Thursday, August 13, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Five HGERS TUMBLE EL6H ARROWS M 15-2 GAME Four 'Games Will Be Played This Coming Weekend By Lee Hitler MARIAN CENTRAL HIGH ANNOUNCES FOOTBALL ACTIVITY Marian Central Catholit high school opens its\495£ Very heavy weather and the uneven score of 15-2 were the chief factors in the calling of a game aj the end of seven innings at Elgin's Wing Park l$t Friday night. The, *15 runs scored by Johnsburg was due to some very timely hitting. The Tigers scored a run in the first inning on a lead off double by Dick Hiller, an error by the center fielder and a sacrifice grounder by Lloyd Freund. In the second inning five more runs crossed t he plate. After Sonny Miller grounded out to the pitcher, j£in Huff hit safely to left field, stole second and scored on Oeffling's hit. Melvin Freund followed with a hit to center with Oeffling going to second. Ted Schaeffer's grounder to short forced Oeffling at third. Dick Hiller walked to fill the bases and Madden lined a jdouble to right center fp clearf the bases. He scored oaa.passed ball. Lloyd Freund .'W Wally Frett followed with singles and Sonny Miller fanned to end1, the inning. The /Tigers added three more in the fifth to put the game on ice. They did add another in the sixth and five more in $ie seventh for good measure. * Ted Schaeffer looked real good in allowing seven scattered singles. He fanned, four and walked only two batters. jR good to see Schaeffer and fioren Freund pitching the ball uiey have been in their last smarts. The Tigers will play two |win l>}lls this weekend. On Saturday, August 15th, i.hey will play a make up game with Richmond on their ba^' diamond. In the second game at Johnsburg, they play the al- \rays good Chicago Firemen. Sunday it will be Dundee at Dundee in the first game and Elgin VFW at Elgin in the second game. All four of these games will be well worth watching. Johnsburg (15) AB R D. Hiller, cf R. Madden, ss Freund. „2b % Frett, lb ^ Miller, 3b J. Huff, rf T. Oeffling, If R. Smith, cf B. Schmitt, rf D. Dratz, If Schaeffer, p 35 15 12 Elgin Arrows (2) AB R H latholic football season--first officials activity for the newly-formed j ' county-wide school which opens j j its doors September 2--wjth 1 I the issuance of uniforms and | the first practice on the final days of August, Coach Tom Parsley announced today, j Parsley said letters of in- 1 vitation are being sent poten- ! tial athletes and that all young i men attending Marian are invited to come out for the sport. ! First practice will start at 9 : a.m. on Monday, August 31, | and two-a-day workouts will be held Monday and Tuesday of that week. School will be in • session for a half days on Wednesday and Thursday, he explained, and one-a-day drills will be held in the afternoon the rest of the week. Uniforms will be issued on. Saturday, August 29, starting at 9 a.m., at the St. Mary's gymnasium, Woodstock. The athletic field at St. Mary's will be used for practice sessions at the start, Parsley said. Marian, whose school colors are powder blue and cardinal, has a tough schedule this season. Mps1 of the foes are Northeast Catholic conference teams while Marian is able to use only freshmen and students who attended St. Mary's high school last year. Marian is a member of the Illinois High School Association and is abiding by its ruling that students who transfer from any other high school must sit out one year of eligibility in order to take part in athletics. The IHSA has assured Parsley and the Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer, superintendent, that freshmen will be eligible. Parsley warned the athletes they have a big responsibility as well as a golden opportunity as members of Marian's first football squad. "Your conduct must be above reproach at all times. You must mainfain good grades in school. Your primary purpose in attending school is to obtain an education. Anyone who falls below the standards set up by the school will be ineligible," concluded Parsley, fo r m e r Crystal Lake high school star. K LONGEST VARIETY SHOW The longest variety show in the world may well be the program in the/ air-conditioned audltorittm of the Illinois building at the Illinois State Fair. Running from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day, the program will consist of food preparation demonstrations. vocal solos, howto- do demonstrations and almost anything to make an hour's relaxation or a day's visit interesting and enjoyable. P. By Helen McMahon Although small craft warnings were up last Thursday, the weather man was wrong again and the sailors had only , light breezes to help them around the course. Those that made the most of it were John j Maselter, skipper of YIII who ! came in 1st; Dr. James Mc- ! Mahon, skipper of Y4. came in 2nd and Buzzy Looze, skipper of Y13 came in 3rd. The weather for Saturday's races v\Vas a little better with Ron Schloemer, skipper of Y36 taking 1st place, narrowly beating out Don Lodze, skipper of YIII who cjune in 2nd. Norm Reese, skipper of Y27, took 3rd place. There was a large attendance at the Saturday night dinner dance including an especially large number of teenagers and pre-teens who, along with the oldsters, enjoyed dancing. The chairmen in charge of the splendid dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barbian with a well organized committee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mielenz, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eberhardt, Mr. Mike Mielenz and Mr. Don Wrobleski. Treasurer for the evening was Mr. Edward Fletcher. Sunday morning the sailors were chomping the bit again and eager to get the wind in their sails. The winner of the race was Ray Olson, skipper of Y6; Don Looze, skipper of YIII was 2pd and Norm Reese, skipper of Y27 was 3rd. After it was established that canines could not be taken as crews, the dinghy race was run with Dan Arkema 1st, Steve Blake, 2nd and Henry DeYoung, 3rd. Leg^ls IN THE MATTER OF ) THE PETITION OF KEN-) NETH A. TESMER AND ) TALUTHA M. TESMER, ) FOR A VARIATION ) FROM THE APPLICA- ) TION OF THE PROVI- ) SIONS OF THE ZONING ) ORDINANCE OF MC- ) HENRY COUNTY, ILLI- ) NOIS. ) N O T I C-E Notice is hereby given that KENNETH A. TESMER and TALUTHA M. TESMER have filed their petition with the Zoning Board of Appeals of McHenry County, Illinois for a variation from the application of the provisions of the Zoning Board of Appeals to permit them to, teach dancing in tfiSir home on the following described property: Lot 12 Of the First Addition to Indian Ridge Subdivision, w h i c n p r e m i s e s a r e o n South Street^near the intersection of East Street One Block south of Route 12 and on the county line between Lake and McHenry Counties. Notice is further given that a public hearing will be held on said petition on Sept. 29, 1959 at 3 P.M. at the City Hall in McHenry, Illinois, at which time any interested persons may appear. George F. Jedlicka Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals McHenry County, Illinois (Pub. Aug. 13, 1959) On Aug. 25, 1843, the USS Missouri put into Gibralter, the first steam-driven Navy ship to cross the Atlantic. ^ger, cf Radlof, lb Young, rf Hirt, c Miller, 3b Ziemit, If Higgins. ss Gould, 2b Lawrence, p Ward, p IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 27 2 ' (^Doubles: R. Madden, D Hiller Strikeouts: Schaeffer, 4: Lawrence, 3; Ward, 1. Walks: Schaeffer, 2; Law rence, 7. Johnsburg 150 031 5 Elgin Arrows 010 000 1 SUFFER MINOR INJURIES Robert Hanson, 18, and Bjphard Edward, 21, both of ffle McHenry area, were reported to have suffered minor injuries when their car left Rt. 176. west of Wauconda, on Wednesday of last week, after which the vehicle hit a pole. kCasjs-a-matu. 600 PROOF DEMONSTRATION wi§ Qsiwiise you • Ofeat there's a P0WIRF DlifiRINCS BOWLING SPONSORS * These Are Facts: You can save $5-$10-$15-$20 on your next order for bowling shirts or blouses plus Get a free unlettered shirt or blouse with each team order. These A^e Figures: 5 man team shirts $32.21 5 lady team blouses $29.51 (price includes lettering) Free garment offer expires Aug. 31 To see actual samples Phone McHenry 1867 N O T I C E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GEORGE KLEINHANS and LUCILLE . KLEINHANS have filed their petition with the Zoning Board of Appeals of McHenry County, Illinois for a reclassification to B-l and a variation to permit the construction and use of lumber storage sheds*"on the following described property: Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 9 of Edgewater Subdivision, being a subdivision in the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Said premises are located og Route 120, 600 feet East of the Fox River-on the premises adj o i n i n g K l e i n h a n s L u m b e r Company. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a public hearing will bo held on said petition on September f! 1959 at 3 P.M. at the City Hall in McHenry. Illinois. at which time any interested persons may appear. George F. Jedlicka Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals McHenry County, Illinois (Pub. Aug. 13. 1959) Fewer Accidents In '59 Than Years Ago Man is safer from accidents today than he was thirty-five years ago. >. It's more impressive, thdugh, when the rapid population growth since 1930 is considered. the council pointed out. WE RENT Almost Everything from . . . Floor Sanders to Cycle Bar Mowers Call 2916 fto MUfcun'j jrr*r. Mmst MIVTH/U*- 542 W. Main McHenry let us help you find tfiafr home of your dreams. Simply tell us what you want and we can save you time, •rouble, a lot of shoe leather and possibly some money. Call us. THE KENT CORP. PHONE 2800 115 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Eli mm-kali Jaiftf ^ MICHIGAN peaChesI Irresistible in summer saland desserts. Terrific, too, for freezing and canning. Now is a peach of a time to buy 'em* Can plenty with BALL Jars and BALI Dome Lids. Ask ws alkaajt ewr SPECIAL Trad© Afewee. Void"! 6s© mwiiied th NOW is fiie Sea® te Bmcv/8 Handy plastic Rca wifi !13§i CALL IS 0DAY Geo. P. Freund e] 501 Crystal Lake Rd. Phone 420 Helena Rubinstein's ANNUAL BEAUTY IILE Buy one ...get one free! Limited time only! „ l I I I W|l > <• . -'r * Ipiillll DEW-KISSED UPS! With: Dew-Kissed Lipstick. Guaranteed not to dry lips! Free! Silver-plated Convert* ible case worth 1.10! 2.10 Value Now 1.00 NEW MOISTURE MAKE-UP! With: New Silk-Tone Moisture Make-up. Creamy base. Free! New Silk-Tone Face Powder. Delicate, silken. 2.02 Value Now 1.50 COLOR AND LUSTRE FOR HAIR! With: Color-Tone Shampoo. Washes hair with color. Free! Headliner hair groom to polish, keep hair in place. 1.88 Value Now 1.29 MASCARA-MATIC MAGIC! With: Mascara-Matic. Curls, colors lashes without a brush. Free! Mascara Remover 3- Purpose Oil. Worth 1.001 3.00 Value Now 240 DRY SKINT With: Coop pQOfiaar E/ith Penetre!? Oean£G30 smooths. Free! "Pasteurized" Face Cream Special. Rich cream. £32 Value Now 1.50 NORMAL Oil OILY SKIN? With: Deep Cleanser with PenetreL Cleanses, protects. Free! "Herta!" Skin Lotion. Refreshes, "tightens" pores. ZOO Value Now 130 THE HEAVENLY COMPLEXION! With: Heavenly Glow Compact Make-up Gold-trimmed case. Free! Deep Cleanser with Penetrel. Cleanses, protects. 2.19 Value Now L90 FACIAL HART Nudii Fees Cream De> psistory c?lth Sups7-Finish. Freall Heaven-SenS Talc For all-over loveliness. 2.00 Value Now 1 JO ALLrOAY BODY FRESHNESS! With: Ps7toimio Spray Deodorant. Fragrafst Qjsti-psrspirsnt Free! Heavera-Socst Eqm 4e Toilette. Romantic; young. 24)0 Value Now 1.25 a •TO prletpfcistw BOLGER'S 103 S. Green Si. McHenry, 111., ONLY THE FINEST -At V°u, FRIENDLY CERTIFIED FOOD STORE OUR ARMOUR STAR MEATS AND POULTRY ARE HAND PICKED, JUST FOR US AT McHENRY CERTIFIED FOOD STORE, ASSURING YOU -- OUR CUSTOMER OF THE FINEST QUALITY MEATS AND POULTRY. We are contacted several times weekly of exceptional buys on quality items, thus enabling us to bring you our LOW BUDGET PRICES. "COMPARE AND SAVE" This Label Is Your Assurance Of Continual HIGH QUALITY MEATS ARMOUR STAR TENDER -- DELICIOUS RIB STE SHORT CUT 5 75 ITT m C lb. c s MUCK s 59i ARMOUR STAR _ or RATH BLACKHAWK Sliced mmu' Reg. 69c gQe Lb. 5J5I Lb. ARMOUR STAR FRYING CHICKENS 21/4 Lb. Avg. 75 Each TENDER JUICY BEEF MINUTE STEAKS for oo if* at Oscar Mayer FRESH SLICED LUNCH 70i MEAT ' NOT PRE-PACKAGED BUN SIZE -- All Meat " WIENERS 3 s l ° ° ARMOUR'S QUALITY Genuine Spring Lamb LOIN 9g< CH®PS S FREE FREES . 1 U>. SLICED BACON J ® ENDS & PIECES 5 J WITH PURCHASE OF ^ • 4S,#100 £. • J "NO COUPONS" NECESSARY J ••OOOQOOOOQQOGO# Young - Tender - Fancy CALF UKR °879ib5-. rF aA iRi pMi iF nR lF Sj iHi iP RiiuOiD/uUvCiLE California Seedless GREEN GRAPES 15° ». Extra Fancy SWEET CORN 6<« 19s CALIFORNIA RED Potatoes *10 Lbs. 39" THOMAS J. WEBB COFFEE '£• I" 1 Lb. m Tin IS. COUNTRY DELIGHT NATURAL SWISS CHEESE 6 Oz. Pkg. 29° PURE DOMINO CANE SUGAR 5 £ 49° RED LABEL -- 303 TIN Apple Sauce a {or 1 Raggedy Ann Raggedy Ann GRAMT JUICE TOMATO JUICE 46 Oz. Tin 46 Oz. Tin « „ *a®° 4 *a®° USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA YOUR MIW S( CERTIFIED FOOD STORE OWNED AND OPERATED BY LOCAL FOLKS Cor. Green st Elm Sis. Phone 80 MeH«nry. HJ. L