Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1959, p. 2

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A igeTwo THE McHENRY PLATNDEALER Thursday, August 13, A59 Riverview Camp Plans For Picnic Riverview Camp, R.N.A., will have its annual picnic at the home of Lorraine Neve at Chapel Hill on Thursday, Aug. 20. Members will meet at the city park no later th&n! noon. Cars will be available for those who have no transportation. ThoSe attending are asked to bring a dish to pass and their own table service. All members are requested to attend and enjoy the afternoon at the home of Lorraine Neve. . A regular meeting of the . camp will be held Tuesday. Aug. 18. at . the K. of C. hall at 8 p.m. at which time plans ,f6t the picnic will be discussed. Hold Open House At Wesson Home Open house will be held Sunday, Aug. 23, from 2 to 5:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wesson, who reside on Greenwood road in Greenwood. The event honors their golden wedding anniversary. the Toddler Shop and club members. They will be sold at the door but for reasons of comfort for the audience, attendence is to be kept at 200, so get your tickets early. In addition to dresses and sportswear, furs will be shown by Otto Heinz. Honored On Sixth Birthday Wed In July Announrc Engagement Of Wonder Lake' Girl Announcement of the engagement of Adele W.,, Marks to Jon Richard Marshall is made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erich A. YV. Marks, of Wonder Lake. Judy Lynn Knox was guest of honor at a party held last Wednesday in honor of her sixth birthday. „ i The young lady, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, Jr., entertained Patti Wissell, Barbara Weber, Janice Cerny, Noreen Bauer, Pam Bauer, Jane ari^l Barbara Miller and her younger sister at the party, held at her parents' , home. Games provided entertainment lor the little ones, and prizes were awarded the winners. Cfiko and ice cream were served at the close of the afternoon. ADELE MARKS Shower Honors "Penny" Fike Miss "Penny" Fike was the happy recipient of many lovely gifts when Mrs. Albin Olson and Mrs. Clyde Bailey were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower at the Olson home this past week. After playing a few braintossing games, delicious re- •Yeshments were served from a beautifully decorated buffet t able. Guests included the mother and sister of the bride-to-to, Mrs. Howard Fike and Heather Fike; the mother and sister of the- groom. Mrs. Alex CamfMO'i and Mrs. Andrew Larson of Rockford; Elsie Lundquist, i a sister of Mrs. Olson from Washington. D C.. also Karen Gniloy. Ruth Barger, Vivian Has«»tt. Marian Collins, Sarah Deef, Florence Engdahl, ilavern Gregory, Daisy Jones, Helen Loff. Betty Martin, Denis" Nnrdi. Freida Olsen, Marion Ol^en. Evora Petersen, Lois Peterson, Phyllis Nimtz. Mae Stinespring. Anita Vaupell, Ann Varese and Eleanor Wright. Kotalik Studio Photo <? The Jerome Sharps Miss Mary Ann Bolger of McHenry and Jerome Sharp of Elgin exchanged nuptial vows on Saturday, July 25, in St. Patrick's Catholic church. After a week's wedding trip, they are residing. in Country Club subdivision.. A graduate of Lindblom high school. Miss Marks is entering her second year at Wilson Junior college in Chicago. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Marshall of Batavia, 111. He is a graduate of Batavia high school. Mr. Marshall is serving in the Navy as radarman second class and is now a instructor in Aurora, 111., for the Naval Reserve. No date has been set for the wedding. Democratic Women Plan For Styie Show Exciting activities are taking place this week for the coming Democratic Women's club style show. Entertainers, models, stores, manufacturers, salesmen, committees on refreshments, lighting, decora- . tion, publicity, ticket distribution and posters all are being hurried and coordinated to bring a lively and interesting show to the McHenry Country club on Monday evening, Aug. 24. Tickets are available from BIG HOLLOW SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY, AUG. 31 GRISWOLD LAKE COUPLE MARRIED FOR FIFTY YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Leonetti, formerly of Chicago and now residing at Griswold Lake, will observe their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Monday. Aug. 17. However, the anniversary dinner will be served at the Legion home on Sunday. Aug. 16, arranged by their children. Children,.who will be honoring their parents that day are Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Weyland, Mr. and'Mrs. William B. Steans, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wiles and Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Leonetti. Also attending will be eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Michael Leonetti and Anna Smisner were married fifty vears ago in Holy Trinity Catholic church of Chicago. They will attend a nuptial Mass with their children at 8 o'clock on Aug. 17 at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Mr. Leonetti was formerly associated with Sawyer Biscuit and Salerjio McGovern Biscuit company of Chicago as plant manager. Before retiring, he travelled as consulting engineer for several leading biscuit manufacturers. FOX LAKE CLUB WELCOMES PUBLIC TO FLOWER SHOW The Fox Lake Garden club will present its annual flower show, "Fapfare of FloWers," Tuesday, Aug. 18, at the American Legion hall on Rt. 12. The doors will be open to exhibitors at 9 a.m. and entries will be accepted until 10:30. The show is not limited to garden club members, everyone is welcome to enter. A horticulture division will include a section for annual and perenniel flowers, fruits, vcegetables and house plants. The artistic section will be divided into classes for table settings, corsages, mantle arrangements and miniatures. / Luncheon will start 12:30 and tickets may be obtained at the door. The flower show will continue ,|rom 3 'till 9. Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Charles Smith, Einar Skjoldager, Jean Parisi, Natalie Quick, Joseph Richter, Mildred Rowe, Leonard Winkel, Be?nadine Wachter, Edith Witzka, Elizabeth Thompson. Mildred Hawkins and Kay Edmier of McHenry; Gerald Tersip of Wheaton; Louis Porterfield of Crystal Lake; Thomas Murrey of Lake Villa; Emily Fiore of McCullom Lake; Dorothy Cummings of Palmyra, Wis.; Margaret Mitchell of Ingleside; Kathleen Brooks of Lakeland Park; Oryile Oppedal and Douglas^Ftiller of Waticonda; Lorin Dopke of Harvard: Flora Seepe of Evanstoh and Russell Schlichtenmeyer of Round Lake. Big Hollow grade school, located at the intersection of Routes 12 and 134 at Ingleside, starts the school year on Aug. 31. This is also the opening- date for other Grant township area schools. When school opens on Aug. 31, there will be a morning session only from 9 to 10:30, with a faculty meeting during the afternoon. Bus routes will be the same as last year. Under a new board of education policy, books will not be issued until book fees are paid. Money may be paid Aug. 31 or Sept. 1. Edmond Taveirne. principal, requests that all new and transfer pupils register immediately - - First grade pupils should be 6 years of age on or before Dec. 1. 1959. Evidence of age must be presented at the time of enrollment. One doesn't have to live alone to feel lonesome. CARD OF THANKS _I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with prayers, cards and flowers during my recent stay in the hospital. The thoughtfulness and friendship of so many people who took time out of their own busy lives is deeply appreciated and made me very happy. . Rita Martin *15 It's too bad that the fellow who gets carried away with his cleverness isn't. CARD OF THANKS May we extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in jsp many thoughtful ways during our recent bereavement. Your kindnesses have meant much to us. The Family of John Celletti *15 RT-F 91ST QUALITY SUN GLASSES The Ray-Ban "Outdoorsman" is the favorite sun glass of sportsmen everywhere. Made by Bausch & Lomb, the gold-filled frame is built to last a lifetime. There's a variety of specialized lens types for every outdoor need. See the "Outdoorsman" today at at BOLGER'S Memorial Hospital Among patients at Memorial i hospital, Woodstock, this past | week were George Wallace and Carmen Langdon of Wonder Lake and Orlo McMahon of McHenry. • * Harvard Hospital Mrs. Arthur Edstrom ajid Elmer Harris of McHenr^ were among patients at Harvard hospital this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bray of Wonder Lake are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Aug. 10. A girl was born at Memorial hospital Aug. 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leone of McHenry. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Schaefer are tjhe parents of a daughter, born Aug. 6 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson of Wonder Lake welcomed a son at Memorial hospital on Aug. 7. A son was born Aug. 8 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller. . M*;. and MTS. Gene Adams became,, the parents of a girl, borh Aug. 5 at -Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kalk welcomed a son at Harvard hospital Opi Aug. 7. A son was borp Aug. 4 at Harvard hospital^to Mr. and Mrs. Charlies Mullen of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neuman are the parents of a boy, born at Memorial hospital on Aug. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld of Fort Worth, Texas, announce the arrival of a daughter. Rebecca Joan, on July 31, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. The new baby has a brother, Paul, \xk years old. Mrs. Brefeld is the former Joanne Stilling, daughter of Mi-, and Mrs. William Stilling of Richmond. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wilbrandt of Washington, D.C., announce the arrival of a 7 lb. 12 oz. son, Roger Alan, born Aug. 7. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilbrandt of McHenry. Mrs. Wilbrandt is leaving for Washington to make the acquaintance of her grandson. TWELVE GIRL SCOUTS ENJOY KIRKLAND CAMP For twelve days, 105 Girl Scouts of the Sybaquay council of the Girl Scouts lived at Camp Rotary MacQueen in Kirkland, 111., enjoying a wide variety of activities. The girls were Kathryn Barrows, Katherine Brzezinski, Genene Dember, Deborah Kuhlman, Linnea Larsen, Cheryl Wittrock and Nancy Zahn of McHenry, Barbara Arseneau, Kathleen Bersma and Kathy Johnson of Richmond. The primitive unit of older girls cooked all of its meals at its hide-away camp site which the , girls established themselves. They made a Chippewa table at which they eat their meals. A cache was built in the river ne&r their camp for* food storage. As a climax to the first session, the whole camp participated in a progressive Scouts' Own ending at the swimming pool where a group of swimmers presented a water ballet with candles that represented the promise and laws. COURTESY BOAT EXAMINATION IS NOW AVAILABLE CHURCH PLANS ANNUAL PICNIC NEXT SATURDAY CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings • received during the illness and passing of our loved one. Many, many thanks to all. The Family of Mrs. Zena M. Bacon *15 The annual family picnic for members and friends of Alliance Bible church will be held Saturday, Aug. 15, at Veterans' Acres. Those planning to attend are asked to meet at the church at 10 a.m. Last Sunday, Lon Smith took the very young people of the church for "a- boat ride on the rivgf. ;ThiS Stinday, he will 'do the same for the older children. Later in the fall, the district superintendent will conduct a "service at the local church before he goes into missionary work. He will leave this country with his son for the Philippines. Last Friday evening there was an all-night prayer meeting at the church the first of several planned. Most schemes for making money revolve themselves into the intelligent application of perspiration. TUMBLE & eADDY SET 5% DDT BUG BOMB G* rid of patty * j0f|_ $©§. 98c The United States Coast Guard auxiliary now has a qualified motorboat examiner residing in the McHenry area. Any boat owner may obtain a courtesy examination for his boat by contacting William A. Robinson week days after 6 p m. There is no cost or obligation. The courtesy motorboat examination is one of the services offered to the boating public by the United States Coast Guard at the boat owner's request. Boats passing this examination are awarded the coveted courtesy examination decalcomania. Boats failing to pass are not-^reported to the Coast Guard, but the owners are made aware of all deficiencies in required equipment. Regular Coast Guard personnel assigned to boarding duty will ordinarily refrain from boarding motorboats displaying the courtesy examination decalcomania for the current year unless a violation in operation or required equipment is apparent. ... August 16 Ice Cream Social -- St. haul's Episcopal Church Lawn -- Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary -- 4:30 to 7:30 pjn. August 19 Annual Fall Fashion Show and Dessert Luncheon -- Legion Home -- 1 p.m. -- Sponsored by St. Mary's P.T.A. St. Mary's P.T.A. Annual Fall Fashion Show -- Legion Home -- Dessert Luncheon. August 20 R i v e r view Camp, R.N.A., Picnic -- Chapel Hill -- Meet at City Park at Noon. August 24 Women's Democratic Club Style Show -- McHenry Country Club -- 8 pin. August 27-28 Rummage Sale -XjEngdahl's Fairaood Farm -- 9 a.m. to 5 i£m. August 29 Annual Homecoming -- Ringwood Church -- Roast Beef Dinner Served 5 to 7:30 p.m. Bake Sale -- Justen Furniture Store, Green Street -- Sponsored by Ladies of the Moose. September 4, 5-6 Christ the King Festival, Wonder Lake -- Baked Ham Dinner Served Sunday. October 31 Costume P a r t y -- M o o s e Lodge -- Sponsored by Ladies of the Moose. Isaac Hull, on Aug. 19, 1812, sunk the British frigate Guerriers with broadsides from the USS Constitution. Constitution lost seven men, the Gu^rriere lost 79. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this way of thanking relatives, friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets and cards at the i time of our bereavement; als^ fdr the kindnesses extended during Mrs. Wilson's illneks. We are especially grateful w> W'r. Coakley, Fr. Collins Fr\i Parker, Fr. O'Brien, Hr. Wkidle, Fr. Matlak and Fr. Weils; also the American Legion for the use of the hall and the 'Legion auxiliary. T T. P. Wilson and Family 15 CARD OF THANKS /i w|sh to express my sincere thanks^ and appreciation tdBtll my friends and neighbors for the prayers, visits, lovely cards and gifts during my recent illness. A very special thanks"r to Msgr. Nix and Fr. Rennell. - Jean Matthews 15 FAMILY GATHERING , Among those who attended a gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith last Sunday for the purpose of celebrating birthdays and anniversaries of several in the group were Mr. and Mrs. Gene McHlhjg and family, 4Mr. and Mrs. Dean Barnett and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hejikins and family of Buda; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith ar^d family, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith and son and Mr. anidd Mrs. Wayne Smith and famiillyy. SELL. TICKETS FOR REVUE Tickets for St. Mary's style revue, which will be held dn Aug. 19, may be purchased in advance from any of the committee or at the Betty Nielsen shop. Thev will also be on sale at the door. Claire Beauty Shopi 200 S. Green St. McHenry 10 A SHORT, PERKY HAIRSTYLE . AND PERMANENT FOR FALL CALL US TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT ^ Steam Baths Swedish Massage., AIR CONDITIONED People who make their family dreams come true usually know how to use a bank Bmm 13.25 towW wWt* Sraocial SoW l"1"1***1 1- "* ... t-mbter. h. # # a Iwavity br«M P,<rt* •d rack. $2.98 Special mk •'» octiol r _ ° °x- Vocu"m B«»|. U " ILTER VEHTSE^TOR 18 combination !•». WiaJr eire°: air fih.r and v«ntiWor poH«n, rain and lot* fr~ly y« ^-Py^vTurXn. foam. Fit. -bank on it Hard 132 S. Green St. McHenry, I1L PI NE k HENRY 98 Use The Green Sireei FREE Parking Area Your banker can make your vacation dreams come true* Cape Cod, National Parks, the Rockies, and even Europe are as near to you as your banker. He'll help you save your travel nest egg_and arrange a confidential personal loan if you need more . . . That's because making your dollars go farther is your banker's business. His living depends on helping you and other folks in town to get ahead. * • *WHAT IS A BANK? it's the only place that offers you all 5: 1. Savings accounts 0^ Checking accounts 0" Home loans 0" A. Car and personal loans 0" 5. Farm and business loans 0" 2 3 See your Banker- he's the helpinaest man in town FOUNDATION FOR COMMERCIAL BANKS, BOX 8026, PHILADELPHIA 1, PA? McHENRY STATE BANK Complete Banking Service Since 1906 3% INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS Telephone 1040 1

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