y, Augtisi *2?, tm iffi mmmr vtxmtmsxE CLASSIFIED Help Wanted MMEDIATE Opening for women. Light production and assembly work. See or Call Mr. F. G. Peterson - Phone .Mercury 9-2361 Coil Craft, Caiy, 111. lltf FEMALE help wanted: punch press operators; steady work; good starting pay. Trolex Corp. 507 Elm St., McHenry. • 17 MjALE HELP WANTED, route diving; permanent year 'round work; fivje-day week; wages plus commission; company insurance; paid vacation. Call: JAckson 6-2081. 17 WANTED Accounting, inancial StatemerSs Tax Returns for Corporations, Partnerships or Individual Businesses On A Monthly Fee Basis by Person with 13 years public accounting experience Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 535 " PRESSERS WANTED -- male or female for work in leading cleaning plant of area. Silks and - or wools. Top wages, best working conditions, fringe benefits for experienced pressers. Will consider training if you have aptitude for the work. These jobs are open only because of expanding- business. ,r pressers have all been us for years. Apply in person only to Dick Peterson, Plant Manager, Rainbow Clean- «ers, N. Front St., McHenry IT; Help Waneed CLERK TYPIST For. inventory control department. Permanent position. Excellent employee benefits. Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, HI. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 « 17 Help Wanted Day or Night Shifts MEN DIE CASTERS POLISHERS BUFFERS WOMEN PUNCH PRESS DRILL PRESS PAINTERS Apply In Person The Electric Auto-Lite Co. Woodstock, Illinois 17-3 vf.% LADY To Work In Store ^ To Do Sales Work and To Keep Stock Records Please Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 534 17 Help Wanted • Combination .Automobile Mechanic and Parts Man Wanted Lincoln - Mercury - Edsel Sales & Service Dealership We also sell Boats & Motors Permanent Position Good Chance for Advancement Attractive Salary ^ Apply Frank W. Campbell, Inc. 325 Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, 111. Call Crystal Lake 2433 See Mr. Walneck or Mr. Campbell 17 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Experienced On I.B.M. JCey Punch Machine Permanent Position Excellent Employee Benefits llours: 8:15 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. !&arco Manufacturing Co. c 500 Hough Street ^ Barrington, 111. DUnkirk 1-1700 17 Production Expediter (Male) Young man with some shop experience for clerical and expiditing duties. Permanent position. Excellent employee benefits. Hours: 7:30 am. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. BARCO Manufacturing Ce. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkMc 1-1700 17 JUNIOR BUYER Young college graduate interested in a career in purchasing. Clerk-Typist Able to take Shorthand the Frank G. Hough Co. Libertyville, 111. 17 2 MEN For Factory Work Good Starting Salary and Working Conditions Liberal Vacation SPARKLER MFG. CO. Mundelein, DMnois 17 Situation Situation Wanted WILL CARE FOR children 3 yrs. to 5 yrs. in my home while mother works. Large playroom Uid yard. McHenry 2616-M. •17 Real Estate PISTAKEE BAY by owner. 7 room year 'round 4 bedroom house. Full basement. Automatic oil heat. Wall to wall carpeting, natural fireplace. Garage attached. Beautifully landscaped. Choice location. Lower 20's. JUstice 7-5414 or JUstice 7- 0220. 17-tf INCOME PROPERTY for sale. 3 & 5 rm. apartments, garage, oil furnace. 1 blk sub. beach, school bus and mail. 4 blks city limits. Write Wilhelmina Nelson, Box 162-A Fox St., McHenry. 16-tf NEW 5 room home, Maryville Heights. 3 bedrooms, plastered walls, birch cabinets, Aluminum storms - screens, full basement, attached garage. McHenry 1259-W. 15-3 Real Estate TWO HEAVILY wooded lots across street from private beach. $800 each, both for $1,500. In Wonder Lake. Call McHenry 2414-R. lOtf BY OWNER -- Cape Cod style home. Brick. Expandable second floor, 1% Car garage. City sewer, gas heat, fully landscaped. 812 Grove street, Cooney. Heights. lltf LOT FOR SALE in Round Lake Park. Reasonable. Call McHenry 829. 17 A Real Bargain 300 Timothy Lane Edgebrook Heights Handsome 3 bedroom plus family room ranch. Hgts cathedral living room. All electric kitchen including dishwasher, i 2 car garage. Low down payment. * Open Sunday 2 - 5 P.M. FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, El. Phone: McHenry 421 -J 42-tf 3 BEDROOM ranch, full basement, facing McHenry Country club golf course. Corner lot. One mile south of town. Phone 1376. 6-tf McCULLOM LAKE -- 4 rm. lake front home. Full basement. Oil furnace. Attached garage. By owner. $10,900. Kings wood 3-7843 or McHenry 3270-W on Sunday. 17 WELL BUILT HOUSE on river -- 8 rooms, pder, boat lift, 2 car garage, fireplace, full basement, original construction. Phone McHenry 829. 17 FOR SALE -- Ph. 169. 2 bedroom Summer Cottage - $3,850. 4 bedroom Riverfront Cottage $10,850. 3 bedroom Hiway Ranch - $16,850. 12tf RANCH TYPE brick home, 2 yrs. old; 1% car garage; 5 large rooms; gas heat; on south end McHenry golf course. Tel. McHenry 2636-R or SP 4-5036. 14-4 McHenry 2196-W 17 WONDER LAKE PERMANENT 6 ROOM, 3 bedrm. insulated home on 4 beaut, landscaped lots. Full bath, lg. screened-in porch, f.a. gas furn., garage. Close to pvt. beach & pier. Asking $10,650. Open to Offer. PERMANENT 2-bdrm. home on high level lot, % blk. to Lake. Insulated; oil furnace, fruit trees. Only $6,250. SEND FOR OUR FREE BROCHURE We have a few homes still available for winter rental. T. P. MATHEWS Realtor Wonder Lake, 111. Phone 3061 17 FOR SALE by owner -- 3 bedroom modern ranch style frame home. Full basement, attached garage channel in back yard. Many extras. For appointment call McHenry 1471- W. 4-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Homt sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Ph. McHenry 37 9-tf NEW BRICK RANCH I-M WHL DO Ironing in my home. Free pickup and delivery. ^McHenry 1560-R. *16-2 ALL 'ROUND printer desires part time work nights. Call Wonder Lake 3051 evenings. 17 WILL GIVE good care to your pre-school child in my home while you work. References available. Jqhnsburg. Phone McHenry 1214-W. 17 THERE'S OPPORTUNITY AT j*THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. Turret Lathe Operators Precision Grinder Arc Welders Mechanics Radial Drill Operators Multiple Spindle Drill Press Operators Wo, have several good trainee openings for men 27 to 35 years olfr who qualify. Many company benefits including free family group insurance, profit sharing, etc. " THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. 7 th and Sunny side Libertyville, 111. 17 Located On Choice Large Corner Lots in Edgebrook Heights Sub. 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace and wood paneling, dining room, large kitchen with built-in oven, range and snack bar. 1% tiled baths, shower in basement, Silent witches, full basement, 2 car garage, gas heat. FRED PEPPING Builder Phone McHenry 409 7-tf FOR SALE New, 3 bedroom ranch home located end of North Riverside Dr. lVfc baths, recreation room 13x38 ft., basement, attached garage, birch cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors, natural gas heat, alum, storms & screens. Lot -- 70 ft. on river, 110 ft. facing road, sea wall. Open For Inspection Call GEneral 8-1365 Cliff Benjamin Constr. Co. Lake Zurich, 111. 16-4 Real Estate FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom, 5 year old ranch type house. Located on landscaped hill lot. 3 blocks out of city limits, 4 blocks from shopping and school. Full basement, own well, metal awnings, gas heat and utilities. 507 North Riverside Drive. Phone McHenry 272 or Richmond 5142. 14-tf Real Estate McHENRY VICINITY. Two ranches. 2 and 3 bedroom. Tile bath, built in range. TA1- cott 3-5552. 17 HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER Newly remodeled and smartly decorated. 4 large rooms and bath. Fully insulated, attached 1% car garage. Birch doors and cabinets, hardwood floors. New blacktop drive. All landscaped, on two lots. $10,800 firm. FOX RIVER HOME on 60 x 210 lot. 2 bedrooms. Newly oak panelled living room. Kitchen cabinets; new G.E. refrigerator and range. Automatic water softener. 21 gal. pump. Aluminum storm sash -- awnings. Air conditioned. New 2 car heated garage; automatic overhead doors. Many extras. Phone 1209-J for appointment. 16-tf Red Estate CHOICE LOT on 5th fairway of McHenry Country Club. 100' Dy 130'. Call McHenry 898-W. i2tf BEAUTIFUL 3 acre Estates. 1 mile from Woodstock. 9 rooms, 2% baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage. 80 foot barn. Bunkhouse, Bearing orchard. % mile to new Catholic H. S. A steal at $36,500. More acres available. For Brochure write Roger Hill, Woodstock, Illinois or phone Woodstock 2675. 8tf McHENRY 3174-J 16 BRICK RANCH Lovely 2 bedroom, large family room, 2 car attached garage, lot 120 by 135. Beautifully landscaped. Many extras. Located between golf course and river. Private pier. Also Chris- Craft speed boat for sale. Call McHenry 1840 17 LISTINGS Waterfront home on Fox River, 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, kitchen and garage. $9,500. 3 bedroom furnished home on Fox River. Large living room, kitchen, full bath, enclosed front porch. Aluminum siding, 1 car garage, 75 ft. on river, nicely landscaped lot. $22,500. New 3 bedrriom homes with city water, sewer, gas heat. Can be seen at any time. $17,500 to $18,500. Low down payment. The Kent Corporation 115 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-3800 17 Executive's Lake Front Home Must sacrifice $40,000 home because of illness to first $30,000 offer. ";i Redwood and stone. 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, extra shower. Living room has beamed cathedral ceiling. Dining room, glass jalousied porch, patio, recreation room with ping pong table, bowling machine and bar. Boat house, dock, raft, attached garage, automatic oil heat. Beautifully landscaped. Dishwasher, laundry equipment, stove, refrigerator, carpeting and drapes included. CASA CA-HILL 50 ACRES. "Harvard Buildings $13,950. 35 tillable. Balance pasture. $2,000 down. Balance contract. Reduced for quick sale. Wonder Lake 6401. 17 East Lake Shore Dim? Wonder Lake 5011 17 FIRST OFFERINGS Like new 3 year old 3 bedroom stone and frame ranch. Large screened patio, full basement, attached garage, good location. Full price, $17,850. Will consider selling under contract. » This beautiful 1 bedroom ranch on a 150 ft. lot in the Country club is offered for $20,000. Full basement, large living room with fireplace, 2 car plus garage, river rights, complete with new pier. Homes For Sale We have exclusive listings. McHenry Shores, Country Club Subdv., Lakeland Park, Sunnyside, Pistakee Lake, Wonder Lake. $6,500 to $53,000. Let us knor* your needs ACTIVE REALTY Phone McHenry 742 50-tf LOOKING FOR A HOME '/Uton Homes will build any dnd, anywhere. All types of financing. No money down, 5% down or conventional. Model at 817 South st.eet, Cooney Heights. Open Sundays. For information or to see model on weekdays call LEE COONEY Telephone McHenry 119-R 45-tl In beautiful Trout Valley, we are offering this" 5 bedroom, 2Vz bathr frame and crab orchard ranch. Cathedral living room, double fireplace, basement, 2 car garage. This luxury home on one acre will suit the most discriminating. Immediate occupancy. $59,500. For homes in all price brackets CALL MR. HE1MEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. ,17 FOR SALE Lakeland Park on McCullom Lake 60 ft. waterfnontage x 140 ft. deep. 3 bedroom ranch home with attached car port. Huge oak trees and terraced grounds, floor to ceiling glass windows overlooking the lake. Gas heat, tiled floors, built-in oven and range, off-the-floor fireplace, formica vanity in bathroom. This home is only 2 yrs. old and can be bought on contract with only $1,500 down or will rent "to reliable party as a 2 bedroom for only $125 a month by Sept. 1st. Huemann's Subdivision (On The River) 67% ft. on the Fox River by 215 ft. deep. 3 bedroom all brick ranch-type home. lVa baths, plastered walls, natural hardwood floors, automatic gas heat, 1 Vt car heated garage with guest room, new pier and steel seawall, screened front porch overlooking the river, redwood storms/and screens. This home i^koirfy 10 years old and has many trees and beautiful landscaping . . . without question one of the best buys to grace our files. Only $26,500. Edgebrook Heights 2 bedroom ranch home, prestige location. 90x130 ft. lot, all fenced back yard and beautifully landscaped. 1 % baths, plaster walls, city water and sewer, 2 car heated garage, glazed patio, double closets in bedrooms, comb, storms and screens, natural fireplace, full basement, rec-room and bar all knotty pine with powder room, birch kitchen cabinets. This home is only 4 years old and is close to town, with a really-worth price of only $29,000.- Lakeland Park 3 bedroom ranch-type home, on a 70x140 ft. lot. Full basement, o£}< floors and some tiled areas. Combination storms and screens, low taxes and a very low price. Only $10,600. Vacant Waterfront Lots We have many waterfront lots in most all the surrounding areas. All price ranges. $3,960 and up. "The Realty of' Sensibly-Priced Listings" 206 S. Green St. Phone 1126 Open 7 Days A Week Adequate Financing Available 17 SURPRISE AWAITS if you investigate this 2 bedroom ranch. Attached garage, fully landscaped. Gas heat. Water rights. $11,000. McHenry 2554. 17 TO CLOSE ESTATE: Modern home of the late Anna Freund in the village of Johnsburg, Illinois must be sold. All reasonable offers will be considered. If interested, contact Philip M. Thennes, phone 55-W. 17 Legats COZY 4 ROOM permanent house. Landscaped. 14' x 20' garage. Gas heat, partly furnished./ Furniture for sale. Wonder Lake 7863. 17 spect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed change in the schedule may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY By W. J. Crowley Vice-President and , Comptroller Publish Aug. 20-27 SUNNYSIDE, ILL. 2 YEARS OLD RANCH HOME 3 bedrooms, full basement, ga§ heat, oak floors, aluminum storms. Waterfront 50'xl75'. $22,500.00 12 ft. alum, boat & 7% h.p. motor, $200. McHenry 1575-R Nlles 7-8882 17 McCullom Lake 2 bedroom model ranch home. Calif, redwood siding, concrete foundation. Full bath. Automatic oil heat, hot water heater. Price $9,000 Terms McHenry 2580-J 17 Near McHenry For Sale or Rent 3 bedroom home. Tile kitchen and bath. Inlaid oak floors. Large living room, 12x 28. Garage. Comer lot 70x150. Gas heat. Possession Oct. 1. Price $13,200. ALSO Miller's Subdivision Sell or Rent 3 bedroom home. Full basement. Large wooded lot. Water rights. Price $13,500. Possession Sept. 1. For Appointment Call At Our Office In Johnsburg JACOB FRITZ Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, DL Phone McHenry 37 16-tf PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Of Proposed Change in Gas Schedule NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY, .hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the,, Illinois Commerce Commission on August 14, 1959, a proposed revision of its Rider 6, Adjustment for Cost of Purchased GaS. This rider prescribes the method used to compute the Company's purchased gas adjustment, and proposes that such computations include charges paid by the Company (under Governmental regulation) for new or additional gas supplies purchased on a firm supply basis. Further information with respect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the propose change in the schedule may be inspected by any interested party at any business office' ol this Company. NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY By: W. J. Crowley Vice-President and ^ Comptroller (Pub. Aug. 20 - 27, 1959) Wanted TOP PRICE PAID for iron metals and junk care. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WOULD LIKE ride from McHenry to Woodstock. Leave McHenry around 12 inidnite. Phone JA 6-7140. 45-tf Lost mi Found YELLOW BANDED parakeet in Sunnyside Beach area. Reward. Phone McHenry 1220-W or EV 5-4646. 17 Legal PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change in Gas Schedule NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on August 14, 1959, a proposed revision of its Rider 6, Adjustment for Cost of Purchased Gas. This rider prescribes the method used to compute the Company's purchased gas adjustment, and proposes that such computations include charges paid by the Company (under Governmental regulation) for new or additional gas supplies purchased on a firm supply basis. Further information with re- State of Illinois ) )ss: County of McHenry ) Before The Zoning Board of Appeals of McHenry County IN THE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) JOSEPH W. LUNDBORG ) AND MILDRED A. ) LUNDBORG FOR ) VARIATION )• PUBLICATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Joseph W. Lundborg and Mildred A. Lundborg have filed their petition for variation of Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the following described property: Lot 17 and the South half of Lot 16 in Block 3 in Xn> dian Ridge Unit No. 1, a subdivision of part of Section 7, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, as per plat recorded in Book 9 of Plats, page 34 in McHenry County, Illinois enabling the petitioners to construct an addition to their home having dimensions of 16 x 34'. The hearing upon said petition shall be held in the City Hall at McHenry, Illinois on the 29th day of September, 1959 at 3:00 o'clock P.M. (CDST), at which time all persons interested may attend. GEORGE JEDLICKA Secretary Zoning Board of Appeals McHenry County (Pub. Aug. 27, 1959) COAL PRODUCTION For the first month in 1959, coal production during July fell below three-million tons, according to a report to Gov. William G. Stratton by Ben H. Schull, director of the Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals. The 95 mines reporting for July produced a total of 2,677,120 tons. This is 958,723 tons below 3,635,843 produced during June, the report shows. The July 1958 production, however, is 333,178 above the same month of 1958. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN WATER FRONT PROPERTY Delightful living on the Chain 'o Lakes Waterway. A 5 bedroom Summer Cottagfe on the River for $11','690.00 to a 5 bedroom year 'round Cape Cod on the Bay with 187% feet frontage. OR a year 'round Brick Ranch, 3 tx?dTocms, screened porch, steel and cement sea wall, permanent pier, plastered walls, hardwood floors for $26,500. ALSO a 3 bedroom Cape Cod, year 'round in the Country Club section, cement sea wall for $23,500. This home to be sold completely furnished! No matter what your requirements or price range -- Gallagher has it. Other homes with water rights or homes inland, from $4,000.00 A. H. GALLAGHER AND ASSOCIATES JINNY GALLAGHER EVergreen 5-1629 17 SUMMER AND YEAR 'ROUND HOMES MOTEL APT. V AND SLEEPING ROOMS Also LARGE PICNIC GROVE, BEACH, and DANCE HALL Canteen Open INCLUDING HOT MEALS AMUSEMENTS PONY RIDES FISHING and BOATING FRITZSCHE ESTATES SOUTH SIDE OF LILY LAKE -- NEAR McHENRY McHenry 1079 17 #