Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1959, p. 9

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* Thursday, August 27/1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Wonder Lake V "SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK" IN WONDER LAKE by Jane Ducey -- 2731 -The "Swim At Your Own Iwsk" signs which were posted at all Wonder Lake beaches Monday afternoon will probably remain there for another week. The notices of pollution in the Lake were erected after a report came from the Springfield office of the Illinois Health Department at 2 p.m. Monday that there should be no swimming in the Lake un- U1 further notice. ^Thomas Philbin of the State Health Department, with offices in Aurora, met wi Woodstock City Manager Pet Pa key Monday afternoon (Snd inspected the Woodstock age treatment plant, after see ing -the results of the testing of water samples taken from Wonder Lake beaches. Pakey said the pollution of tiae Lake was probably due to "e combined results of the breakdown of the lifting station, the Tappen street sewer and the tmatment plant. The sewage treatment plant was out of order July 31, during which time sewage which was not completely processed was turned into Nippersink< creek. The lifting station and the treatment plant are now back «operation. Work on the Tapn street sewer was scheduled to start Tuesday and is expected to be completed by Saturday, Aug. 29. Philbin will check on the pperation of the treatment plant and the sewer in Woodstock at the end of the week. Water samples from our beaches will again be taken when this repair „is complete, Apd if the bacterial count has nillen to the level considered safe by the health department, the restriction will be lifted; Several days are required from | the time the samples are taken until the reports are received. It should be pointed out that t it is not so much the number of bacteria as it is the kind of organism which the. Health Deartment considers alarming, vidence of the presence of a single typhoid micro-organism, for example,, results in the closing of a beach. Other bacteria which are commonly found in sewage, on the other hand, become alarming only when found in high concentration. Our Lake contamination is of the garden variety type of bacterium, some of which are likely with us at all times. Investigation of the possible contamination from farm animals along the creek is "under consideration, in as much as the 10 mile passage of the creek from Woodstock should do much to purify the water under normal conditions. Nativity to Break Ground For New Church August 30 Ground will be broken for the new $115,000 Nativity Lutheran church on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 30, at 3 p.m. The service will take place on the new church site in Parker's Highlands, located south of the present church on the county j blacktop. Dr. A. Howard Weeg, president of the Illinois Synod of e United "Lutheran church, and Dr. Royal Lesher, secretary for Missions for the 'Illinois Synod, will help Rev. Burton Schroeder, pastor of Nativity, officiate at the service. The community is invited, to attend this long awaited event in the life of Nativity, as well as the reception to be held at the church after the ground breaking. This event will climax six years of dedication and hart^ work on the part of church and community. The new church, which represents the love of many people for their Lord, and for their neigh- I bor, will provide the much needed facilities to bring the Gospel to every adult and child in the area, according to Pastor Schroeder. "There must be continued support of the program, however, so that the loans can be paid off as soon as possible", he continued. "We wish to thank everyone who helped to make this day possible, and all are invited to come and give thanks, and to celebrate", he said. The annual church picnic will be postponed from Aug. 30 to Sept. 6, due to the ground breaking service. The picnic will be held at Harrison school and will begin at noon with family dinner, followed by games and contests for children and adults, a musical program, and the evening meal provided by the men of the church, who sponsor this annual event. An invitation is extended to all. Garden Club News The Wonder Lake Garden club won its second ribbon this year for the buffet table they entered in the flower show sponsored by the Crystal Lake [Garden clubs on Aug. 12 and 113. The buffet was captioned j "We're Going to a Htikai Lau", j and was awarded a white ribbon. or honorable mention. I The flower arrangement consisted of anthuriums and tie j leaves imported from Hawaii, set in a swamp root, and placed j on a nut brown table cloth covered with coarse brown net. , Beige napkins and wooden : bowls and tumblers all helped to make it a Lau. The committee consisting of Mrs. C. Burton, Mrs. Betty Fiala, and Mrs. W. Kleebert wishes to thank all who were so kind in lending articles brought from Hawaii. The credit goes to Mrs. Leo HarjtogNMrs. L. Rutledge, Mrs. C. ! Carlson, and Mrs. Charles ' Kopp. - The Garden Club had a family pot-luck picnic at the-home Of Mrs. Roma Switzer^pf Pistakee Lake Aug. 13. \Fhe many tasty covered dishes were arj ranged around a baked ham. j Preceding the meeting the j guests enjoyed a breath-taking ride around the Lake. Following a short business meeting, Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Eaohren presented an hour and a half travelog lecture on Greece. Mrs. McEachren spent five months living in the country and acquainting herself with the biblical places, historical ruins, and life and culture of the Greeks. of Archie and Sandra Miller Hall. Godparents are James Bitterman and Valeria Buss Bitterman. Sunday, Aug. 16, Rev. Wilj liam Peterson baptized Ken- | neth Randolph Whitmann, son j of August and Geraldine Arch- I ambault Whitman. Godparents ! are John and Sarah Russell. parish are urged to give their assistance to this activity. I Meeting will begin at 8:30. Re- I freshments will be served. Near -Drowning1 A close brush with drowning was the experience of Vince Klimczak Sunday afternoon while swimming at the Indian Ridge beach. Klimczak, who is 45 years old has been swimi ming all his life. He had swum out toward the middle of the | Lake and was returning to the j shore when he felt a cold wave | and a leg cramp. He tried to i call out but couldn't talk. His i buddy next noticed Klimczak j with his face in the water and j towed him in. The rescue j squad administered first aid on | the beach and brought him home. The; family has been liv- | ing in fndian Ridge a • little j over a year. I Budget Hearing | The annual budget hearing ' of the Board of Education of District No. 36 will be held at Harrison school Sept. 1, from ; 7 to 8 p.m., preceding the^regular meeting of thex 'school , board, according to Dr. Watkins. chairman. The public is invited to review the budget at this time. Christenings Rev. James Vanderpool baptized three baby iris Sunday, Aug. 9. at Christ the King church. Dawn M a u r e e n D o u t l i c k . daughter of Edward and Marjorie Meiling Doutlick. Her godparents are Gerald and Ethel O'Connell Meiling. Constance Joyce Gerckin, daughter of Clarence and Gail Miller Gerckia. Godparents are David Miller and Roberta Miller Sandra Jean Hall, daughter Call for Library Books Mrs. Gustavson, Harrison librarian. asks that all library books which were signed out this summer be returned to the libra rv Christ the King Church I News I The Altar and Rosary Society will meet Thursday, Sept. 3, at the parish hall to make I final plans for the spaghetti j supper and the baked ham din- ! ner they will serve at the fes- ' tival. All the women of the DON'T SEND YOUR KIDS TO THE CIRCUS! McHENRY TUES.. SEPT. 1 BRING THEM! BACK TO OOL JllllUllllllllllllllfl Illllllllllllllllllltlllllllllltllll P E C I A LJii iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir FFIi'S Fanr idge F is ntain PEN at $2.95 n ow 75' With Box of Ffo?® Giarfridf iwimri AT BOLG Campers Holiday Another testimonial for the camping vacation has been given by the Marvin Wenpk family who tried it for the monih of July. Putting over 5.000 miles on their car they made a grand circle of the midwest, visiting Ulm, Ark, San Antonio, Texas, where Mr. Wenck has previously taught school. Points of interest in Texas were the Chinese Sunken Gardens, Brackenridge Park, and the Alamo, in San Antonio. 'They camped on the beach at Galveston one night and visited the Hall of Horns, a museum of animal heads and horns. Using the state parks for camp sites -- the best were in Missouri -- they came'up to Iowa to visit relatives, proceeded to Minnesota to visit more relatives. : crossed over into Wisconsin to see "her" relatives and . back to Wonder I.ake. News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiddell and family attended the annual family reunion at the home of Bob's aunt. Mrs. Erma Durkec „ in Grovertown, *nd. last Sunday. About fifty relatives were present at the gettogether which has been taking place annually for fifteen years. Mrs. M. C. Woodward was hostess to the Wonder Lake Bridge club Thursday night. High scores were held by Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Ira Fuller, with the consolation going to Mrs. Francis Higgins. Others playing were Mrs. Wallace Sinclair, Mrs. Leroy McCall, Mrs. George Weisenberger, Mrs. Andrew Thompson, and Mrs. George Rink. Refreshments i consisted of graham cracker | ice box dessert with whipped | j cream and coffee. ] I Sammy Lamont celebrated ' his tenth birthday Thursday i with a party for his classmates ; at Harrison. Guests were Phili lip Schimke, Chuck Marke. | Dick Ahrens, Dave Sellek, Alj len Jones, Chester Hood, Toby I Zandier, Casey Kaczmarek, '.Jimmy Fisher and Chris Ras- ! mussen. The boys enjoyed the ' traditional cakeT" ice cream, ! coke and candy, games, favors . and prizes. Joyce Setzler is spending twelve days at Girl Scout Camp Rotary MacQueen at i Kirkland from Aug.s 18 - 29. ! She is a member of Mrs. Charges Paetow's troop. i Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Redman, I accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. i Burnell Oesterle and son. Rob- ; hie, former principal of the Marengo junior high school, spent the preceding, week in |the Traverse Bay area and esj caped part of our heat wave. I They crossed over Mackinac ' bridge* and down the upper peninsula to home. j Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chrisman 1 and daughters, Terry, age 5, ! and Lori. age 3. are temporary 'residents of Deep Spring ! Woods while they are building their home in McHenry Shores. They started the do-it-your- | self project the last part of July and hope to be in by j Christmas. j Surprise guests of the Howard Hills of White Oaks Baylast Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zack and sons of 1 Arcadia, Calif. Others were- Mr. and Mrs. William Schanlaeder of Glenn Ellyn, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Patzke and Mis6 | Dorothy Honey, all of Park i Ridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Con- I delles of Chicago. The women I had all been girlhood mends j and Enjoyed their reunion very J much. i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schieber and children from Pittsburg were guests of Pastor and Mrs. Burton Schroeder the past week. .The two women are sisters and the Schiebers have been looking forward to this first visit to the Lake, which they enjoyed very much. Happy birthday to Van Sells | who was 31 again last Thursday! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean and Donna Mae and guest, Patty Hansen, escaped last week's heat with a vacation to Green Lake, Wis. Olaf Nielsen of Wonder Woods arid Mrs. Clara Chaloupka of Wonder Center attended the electrical craftsman family picnic in Chicago Sunday, an annual affair. Sharpening scissors with fine-grade sandpaper is a simple way to keep the cutting edges keen. Merely make several cuts through the paper occasionally, and abrasive action will whet the edges of the scissors blades. ATTENTION WHY Hard Earned continue to pour your MOIlCy down the drain. Independent testing Laboratories have proven that W9t6r costs ,imlly more than 100 DOLLARS A YEAR! Let us show you how you can have the bene- Soft Water in your home for fits of Less Money than you're spending now for hard water. Enjoy healthier living, cleaner washes, better coffee and te&, more free time, and many other benefits too numerous to mention. - Call today and make an appointment so you can see just how bad your WATER PROBLEM is. You are not obligated in any way. We have MORTON SALT in easy to handle 50-lb. bags for your convenience. Tax Inc. $|20 RAIN SOFT Water Conditioner Co. "In The Circle Building" Rt. 120 -- Just East of the Bridge EVergreen 5«3©'?3 FJMS! Magnifying Glass Phone Dialer Hester Oil Co. 601 Waukegan St. 202 W. Elm St. TWO HEARINGS SCHEDULED IN CITY SEPT. 1 A petition has been filed be- ! fore the McHenry county zon- , ing board of appeals, asking to j have a piece of property-re- I zoned from "B-l" business district to "B-2" business district so that they the petitioners, Carl H. and Eileen Swans- : may use the entire area for a i restaurant and package liquor j store. The property is located l appro.vimately fourTtenths of a mile north of Rt. 120, On the j east side of Ringwood road, j The hearing will be held ; Sept. 1 at 3 o'clock in the aft ternoon in the city hall in Mc- ' Henry. In a second hearing scheduled for, the same time, An- | thony and Mamie Siadak are j asking for a change in the zon-~* | ing classification yof their propierty. from to the "B-3" I class under a provision "maj chine shop employing not more ! than ten persons for the operation of all machines and ac- !| cessories in the shop". ' The property is located north ! of Rt. 120. east of the citv. Be modern with MOEN SINGLE HANDLE FAUCET NEW EASY WAY TO SHOWER! one handle does the work of two H. E. BUCH & SONS Plumbing St Heating Hwy. 120 East Phone: 48 109 WALWORTH COUNTY FAIR ELKHORN, WIS. Sept. 4, 5, 6. 7 • RED FOLEY and his stars of JUBILEE U.S.A. TV with the SQUARE DANCERS • PEE WEE HUNT and his "Twelfth Street Rag' band Featuring SNOOKY LANSON of Hit Parade Fame • AUT SWENSON'S THRILLCADE with Johnny Maddox Jazz Pianist • HORSE SHOW AND VAUDEVILLE ACTS The Novellos • Harry Todd and Toddlers # Rockford Phantom Regiment • King Cole • Hank the Clown d Ted Miller and Smiley • The Dam Brothers <• Alice in Dairyland presents Farm Youth Awards $16,400 13-Event Harness Race'Progrim Free Picnic Grounds ' ADMISSION: €• rounds 60c, Child under 14 free; Ampitheatre reserved $2, $1.50 General admission $1; Terrace Seats $1. ^at/e -- uiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii Money Won't Buy Happiness! But it will buy off an awful lot of unhappiness! Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Wlidioni of Americans .. Save 55 Bilfens of Pilars In Insured Savings Associations iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii SAVE BY MAIL 206 WEST ELM STREET aui SAFETY Of TOUR SAVINGS INSURED VP TO AV $10,000 dVC lllllllllllltlllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Get A Check Everv 6 Months INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT Earnings Paid By Check Twice Yearly iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PHONE McHENRY 3000 EARN UP TO "S/O ON YQUR INVESTMENT SAVINGS ACCOUNT 4% --5 Years 3V2%--Payable by check semi-annually Vz%--Bonus payable at end of 5 years iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii (TIME DEPOSIT PLAN) Member Federal Home Loan Bank McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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