Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1959, p. 12

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•-*> Page Twelve *-- THE MCHENRY PIAINDEALER Ringwood . CARD CWff ENTERTAINED AT CARR HOME Ruby Shepard Mrs. Lester Carr entertained her '500' club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and low to Miss Lona Brever. T Thursday, August 27, 1 Sewing Circle The W.S.C.S. Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Lena Peet Thursday afternoon. Birthday •« Mr. and Mrs. C'narjes Uhl •entertained a group of friends atNlinner at their home Saturday evening honoring the birthday of Charles Uhl. Sickness Mrs. William Crurckshank is a patient at the Woodstock hospital. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas are the proud parents of a son born Aug. 16. Church Homecoming Don't forget the Methodist church Homecoming in Ringwood Saturday. Aug. 29. An old fashioned country store with Mrs. Doris Low and Jim Pearson in charge during Saturday afternoon will feature a variety of home-made foods, as well as fresh garden vegetables and various articles donated by friends. A parcel post sale also wili be included. From 5 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. ladies of the church will serve a roast beef' dinner and all the trimmings. Personals Pvt. Wesley Bruce arrived home Saturday from Ft. Leon-1 ard Wood, Mo. He will be here j until Sept. 4 when he will be ! sent to Camp Gordon, Ga. i Pvt. Richard Kunz left for J Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., Fri- ' day after a visit with his par- ; ents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nitz and son of Chicago were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kunz of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of their son, Earl Kunz and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were dinner guests in the Philip Peck home at Crystal Lake Wednesday evening. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Walter Low and sons were visitors at Elgin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarteon of Rockton, 111., were victors in the Dr. Hepburn home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods returned frorrt their trip through the southeast Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Finel of Des- Plaines were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. James Finley has returned home from a visit with relatives in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Johonnott and family of Terra * Haute, Ind., and Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove were supper guests of Mrs. Agnes Jencks Tuesday evening. • Mrs. Earl Kunz and son, Richard, spent a few days the past week in the Bishop home in Chicago. Mr. Hayze of Rockford was THERE'S ONLY ONE THINS BETWEEN THESE TWO PICTURES-lll IT! a caller in the Dr. WllliarrTHeiP bum home Wednesday. Mrs. Agnes c Jencks was an Elgin visitor Thursday. Mrs. B. T. Butler, Mrs. J. C. Pearson, Mrs. Floyd Cooley and Mrs. Ulrich were visitors at Delavaf, Wis., Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker and son, Randy, of Champaign spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Wilma Hoffman is spending j a couple of weeks in the Dr. I Ptepburn hpme: | Bob Brennan, Butch Leon- , ard, Ed. Skidmore, Jerry and ! Harry Hogan. spent the weekj end at .the state fair at Springi field. ! Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson ! and family are spending the, ; week with relatives in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of Greenwood were i Sunday dinner guests in the I John Hogan home:... j Miss Sally Shadle of La- Canada, Calif., is spending the 'week with her grandparents, j Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. ' Mr. and Mrs. Weldon An- , dreas and Margo attended the I Milwaukee Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison ' of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests in the John Skidmore home. Jackie Skidmore returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Gramer of DesPlaines called on Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn Sunday morning. Mrs. Roy Harrison and Mrs. Lonnie Smith attended a bridal shower for Ann Marlowe at H u n t l e y S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n , Aug. 16. Miss Pat Hogan spent Wednesday and Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert and son, Jeff, of Burlington: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert of Kenosha; Mr. and Mrs. Rodell Harms and family of Brass Ball Corners and Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore spent Saturdayevening with Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. It was Mr. Ehlerts seventy-ninth birthday on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and Mrs. Harry Thompson attended the Milwaukee Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harvey and family and Jackie Aissen went to the Brookfield zoo Saturday. Miss Dorothy Kay Aissen spent the weekend with her sister and family the Ronald Rowes at Woodstock. They brought her home Sunday. The M.Y.F. group went to Chicago Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens and Mrs. Preston Wilson of Richmond were supper guests Mrs. Agnes Jencks Sunday evening. Mrs. J., C. Pearson and son, Jim, were visitors at DeKalb Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison went to Greenwood Sunday to call on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wesson who celebrated their Golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the Beatty- Low home. Afternoon callers were "Elmer Olseh and son, Charles, of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas and family of Hinsdale spent Sunday in the Waiter Low home. Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Anna Reinwall returned home Sunday from Waukesha, Wis., where they have been taking the mud baths. Louis Hawley and Ernest Reinwall went up after them. Mr. and Mrs. Byron -Sowers and daughter, Mrs. , Sherman Spencer, are visiting the former's son and family at Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Berg and son left for their home at Prescott, Ariz.. Saturday morning after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg. Skivvies Prevent Dial Function Until Sunday One of the reasons your dial telephone system won't work until the "zero"' hour Sunday is "Skivvies." Skivvies are blocking tools which prevent dial apparatus from functioning. They are wedged between contact points to insulate them. The fibre insulators are about the length of a thumb nail and the width of a match stick. They are strung together by twine. At a given signal at 2 a.m. Sunday, they'll be yanked out -- hence the term "pulling the Skivvies' -- and the dial equipment will be ready to go to work. Last year, 1,271 persons died on rural Illinois Highways -- more than twice as many as died in urban areas. "HAL RENTS Electric Hammers to Wheel Chairs PHONE 32 MOCSE NEWS Women of the Moose An enjoyable evening was recently spent at the DesPlaines chapter of the Moose. Those attending from our own chapter were: senior regent Hazel Struwe; junior grand regent, Mabel Thomas; recorder, Olga Johnson; and Lona Brever, co-worker. Guest speaker at the meeting was Mamie Knoll of Portage Park. A tasty array of salads was served and enjoyed by everyone. August 18 was the date set for our officers' meeting. Enrolled at this meeting was Ruth Ziszik sponsored by Elaine Ziszik. Hospital chairmen , Louise Watley and Clara Boyle were our guests from Crystal Lake. They assisted us by acting as our guide due to the fact that we had. a small attendance at our meeting:- Thanks to our two helpers. Don't forget Sept. 1 is a women's open meeting. Members bring at least one guest, all women are welcome! I hope to see as many of the women there as can make it. COMING EVENTS: Sept. 1. Members and non-members welcome. 8:30 open meeting. Oct. 31 Halloween dance. The academy of friendship committee of McHenry, Chapter 1348, is in the process of gathering favorite recipes for a cookbook. Wouldn't you like to have your favorite recipe in there? Well, all you have to do is to make an accurate copy of the recipe, sign it, and mail it T " "Steering ^ mmm" Sife, you get sor» at "STEERING ^WOBBUES'f They crawl into tires through road bumps, curb scuffs, worn steering parts. They COM you plenty in tire wear, blow-outs, ACCIDENTS. Sure cure is a safety check-up BEFORE it's too lote_ the kind your cor gets on our scientific BEAR equipment. Thank Your Repair Mai Far "The Accident That Didn't Happen" McHenry Auto Body COMPANY 611 Front St. - So. on Rt. 31 Phone 444 McHenry, 111. SAFETY HEADOIIARTERS on the NEW 11 cu. ft. IMPERIAL MODEL (two door model) with large 70 lb. freezer erator-F reezer U DO: stop m a if your imearby Northern Illinois Gas Company store and arrange for the delivery and installation of the RCA Whirlpool GAS Refrigerator of your choice in your home. There's no obligation to buy! Place a deposit of only $10 with us and then enjoy the RCA Whirlpool GAS Refrigerator on a trial basis for 60 days. Your ,$10 will be promptly refunded if you choose to return the GAS refrigerator at the end of your 60-day free trial. If you decide to keep it, then your $10 will be used os a down payment toward the purchase. . HUGH HOYLE . j NEW ENGLAND LIFE j j Sunnyside Estates, McHenry | I Up to now I have not made j J sure that the mortgage I ! would be paid off should I J anything happen to me. J |Na me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j I Address j I I Because GAS gives you more than any other refrigerator. This you'll see when you use the RCA Whirlpool GAS refrigerator in your own horiie. Call it a "silent butler": you never will hear it--it's completely and permanently silent!--but it will always be waiting to serve you better, with its large roomy sliding shelves and spacious door storage. Enjoy the exclusive and amazing automatic ice cube maker which replaces ice cubes as you use them, the automatic clock defrosting and many other plus features. AND NOW...A GAS KFRIGERATOR-FKEZER HODtt §W i! SIZE...BUT LARGE IN FEATURES! • 6 cu. It. capacity • 15 lb. freezing compartment • selective defrosting • tilt-out ice cube trays • porcelain meat tray • only $249.95 Ish about our BIG MH ALLOWANCE on your refrigerator EASY BUDGET TERMS Phone McHenry 2081 to Ann Rodenkirch, 167 S. Park street, McHenry. We'd like those recipes that are your favorite -- those that are different, and recipes that can be adapted to large groups. All recipes must be in the hands of the aboved mentioned no latter than Oct. 5 so that they may be checked before going to the printers. Pat Tomasello, Publicity COUNTY 4-H'ERS IN COMPETITION AT STATE FAIR About twenty-five county agricultural 4-H club members and eighteen 4-H home economics representatives attended the state fair in Springfield last week. The tirps were awards for outstanding achivements in county competition. Don Harrison of Wonder Lake showed his Shropshire sheep and his brother, David, his Hereford heifer. In the Holstein division, Bruce and David Garner of Solon Mills had entries. Nine girls were . named to model garments, among them Pat Hogan of Ringwood, who was elected 4-H queen of the county fair. Another local girl whose dress construction was outstanding was also in attendance. She is Ida Mae Walkington of Ringwood, who won with her two-piece red print school dress. Spring Grove LOCAL FOLKS VACATION IN SEVERAL STATES by Mrs. Charles Frennd Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets and family recently enjoyed a vacation in Whitehall and Montague, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller spent several days last week in northern Wisconsin. They visited the Earl Olson family near Hayward. The Olsons moved up north last March and they asked us to give their best regards to all their friends In Spring Grove. Mrs. Josephine Giltzow of California is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney. Nick Wagner and daughter, Carol, of Chicagp and Mrs. Nell Hawkins of Arizona were visitors in the home of Mrs. Alice Wagner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rinda, Jr., enjoyed a weekend at the Dells, Wis., «ind the Russel Gardiners and sons are vacationing in Minnesota. Sodality Meets The Christian Mothers So- CIRCUS DAY In McHenry a TOES. SEPT. 1 uuuuunaaaaa BACK TO Special Permanents for Children . -$y§i . Send your little queens back-to-school looking as gorgeous as only professional care can accomplish. Our beauty parlor has been newly air conditioned for your comfort. Splice *V\f\cirie beauty, ^liop 202 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 890 or EVergreen 5-0890 dality met at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night, for their regular meeting. An announcement was made of a luncheon and card party in the parish hall on Sept. 15, starting at twelve noon with Mrs. Paul Kabot as chairman. Some very interesting slides were Shown by Leigh Kagan on his trip to Europe last year and were narrated by him. There were some very good shots of Lourdes in Fraince and the Vatican in Rome. Cards were^ also played and there was lunch served by the committee in charge. little Hospitalized ^ e were sorry to hear that Karen Borre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Borre, is at the McHenry hospital with a badly fractured arm. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller are the happy parents of a son weighing six pounds born Saturday, Aug. 22 at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan. FAIR FEATURES RACES With the largest field of horses competing for the fattest purses ever offered here, the three-day racing program at the Walworth County Fair at Elkhorn, Sept. 5, 6 and 7, should be one of the best in history. Bud Baxter, Elkl^rn, superintendent of speed, announced that a total of 217 horses have been entered in the three day, 13 event meeting for $16,400 in purses. SHOP IN McHENR* F R E E ! t Magnifying Glass Phone Dialer Hester Oil Co. 601 Waukegan St. or 202 W. Elm St. $ 'You did WHAT to the • pM And did what to the passengers? For surgical, hospital, and sickroom supplies, you can depend on good quality products and resonable prices at NYE DRUGS ZJ Clear The Deck" Sale ®N ALL HiftMOKM© 1 959 DODGES AND j PLYMOUTHS BIGGEST TRADES - - - BI6t T SAYINGS EiMiple... 1959 PL 6 PASS. SEDAN Includes: Heater -- Electric Wipers -- Directional Signals -- Torsion Aire Suspension -- Total Contact Brakes -- Lustre Bond Enamel -- Saiety Rim Wheels -- Freight -- Federal Tax. Other DeLuxe Equipment /v"\ ONLY *19500 Down »59#a M«„ (Cash or trade) Inc. Int. & Fin. Charges t r a m p l e . . . Ifif I0DI1 6 PASS. SEDAN Includes: Heater -- Electric Wipers -- Directional Signals -- Custom Interior -- Undercoating -- Lustre Bond Enamel -- Torsion Aire Suspension -- Total Contact Brakes -- Air Foam Cushions -- Freight -- Federal Tax. Other DeLuxe Equipment 10: ONLY Down (Cash or Trade) 805 Per Month Inc. Int. & Fin. Charges IF YOU HAVE A BALANCE. WE WILL PAY IT OFF COMPARABLE SAVINGS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. McHenry Open Mon. • Wed. - Fri. 'til 9 -- Sat. 'til 6 Phone 3100 Closed All Day Sunday 'WE SERVICE WHAT AND AFTER WE SELL"

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