, re- ! q u i r e r e p l a n t i n g w i t h r e s i s t a n t j varieties. Leaf diseases can be j partly controlled by yearly re- I novation. " 7-^1'"-T--1,1'"j THE MIGHTY PEN.. [JjOSfNG HIS LES AT THE AGE OP NINE SLOWED DOWN FAMOUS .CARTOONST AL. CAPP BUT DIDN'T KEEP HIM FROM REACHING THE TOP OF HIS PROFESSION WITH PEN PAPB?, AND WIT, i BLIND EXPERT Although blind from INFANCY, CHARLES MEDICK BECAME AN OUTSTANDING TABLE TENNIS REFEREE. BY SOUND, HE CAN DISTINGUISH THE POSITION OF THE BALL. H(= SAYS, X MAKE MY EARS AND COMMON SENSE WORK FOR ME"/ TEN TO ONE! List Changes In \ ACCIEICh Social Security | LLA&jlrlfcU (Continued From Page V Notice MRS. EDIXGER DIES Mrs. Loren (Eva) Edinger, formerly of McHenry, died in a Woodstock rest home early on July 15, following a long illness. M. Justen Home. Drivers Uninjured As Two Boats Collide ! the windows by vandals last ! week. Damage was estimated i at more than $175. Migrant Worker Gets Drivers of two outboard mo- j Term At State Farm tor boats were not injured j -- when their boats collided near j Lara Basilio, 20, a migrant i on the recommendation of the On Welfare Committee Peter M. Justen of McHenry ' and Herbert Kiltz of Woodstock have been re-appointed to the county welfare services committee in McHenry county, according to an announcement made this week. Mrs. Christalyn Wilcox of Marengo was appointed to replace Ray E. Dusenberry, whose term expired. Appointments are made It's too bad that the fellow who gets carried away with his cleverness isn't. Bald Knob, Pistakee Bay, last ! worker employed on a farm Sunday, but two passengers J near McHenry, was sentenced suffered minor injuries. The i to six months in Vandalia by drivers were Robert Burns of ! the county court this past county board of supervisors. A husband is a man who knows that his wife's reason- Arlington Heights and Edward week. He was charged with | is largely sound. Novak of Chicago. petty larceny. Injured slightly were Enore j The larceny charge was the Novak and Nina Grab. j second offense recorded by au- The accident was investi-1 thorities for the San Antonio gated by the sheriff's office. ! man since he came here a few -- • weeks ago. He also was ap- HITS PAKKED CAR i prehended for driving without A car owned by Jerry Stone- |a driver's license. On June 27, king of Pistakee Highlands" he and Felix Flores, 21, also was struck by an auto driven of this community, were arby Howard E. Garrett, Jr., of ; rested by Woodstock police for Woodstock about 11:30 o'clock | stealing clothing valued at $45 Saturday night and the impact j from a car parked in that city. forced the former vehicle i - seventy-five feet down an em- About four-fifths of the iron bankment. The Stoneking car I and steel in the U.S. is made was parked in front of the 1 in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennfamily residence in the High- sylvania, New York and Marylands. | land_ Where Where Else! k BUCHSOU PLUMBER® Z528A ( IN JOY AND COMFORT" YOU RESIDE IF AIR-COOLED IS YOUR HOME INSIDE ^ i f»nm RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders PHONE 32 H.E.BUCHi & .Ml Lost and Found @ACH DOLLAR GiyEN TO GOODWILL INDUSTRIES PRODUCES MORE THAN TEN DOLLARS WORTH OF SERVICE TO HANDICAPPED PEOPLE. 1 One of the recent changes in i the Social Security Act now j. makes possible monthly checks "for dependents of a person be- j tween 50 and 65 who is re- i c e i v i n g d i s a b i l i t y i n s u r a n e e benefits, according to Bernard NOT RESPONSIBLE for any | Barnett, social security dis- j debts other than my own, as ! trict manager at Waukegan, of July 16, 1959. Edward H. Illinois. Schwabauer. ' *11 If the disabled person has a child under 18, a disabled child over 18 whose disability began before age 18, or a wife over 62, an application for social security benefits should be filed. If1 a child qualified for benefits, the mother also may qualify, regradless of her age, if the child is in her care. If the disabled person is a woman -who has a husband over 65 who was dependent on her for support, he also may be eligible for payments. Mr. Barnett suggests that persons who may be affected by these changes get in touch withfhis office immediately. PAPER HANGING Pasting boards on Rt. 120 between Lakeland Park and Laker^or. Call McHenry 2273. i;L 5MWT". • as MK THE KENT CORP. 115 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE 2800 McHenry. 111.' i^»89 S... at BOLGER'S SHOP IN McHENRY To Be Given' Away WILL GIVE Away 3 black male puppies, part labrador. Phone McHenry 1824. 11 FEMALE DALMATION 2% years old. Good with children. 11 Smart, Wonder Lake 5251 GIVE THEM A CHANCE WE RENT Almost Everything from . . . POWER" MOWERS to PUNCH BOWLS Call 2916 542 W. Main McHenry THE McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP McHenry, Illinois announces The association of EMANUEL SKOLNIK, M.D. to the department of Ear, Nose and Throat Hours by Appointment 3t\ W. FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT! NOVELTY and FUN CUSHIONS Eye catching and useful. Made of Reg. $2.98 soft Kid Hyde. Completely wash- #cn f|f| able. Ideal tor picnics, parties, etc. I • #0 Aluminum Folding LAWN CHAIRS Sturdy nylon and ptestic White & green webbing Weather-resistant Feather-weight Super-strong Easy folding Reg. $6.49 SPECIAL $489 24" Master Chef BARBECUE GRILL Includes electric motor driven Rotisserie Reg. $24.95 Special $1788 pilipllli Child's PICNIC TABLE All metal -- 14" x 34". Sturdily built walk-in seats. Heavy enameled finish. . Reg. $9.95 $E95 SPECIAL • 7-pc. WATER SET Includes pitcher and 6 glasses. Just the thing for those summer outings. Reg. $1.98 $|39 INSULATED PICNIC BAG Washable virgin plastic inside and Reg. $2.49 out. Fibreglass insulation. Zipper opening on 3 sides for easy access. •• 18" SPECIAL Now Only 21" SPECIAL Now Only *74.50 Come in and replace that old mower now Exclusive 3-position Snap-On Hko-Hangup Handle • Hottest spark of My mower, for easiest starting Famous one-pull recoil starter • Famous LAWN-BOY level-cut Exclusive LAWN-BOY Balanced Power Engine • Trims extra close, front and side • Self-cleaning front discharge chute Corrosion-resistant, Ughtwei^t aluminum housing Staggered front wheels end tipping, scalping VYCITAL'S HARDWARE W " M M ™ ^ 132 So. Green Street HOURS: WEEKDAYS 'TIL 6 P.M. -- FRIDAY 9 P.M. SITNDAY TO 12 NOON PHONE 98 McHenry, Illinois f