Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1959, p. 7

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Angmf 20, 1959 tHE MeHEIWY PLAINDBAtra P*g«8**wr CLASSIFIED For Rent fj^R RENT or Sale. Large Ranch home, 3% bedrooms; carpeted; full basement completely finished; fully air conditioned. On Fox River near McHenry. Phone McHenry 12218. 14-4 Wanted To Rent APARTMENT House or small .|ym needed badly. Will take - care of premises. Reliable family - 4 children. McHenry"2099. 52-tf ; 2 ADULTS want to rent 2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished house. Call Days 2923 or Evenings 1238-W. 16 Help Wanted • .Waitress. Steady. Red Star Inn\Richmond 8231. 16 NEED 20 GIRLS For Factory Work Pleasant Profit Sharing _ Light Work • Permanent SEEGERS Manufacturing Co. 515 W. Main Street Barrington, Illinois Help Wanted WOMAN to care for 2 little girls while Mother works. 3*/£ days a week. Phone McHenry 2287 alter 6 p.m. 14-2 MMEDIATE Opening for women. Light production and assembly work. See or Call Mr. F. G. Peterson - Phone Mercury 9-2361 Coil Craft, Cary, ill. lltf UNEXPECTED CHANGE makes available good Rawleiph business in Fox River Gro\«>, Cary, Algonquin. List of customers and stock of Products to transfer. Exceptionally good opportunity. See Rpbert Englehardt, P.O. Box 414, Fox River Grove, 111.; or write Rawleigh's, Dept. ILH- 52-201, Freeport, Illinois. 13-4 WANTED Energetic yoUng married man to take over established sales route in McHenry and vicinity. Must have chauffers license. Salary plus commission. Write Box 525 c-o McHenry Plaindealer giving age, qualifications and references. 14tf Real Estate Real Estate NEW 5 room home, Maryville Heights. 3 bedrooms, plastered walls, birch cabinets, Aluminum storms - screens, full basement, attached garage. McHenry 1259-W. 15-3 FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, HI. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf 3 BEDROOM ranch/full basement, facing McHenry Country club golf course. Corner lot. One mile south of town. Phone 1376. 6-tf THREE BEDROOM home, living room, dining-kitchen combination, utility room, washer and dryer. Forced air oil heat, garage and extra lot. McHenry 3465. 7-tf BEAUTIFUL 3 acre Estates, 1 mile from Woodstock. 9 rooms, 2xh baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage. 80 foot barn. Bunkhouse, Bearing orchard. % mile to nevtf Catholic H. S. A steal at $36,500. More acres available. For Brochure write Roger Hill, Woodstock, Illinois or phone Woodstock 2675., 8tf CHOICE LOT on 5th fairway of McHenry Country Club. 100' Dy 130'. Call McHenry 898-W. i2tf TWO HEAVILY wooded lots across street from private beach. $800 each, both for $1,500. In Wonder Lake. Call McHenry 2414-R. 10tf BY OWNER -- Cape Cod style home. Brick. Expandable second floor, 1% car garage. vJity sewer, gas heat, fully landscaped. 812 Grove street, Cooney Heights. lltf x Real Estate INCOME PROPERTY for sale. 3 & 5 rm. apartments, garage, oil furnace. 1 blk sub. beach, school bus and mail. 4 blks. city limits. Write Wilhelmina Nelson, Box 162-A tf'ox St., McHenry. 16-tf Real Estate 2 BEDROOM RANCH. Utility room suitable for extra bedroom. Large living room and kitchen. Natural gas heat. Water rights. Beautiful landscaping. $11,000. McHenry 2554. 16 EMPLOYEE of the McHenry Plaindealer needs - 3 Bedroom Home or large 2 bedroom home in McHenry area. Phone 170. Ask for Stan. 16 BABY Sitter from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. 5 days a week in my home. Phone McHenry 582-R-2. 16 16 FULL OR PART TIME ROUTE MEN WANTED For Delivery # Of Newspapers , Your Car or Ours Morning Routes, Afternoon or both Steady work, good earnings, extra Tbonus. Married Men Preferred TOWN & COUNTRY NEWS AGENCY Rt. 3, McHenry £ hone JAckson 6-6831 16 3 RECEPTION Clerks. Must know how to type. Switchboard experience preferred but not necessary. Must be neat appearing and have had some experience with working with the public. Group Hospitalization plan. Plus other Fringe /benefits. Excellent starting salary. McHenry Medical Group. Ask for Mr. Oldenbrook. 16 Help Wanted All Types Of OFFICE SKILLS • In Your Local Area "^SrA.V.E. Services, Inc. £ 804 Tower Building y Elgin, in. Phone SHerwood 2-6262 .Evenings Call McHenry 2502-J 15 16 CLERK TYPIST For inventoify control de- I^rtment. Pernianent position. Excellent employee benefits. Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday BARCO Manufacturing Co. ^ 500 No.nHough St. Barrington, 111. Phone Dunkirk 1-1700 16 I.B.M. Operator McHenry Location ^ Second Shift 403, 407 Experienced Permanent Position Excellent Benefits Will also consider app^cant .•for part time evenings. ^SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, Inc. Phone McHenry 1848 jjg 16 uction Expediter (Male) Young man with some shop experience for clerical and expiditing duties. Permanent position. Excellent employee benefits. Hours: 7:30 am. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. BARCO Manufacturing Co. * 500 No. Hough St Barrington, HI. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 lfi MALE HELP wanted, route driving; permanent year 'round work; five-day week; wages plus commission; company insurance; paid vacation. Call Jackson 6-2081. 16 LOT FOR SALE -- One block east of McHenry Recreation. 2 fruit trees, large oak. Gas heat permit. McHenry 3465. 7-tf FOR SALE -- Ph. 169. 2 bedroom Summer Cottage - $3,850. 4 bedroom Riverfront Cottage $10,850. 3 bedroom Hiway Ranch - $16,850. 12tf RANCH TYPE brick home, 2 yrs. old; 1% car garage; 5 large rooms; gas heat; on south end McHenry golf course. Tel. McHenry 2636-R or SP 4-5036. 14-4 LABOR A T O R Y Technician. Group Hospitalization plan plus other Fringe benefits. Excellent starting Salary. McHenry Medical Group. Ask for Mr. Oldenbrook. 16 EXPERIENCED man for caterpiller front end loader and backhoe. Call for appointment. McHenry 2055 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If no answer, call 2693 or 2694. 16-1 GIRL for general office work, typing, etc. Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful but not essential. Will train. Call for appointment. McHenry 2055. 16-1 PRESSERS WANTED -- male or female for work in leading cleaning plant of area. Silks and - or wools. Top wages, best working conditions, fringe benefits for experienced pressers. Will consider training if you have aptitude for the work. These jobs are open only because of expanding business. Our pressers have all been with us for years. Apply in person only to Dick Peterson, Plant^lanager, Rainbow Cleaners, N:Front St., McHenry. WANTED middle aged couple for general farm work. Living quarters available. Write c-o McHenry Plaindealer Box 531. 16 WANTED man or high school age boys for delivery of morning and afternoon newspaper in Lakeland Park. Phone Jackson 6-6831 Town and Country News Agency Rt. 3 McHenry. •16 OPENINGS FOR 2 MEN for a steady year 'round job. At good wages. Some mechanical experience preferred but not essential. Apply in person at Marticke & Nixon, Inc., 311 East Elm Street. 16 ion Wanted WIIL DO Ironing in my home. Free pickup and delivery. McHenry 1560-R. *16-2 it Home FOR SALE by owner -- 3 bedroom modern ranch style frame home. Full basement, attached garage channel in back yard. Many extras. For appointment call McHenry 1471- W. 4-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Ph. McHenry 37 9-tf NEW BRICK RANCH HOMES' Located On Choice Large Corner Lots in Edgebrook Heights Sub. 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace and wood paneling, dining room, large kitchen with- built-in oven, range and snack bar. 1% tiled baths, shower in basement, silent switches, full basement, 2 car garage, gas heat. FRED PEPPING Builder Phone McHenry 409 7-tf Homes For, Sale We have exclusive listings. McHenry Shores, Country Club Subdv., Lakeland Park, Sunnyside, Pistakee Lake, Wonder Lake. $6,500 to $53,000. Let us knor* your needs ACTIVE REALTY Phone McHenry 742 50-tf LOOKING FOR A HOME /ilton Homes will build any ttnd, anywhere. All types of financing. No money down, 5% down or conventional. Model at 817 South st.eet, Cooney Heights. Open Sundays. For information or to see model on weekdays call LEE COONEY Telephone McHenry 119-R 45-tl THERE'S O P P O R T U N I T Y AT THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. Turret Lathe Operators Precision Grinder Arc Welders Mechanics Radial Drill Operators Multiple Spindle Drill Press Operators We have several good trainee openings for men 27 to 35 years old who qualify. Many company benefits including free family group insurance, profit sharing, etc. THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. 7th and Sunnyside Libertyville, 111. 16 3 BEDROOM HOME on Fox River. Enclosed breezeway, 2Vij car garage. Extra lot. $21,500. 69 Bayview Dr., Sunnyside Village. Open house Sunday, Aug. 23. 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. 16 5 acres, 7 room modern house. 2 apartments. One apartment new. 3 car garage. Barn. $19,500. Good terms. 14 acres, 7 room modern house. Nice setting. Garage. Horse bam. Machine shed. Buildings in good condition. $27,500. Crystal Lake -- 8 room h o u s e . Newly d e c o r a t e d through out. Large rooms. Kitchen, dining, and living room. 4 good bedrooms. 1 % bath. Full basement. Gas heat. Garage. Easy walking distance to depot and stores. Quick possession. $15,000. F. E. HOWE 85 Gates Street Crystal Lake 495 or 965-R 16 FOR SALE -- 3 bedjroom, 5 year old ranch type house. Located on landscaped hill lot. 3 blocks out of city limits,- 4xfcflecks from shopping and school. Full basement, own well, metal awnings, gas heat and utilities. 507 North Riverside Drive. Phone McHenry 272 or Richmond 5142. 14-tf Real Estate FOR SALE Water lot in McHenry with city water, gas, and sewerage. $5,000. Completely furnished home, 2 bedrooms, breakfast room, porch. 2 car garage. With patio. On 2 lots. Landscaped 14 foot boat and 5 h.p. John- >n motor included. _ River rights. $12,500. 3 bedroom home with large living room, 2*£ car garage. Cement patio. 1 block to river rights. $13,500. Home ideal for small or ret i r e d f a m i l y . 2 b e d r o o m s , k i t chen, living room, porch. Small creek in back of house. Furnished. $9,500. 3 bedroom brick home with full basement. Natural gas forced heat. Landscaped. Good location. $16,500. CALL ATLAS BUILDERS j and REAL ESTATE McHenry 430 16 FOR SALE Huemann's Subdivision (On The River) 6T12 ft. on the Fox River by 215 ft. deep. 3 bedroom all brick ranch-type home. 1% baths, plastered walls, natural hardwood floors, automatic gas heat, l1^ car heated garage with guest room, new pier and steel seawall, screened front porch overlooking the river, redwood storms and screens. This home is only. 10 years Old and has many trees and beautiful landscaping . . . without question one of the best buys to grace our files. Only $26,500. Edgebrook Heights 2 bedroom ranch home, prestige location. 90x130 ft. lot, all fenced back yard and beautifully landscaped. lty baths, plaster walls, city water and sewer, 2 car heated garage, glazed patio, double closets in bedrooms, comb, storms and screens, natural fireplace, full basement, rec-room and bar all knotty pine with powder room, birch kitchen cabinets. This home is only 4 years old and is close to town, with a really-worth price of only $29,000. Lakeland Park 3 bedroom ranch-type home, on a 70x140 ft. lot. Full base- ,jnent, oak floors and some tiled areas. Combination storms and screens, low taxes and a very low price. Only $10,600. Holiday Hills NEW 3 bedroom bi-level home. Fast becoming the new trend in modern living. Birch kitchen cabinets, storms and s c r e e n s , b u i l t - i n oven and range, 76x128 ft. lot. Many other extras and an extra low price. Only $18,200. McHenry (in town) One of the few well-built older McHenry homes. 2 story, 4 bedrooms, automatic gas heat, full basement. Lots of charm at a very low price. Only $15,000 Vacant Waterfront Lots Stop in and check our listings of many choice waterfront lots available, all price ranges. "The Realty of Sensibly-Priced Listings" 206 S. Green St. Phone 1126 Open 7 Days A Week Adequate Financing Available 16 FOX RIVER HOME on 60 x 210 lot. 2 bedrooms. Newly oak panelled living room. Kitchen cabinets; new G.E. refrigerator and range. Automatic water softener. 21 gal. pump. Aluminum storm sash -- awnings. Air (Conditioned. New 2 car heated garage; automatic overhead doors. Many extras. £hone 1209-J for appointment. 16-tf HOUSE FOR SALE BY 0\VNER Newly remodeled and smartly decorated. 4 large rooms and bath. Fully insulated, attached IV2 car garage. Birch doors and cabinets, hardwood floors. New blacktop drive. All landscaped, on two lots. $10,800 firm. McHENRY 3174-J 16 FOR SALE New, 3 bedroom ranch home located end of North Riverside Dr. 1 Mj baths, recreation room 13x38 ft., basement, attached garage, birch cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors, natural gas heat, alum, storms & screens. Lot -- 70 ft. on river 110 ft. facing road, sea wall Open For Inspection Call GEneral 8-1365 Cliff Benjamin Constr. Co. Lake Zurich, 111. 16-4 2 Bedroom Fully Insulated FRAME HOME On xk Acre Wooded Lot 2 Car Garage Beach Rights Beach Rights 100+ Wiring 2V2 Miles South of 120 ON East River Road AT Entrance To Hickory Grange Subdivision $9,500 2608-R PISTAKEE TERRACE CHOICE LOT All Improvements In And Paid For By Owner Phone McHenry 1318 Real Estate $3,000 HOUSE McCullom Lake 6 room, 3 bedroom. Wonder Lake 6872. 16 16 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom older home, gas heat, convenient location. Attractively priced at $11,200. Phone Woodstock 2283-J 16 Owner Will Sacrifice Home Ajf 300 Timothy 1 Lane Edgebrook Heights Open Sunday 2$0 to 5:00 Handsome, /new 3-bedroom ranch home,/plus family room; 1% baths, natural gas heat; 2-car garage; Jbeautifully decor ated. Tel. 2196-W 16 Near McHenry For Sale or Rent 3 bedroom home. Tile kitchen and bath. Inlaid oak floors. Large living room, 12x 28. Garage. Comer lot 70x150 Gas heat. Possession Oct. 1. Price $13,200. ALSO Miller's Subdivision Sell or Rent 3 bedroom home. Full basement. Large wooded lot. Water rights. Price $13,500. Possession Sept. 1. For Appointment Call At Our Office In Johnsburg JACOB FRITZ Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 37 16-tf 4 ROOM HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, deep well, new pump, automatic water softener. Large lot. Nice section of Hunterville Park. Reasonable price for quick sale. Call owner after 6:00 p.m. 2281. 16 4 APARTMENT Deluxe ranch type, 2 ¥2 years o l d . 2 - 2 b e d r m . , a n d 2 - 1 bedrm. apts. Large living rooms and dinette-kitchens with cabinet sinks, ranges and refrigerators, tile baths, automatic natural gas heat paid by tenants. Close to R. R. sta., stores and new hospital. Rents $4,248 year. Price $39,500.00. Terms. THE KENT CORP. PHONE 2800 115 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. 16 Wanted rOP PRICE PAID Tor iron, metals aqd junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WOULD LIKE ride from Me- Henry to Woodstock. Leave McHenry around 12 midnite. Phone JA 6-7140. 45-tl RIDE To Chicago or loop. Leave by 7 a.m. quit at 4:30 p.m. Phone McHenry 2880. 16 WE HAVE good home for elderly lady or man. Good food and loving care. Phone McHenry 2880. *16 Lost and Found LOST -- Talking Male Parakeet. Bluish green, July 19. Vicinity of Rt. 12, Fox Lake Vista. $30 Reward. Call Justice 7-5266. evenings. 16 LOST -- Brown w a l l e t in Lakemoor or Johnsburg Bowling Alley area. Early Saturday morning. Call McHenry 2657-J. 16 LOST -- Brown wallet; $10 reward. Karl H. Landes. Contact Bob at McHenry 1072. 16 16 BARGAIN 3 bedroom, 3 year old home. Full basement. 2 car garage. Gas heat. Fine lawn. Illness makes selling necessary. Onlv $12,500. Will consider terms. Water rights. We have another 3 bedroom home which can be yours for. $750 down and $86 per month. Only 5 years old. Jalousie windowed sun room. Close to shopping. River and pier rights. In the Country Club we have a 2 bedroom completely furnished home located on the river for only $13,750. Fine trees and lawn. Owner moving out west. For small homes or large ones on the water or away, it will pay you to CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 16 WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN PISTAKEE BAY ' A year 'round Cape Cod on a completely landscaped lot 187 x 660. This property is fully improved with underground sprinkling system, cement sea wall and double pier. 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths. ALSO, a 4-bedroom Colonial on an 83 x 660 lfot. Cement sea wall. Both homes to be sold furnished. Other water front properties from $17,500. McHENRY and THE VICINITY From among many fine listings, I know I can satisfy your family requirements. 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes from $7,500. A. H. GALLAGHER AND ASSOCIATES JINNY GALLAGHER McHENRY 1629 16 FOR SALE INCOME PROPERTY Reasonable Owner Must Go South For Health 6 Room House 2 Car Garage 2V6 Room Lake Cottage Lake Rights Remodeled, Insulated and Redecorated Last Fall Lot 40 by 500 $6,000 Terms or $1,000 Less For Cash CONTACT OWNER CL 5-5160 A.M. ONLY 16 BOWLERS Wanted for Monday night 9:00 league. Meeting will be held at Johnsburg bowling alley at 8:30 Monday, Aug. 24th or contact Bowling Alley or Adeline 2726. 16 AUGUST MOON dance. American Legion, August 21 at 7:30. A great get together before school starts. Dance contest and prizes. 16 WONDER LAKE LAKE FRONT Nicely furnished, plcturesaue 5 rm. log type cottage on Ige. beaut, lake front lot. Living rm., kitchen, 2 bdrms., bath & 30' encl. pch. Gas ht. 2 boats incl. An exceptional buy. Only $12,950. Lib. terms. Exceptionally well designed 5 rm. perm, ranch type home with lge. screened-in patio. Full bsmt., lndscpd. lot. Close to pvt. beach & pier. Only $1,000 dwn. Sale price $13,500. 4 rm. insulated home or lndscpd. corner lot. Gas heat, immed. occupancy. Close tc pvt. beach and pier. Lib. terms. Only $5,400. We have a few homes still available for Winter rental. SEND FOR OUR FREE BROCHURE T. P. MATHEWS Wonder Lake, 111. W.L. 3061 16 Notice HAVING PURCHASED Vienna Drive-In on Rt. 176, Will not be responsible for debts other than our own as of Aug. 20. Norman and Georgia Williams. 16 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than my own as of this date, August 20, 1959. Anthony (Tony) Fino. *16 at K ATTENTION WOMEN BOWLERS FOR THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT L A D I E S LEAGUE AT THE PALACE Call 402-R 16 SUMMER AND YEAR 'ROUND HOMES MOTEL APT. AND SLEEPING ROOMS " Also LARGE PICNIC GROVE, BEACH, and DANCE HALL Canteen Open JJtfCLUDING HOT MEALS AMUSEMENTS PONY RIDES FISHING and BOATING FR1TZSCHE ESTATES SOUTH SIDE OF LILY LAKE -- NEAR McHENRY McHenry 1079 16 #

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