paajgpi THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEH Want Ads Prove That Gigantic Jobs Are Done By Midgets RINGT 4,500 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD! ^Hiiirsday, July 16, Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted leas than 20 words/ $1.00 minimum. 1 Insertion $1.00 (Count 4 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order.^ Card of Thanks -- $1.00 minimum Want ads close promptly at TO a.m. Wednesday. Col. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Boats and Motors Boats and Motors Business Service 1958 18 FT. CHRIS CRAFT inboard Sea Skifl. 95 h.p. Excellent condition. Phone 923. 9-3 14' PABST fiberglassed, fully equipped, siren and cover. Mercury- Mark '55 electric. New Moody trailer, extra tire and wheel. Sacrifice $950. McHenry CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 1044. 6-tf. Classified Display must in- FOR SALE: ' 1958 Thompson elude a minimum of one 18 pt. j jg- Runabout equipped with a head and one 18 pt. signature 35H. Elec. Thompson Motor-- or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 Conv top--Canvas Cover, and pt. allowed per inch. other equip. Can be seen at : r- North Bridge Marine. Reason- CASH WITH ORDER on fol- able^ See Fred.^ -11 lowing classifications: 195S WHITEHOUSE 14 ft. Wanted To Rent fiberglass & '58 - 35 h.p. West- Situations Wanted bend motor. Only 10 running Business Opportunities h°urs on it. $950 for both. Call McHenrv 1426: *11 Automotive REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY j bany, Chicago, 111. RO. 4-2455. 24 foot TRUSCOT Sedan cruiser 1548. 115 h.p. Chrysler Fireball engine, 4 bunks, valley head, air horn, spotlight, extra prop, anchor, life jackets, extinguisher, etc. $32,000 C. H. Kaper, 6224 North Al- Route 120 blk East of the river bridge Open Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 Sunday?: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 44-tf BOAT S 1953 4-DOOR PONTIAC $395. Over 40 To Choose From See at McHenry Boat Co.. end Switzer> Crosbyi Cruisers Inc. of Waukegan St. 11 & Lyman lapstrak6i Aluma_ MOTORCYCLE. 1955 N.S.U. j craft, Whitehouse, Glastron, Fox 100 c.c. runs perfectly. I Aristocraft, Chris-Craft, Cavalier, Speed boats, cruisers, etc. lltf $125. Phone Wonder Lake 2044. *11 1J950 OLDS Rocket. Complete with adapter ring and clutch. Alt. To fit Ford transmissions. 1951 Ford engine. Standard crank and walls, complete. McHenry 1867. 11 1959 Fiberglass 14' Runabouts with steering, windshield, uph. seats. 40 h.p. max. $545. SUMMER SPECIALS 1957 PLYMOUTH 4 door station wagon 1957 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 4 door sedan, power steering, power brakes 1957 BUICK 4 door sedan - 1957 DODGE Royal Lancer I 2 door hard top . 1956 OLDSMOBILE Super 881 4 door sedan 1956 DODGE -- " 2" door hardtop 1955 BUICK Special 2 door ..hardtop 1955 DODGE 2 door hardtop 1955 CHRYSLER Windsor 2 door hardtop 1955 MERCURY Montclair 4 door sedan 1955 DODGE Royal 4 door sedan 1954 CADILLAC 62 two door coupe. COLBY MOTOR SALES 61 North Main Street CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS Phone 1111 Come in and try out a Triumph sports car for a real thrill. 11 Full Line of Boating Supplies -JW MOTORS 3 to V50 h.p. Good buys on used boats and motors. TEENEE & GATOR Trailers See Us Before You Buy ED WENDT BOATS RICHMOND, ILL. PH. 3231 Hrs. 9-8 daily - Sun. 10 to 6 On Hwy. 12, 3 blks north of 12 & 173 intersection 44-tf SWITZERCRAFT Ligh t n 1 11 g fiberglassed, 40 h.p. Mercury motor. Speeds to 45 m.p.h Excellent condition. $150. Sell boat and motor separately. Also 3M.-h.p. Mercury motor, $30. McHenry 496-M. , 11 j/ BOAT & MOTOR. Real buy. MerCury "Mark" 25, and 14 ft. Thompson boat. Complete $345. Must see to appreciate. Phone 873. v H FOR SALE or Trade 1-35 h.p. Johnson motor; wanted 5 to 10 hp. motor in good condition. 1-14 foot V bottom speed boat with steering and windshield. $100. Call evenings McHenry 2530. 11 Sewers Clogged? Tomplete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equip ment. Also, septic systems and back hoe work. PHONE McHENRY* 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, 111. 1-tf Business Service A IN TUNG, interloi exteror. Paper hanging, wall board taping -- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lakfc. Phone McHenry 3253-M, 36-tf I Pur^p Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 or 2711 Station Box 38 38-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, III. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf COMPLETE LAWN mower service. Buchert's Garage. 601 Front St. Phone McHenry 919. ^ 52-12 McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 ior DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tt Business Service Business Opportunity SPRAYING -- Whitewashing or carbola fly and mosquito control disinfecting. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. 3-tf SAND BLASTING, $18 an hour including sand. McHenry Real-Mix. Phone 1940 or 1907. 9-tf HOURLY RATES Tor jackhainnier service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, III. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf PIANO TUNING, repairing, rebuilding. All work guaranteed. A. G. Skala. Fc>r appointment call Steffan's. PhOne McHenry 123-J. *9-8 TERRATRAC One terratrac with hydraulic front-end loader Model 25 wits black dirt bucket or trade for Jeep trencher. 3/i Ton CHEVY With tool boxes, ladder rack end hitch for cement mix> r or trade for tractor with sickle bar. CALL EVENINGS McHenry 2530 11 22' Hunter outboard cruiser, full headroom, sink, toilet, flying bridge. 1958 Evinrude V-50 electric. In water. In excellent condition. $1651) 22' Hunter outboard cruiser, needs deck work and gen-ira' cleanup, $400 5 14' round bottom Shell Lake and Tomihawk boats in water, in good condition. $50 each. 4 14' flat bottom rowboat? in water, in good condition. $30 each. BALD KNOB RESORT PISTAKEE LAKE McHenry 9874 10-2 Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Tempo Gator Trailers Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING TRITON MARINE South Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 1-tf ED'S RENTAL RENTS - by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbers' Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT Phone McHenry 32 D & F Builders Room Additions Carpentry Sidewalks Driveways Patios • t Call for Free Estimate McHenry 3487 • No Money Down 10-tf Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2101 1-tf Patzke Roofing Built Up Asphalt Roofs Shingling & Siding Phone McHenry 3413 or 3278-R JAMES PATZKE 615 Fountain Lane McCullom Lake McHenry, Illinois 1-tf NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing difficult mortgages on homes, farms and commercial buildings. Write Box 42, Fox River 52-tf Grove, 111. 7-ff COMBINATION storm doors-- $16.75; garage doors, $63.50; wall paneling, 17Vac per ft.; all kinds of plywoods, etc. Buffalo siding and hard Oak flooring. Clarence Smith, Johnsburg, McHenry -- 1515-J. 50-e.o.w WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. KOTALIK'S STUDIO 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 275 2-tf Ceramic Tile McHenry Mosaic & Tile Contractor for Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors Bathrooms -- Kitchens Fireplaces Free Estimates ROBERT PEISERT Phone McHenry 3590 48-tf BING'S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY, Jr. Quality Fixtures - Radiant Heating - Gas and Electric Water Heaters - Water Systems - Water Softeners - Repairs - Free Estimates. Phone McHenry 3144 7-eow Sewing Machines REPAIRED New, Used & Rentals SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES & SERVICE 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 111. Phone: V'oodstock 294 42-tf SHOP IN' McHENIlY For Do-It-Yourselfers Plumbing Supplies Gas Pipe Fittings Gas Controls Water Heaters Slip Seal Tile Orangeburg Sewer Tile Bathroom & Kitchen Fixtures See Us Before You Buy H. E. BUCH & SONS .It. 120 East Phone 48 McHenry, 111. 5-tf C. S. G. COME TO HENDRYCKS FORD IN WOODSTOCK FOR THE BEST BUYS IN USED CARS at Rte. 120 & 14 Low as No Mo*! Down -- 30 Months to Pay 58 THUNDERBIRD -- fully equipped $2995 '57 FORD -- 118 inch Styleside Pickup $1195 air cond., radio, heater, 57 PLYMOUTH 2 dr. V-8, radio and heater .... '56 FORD Custom 2 dr. -- nice car '55 FORD Victoria -- radio, heater, auto. '55 DODGE V-8 4 dr. -- very clean . '55 MERCURY 2 dr. -- radio & heater '54 CHEVROLET Bel Aire - auto., radio & heater . '53 FORD Custom 2 dr. -- radio & heater '53 DESOTO 4 dr. -- radio & heater '57 FORD Country Sedan" -- automatic $945 $945 $995 $845 $845 $595 $395 $295 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Open All Day Sunday Woodstock 666 11 Lawn and Mower Service Lawn cutting, landscaping, yard cleaning. Sand, gravel, black dirt. Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharpening Power $6.00 Hand $3.00 Pick-Up & Delivery Service We Finance Landscaping Call Fred McHenry 1606 51-tf Brick,' block, stonework brick and chimney repairs tuekpointing, garden planters brick veneering, cement work home remodeling and altera tions. Carpentry work. New homes built to order; free architectural services. All work guaranteed. Fully equipped & insured; reasonable prices, over 35 years' experience. Call or write NOW, before price increases mount. Frank J. Rezabek & Son General Contractors 1245 Dundee Road (111. Rt. 31) OLiver 8-4611 Algonquin, 111. 8-4 BUILDERS Commitments Available F.H.A. -- V.A. CONVENTIONAL ALSO CONSTRUCTION LOANS CARMAL CORP. DExter 6-6765 47-f ACOUSTICON HEARING AIDS Batteries and Cords for all makes Loaners Availably We specialize in) Hearing Aid Glasses call for free demonstration Have up-to-date mailing list of city and subdivision. 24 Hour Service Reasonable Rates RENA SCHAID 207 N. Green St. PHONE McHENRY 125-R 6 e.o.w. PINGREE RIDING STABLE Highway 14 Across from Outdoor Theatre 2 miles east of Crystal Lake SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BEGINNERS AND CHILDREN Phone CRYSTAL LAKE 200 6 e.o.w. Ladies Ready-To-Wear Shop LAKE \SHORE DRIVE SHOPPING CENTER WONDER LAKE Full Line of Casual Clothes and Better Dresses For Details Call Wonder Lake 5913 after 6 p.m. 11 For Sale NEW HOT AIR gas furnaces, 100,000 BTU's. Complete with all controls, Hi-Boys and counter flow. $175. Phone McHenry 2042. 9-tf AKC COLLIE Pups. McHenry 2408-R. Phone *10-2 AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Reewer, Shalimar Subdivision. Phone McHenry 1798. 44-tf 2 NATIONAL cash registers, one with tape. Three-quarter ton Philco air conditioner. 602 Allen Avenue. Phone 1140. *10-2 2 MATCHED SORREL riding mares. 2 and 3 years old. Call Harvard 413R-2. 11-2 RAY'S BIKE REPAIR -- Rebuilt bicycles and tricycles, t r a d e - i n s a c c e p t e d . P h o n e Wonder Lake 5251. 11-4 80 foot LOT priced reasonable by owner. McHenry 1327. 11 BABY MALE raccoon for sale. Call McHenry 3207-R. *11 USED Westinghouse electric stove, excellent condition, very reasonable. Call McHenry 2003. 11 AERONCA CHIEF airplane; 1375 hours time; completely re-covered. Price $950. 222 W. Walworth St. Elkhorn, Wisconsin. *11 21" REEL Lawn Cheap. 2073-M. mower. . 11 USED HAND Crochet Curtain Panels. Appx'oximately 55 x 73. Can be stretched larger. 2 Designs 5 of each. $5. per Panel. Metal Hollywood Bed - 39" wide, Box Spring and Mattress, perfect condition. Complete $25. McHenry 618 M-2 *11 Fresh Vegetables Sweet Corn, Cauliflower and Beets for Canning DANKO'S Vegetable Stand VA mile East of Lakemoor Rt. 120 Phone McHenry 614-J-l 11-2 r Sale N O R G E REFRIGERATOR, fine running condition, price $35. Call McHenry 451. *11 TABLE TOP Stove $5.00. Apartment size piano Mahogany Hamilton upright 3-4 bedspring with two 3-4xmattresses. Al. Larsen, 305 E. Elm. Rear apartment. Can be „ seen any day after 1 p.m. 11 MUST SELL universal electric stove and sofa. Both in good condition. Also miscellaneous items. Call before 6 p.m. McHenry 1905-R. 11 PONY and Saddle $125. Urbandale Farm McH. 1793-J. *11 REEL TYPE power mower. In good condition. $30. Phone McHenry 2419-M 11 ENAMELED Top /efectory kitchen table and 4 chairs $10. 4 pair gold drapes $10; Brunswick Radio $5. McHenry 2714- R. 11 KOHLER Electric power plant, 2,500 watt output 115 volts; also 500 watt light plant and miscellaneous Electric Motors. Phone 419 after 6 p.m. *11 MOVING OUT of state, must sell all furniture this week. Best offers accepted. McHenry 1757-M 11 GLADIOS for sale, mixed colors. 60c doz. 2 doz. for $1. Mrs. French, 1483-R. 11 1 ROLLEY Type camera with speed light, light meter and leather case, $60. Portable typewriter, $b0. Z truck tues 7:t>0xl7 wanted. Call'evenings 2530. 11 LAMPS REWIRED, shades recovered, also we make shades of your drapery, material. Grams, JUstice 7-5358, 256 East Grand Ave., Fox Lake, 111. 11-2 1958 LADY KENMORE Automatic washer, with suds saver. 2 wash cycles and 5 water temperatures. Excellent condition. $200. McH. 2444-J. For Rent LARGE Sleeping room in private home, garage available.' Ill Meadow Road, McHenry Shores 661-M-l. »n TWO BEDROOM modern apartment, second floor, $75 per month. Tel. Richmond 217,Y after 6 p.m. weekdays or any time weekends. 11-2 FOR RENT in Volo year ro^d four big room house, garage, and basement, newly decorated, new kitchen cabinets and gas furnace. $75 month. Call McHenry 586-J-l. Call after 6. *ii YEAR 'ROUND McHenry home. Furnished or unfurnished. State full particulars in reply to Box 338, Palatine, 111. g'2 7 ROOM HOUSE for rent or sale. 2 car garage. Robert Vogt. Phone McHenry 582-R-l. 11 ONE 2 ROOM I^ouse. and one 3 • room house/ year 'round rental. Call McHenry 2530 evenings. 11 BEACH COTTAGES and housekeeping cabins $15. we£f> up, sleeps two; $2.95 day rate. Good launching and mooring for those with boats. Kirk Kabins on Fox River in Fair Oaks. Phone 169. 11 YEAR 'ROUND or summer rental. 2 bedroom furnished home on Pistakee Bay. Gas Heat. All lake rights. Phone McHenry 1886-J. 11 T\yO BEDROOM Cottage, flT rage, utility room, furnished or unfurnished. Call Wonder Lake 3261. 11 Farmers Trading Post FOR SALE or Trade for cows or calves. 5 sows and 39 pigs. 3 weeks old. Call McHeiwv 876-J. % 1 YEAR OLD furniture Y2 price. Haywood Wakefield 1 maple. Dining room set, ta- i ble, 6 chairs and Hutch, sec- j tional, cocktail table; drum ' table, gossip bench and rocker; Kenmore Deluxe stove; modern Hide-A-Bed with matching rocker; T.V. reclining chair. Phone 3549. 11 3 SHROPSHIRE Sheep; good breeding stock or B\F.A. project. Will sell for half price of original cost. Phone 1993. 11 BRODY Dinette table, used 2 months. Vz price. McHenry Phone 494-R 11 24" BOYS Bicycle. Good condition. Phone McHenry 3074-J. 11 Business Opportunity SMALL BUSINESS right in heart of town. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 503. 8-4 Tavern - Lunchroom With living quarters, on U.S. Highway. Vicinity of McHenry, including real estate, about 200 foot highway frontage. Price 28,000 Dollars. For inspection call our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 8-tf Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf WE R E N T Almost Everything from . . . PAINT SPRAYERS to COFFEE URNS Call 2916 United Kent JltL 542 W. Main St. McHenry 11 Gas Range and Frigidaire 5 piece Dinette Set Green Lounge Chair Console Radio 2 Rugs 9' by 9' and 6' by 9* Phone 2094-J 11 PIANOS See us for an excellent buy on a new piano Leading Makes WURLITZER ORGANS DAVID E. STARK ORGANS 21 N. Union St. Elgin, IU. Phone SH 1-0780 51-18 CASH IN YOUR attic and basement. We want articles of all kinds for our resale store. Anything from antiques to modern. Bring them in or phone us. Royal Oak Sales, Hwys. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, I1L Phone Crystal Lake 4278. 1-tf 1 new No. 2 International Blower less pipe. $275 1 new No. 20C forage Harvester with pickup and crop attach. ^ leased Dearborn chopper cAiiplete. Used 1 year. 1 new Gehl chopper box, power takeoff $750 1 new Gehl blower. 1 new Gehl Blower with power takeoff. 2 new Gehl Harvester, com* plete. Phone BRowning 9- 59$) J. Bartlett, Inc. - Genoa City, Wisconsin 10-tf ATTRACTIVE furnished room. Garage. Located on highway. Call after 5 p.m. McHenry 3006. 52-tf LOOM for hand weaving, either floor or table model. Or information where one can be obtained. Phone 864. 11 FOR LEASE *-- Modern two bay service station by major oil co. to responsible person. Phone Wonder Lake 7534. 11 FOR RENT Large 4 bedroom home. Furnished. In center of McHenry. Hot water heat furnished, 2 baths. $150 per month. For inspection call JACOB FRITZ Realtors s Rt. 5, McHenry, IU. Phone McHenry 37 8-tf Z E P H Y R All-Season0 VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS ROLL UP AWNINGS DOOR HOODS Color and Style for Every Home EAGLE-PICHER ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS & DOORS Convenient Terms if Desired ARTHUR BOGER 307 E. Waukegan Rd. Phone 1180 McHenry, Illinois 44-tt R. M. FLEMING & SON * NEW IDEA - PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service PHONE McHENRY 33 522 Waukegan Road FARMERS % Dead and Crippled Animals Removed At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $5.00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-0105 io\f See The Famous J. I. CASE STARLITE REVIEW CASEORAMA! Wednesday Nite t- July 22nd, 1959 8:00 P.M. at The Cooney Farm V* mile South of McHenry on Crystal Lake Blacktop GEO. P. FREUND SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road 11