I^age Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Unlnd Park PREPARE PARK SITE FOR GOOD BASEBALL FIELD Vickie Bottari--2262-J - 1524-.1 Thursday, August 13, -2809 Baseball Teams As you have been reading in the past few issues of the paper our park site is being put in readiness for a good baseball field so we would like to start early getting our ball players rounded up for next season. As you probably know," several of our boys have been playing on one of the McCullom Lake teams, but next year we would like to have teams of our own. If you have boys from ages' 8 to 12 you, can register them with Wallv Hansen - 123 Parkway 3069-ft or with Joe. :jprazak .it 315 Prairie Ave. - ,£861-M. Each child will be ingsured and properly managed Jicecping to the rules of the •tUttle League. Lots of help will jjdbe needed so if any of you men ifiave time to train these boys %'ou, too, can get in touch with Either of these two men and if am sure they will appreciate »it very much. j- Happy Birthday * To Larry Koerper on his 1st (|>irthday and Joey Koerper on *|iis 2nd birthday which they ^celebrated last Saturday anu ifiunday with a double birthday r|>arty with the following quests: Grandmother Mrs. ijplar.i Fredrick and Grand- 'jnolher Mrs. Marie Powers. Jfereat aunt Christine Powers. 'lWr. Lester Mancatelli. Mr. 'Frank Schantz, uncle and aunt ^Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Koerp- -er. To Donna Bucaro on her «llth birthdav which she celebrated on Aug. 5 with the following little girls helping her *jcelebrate the occassion: Suzy 'and Pam Laurence. Cindy aSmith, Sharon Bondi. Suzy * M e i n e k e . M a r y T h e r e s p "{Sweeney. Mary Sullivan, t)ontiia Kwiatak and Maureen Lin •Dane. 4 w To Mrs. Olive Bartolai mother of Mrs. Lee Glorch who celebrated her 84th birthdayon Wednesday, Aug, 5. Lee invited Marge Franklin, Dotty Becker. Elaine Jett, Daisy Krupinski, Dorothy Glorch and myself to a very delicious luncheon of grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and all the. trimmings which was very ably prepared by Lee's witty better half Ed. To Tpmmy Giacomo on his 5th birthday which he celebrated on Aug. 3 with a party for the following little friends: Michael Krug, Joan and Debbie Schabow, Theresa Monaghan, Mickie, Mark and Linda Amici, Peter Murphy and then the mothers joining in for the celebration with coffee and cake were: Mary Murphy, Barbara Malinowski and baby Rita and her sister Nancy and her baby, aunt Ann Murphy, Angie Amici and one lone man braved it Mr. Pat Amici. To Francine Parisi who celebrated her birthday on Saturday, Aug. 8 with her first birthday party in her beautiful new home with 10 candles to blow out this year had the following on her guest list: Mary Mall, Paulette Rizzo and her cousin Dale Kutina, Chrfetine Capocci, Theresa Birmingham, Beth Okal, Josephine Cina, Valerie Franklin, Kevin Lavin, Tommy Przetacznik, Chris, vonWallenberg, Ray Bottari. Darnell Jones, Dickie Dougherty and Paul Kilday. . Belated Birthday Wishes are extended to Michael Krug on his 7th birthday which he celebrated on Friday. July 31 by taking his first plane ride all' by himself. He helped the pilot with the take off and when they got in the air he let him circle the plane to the left and right and when ready to land he let him put the nose iri the down position ready for landing. This was quite a thrill for little Mike, md although mom and dad were worried, the first thing he said when he came out of the plane was "When do I get to go up again". Then on Saturday his grandmother and grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Thieme and his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thieme. Jr., and their two boys and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarke and 2 sons came out "•ontinue the celebration. Baby Christined Little Michael Duane Manoney. son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mahoney and his older brother. Martin George were both christined on Wednesday, Vug. 5 at the Nativity Lutheran ?hurch of Wonder Lake by the Rev. Burton Sehroeder. Michael and Martin have the same Godparents in Wayne Strandquist and Marge Strandquist. After the christening a party in their honor was held it grandma and grandpa ^trandquist's home with the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. John Wheaton, the whole Strandquist family and the whole Hahoney family. A very delicious buffet dinner was served. Vacationers Del Gerstad returned Jiome MORE WATER < with a RED JACKET Obm-JetM" . WATER • capacitiqs ?© 1170 CAL. PER HOUt • PUMPIN6 bqpeto TO 120 PGO? • IASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE? PROM SHALLOW V© Dlir WILL SIRVICI Dollar-for-doller, htra Is your bast pump buy. Huvy, dur- •blt construction threughout. Qut»t, lubrication -- fraa operation -- only ono moving part. A product of • worldrtnownad pump monufoeturar with ovar 75 years' axparibul, di"9 larvica products. Tha Cahtri-Jet Systart will mora than satisfy you in #vary Com# in and' saa for yoursalf. AND. Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAMS of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Tj miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENRY 713 'putntj* Friday after spending a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Birkinbine of Sun Prairie, Wis., and then the grandparents ,spent three or four days with the Gerstad's helping them move ahd settle in their new home at 106 Oakwood Drive, Lakeland Shores. Birthday Gathering Mrs. Kathy Brunswick, Mrs. Gayle Parisi, Mrs. Barbara Muerer, Mrs. Lu. Krasucki. Mrs. Peggy Kasper all got together at Veretta Gerstad's home on July '31 to help her celebrate her birthday. Girl Scouts Troop 487 went on a cookout on Aug. 5 in Mrs. Kane's back yard. The leadei^who at- 1 ended were Mrs. Kane and Mrs. Gert Krug. The girls from the troop attending were: Beverly and Cynthia Grote, Maureen Linnanfe, Elaine^ Piasecki, Mary Therese Sweeney, Donna Bucaro, Susan Laurence. Pam Laurence, and Valerie Franklin. Visitors At the home ot Mr. and Mrs. iPaul Rizzo were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Myers and daughter Judy and her girlfriend Karen on Wednesday. On Thursday Jo's niece and family, Mr. &nd Mrs. Roger Kutina came and when they went Back home they left behind their two children, Jo's grgat grand-nieces, Dale and Lfeslie. Also visiting that day was Jo's girlfriend, Mrs. Emmie Kalb and her sister- in-law. At the Radisch home were daughter Shirley and her husband Chuck and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell and Lyda's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendig and her brother Ralph. Pa jama Pairty A pa.iama party was held by Miss Josephine Cina on Wednesdnv. Aug. 5. The young ladies who attended and had a very wonderful but sleepless night talking, telling spooky stories, and raiding the refrigerator of such goodies as watermellon, home made cakes, sandwiches, etc. Patty Foran Jan Weber, Paulette Rizzo, Christine and Darlene Capocci. a n d F r a n c i n e P a r i s i w e r e among the guests and Kathy Boone, was invited but unable to attend. She spent a few days in Chicago with her family visiting her grandmother. Committee Dinner On Tuesday night the ladies of the Welcome Committee of the Lakeland Park Women's club went out to dinner. Those who enjoyed the evening out were Mrs. Lyda Radisch, Jo. Rizzo, Fran. Cina., Louise Mc- Enery, Jean Gagnon, Delores Rogers and your reporter. Unable to attend was Jean Parisi who is spending a few days in the hospital. We missed having her along with us. Picnic Let's not forget the date of the Lakeland Park. Women's club picnic to be held at the West Beach on Sunday, Aug. 23 starting at approximately 11 a.m. The girls on the committee for this affair have been working hard to make this a success so let's cooperate with them. Happy Anniversary To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glorch on ,t£e occassion of their 38th year of wedded bliss. As a real surprise to Ed and Lee. the gang of Dotty Becker, Daisy Krupinski. Elaine Jett and I ( p l e a s e n o t t h a t M a r g e Franklin has been omitted from this due to the fact that she wenf into Chicago to help celebrate her mother's birthday) all piled in on them at 10 a.m. with rolls in hand and presented them with a very pretty tid-bit tray. That evening Ed and Lee went out to dinner to celebrate all by themselves, and had a .eal nice time. Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Geno Grillo and their daughter Julie Ann are visiting Mrs. Grillo's sister Barbara Malinoski, Mel and baby Rita. More Visitors Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bucaro were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tubutis ancTdaughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Duerr, Mrs. Dick Brady and sons, Mrs. Andrew Bucaro and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Carlson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Carlson and family from Hibbing, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koerper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Koerper and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Talleson and family, and Mr. Kenneth Waller. SERViSOFI Guaranteed Good turns* soff w*ter s e rw%§ Here is a typical SERViSOFT installation showing the small size unit in t laundry room. With adequate piping arrangements, your unit can be installed in a similar spot, your kitchen, utility room, bathroom, or whecever your prefer. We Let You W1EF0RE m BUY FREE 30 DAY HOME TRIAL. NO COST OR OBLIGATION THERE'S NO EQUIPMENT TO PURCHASE NO WORK FOR YOU TO DO . . . . SERVISOFT is here to bring you the enjoyment, the work-saving convenience and the money-saving economy of pure filtered soft water. Think of it! you get all these wonderful advantages without in/eating one cent in the purchase of equipment . . . without one minutrV work, fuss, muss, or bother on your part. We install the unit in your home--we service it regularly--we keep it in efficient operating condition at all times. There is no cost to you for deprecation, maintenance, or repairs. Y< u'!l want all the details about SERViSOFT and how it can bring new savings an1 enjoyment in your many uses of water. Phone today. TO €@NTRACT TO SIGN! R. 0. ANDREWS CO. Box 206 Woodstock, 111. PHONE 428 or 459 . News-News I have , been told by many people that the news is all from one end of this subdivision. If you do not call in your news to me, I do not know what is going on in your neighborhood. So call in your items of interest so we can report on all parts of our subdivision. EDITORIAL SEASON OF THE SNEEZE Aug. 15 is fast approaching and that, the Health News Institute reminds us, means the season of the sneeze for millions of hay fever sufferers. Although hay fever occurs from spring through fall, the worst period is from Aug. 15 when ragweed pollen is found in the greatest abundance, to the first autumn frost. Most liaty fever sufferers are allergic to ragweed pollen. However, there are a number of other substances which also cause typical hay fever symptoms, such as sneezing, wheezing, coughing, burning eyes and runny nose. Physicians can, through al*- lergy tests, determine . just which substances ,are the offenders. They are^then able to reduce sensitivity and prevent further attacks by injection of certain materials. For those hay fever sufferers who cannot tolerate desensitizing injections, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has provided a number of j medicines which do offer relief for hay fever victims. Antihistamines are^the best known of these products. They are believed to provide relief from symptoms in from 70 to 95 per cent of cases. Cartisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone, prednisolone and corticotropin are also administered by physicians in certain cases. Although rarely fatal, hay fever is not a disease to be taken lightly, the HNI says. If not attended to promptly, it may well develop into bronchial asthma. The Allergy Foundation of America estimates that at least 1^,000,000 man days of working time are lost every year by hay fever sufferers. CHANGING SCHOOLS The transition from school to school, whether it occurs within one school district or between states, is a major uprooting for most children. Parents can do a lot to ease the strain of a change. Not all children react the same way to the problems raised |by the shift of schools, so don't be misled by surface clamness. Instead, anticipate your child's problems, and you will help him bridge the gap between his old1 and new schools. Specifically, here are some of the things you can do: Let him know early that a move is in the offing. Tell him why and let jhim help in the planning. • • . . If at all possible, give him a chance to visit the new school well in advance of the move. See whether he can meet the principal, the counselor, some of the teachers he's likely to have, even a few of his future schoolmates. Avoid making your own worries known. If you fear the school may be too tough, don't say so. In any case, beware of making snap judgements. See that the old school is prepared to ship all necessary records to the new school. Often the hapless youngster is caughter in the middle of the confusion that results ^wfien this is not done. Confer with your youngster's current teacher ahd principal about his work and prob- FOR THE BEST RATES and SERVICE IN FINANCING Autos - Boats Appliances see the McHenry State Bank SVCH&tMi PlUMB{R® AIR-CONDITIONING/ WORTH EVERY PEKING YOU CAM SET -- LTWINK OF THE. COMFOST YOU WILL GET J 9 LOCM THADiMAJUlk hi H.E.BUCH axcoL SONS ^25^ PLUMBIN6-UEATING M AIR CONDITIONING #ko*L M'HENRY 48 - Jos. F RETT & SON Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 Vi mile east of Fox River Bridge Stop worrying about your heating system New "Comfiet Bond pntides ainatic \ iace Maintenance Policy greater comfort and on your fuel bills! r • • * • a • « > • • a a a 5 aa --F« We service all makes and types of equipment regardless of fuel used. ! All this for just one small annual fee a j Here's what you get--all wrapped up in a carefree, • ~ money-saving package: Your furnace cleaned, inspected a and properly adjusted for tip-top performance... an automatic mid winter "check-up" with filter changed dfour rinygo uth.e.. ylabeoar rfor any necessary repairs at any time ... up to 3 emergency at l^Q extra cost. You'll find greater comfort (and peace of mind) when you let us do your furnace worrying. And you can't lose on this unusual offer. phone today for free Information without obligation ALTHOFF'S 700 Front St. GAS SERVICE, INC. PHONE 283 lems so that you will be joey* position to discuss them With his new teacher. --^--.-- : 11 *1 Thirty-five years ago $lpe^e were 77.4 accidental deaths "for every 100,000 people in United States. Last year were 52.5 deaths. l the tHVe It Pays To Advertiser' SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO •m WAUKEGAN FREE ESTIMATES On Alum. Windows and Doors Railing Gutters Roofing Siding Wall Tile Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 800 Riverside Drive Tel. 1878-WJfcHenr# EASY PAYMENT PLAN PROFEJSiOnflL DIRECTORS' DR. JOHN C. GOETSCH^ Chiropractic Physician ; Naprapathic Manipulation , Steam Baths and Massage S04 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. , Hours; Mon., Tues., Wed. & FrL 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 743 (j) DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Holir»: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evening ^ By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry ltiO EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm Si Life IlA Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance tf Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & Elm McHenry ^ ROBERT'S TAILOR SHOP Alterations and Repairs Custom Tailoring and - Dressmaking Men, Women and Children Located in Dean's Building Wonder Center - Wonder l^ke • Phone Wonder Lake 4356 Hours: Daily 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Closed Mondays * SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrpoiris 3 Miles South ori Rt. 3 PHONE 950 -4 McHenry, 111. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office phone McHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 604-M-l Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenhos 105 Ricltmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs. 6i Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHeiiry 2262-J Loop office - 108 N. State St. Plione DEarhorn 2-2096 ( ' GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 2533 ROLAND A? HERRMANN Lawye^j-/ 308 W. Elm St. Phone McHenry 1609