PageFour THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, August 13,' 1959 We have plenty of tickets for the big football game between the Baltimore.Colts, pro champs, and the College All- Stars to be played Friday night in Soldier's Field. Several groups from this area plan to see this colorful sports event. Just come in -- the tickets are yours for the asking. Now if we can get as many tickets for .the World Series between the White Sox artd' somebody, everything will be just dandy. > Suppose you men have noticed that the st>le-makers are bringing back vests with walked 1. Batting stars were suits. Some years back a man jack Schaeferr Denny Freund, wouldn't be considered dressed and Tom Roti with two hits for going out courtin' and the , joe stanek. Jim Justen CRYSTAL LAKE BEATS McHENRY SHAMROCKS 13-3 Elgin VFW Comes To McHenry Next Sunday Afternoon By Mickey Schaefer by Verona Kent OLD TIMERS LOSE 6-5 TO JOHNSBURG REGULARS SUNDAY By Lee HiUer A very good crowd watched the Old Timers, with a few regulars, lose Sunday afternoon. Willy Klapperich. and Sonny Miller proved themselves very able pitchers in teaming up to be the winning hurlers. Bud Miller, Stanley Freund and Jim Freund were among the Old Timers playing. Each one of them showed a lot of style on the field and at bat. Norb Smith and Art Jackson hit pretty solid doubles. Jackson's was one of the better hit balls I've seen hit on the Tiger field. Old Timers (5) Crystal Lake - defeated the McHenry Shamrocks behind the nine hit pitching of Len Acmann. Len struck out 11, like unless he wore a vest; Of course, a vest was almost a necessity^ when we lugged and Roger Benson had our other three hits. Crystal Lake scored six runs ; . ••«>--- . in tmhee 1f1i1r st, and we came back those big jivaTph chains. aclrts^j^ith tvvjb in the third when our fronts. Another thing, the Tom~R0ti struck out. Then extra garment gave a man extra pockets in which to search for such items as lost tickets. Jack Schaefer doubled and rode home on Joe Stanek's base hit. Denny Freund grounded to second, sending Stanek/fl Of course a lot of fellows tQ second Jim Justen broughi ff? have worn those h.ghly colored Stanek jn wjth a sjn ,e vests in recent vears. but we have had no desire to accentuate the midsection. The McHenry Pony League will wind m> the season next Sunday wiwi it he menu special events on Our event of the day was called "Odd & Even Event". TNyb players made up a team. One player posted her score for all the even holes, and her partner posted her score for all the odd holes, and one-half of their combined handicap was used to determine the net winners. The following were winners -- Class A -- Julia Kralowetz and Bette Moss, Net 81. Class B -- Carmen Antonson and Marion Donnelly, Net 80. Class C -- Jean Weyland and Elsie Olson. Net 82. Low Net Pin Winners -- Class A -- Julia Kralowetz, 103, - 26 - 77. Class B - Carmen/ Antonson, 108 - 34 - 74. $lsCss C -- Jean Weyland, 125 - 41 - 84. All participants in the Medal# Tournament will tee off between 8:02 and 8:30 next Tuesday for the final round. Tee times have been posted. The event of the day will be "Re- Crystal Lake scored two in the fourth making it 8-2. We scored a run in the fifth when Tom Roti led off with a single. Jack Schaefer walked. Joe Stanek forced Schaefer at second with his grounder to short. Stanek was thrown out trying i lay Partners". Leaders in the In order to complete the !to steal second Denn-V Freund j Club t Championship Tournaschedule, the teams are play- hit a lonS triPle scoring Rot!- I ^ent after two rounds are ing everv night this week. Justen flew out to end the inn" i J°an B"SS a"d Juha Kr?°™\7- ing. Crystal Lake scored their j -- each with gross of 211. final five in the eighth to make ! Leaders in the Medal Toumathe final: Crystal Lake 13, Mc- ; ment, after 36 holes are -- Henrv 3. " i Class A -- Julia Kralowetz - Rains caused some postponements along the way. A novel plan will give every* boy in the league a chance to play next Sunday. The cham- Tuesday, August 11. the Mc net 159. Joan Buss - net 163. Henry Shamrocks travel to El- j'Floss O'Connell - net 163. niuu'fta ucivci iu iiii- i ~ pions will play the other three i gin to play the Elgin Arrows ; Class Bbarmen An onson - teams -- nine men at a time. ; in a night game. Sunday, the • ™[t 160. Letty Busschei There will be a short pro- | Elgin VFW comes to McHenry 116L Manlyn Reihansperger .gram at 1 o'clock to announce j to play the Shamrocks the winners and present tro- ' McHenry (3) phies. j After the game, the players J. Schaefer, ss will see how they can handle ij. Stanek, 3b a tub full of hot dogs and a J. Steinbach, p iew cases of pop. Moms and dads should join their boys for this event for *$ur£. The standings given to us on -Monday of this week: Giants" 10-6 Cards 8-7 Braves 8-7 Sox 5.11 D. Freund, p. 2b J. Justen, lb H. Baker, rf R. Benson, c C. Pierce, cf R. Weber. 2b, 3b T. Roti, If Thurow, rf A lady active in the PTA j Johnson, cf called up a Mrs. Brown to Longfield, cf congratulate her on the birth of her eleventh child. In response, the new mother began to sniffle. "Why, Mrs. Brown," said the caller, in genuine surprise, "you have always been such a good mother. Why are you so disturbed?" "Oh, I love the baby of course," Mrs. Brown assured her, "but it's just that danged PTA - I'll NEVER get out of .it now!" AB R H 3 1 • 2 i 3 1 1 1 0 o! 4 0 2 | 4 0 i; 4 0 °! 4 0 1 4 0 o1 4 0 0 4 1 2 35 3 9 (13) AB R H 4 2 1 3 2 1 1 0 0 5 3 2 4 2 1 4 1 0 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 0 0 5 0 1 34 13 8 DEER HUNTING Pope and Ogle counties are , over-subscribed for deer hunt- • ing permits, according to the ' Illinois Department of Conservation. Director Glen D. Pal- • mer said that the demand for ^ shotgun permits in these two : counties was almost unbelievable, and that there is indica- , tion that more hunters will seek deer than last year. Other counties. • the director said, .were approaching the half-way • mark last week. "Actually, there are many other good 1 counties for deer hunting," ' Palmer said, "and there still is time for the hunter to eon- | tact landowners in those coun- , ties and make preparations for their place to hunt." Appli- ( cations for the 1959 deer hunti ing permits are being accepted ; now and prospective hunters I need not send in an official • form. All that is necessary is ; a letter showing the name and . address of the hunter, the 1 first and second choice of coun- ! ties and the $5 permit fee. The shot&un season will run three days/Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. 1. Britz, ss Uittum, If Hayes, lb Reinert, c Peacock, 3b Feffer, 2b Acmann, p McHenry 002 010 000-- 3 96 C. Lake 600 200 05x--13 81 Loser: D. Freund 3-3 Winner: Acmann Doubles: Schaefer, Britz, Peacock Triples: Freund, Johnson Stolen Bases: Schaefer Strike outs Acmann: 11, Freund 6, Steinbach 3 Walks: Acmann 1, Freund 6, Steinbahch 3. net 167. Class C -- Jean Weyland - net 168. Elsie Olson - net 171. Ilavern Gregory - net 176. Leaders in the Ringer Tournament, with one more week to go, are -- Class A, Joan Buss - 86, LaVergne Hanley 87. and Delores Overton 87. Class B, Letty Busscher 91 and Rita Sleeper 91 and in Class C, Jean Weyland 102 and Ilavern Gregory 102. All tournaments end August 18th. It has been decided to hold a Consolation Tournament on Sept. 15th for all girls who have not won a trophy this year. The tickets for "HULLABALOO DAY" are on sale in the Pro Shop. The girls are in the process of buying many, many fabulous prizes -- so that practically no one will go home empty-handed. The food on hand that day promises to be equally as breath taking -- so AB N. Smith 2 A. Ja'cksdn 3 W. Frett 5 J. Freund 5 T. Britz 2 B. Miller 1 T. Huemanh 3 S. Freund 3 B. Brennan 4 B. Schmitt 4 Loren Freund 2 T. Schaefer - 1 Totals 35 •Johnsburg (6) AB D. Hiller 5 R. Madden . 1 Lloyd Freund 3 T. Oeffling 4 R. Smith 3 J. Huff 4 J. Smith 3 L. Schmitt 4 W. Klapperich 1 S. Miller 2 SOFTBALL NOTES Tuesday night McCullom Lake held onto a tie for first place by defeating Old Bridge 9:4. Stu Koutney paced McCullom with 2 doubles and a home-run with Ken Crook hitting a single and 2 run triple. Ed Todd hit his 7th homer of the year in the 3rd. Old Bridge scored 3 runs in the 1st, 2 on Bob O'Brien's 5th homer, but could only score once more in the 2nd on Kennebeck's double and Doyle's single. KHG Old Bridge 3100000--4 10 6 McCullom L. 12140-x---J9 13 3 In the second game Hettermann also held onto a tie for for 1st by defeating the new look in baseball. Buss Motors in burmuda shorts, 16-11. 5 6 Totals 30 leave the calory book at honid, girls. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for girls to sign, who wish to have a golf game arranged for them on "HULLABALOO DAY", or I ou prefer you may make j your own threesome or I foursome. j The new "check-signer" for j the girls is Elsie Olson, whom the board has appointed as treasurer, to replace Betty Frett, who resigned because of other duties. Lloyd Freund, Dick Hiller and Pill Haag had 3 hits each. Freund hit a 2 run homer in the 2nd hit 5th of the year and had 4 RBI's. Lee Williams lead Buss with a double, triple and homer with Ray Boro hitting 3 singles. RHE Buss ^Motors 3102410 -11 13 9 Hettefmann 44241 lx--16 20 5 Monday's rain out games were played Wednesday with I Bimbo's also holding onto 1st | by defeating Casey's 17-6. If Chuck Majercik lead Bimbo's 1 ! with 3 hits and Chuck Cuda 1 :hitting a 2 run homer in the 0 ' 1st inning. Bimbo's big 9 run 1st proved to be enough . o win. Bob Stromstead hit two triples for1 Casey's and Bill Mahon getting a single and double. R H E Casey's 1110120-- 6 10 5 - -- 1 Bimbo's 915200x- -17 15 4 6<w 8 1 Hans' Tavern scored 8 runs in the 7th inning to defeat Holiday Inn 21-16. Going into the 7th it was alltied up at 13-13. u^ \ FOR THE BEST RATES and SERVICE IN FINANCING Autos - Boats Appliances see the McHenry State Bank Hans' started out with bade to back homers by Nolan and Hurckus in the 1st with Hurckus getting ».his 2nd of the game in the 4th. Jim Pinkstaff hit a 3 run homer in the 5th for Hans', and Don Lexow had 4 for 5 to lead the team. John Hayes continued to be iiot with his bat by getting 4 for 4 and now has 14 hits in his last 17 at bats. Tom Westerberg homered in the 3rd for Holiday. R H E Hans' Tavern 2314308--21217 Holiday Inn 0274003--16 16 8 Thursday's games were rained out and were to be played Monday night. Tonight's game will match Holiday Inn and Buss Motors and the second game will be Casey's and McCullom Lake. On Tuesday August 18th, it will be the last games of the schedule before the playoffs start. Hettermann will play Hans' Tavern and Bimbo's will take on Old Bridge. STANDINGS >V L Bimbo's 9 3 McCullom Lake 9 3 Hettermann 9 3 Old Bridge 8 4 Hans' Tavern 5 7 Buss Motors 4 8 Holiday Inn .,3 9 Casey's 1 11 I McHenry Theatre • 218 S. GREEN ST. PHONE 144 Starts FRI -- AUG. 14-27 In Color by DeLuxe "SOUTH PACIFIC" Rossano Brazzi Mitzi Gaynor lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ULTRA-MODERN One Mile East of McHenry on Route 120 Show Starts at Dusk CRYSTAL THURSDAY -- AUGUST 13 Double Feature Pr6gram "DESTINATION GOBI" Richard Widmark--Don Taylqj And "THE DESEHT RATS" Richard Burton Robert Newton McHenry Country Club News by Bussa After 36 holes of the A&B combined tourney, Nick Freund and Don Wattles are tied for the lead with 145. Jack Moss and Gene Sayler are tied at 146. Hank Sayner and John Betjeman are tied at 147. Art Jackson has taken the lead in the Club Championship with 148. Art had a 72 last Sunday which was the best round of the day. Vale Adams TIME TRIALS . . 7:15 RACES 8:30 WAUKEGAN SPEEDWAY West Washinqfor St. between Green Bay Rd. & Skokie Hwy MA 3-9540 - Free Pafkinq - Adults SI.25 -- Children 2Sc ADDED EVENTS ROLLOVER RACE DEMOLITION RACE SPECTATOR RACE FRI - SAT -- AUG 14-15 Audie Murphy - Joan Evans^ "NO NAME ON THE BULLET" CinemaScope & Color And "MONEY, WOMEN AND GUNS" Jock Mahoney - Kim Hunter CinemaScope & Eastman Color Late Show* Saturday Nite! Robert Ryan - Anita Ekberg "BACK FROM ETERNITY" ffi 1 lie ft NOW thru SAT Kirk Douglas Anthony Quinn "LAST TRAIN FROM GUN HILL" 5 DAYS STARTING SUN. Bing Crosby Debbie Reynolds Robert Wagner "SAY ONE FOR ME" CinemaScope and Color FREE KIDDIE SHOW SAT - AUG 15 -- 1 P.M. ABBOTT & COSTELLO THURS - FRI - SAT AUG 13-14-15 "THE YOUNG PHILADELPHIANS" Paul Newman - Barbara Rush SUN - MON - TUES AUG 16-17-18 In Color "SAY ONE FOR Bing Crosby - Debbie Reyi ME" eyWjis WED thru SAT AUG 19-20-21-22 All Color Program Walt Disney's "SLEEPING BEAUTY" and "TARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE" Two Weeks! Fri., Aug. 14 thru 2{f Feature shown once each evening during the week at 8:00 P.M. two SH0W5 SAT. S SUM. 6:30 8 9:00 P.M. * the romance... songs...and spectacle of the entertainment world's most wonderful entertainment! Century starring ROSSANO BRAZZI - MITZI GAYNOR JOHN KERR FRANCE NUYEN featuring RAY WALSTON • juanitahall Produced by Directed b* Screenplay by BUDDY AOLER -JOSHUA LOGAN PAULOSBORN In the Wonder of HIGH-FIDELITY STEREOPHONIC SOUND ADMISSION FOR THIS FEATURE Adults $1.25 Children 50* ELM THEATRE TeL JAckson 6-1421 Wauconda, III FREE PARKING - 125 CARS CALL ANY TIME -- Morning, Noon or Night and <W answering service will give you the Theatre Schedule and exact feature hours. . LAST DAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 SUN - MON - TUES AUG 16-17-18 Bing Crosby - Debbie Reynolds "SAY ONE FOR ME" CinemaScope & Color by Deluxe Added -- CARTOON FUN WED thru SAT -- AUG 19-22 Double Feature Program Walt Disney's "SLEEPING BEAUTY" Technirama - Technicolor And Gordon Scott . Anthony Quayle TARZAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE" . A split season has been au- j is in 2nd place with 150 and • thonzed for archers, the first I Tom O'Connell is in 3rd place from Oct. 1 to 15, inclusive, with 152. If past years scores and the second from Dec. 1 to ' 15, inclusive. Bow hunters may hunt in any of the 35 counties, while shotgun hunters are re- ' stricted to one county. mean anything it will take about 294 to win the tournament. The above 3 men are the only ones even near having a chance to stay under 300." FOX LAIC TRY CLUB MIKE COYNE, Manager SEMI-PRIVATE 18 H@Li C@URSE On Rt. 12 & Geneva Rd., Fox Lake, til For Tournaments, Weddings, and Banquets We Have Complete Private Facilities A.G.A. Members & Guests Welcomed NO WAITING ON TEE' PHONE JUSTICE 7-0609 BECKERS KENNi 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drlve-In PHONE McHENRY 2436 TRAINSH© mmd BCMSI0SN© FOR ALL BREEDS Stud Service • 8c Unhealed Kernels • German Shosihair Pups For Sal© Obedience - Hunting - Retrieving LETS GO ROLLER SKATING AT JUST FOR FUN ROLLER RINK ROUTE 31 -- McHENRY, ILL. Open Tues., Wed., Fri„ Sat. & Sun. 8 to 11 PJM. Every Wednesday Is LORM INN Ladies' Nite ENJOY YOURSELF ... GO OOT MORE SEE BETTER BIG SCREEN OUTDOOR SHOWS VSTAVISKM* FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY AUGUST 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 GRAYSLAKE, BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS REFRESHMENTS BING FINE PICTURES CROSBY-REYNOLDS ¥lfAGNER TASTY ENDS THURSDAY -- AUGUST 13 LAST TRAIN FROM GUN HILL AND "HOME BEFORE DARK DnimaScoPE COLOR by DE LUXE HtGH-ROfUTY STWtOfHONIC SOUND FRIDAY & SATURDAY AUGUST 14-15 WEDNESDAY thru WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 thru 26 . owe or the WALT DISNEY'S ADVENTURES I iVOir...POR EVERYONE A Magnificent NEW Motion Picture from Walt Disney Wondrous to See! Glorious to Hear! TmI mikolot Late Show Bonus Feature •"•-JeCHNlCOlCR Saturday Night "MIDNIGHT STORY WALT DISNEYS i SUN - MON TUES -- AUG 16-17-18 NO 1 VICE LORD OF ALL TIME! flSl rf® THE GLORIOUS MUSIC OF TCHAIKOVSKY AND FIVE DELIGHTFUL SONG HITS "One* Upon A Dream" • "I Wonder" • "Skumps" *Hail The Princess Aurora" • "Sleeping Beauty Song Free Kiddyland - RUDL WED & also CRUISE OF THE EAGLE Weekday Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. Sat. & Sun. Shows at 5. 7, and 9 P.M. ADMISSION PRICES: Adults 75c Children 25c THURS -- AUG 19-20 John Wayne "LEGEND OF THE LOST AND Gary Cooper "MAN OF THE WEST' . COMING! Siarit Fri.. Aug. 21 "HERCULES ccococ#®co 6