Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1959, p. 18

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Pag* Sixteen THE WcHENRT PLAIOTBALEM TKtlfsday, July 16, Phtakee Highlands ANNUAL PICNIC TO BE HELD JULY 26 W HIGHLANDS Hazel Morley -- Hyatt 7-8820 Kay Stelisch -- Hyatt 7-3414 quite a crowd. They played horse shoes, went boat riding and naturally ate all day long. Tom and Lois Mason and family and Dick and Lee Conway and their family spent the Fourth of July visiting with Haze and Dick Morley. All the girls got together on the food and there was plenty for all. Geroge and Marilyn Lammert and sons spent the Fourth of July with Marilyn folks, Mr. and Mrs. Delaroy, 4n Chicago. • Barb Sisk had a demonstration in her home last Wednesrving and despite the power failure due to the storm the girls still carried on. The girls Barb's strawberry e Plans for the annual picnic which will be held on Sunday, July 26 at the main beach are beginning to take shape. Mr. Mclnerney and Mr. Litwin, along with their committee, met last week to decide definite plans and form committees. There will be races for the children and a few games for the adult,s . There will .a lso be eni.o vi. ng Barbs scttrraown-bheorwr, TVT ThTtart I «•>« and 0°ff<!e wer throughout the da,. B Madock. Mrs. Bob Vanwill be good and reasonablj ^ Comvav Marilvn •"Sri set together at the pic- E!e"y „F11"'- nic with our friends and neigh- ;Murphv. Darleen torn I at - bL ors andj spendj a nice pleasant ; la Bales and Marsha Dowd. day. In case of rain the picnic | . „ ., wi• lnl bu e hu elud at< ,tih,„e lba 'r_nn . 1t1t I l "W omens Clu«ba lpt"o Hold ^heW^ThJ'ma'in11 bekch. | The pistakee Hjghlands Wo- Watch next week's column for , s club will hold a bake more details and time of races, ;^ust . 1. from eleven J o clock, until everything is HuppV Anniversary ^There will be cakes | On Julv' 3. Kay and Jack;™ breads and ^a host of Riellv celebrated sixteen years goodies. Plan to buy youi of wedded bliss The Riellys • weekend bakery then. , Celebrated by having dinner ; out with their friends, the | Rogers. Congratulations kids, j hope ycu have many more. ! 'Nominating Committee Meets" Tuesday evening, July 7, the nominating committee met at the home of Tom Mason, on Woodland. Mr. Scnell, Joe Murray, Tom Mason, Cletus Mayer and Kay Sielisch were present. They worked hard and long, and will keep working until they finish the job. Tom Mason was elected chairman of the committee. A very big thank you to Lois Mason who had baked a delicious cherry pie and made coffee for the group. She spent the evening visiting with a neighbor. "Surprise^ Party" Last Tuesday Anna Cohrs gave Blanche Haefliger the surpirse of her life. She had gotten several of the neighborhood women together, and each one made something for a luncheon; along with a birthday cake. Anna had a -hard time getting Blanche to go liome so early from a shopping trip but when they arrived the girls were waiting for them. Joyce ITier, Ann' Szypelbaum, Audrey Misavice, Marie Schlick, Joce'vn Staudenmaier and Meryl Fletcher came armed with goodies and gifts.^Blanche will be a long time getting over her surprise. "News of Your Friends and Neighbors The Frank Krumwiede familv spent last week in Plain- Around the Highlands J J™*, Wis- at f th£ h°™ °f Emmn Hide's mother, father frank s parents Mr" and Mrs" and brother, and his family. :Lo"ls Krun?)vie f c?e' , . \#ere guests of the Eides for 1 Blanche Haefliger and Anna four davs. Mr. and Mrs. Ar-; spent last Tuesday in tfur Brown. Sr., and Art Fox Lake and Round - " Mrown Jr.. and his family chopping and since it were visiting from St. Paul. ! Blanches birthday Mary Mueller's sister. Mrs. | Joyed a nice luncheon. Dawson and her husband, are i _ birthday to visiting for three days from iBales who was two July 7. and fa_ ; to Donna Marie Tomao who Lake, was thev en- Champaign. Mr. Mueller's ther is spending some time out here visiting with his son's family. Martin Rogde is enjoying a two week vacation. ! will celebrate her birthday, | July 19. Cheryl Dowd will I reach the ripe old age of five. | Julv 16. Many happy returns j of the day to all of you. ' The Dowds spent the week- We are sorry to hear that |en(j jn Chicago and attended Tom Mullally suffered another | ^^e Trade Fair, and reported heart attack last week. We was something to see. hope that it won't be *oo long before he is feeling much better. Dud and Dee Gregg and Dee's parents left last Sunday for a week's fishing trip in Wisconsin. "iThe Rogdes, Muellers and Jewells spent the Fourth at the N&yer home and the next day President Floyd Johnson called a block captain's meeting last Thursday and since it was too late to meet the deadline. we shall report in full next week. Mr. and Mrs. Heineman of Oriole Trail have their granddaughter with them for a couple of weeks and she has been Sunday, the same group along enjoying the neighborhood chilvvith the Morins spent the day |dren. at Hazel and Martin Rogdes. I Agnes Osborne has taken a t;er Rogde was home with leave of absence from her job ee boy friends and Barney for the summer months to be yer's son was there with with her daughter, Margie, friends. All in all there was \ and hubby. Stan. "Highland Chatter" Mr. and Mrs. Scnell are entertaining guests and Mr. Scnell. who is retired, has been taking them fishing, and from all reports 1hey are really catching a lot of catfish and enjoying it no end. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sandelin have returned from a week's trip in Wisconsin. Many folks are busy installing gaslines in their homes, after receiving their gas heating permits. Quite a few new permits were just released and the folks are very happy to have natural gas for heating. "St. John's P.T.A. Cook Book" This fall the St. John's P.T.A. hopes to have a cook •book* ready for publication. They want everyone tb send a recipe to the president of the P.T.A. Mrs. Richard Fredrick, Lakeview street, Sunnyside. So if any of you women have a favorite recipe please send it to her. There are many wonderful cooks in the Highlands and if some of you would take the time to send her your recipe it would be greatly appreciated. You have a couple of months left to do it in so please try real hard. rell Davidson, Shirley Spankuch and Gerry Phillips. June 8 the 'teens held a splash party. Next month they are planning a picnic to be held at Lake Geneva. Terry Phillips was home for the fourth of July weekend. He is making a wonderful comeback and his health is improving very much. The 'teens played the men last Sunday and the teens won 18 to 20. After the game all the 'teens went back to Barb Schlick's home including Wayne Taylor, Bob Fletcher and his cousin, Carl. Bob Messel, Darrell Davidson, Ron Spankuch. Bob Beamer, Red, Frank, Lee Johnson, Lola DuPree and Barb. That is pretty good odds twirls in any league. After the 'Teen meeting last Monday night some of the kids piled into Ron Spankuch's car and Delores Formella's and went to Fox Lake to the carnival. Don Rockel who was home on leave and left last Wednesday, celebrated last Monday night, when he and -Chris Thode, Erna Rockel, Bob Messel and Carl •T'hode and Erna's cousin, Linda, stepped out for the evening. Wayne Taylor is having a p^rty July 24, as he is leaving July 28 for a hitch in the Army. All his friends wish him luck. "News in General" Mrs. Spankuch and her mother, Mrs. Rosengart, attended a luncheon and card party in Fox Lake last Tuesday. Audrey Misavice spent a few days visiting her mother in Chicago lasf week. The Phillips returned from a week's vacation in West Virginia. Mr. Bales recently went on a two week cruise, connected with the reserve training. Jim is well known for his active part in the reserves. The Ristols spent last Tuesday shopping and visiting in Chicago. The Formellas had^a' house full of relatives over the fourth weekend. Their nephew, Chris, stayed with them a few days. Saturday night the Rockels had a party for their son, Don. It is always sad for parents to say good-bye to their young men leaving for service. Janet and Cynthia Peloquin are having the time of their lives, visiting their grandmother, Mrs. 'Weber, in Chicago. They have attended the Trade Fair and will shop and sight see. They are most reluctant to come home. Ruth Lemnon's nephew, Bill Allen, stopped to spend a few days with her and Jim. He was on a vacaation fishing in Canada, and brought them several large Northern pike. The Lemnons will spend the weekend at the Wisconsin Dells taking in the boat ride and sights. We will be looking forward to meeting you again next week in our column. Bye now. 4-H News Busy Three Club The Busy Three 4-H club met July 7 at Butch Gelvin's home. There w e r e fifteen members present. Fair tickets were passed out for the members to sell. A committee was picked to meet at Norma Anderson's house to work on a safety poster. After the meeting, refreshments were served by Mrs. Odell Gelvin. The next rpeeting will be on July 21 at Norma Anderson's house. Norma Anderson, Reporter POST 491 By Dorothy Weichmann ATTENDS MUSIC CLINIC Sara Wood, Rt. 1, McHenry, was among some 80 high school students from throughout Wisconsin and the midwest who participated in the threeweek summer music clinic for high school students being conducted at the University of Wisconsin June 22 to July 11. The Juniors held their annual mother-daughter tea on June 20 at the Legion home. A fine program of entertainment was presented, especially by the Liberty Belles, who went through a special drill f-6r the mothers. Eleanore Reid is. in charge of the marching group and has done an excellent job. On June 24, the Junior group took a trip to Brookfield Zoo. The group required two buses and the following mothers: Rosalyn Volpendesta,; Katie De- Vries, Midge Scharf, Loretta Meyer, Eleanore Reid, Dorothy Diedrich, Ethel Conway and I Dorothy Weichmann. Everyone came home tired but happy. Rpsalyn Volpendesta deserves a great deal of credit for the work she has done this year with the Juniors. Members of the Legion and the auxiliary presented a new flag to the city of McHenry at a ceremony held in front of the city hall on July 4. Maypr Freund accepted the new forty-nine star flag. Retiring officers and the chairman had their annual dinner at the Legion home on i July 9. This dinner is for those who have worked especially hard during the year in all the activities the auxiliary sponsors. There will be installation news and a list of the new chairman inQhe next issue of the Plaindealer. OBSERVE FARM SAFETY WEEK JULY 19 TO 25 "Safety makes sense." This will be the theme of the sixteenth annual National Farm Safety Week to be observed July 19 to 25. The special week, proclaimed by President Eisenhower, is sponsored jointly by the National Safety Council and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. .The purpose of the observance, says the Council, is to promote safety and accident prevention on American farms -- in the field, in the home and on the highway. Leading farm organizations are endorsing the seven-day safety campaign. Each year more than farm residents are killed in cidents and another million ar injured. There are more actiT dental deaths in farming thanr in any other • major American industry. The National Safety Council said it is urging everyone wjMJi an interest in the welfare xtf farm residents to participate this year's National >, Farm Safety Week. "Safety is something you, can't think about just one week out of the year,** tn^. Council said. "But if everyoneconcentrates on it during Farm Safety Week -- and then practices^ safety the' year 'round, there's bound to be a drop^i accidents," it added. READY-MIX McHenri ft YES, We Have SATURDAY Delivery! *7T\y ded-jr Blink . Since my stenographer • is & l&dy, 1 cannot dictate what 1 think of you.. I being a- Gentleman, cannot "But you neither will understand, uihat 1 mean. Sjdurs truly, ^ P LOCAL TRADEMARKS. READY MIX CO. INC THE FINE SELECTIONS, AT REASONABLE PRICES YOU'UU FIND AT McHENRY READY-MIX WILL MAKE A HIT WITH YOU! MCHEN2Y920 ANTIOCH • /=&*? Ven-L. FRSeS£GV/C£ ©RAYSLAKE Bjvtzi&P'Q/S'E: 92oo MCHENRY FRAME GARAGES NO MONEY DOWN - 5 YEARS TO PAY "Teen News" At the June 6 'Teen meeting held in the barn the 'teens vot ed in three new members, Dar- FARMA Invite you and your family to our famous "RIGID-FRAME" Construction It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready io build YOUR GARAGE NOWI , One-Car With Storage (plentyJorall )~X^x .Now faster than ever, today's GAS water heaters replace hot water almost as fast as it's used. So whatever the need--laundry, dishes, showers for the family--you're sure of plenty of hot water at all times. Nicest of all, you've generous reserves for those "thirsty" appliances you now have, or plan for the future. Choose from these Quick-Recovery, Famous Name Brands! REX • RHEEM • RUUD A. O. SMITH • JOHN WOOD Thrifty GAS Heats Water at HALF the Cost of other fuels... You save dollars every month, year after year, with economical GAS. In fact, these big savings can pay the entire cost of a .modern GAS water heater in about three years! Special trade-in allowance! For a limited time, to help you learn how wonderful the new GAS Water Heaters can be, we'll give you top tradein allowance on your old Water Heater. And the easiest terms, everl ~~" only down See today's feature-packed models at your Plumber-Dealer's... or our nearest store I Phone: McHenry 2081 24 month9 to pay MOUTHCRN I L L I N O I S Gai V COMPA NY Every Serving from 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. $2.50 per person Children under 12 $1.75 ALSO SERVING COMPLETE Sunday Dinners An Enjoyable Treat for the Entire Family MMAN'S Compare The Features - Compare Us® Quality! Compare The Price! And Remember ... It's Fully Guaranteed By ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. •• Two Cars With Storage lull UUIT SHOPPING CENTER FOR BUILDING MATERIAL NEEDS 66 W. MAIN LAKE ZURICH Phone: GEneral 8-2421 I Our Competent Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER CO, , "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" ^Tn Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois PHOHI1424 OPEN FRIDAY E¥EKMSS 'TIL S ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "M.WAYS FIHST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" 4.

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