July IS. 1359 THE WCHONNR PLAINDEAIER Psgtigem ^CLASSIFIED For Rent ROOM FOR RENT. Private home. Employed gentleman. Phone 1046-J. 11 Help Wanted Help Wanted WOMAN WANTED to work in Nursing Home on Pistakee Bay j near McHenry. Call McHenry 461. 11 1 2 BEDROOM home, year found. Emerald Park Subdivision. Phone 1966-J. 11 ROOM FOR RENT. Working gentleman preferred. Call 53- '11 2 aJRQQM second floor apart- Blent. Private residence. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Ph. McHenry 1413. 6-ti CARPENTERS and Labors. County Lane Home Builders. Route 120 E. Phone McH. 191 or Call evenings Mercury 9- 4174. "Nil IMMEDIATE Opening for women. Light production and assembly work. See or Call Mr. F. G. Peterson - Phone Mercury 9-2361 Coil Craft, Cary, ill. lltf CLEANING woman and help in kitchen. Waitress. Room, board and salary. Apply in person. Edgewater Beach resort Hotel. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. TRiangle 7-3411. 11 WAITRESS wanted for steady 1 work. Red Star Inn U.S. 12 and Rt. 31. Phone Richmond 8231. 11 WAITRESS WANTED from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mosley's, 408 Front Street, McHenry. 11 Situation Wanted NEED INCOME - Will do housework or ironing. Must have transportation. Phone McHenry 113-M. . 11 FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 3 & 4 Bedrooms 1V2 Tiled Baths RANCH HOME ^ $490.00 down op House & Large Site MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY Sunnyside Realty McHenry 162 x 3 Bdrm. Deluxe Ranch Home For Rent with option to buy NO MONEY DOWN Modern kitchen Loads of Extras $115 per month 0 in Crystal Lake Manor on U.S. 14 -- % mile west of Rte. 31. Turn South at Crystal Drive-lS sign. Inquire at 112 State St. Crystal Lake 3340 or RAndolph 6-3907 collect. _• 11 Summer and Year 'Round Homes Motel Apts. and Sleeping Rooms ' Also ^Large Picnic Grove and Beach Dance Hall Canteen Open Including Hot Meals Amusements Pony Rides J} Fishing and Boating Fritzsche Estates South Side of Lily Lake Near McHenry McHenry 1079 11 HELP WANTED Female Tea Room Hostess. Year 'round assistant tea roofn hostess. Typing necessary. Phone Mrs. Sprenger, Honey Bear Farm. Genoa City. Phone Browning 9-5222. 11 EXCELLENT Opportunity for lifetime career as Prudential Life Insurance agent.. Prefer married man 23 to 45. On the job training for qualified man; also good starting salary. You will work out of our new modern office at 206 So. Green St. For interview phone Jack Buckie at McHenry 1125. Fitzgerald's Realty. 11 WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home. Can furnish transportation. Call McHenry 3207- R. *11 Real Estate 3 BEDROOM ranch, full basement, facing McHenry Country Club golf course. Corner lot. One mile south of town. Phone 1376. 6-tf BEAUTIFUL 3 acre Estates. 1 mile from Woodstock. 9 rooms, 2% baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage. 80 foot barn. Bunkhouse, Bearing orchard. mile to new Catholic H. S. A steal at $36,500. More acres available. For Brochure write Roger Hill, Woodstock, Illinois or [Alone Woodstock 2675. 8tf Real Estate McHENRY and LAKE AREA Real Estate BY OWNER -- Cape Cod style home. Brick. Expandable second floor, IV2 car garage. City sewer, gas heat, fully landscaped. 812 Grove street, Cooney Heights. lltf Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal; homes, farms, vacant. Homtj? BEDROOM Home plus utilsites. Income properties. " aluminum storms and screens - modern kitchen and bath. Workshop and fenced in yard. Choice lot near main beach $7,500. Immediate possession. Call evenings 3462. 11-4 Real Estate JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Ph. McHenry 37 9-tf Real Estate LOT FOR SALE -- 100x130. Country Club Estates, bordering McHenry Golf Course. Phone McHenry 439-W. 29-tf GENERAL ACCOUNTANT To keep general ledger and prepare financial statements and tax returns. Some credit and collection work. Good salary, profit sharing plan and other benefits. New pleasant air-conditioned offices. Please give personal data and employment record in first letter. All data kept confidential. Please do not telephone. JOHN STERLING CORPORATION Richmond, 111. 11 Wanted To Rent Pl^NT MANAGER wants to rent home, furnished or unfurnished, waterfront desirable. Month to month or Lease or with option to buy. No children. McHenry 1090. 11 MALE HELP WANTED Automatic Lathe Operator Turret Lathe Operator Permanent position in modern, clean, roomy factory Must Be Able To Set-Up and Operate Excellent Employee Benefits High Earning Opportunities Continuous Employment For Over 50 Years BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 11 4 BEDROOM CAPE COD. brick home on 1V2 lots. Nicely landscaped, gas heat, city water & sewer. Ideal for children, walking distance to stores & depot. Will show by appt. Ph. 1737. 7-tf CHOICE LAKE Front lot in McCullom Lake. On Shore Drive. -Lot number 9. Price $4,500. Easy payments, no money down, private owner, c-o Plair *ealer, Box 506. 9-4 NEW 5M> room house on 60 Ft. River Front lot. Trans' Chicago owner must sell. Will sell on contract to responsible party. Open Saturday or Sunday. 203 Riverside Drive, Mc- Henrv Shores or call Ludlow 5-2563. lOtf 125 x 60 LOT FOR SALE. One Block from McCullom Lake. Call Gladstone 1-1869 after 6 p.m. or Salui'day or Sunday all day. 9-3 YEAR ROUND. 2 bedroom home, tull basement, attached garage, fully landscaped. 60 x 125' lot. Lake Rigir.s $12,000. Phone Wonder Lake 5061. 4tf FOR SALE BY OWNER Lakeland Park 125 Parkway Ave. 2 bedroom ranch. Corner lpndscaped lot, attached garage, natural gas heat. Tile bath, enclosed combination porch, storms and screens. Large utility room. Fenced yard. Cement drive. 1 block to beach, 5 min. to shopping and railroad. Tel. 1918-J 9-5 RESPONSIBLE local business man, no children, desires to rent with option to buy year 'round house. Local references furnished. Reply Box 514 c-o PiWndealer. 11 RESPONSIBLE Family wishes to rent 2 or 3 bedroom home. August 1 if possible. Phone 711-M. APARTMENT House or small farm needed badly. Will take care of premises. Reliable family - 4 children. McHenry 2099. 52-tf WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with Dining Room Basement and Garage Q By Sept. 1st C/o Plaindealer, Box 507 : 9-tf Help Wanted MAN TO OPERATE offset printing equipment. Experience desirable, but not necessary. See or call Nu-Vue News and shaping guide. Richmond 2581 11 WOMAN to do typing and bookkeeping. Real Estate office. Experience preferred but not mandatory. Reply Box 513. c-o Plaindealer, giving experience, age, etc. 11-2 STENO for Account Department Experienced, must be able to work quickly and accuratcly with figures and take dictation. Permanent Position Hours: 8:15 to 4:45 Monday through Friday BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. "®hone DUnkirk 1-1700 11 THREE BEDROOM home, living room, dining-kitchen combination, utility room, washer and dryer. Forced air oil heat garage and extra lot. McHenry 3465. 7-tf We Will Bu/Id You A 2 BEDROOM COMPLETE HOME On Your Lot FOR AS LITTLE AS $7,700 $300 Down Balance to 30 Years Also Roto-Tilling, Lawn Rolling and Black Dirt REMODELLING &a REPAIRS on FHA TERMS 21 years of building experience For Free Estimates PHONE McHENRY 430 , ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 2 Blocks East of Bridge on Highway 120 3-tf Homes For Sale We have exclusive listings. McHenry Shores, Country Club Subdv., Lakeland Park, Sunnyside, Pistakee Lake, Wonder Lake. $6,500 to $53,000. Let us knor* your needs ACTIVE REALTY Phone McHenry 742 50-tf WATER FRONT Lot in McHenry on channel. 75 foot by 215 foot. Seawall, city water and sewerage. Phone McH. 2402 after 6 p.m. 10-2 BUILD YOUR FUTURE With A Growing Company ARC-WELDERS AND TRAINEES MECHANICS TURRET-LATHE OPERATORS RADIAL jbRILL OPERATOR M#ny Company Benefits Including Free Group Insurance, Profit Sharing, etc. THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. 7th and Sunnyside Libertyville, 111. 11 TWO HEAVILY wooded lots across street from private beach. $800 each, both for $1,500. In Wonder Lake. Call McHenry 2414-R. lOtf CORNER LOT in Lakeland Park, 75'x 175'. Price $1,200. Call Bob Stueben. McHenry 268. *11-2 FOR SALE by owner ;-- 3 bedroom modern ranch style frame home. Full basement, attached garage channel in back yard. Many extras. For appointment .call McHenry 1471- W. 4-tf 3 BEDROOM Ranch Home jWith full basement, large cabinet kitchen, fully equipped Kitchen Aid dish washer, entrance hall, many built-ins, fireplace, heated breeze way, 2 car garage! Located on 2 city lots, beautifully landscaped, adjacent 'to schools. McHenry 1448. 11-3 LOT FOR SALE -- One block east of McHenry Recreation. 2 fruit trees, large oak. Gas heat permit. McHenry' 3465. 7-tf Real Estate FOR SALE -- Ph. 169. 2 bedroom Summer Cottage - $3,850. 3 bedroom Lakefront Cottage r $9,850. 4 bedroom Riverfront Cottage - $10,850. 3 bedroom Hiway Ranch - $16,850.. lOtf STORE BUILDING for Sale on corner "of Elm and Green. See George R. Justen. McIJenry 2400. 11-2 YEAR 'ROUND 6 room house, garage, Space heat, 220 line, landscaped, fruit trees, Venetian blinds, thermopane picture window. $9,800. Phone McHenry 3243-J. *11 80' LOT. Priced reasonable by owner. McHenry 1327. 11 H A V I N G T R O U B L E Selling Your Property? List It With FitzGerald's for Q U I C K RESULTS This is the season for real estate sales. Our modern, new office has been filled with many buyers interested in vacant and improved properties in every price range. Frankly, we need more listings to meet the demand. FOR SALE 3 bedroom ranch home. Ceramic tile bath, face brick on all four sides. Gas heat. Lot 100 x 170. Near St. John's church & school and public school in Johnsburg. 3 bedroom home, full basement. Garage. Lot 72 x 185. Near beach lot on Fox River. 15 foot water frontage available in front of home. Price only $13,500. McCullom Lake water front. 2 bedroom, year 'round home. Full basement, garage. Price only $11,500. I For inspection call our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS FOR " SALE HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSI>. "ESSES RESORT PROPERVY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Ron'1. McHenry, !'.i. Phone: Mclienry 421-J 42-tf 2 BEDROOM Home, gas heat, plastered walls, 1M> car garage, fenced in back yard. Price $10,000. Hunterviile Park. 'Phone 708-R. 11 FOR SALE -- $1,200 down (includes everything) plus $92 per month with a 412% G.I. mortgage buys 6 room ranch house. 2 years old 1M: baths. Sacrifice by transferred owner. Phone 3076-R. 143 Manor Lane, Eastwood Manor, McHenry. 11 LARGE River Front furnished summer home with fireplace and two kitchens - making two apartments. Screened porch and two car garage. Lot No. 3,, Fair Oaks, $10,500 total. Lot value approx. $7,500. 11 FOX RIVER Front, 6 rooi house. 1 sunroom, automati heat, enclosed porches, basement, garage: Phone 3019 dr 2614-M. *11 LOOKING FOR A HOME .'ilton Homes will build any pvind, anywhere. All types of financing. No money down, 5<7c down or conventional. Model at 817 South st e-et, Cooney Heights. Open Sundays. For information or to see model on weekdays call LEE COONEY Telephone McHenry 119-R 45-tl Tel. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. 9-tf Income property. Brick building. Rents $4,100 per year. Price $30,000. Shown by appointment. 2 bedroom instated home. Owner asking $15,000. says to sell. My price $8,000. River rights. Immediate possession. age. House is located on chan- We Have Adequate 1 ncl lading to Fox River. Complete with boat dock. Financing Available PHONE 1125 NOW For Free, Accurate Appraisal We Do Not Insist on Exclusive Listings 210 S. Green St. Phone 1126 11 McHenry Modern three bedroom ranch home with family room, 1 h-j baths, two car garage, gas heat. Close to town and schools. Nice neighborhood. Family type home with two bedrooms, IV2 baths, birch kitchen cabinets, glazed patio, natural fireplace, 18 x 30 family room panelled in knotty pine. Plenty of closet space and two car garage. Close to schools. Lakeland Park Very cozy two bedroom home with hardwood floors, large kitchen, IV2 car garage. Price includes electric stove and refrigerator. All in excellent condition. Nice neighborhood. $12,000. McCullom Lake Remodeled and very smartly decorated two bedroom home with partial basement and 112 car attached garage on lot 70 x 160. $10,200. Cooney Heights Beautiful two bedroom home with breezeway and IV2 car garage. Lot 60x169. Nicely landscaped. Priced to sell at $15,900. Shalimar Very nice older home with glazed, heated porch, bay windows in bedroom and dining area, large pleasant kitchen, full basement, two car garage. Expandable upstairs area. Spacious grounds beautifully landscaped. Fruit trees and berry bushes. Only $15,900. 210 S. Green St. Ph. 1126 11 SELL ON CONTRACT ; Deluxe California Contemp-; orary Scholtz Home can be I purchased with a low down | payment. This beautiful home! with cathedral picture wind-i o w s a n d b e a m e d c e i l i n g s , f e a -j tures 3 bedrooms. 2 baths.! family room, fireplace, patio, | built-i.i freezer, refrigerator,; range and attached 2 car garns HANK REAL ESTATE PISTAKEE LAKE year round house. 7V2 rooms, 4 bedrooms, full basement, rumpus room, automatic oil heat, fireplace, large corner lot, garage attached. Call owner Justice 7-5414 or Justice 7-0220. 11 60 ACRE FARM - 2 houses" barn, other buildings. Reasonably priced for quick sale. Frank Wozniak, Rt. 3, Box 856, McHenry, 111. *11 3 BEDROOM Ranch, garage, large corner landscaped lot. natural gas, forced air baseboard heat, private beach and boat dock, close to school and church. Price $13,500. McHenry 3596. *11 FOR SALE by owner, river frontage home, 5 rooms fully carpeted, draw draperys, 2 enclosed porches, 1 with knotty pine and . jalousie windows, natural fireplace, 2 bathrooms, natural gas heat, steel sea wall and pier with power hoist,- garage, 20* Hacker-craft inboard and Hammond electric organ, optional. For appoints ment call McHenry 1831. 11 HOUSE in McHenry Country Club Subdivision on 3 wooded lots overlooking Golf Course. Riparian rights to Fox River. Redwood exterior, full basement, 4 bedrooms (2 unfinished) 2 baths ll unfinished). Den or optional fifth bedroom, large kitchen, built in electric range and oven. Large balcony overlooking panelled living room with fireplace. Call McHenry 1110. II Call McHenry 2665 10-tf Ideal Large Lot In Orchard Heights Near Water B l o c k C -- L o t 5 j Size 69' x 105' Price $1800 ! KEystone 3-9350 j Evenings ! 10-4 i jwaiaaiurn*. Office Phone McHenry 1655 Home Phone McHenry 1216 11 ' NEW BRICK RANCH HOMES Located On Choice Large Corner Lots in jEdgebrook Heights Sub. 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace and wood paneling, dining room, large kitchen with built-in oven, range and snack bar. tiled baths, shower in basement, silent switches, full basement, 2 car garage, gas heat. FRED PEPPING Builder r Phone McHenry 409 7-tf HTJTtfTERVILLE PARK 3 bedroom frame, combination living and dining room, family room. River rights. Only $12,750. $750 down to qualified buyer. COUNTRY CLUB Here is a low cost, comfortable home for a 2 bedroom family. In the best of neighborhoods. $14,500 including furniture. Very nice yard, pier. ORCHARD BEACH 4 bedroom, 2% bath, bi-lcvcl on a 66' by 200' river -lot. Fully carpeted, gas heat, basement. This home has charm and is very reasonably priced. Shown by appointment only. For these and 100 other properties -- CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 11 MODEL HOME LOCATED IN McHENRY FOR SALE BY BUILDER l1* Mile E. of McHenry on Rte. 120 in Kent Acres ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM RANCH $500 DOWN FULL PRICE I $15,500 INCLUDES: Full basement. Garage 14x24, I'i baths. Colored Fixturees and Wall Tile, Master bath. Large Kitchen, Tiled Floors in Kitchen and Baths, Fruit wood cabinets; Coppertone Hardware. Formica counter tops, L-shaped living room and dining aiea, Hardwood floors, Thermopane picture windows, ful 4 Insulalion, Well and Septic. 25 YEAR FINANCING AVAILABLE H. STALESKY BUILDER Call CRYSTAL LAKE 3914 for Appointment n Real Estate For Sale 210 acres, very productive soil, modern 8 room house, dairy set up. $440 acre. 120 acres on black top road, 90 acres tillable. $320 acre. Reasonable terms. 3 acres on black top road, 7 room house, bath, oil heat, garage, good bldg. $15,000. 2 apt. house, 4 and 5 rooms, oil furnace. 2 car garage, close depot and shopping, rental $180 month. Price $16,800. Many river and river front properties for sale. 2 year old 4 bedroom house, modern throughout. 1 Vi bath,1 living room 14 by 20, full basem e n t , g a r a g e . $ 2 2 , 5 0 0 . j Woodstock -- 4 bedroom| hous e . H a s h o t w a t e r h e a t , i garage, good location. Good| terms to reliable purchaser.1 $16,000. F. E. HOWE 85 gates St. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 495 or RALPH PEACOCK Wanted TOP PRICE PAID for iron* metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WOULD LIKE ride from Me- Henry to Woodstock. Leave McHenry around 12 midnite. Phone JA 6-7140. 45-tf GOOD HOME for elderly lady or man. Good food and loving care. Phone McHenry 2880. *11 WANTED -- Cash Registers and adding machines. Large or small. Any condition. Write R. Engler, Box 529-Al, Cary, HI. *11-1 965-R OLD KEROSENE Lamps, statues, coffee grinders, kettles, butter churns, etc.; & any condition. Phone Justice 7-5358. ~ 11 Miscellanea THREE WEEKS to McHenry County Junior Fair, Woodstock, 111., August 6, 7, 8, 9 -- Rodeo, Stock, Midway, Races, Fntprtpjnment. 11 11 1 continued On Page 8) BUYING or SELLING A. H. GALLAGHER EMERALD PARK 155 Ft. FOX RIVER FRONTAGE; 2 bedroom remodeled home. 1 baths, heated porch. Double permanent pier. FA gag heat. Utility room and basement. Electric kitchen. $25,000. HUEMANN'S SUBDIVISION Attractive, clean ranch. 2 bedrooms, tile bath. Fenced yard. Fruit trees. WATER RIGHTS. Asking $11,000. LAKELAND PARK 3 bedroom ranch with tile bath. FA natural gas heat. In excellent condition. $12,125. 3 bedroom, tile bath ranch on 140x140 1st. Lovely kitchen. Utility room. Natural gas heat. $15,800. 65 feet oTLAKp FRONTAGE. FA nat. gas heat. 3 bedroom Ranch. Furnished. Excellent condition. $17,500. 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch with Family Room and Utility Rm. 2 beautiful patios. Att. garage. Directly across from the beach. Excellent arrangement for in-law apt. $20,000. McCULLOM LAKE Clean, newly sided 2 bedroom home; oil heat. Comb, storms and screens. 220 line. Low taxes. Only $7,500. 2 bedroom, ceramic tile bath. Year 'round home with gas heat. New wiring, new roof, etc. Only $8,500. 3 bedroom home on lovely large lot. Outdoor B-B-Q. FA oil heat. Expandable 2nd floor. Asking $11,500. McHENRY 2 apartment on Riverside Drive in town. Room for a 3rd apt. Basement. Gas heat. Garage. $28,500. PISTAKEE BAY 2 lovely homes on wooded estates, approx. 2ls acres each. 4 bedroom Colonial, lot 83x660 for $45,000. 5 bedroom Cape Cod. 5167,500. on a lot 187x660. These are the finest in the finest location. Both to be sold furnished. SUNNYSIDE 3 bedroom Ranch with tile bath in excellent condition. Basement. WATER RIGHTS, pier. Attached gar. $15,000. ' WOODLAWN PARK 3 bedroom, IV2 bath one-story home with a FRONTAGE on the FOX RIVER of 100 feet. Year 'round. Beautiful condition. Also a Summer Hoijse with fireplace and porch. $35,000. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. GALLAGHER ( AND ASSOCIATES OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 JINNY GALLAGHER -- McHenry 1629 11