Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1959, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER v McHenry Shores FIRST FUN FAIR HUGE SUCCESS DESPITE RAIN Clare Mueller Despite the much needed rains that poured from the skies and that dispersed the majority of fun seekers who attended the recently held Fun Fair and which proved another feather in the caps of the instigators, our ways and means committee of the McHenry Shores club, it was another first in many ways for a growing community to be proud of. Take a bow - ladies of the committee and the numerous helpers who worked so hard and willingly under the able leadership of Margo Olszewski^ Homemade pies that ri^elted in your mouth - Italian cooked beef sandwiches that were so good, you just had to have another. Boy Scouts with their first aid tent - th^'vounger girls helping the little ones at the fishing pond - the ball game that started before the Fair, opened - basketball and dancing on the new cement slab - these and many other things highlighted the affair. A complete report will be given at the regular meeting of the McHenry Shores club which will be held at the VFW hall, starting time is scheduled for 8 p.m. sharp. Adrift The children of the community would appreciate the towing of one white raft back to the beach. If any cruising boat should happen to spot it. that's where the raft should go -- McHenry Shores beach. The strong winds tore it from its moorings the other day. Visitors Mrs. Kramer with her husband, Roy, and daughter, Darlene, were guests of her aunt, Mrs. Verstege. for- several days. It was the first visit in seven years. The trip up irom Pomoa, Calif., was a combined business and pleasure excursion. Cousins of the Schramm children have been enjoying a last fling out here before going back to school. Jack Stowe tfas^ out from Chicp^o pnH this f--' week, Holly Rasmussen was Dver from Crystal Lake. Jean Barnett, how did your aunt, Isabelle Dee, like our warm spell during her recent visit? Ret she found it warmer than her l]ome town of Port Charlptte; Fla. Mrs. McKelly, let us know how your niece, Linda Craig, surived her adventurous train trip back home to St. Louis. Hope it was a thrilling experience for the enthusiastic eleven year old travelling alone. Mrs. William Martens of Rockwell, Iowa, was on hand to welcome back her brother- -in-law, Trent Middlekauff, upon his return home from the hospital the other day. Mrs. Middlekauff reports that it is a pleasure to have Trent back home again and that he is recuperating nicely. The first family reunion in years was held in Dayton, Ohio (that's the trip that Gus refers to as commuting, remember?) when the Smiths visited their daughter and the daughter from Connecticut dropped in too, t§i her move to California. Helen reports that all had an enjoyable time. I About forty relatives and friends attended a baby shower for Mrs. Sandra Ambrose at her parents horrie, Bonnie and Ken Schopp. The newly expected arrival will be well equipped with all the lovely baby things that were left in its mothers care. Among some of the many visitors to the Fun Fair were the following guests of the Bardens, their son, Michael, with his wife. Marilyn, and little Stacy and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Palmgren. Best Wishes To Elsie and Jack Schmitt who will have a wedding anniversary on Sept. 4 and to Billy Lokay on his ;hirteenth birthday on the \eventh and a belated one to Colonel John McKelly who had a birthday on Aug. 18. Sports Watch little five year old Mike Stark make the Pan Am £asiwood Manor COMPLETE PLANS FOR FAMILY PICNIC AT MANOR SEPT, 13 Lots Ryan EV. 5-5877 Peg Garrelts and her committee for the family picnic to be held on Sunday, Sept. 13, at 1 p.m. in the corral of the big barn in the subdivision, met last Thursday to discuss the finishing touches on said picnic. The committee has come up with some very splendid ideas to make this the picnics of picnics and we want to see £11 of you out there to take part in the delicious food and the fun for all. This is a good place to meet your neighbor. There will be a gift for each child, games for adults and children with prizes for all and all that wonderful food. The landscape, contest winners will be announced at the picnic, games. He can now swim the j ^on t m'ss it. There will be fun channel in back of his house ^or everyone. which is no means narrow at that point. Don't forget that^he SSAC horseshore contest will be open to all residents of McHenry Shores. Register with Jack Schmitt. EV 5-3355 or Fred ! Stark. Sr.. Ev 5-2602. The ! Faith Presbyterian Church dates are Sept. 19 and 20. j Xews • j Rev. Jack Mclhtvre will give Thanks j the sermon entitled "Making a Vergie Verstege reports that Living and ^Making a Life" on she has discovered a novel way Sunday, Sept. ,6. This is a Laof using this column. She clips bor Day sermon taken from and sends the notes to her re- ; Acts 18:1-4 and 2 Corinthians cently departed guests who are | 4:16. Won't you come and worsurprised and well pleased with ! ship with us this Labor Day these little extra attentions re- I weekend. ceived from McHenry Shores -- j - -- so quotes a letter from Florida, j Happy Birthday I'm all for it. Mrs. Verstege. I ; Today, Sept. 3. Helen Mathes know mv son in San Deigo will blow out her birthday can- 'ooks forward for the column, ; (ues. Tomorrow Mary Charbonit s an old friend from home, j nier will celebrate her natal Wh\ don t more of you try this | (|ay. On Sept. 6 Craig Sigman on your friends. Louise and I will become six years old. Dawill be more than happy to j vid Garrelts will celebrate his write it up for you. All it takes , fourth birthday on Sept. 7. Bob s that one little phone call to j stoll will enjoy ,his birthday either one of us. Incidentally, j celebration on the eighth A how goes the newly installed very happy wish for all of you. dial svstem? Has Michael Rogers with a little upset tummy to boot. Debra and Brenda Ryan have had that saftie upset tummy and not too good .feeling. Must be this everlasting heat. This and That An old friend of fnany of us in the subdivision has been visiting with Rosemary Newlon. Gerry Wood, who left us a short time ago, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the New- Ions. Daughter, Donna, stayed on for a few more days. Bonnie Biederer and her children spent two weeks with her father, Emmett Farmer, in Victoria, Miss. While they were enjoying themselves in the south, Gerry was in Colum- Thursday, September 3, 1959 tives. On the first Sunday away Rev. Mclntyre preached as,, a guest minister in St. Louis and tl)fe second Sunday he visited one of hjis classmates in his church to hear and enjoy his sermon. The Lawrence family had a pleasant visit from Dolores' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Rehuss, who had never been to her home before, and her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Hayner, all from Chicago. The junior Ryan family visited with the senior Ryan family in Arlington Heights on Saturday. On Sunday they attended a combination birthday and coming home party for Sam Anderson, who just returned home from Cuba and Navy life. Block Rosary On Tuesday, Sept. 8. the Block Rosary will be held at the Thomas Simpson home at 126 Manor Lane at 8:30 p.m. Laktemoor by Mary Frieb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kalemba have announced the engagement of their daughter, Pauline, to Mr. Charles Oborny, son of Mrs. Anna Oborny of Waukegan. The wedding will take place sometime in the late Fall. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dember were hosts last weekend to Mrs. Dember's sister, Mrs. Charlotte Chudy, and her two sons, Douglas and Dennis. STATE GRANTS Gov. Stratton has announced grants from the Illinois division of alcoholism totaling $112,075 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960, to eight agencies providing services for care and treatment of alcohol i c p a t i e n t s . I n c l u d e d a r e grants to the Springfield Mental Health association and the C h a m p a i g n C o u n t y M e n t a l Health Clinic for initiation of special services for alcoholics bus. Ind., for the same two1 weeks with, the Air Force Re- * Meet Your Neighbor serve. When the Bjederers re- The William" Butler family turned to Eastwood Manor ' moved to £ll Eastwood Lane they had a barbecue for ^the ! on Dec. 12, 1958. Bill and An- Biftlers. the Wilsons,, and "The i dree are the proud parents of Tinsleys. Billy, who was just 10 years, Lois McCormack's mother, old on Aug. 11 and Keith whose I ^ere^ofore not receiving care. Mrs. Josie Tempel of Chicago ! f>Frthday is May 21, 1951. Bill '• and Florida, spent a week with is a welder in Melrose Park. her daughter and her family. His hobby of dogs is shared ; Lois speirt a delightful weekend ! with his wife, Andree. quite! in I.aFayette. Ind. She attend-j enthusiastically. Andree is ed her niece's graduation from from May wood and Bill is from j nurse's training. Judy Halvey ; Meridian, Miss. j was very pleased to have Aunt I if you have any questions j Lois on hand for the big day ; about the family picnic please j in her life. 1 check with Peg Garrelts. She'll j The Coughlin family enjoyed he happy to answer your ques- 1 a visit from Pat's brother's two tions. By this time everyone : children. Kathleen and Danny should have been contacted Geraty, for one week. ; about what to bring. There will , Marie Dalton and Pat Cisew- J be notices out for the next two ski journeyed to DesPlaines to , weeks so you can't miss being visit Marie's girl friends. Mrs. informed. GIRL SCOUTS Troop 464 The Girl Scouts of Troop 464 have happy memories of their splash party at the Fairchild home in Bull Valley. Those present to enjoy swimming, games and refreshments were Tony Amico, Lynne DiebnTan, Kathy LaFontaine, Linda Larsen, Linda Herdrich, Loreen Getner, Kathy Thomas, Dollie Myers, Denita Tomassello, Sandra Fairchild, Donna Schmelzer, Nancy Berg, Nancy Zahn, Nancy Morris and Linda Regner. The highlight of the day was the awarding of the second class rank by their leader, Mfs. Clarence Regner. To earn this, a Scout must complete one activity in each field of scouting. Scouts attaining this goal were Tony Amico, Kathy La- Fontaine, Linda Herdrich, Loreen Getner, Kathy Thomas, More than 1,300 children 5 to 14 years of age died oedestrian accidents last year. \ large number of these accidents occurred on the way to und frorfT\school. Parents are un^ed/to make frequent safety checks -on their children's school-commuting habits. Children may be taught safety rules, but like grownups, have a tendency to forget or grow thoughtless unless frequently reminded of them. Happy Anniversary Our best wishes for a happy anniversary are extended to Rev. and Mrs. Mclntyre, "who ! will celebrate on Sept. 3. Siek List Winnie Hansen has had an operation on her throat and she is doing very well. We miss you. Winnie, get well soon. Little Mark Stephenson has been running a fever and so Jean Maclntasch and Mrs. Dave Maclntasch. Then Pat and Marie travelled up to La- Crosse, Wis., fpr a visit with Pat's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mason. The Hamers had a wonderful time when they and some friends from Arlington Heights went to Rock ton. Rev. Mclntyre and his family enjoyed a delightful two weeks vacation. They were in the southern Illinois and Missouri area visiting friends and rela- Bye now. See you next week. READ THE WANT AD*> A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete MotYvr^Overhaiiling •HUTCH 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, 111. E Teen 5-0811 Denita Tomassello, S ati d r a Fairchild, Donna Schm^ltzer, Nancy Berg, Nancy Zahri, Nancy Morris and Linda Regner. The Scouts enjoyed hot dogs, potato chips, candy, cookies, cake and lemonade. They are grateful to Mrs. Clarence Regner, Mrs. Robert Myers,^Mrs. John Herdrich and Mrs. David Fairchild who helped with the gam<?s and refreshments. We arelall sorry that the rest of the \roop and our troop committee^ weren'^ able to be there. Sandra Fairchild, Scribe Some folks condemn the worry habit one minute and then practice it the next^ Overheated Moton A dogged radiator con moon real damage* fnfand'a Fadory-Mothod How Test asstM-M 100% tooting tffidtnex. RADIATOfe Cleaning and Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RATE PRICES UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY # Adams Bros. Repsir In Rear of Selling's "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. McHcnif EVergreen 5-0783 ED'S RBffAL R E NT S Chain Saws Saiid&i^i EVergreen 5-4123 r ?• RIGIDFRAME GARAGES NO MOMiY DOWN - 5 YEARS TO PAY IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE OPEN CLOGGED SEWERS WITHOUT DI66INGI DIcsolvos Reels, Sludge, Gtmm, Pope eesily end inexpensively! SHYER m@@l DEST1©¥IR Hardware Phone EVergreen 5-0122 ISO N. ISJvewkle Br., McHenrs Next Step... COLLEGE! \y seems rather ridiculous •© mention the fact that your children, who are just getting a "foot-hold" in grade school, will ever be old enough to go to college ... BUT THEY WILL! By starting your Savings Account now ... at our current high dividend rate of . . . 4^ you can be sure to have the money needed in later years FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN- • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED MAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, 111. Phone EVergreen 5-6260 "RIGID-FRAME" Construction It's new -- and so different -- and -- ± will save lime and money! can build it yourself on a weekend "o^ we have reliable local .buildero. ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW One-Car With Storage BIO THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU THIS KEY Compare The Features - Compare The Quality! Compare The Price! And Remember . . . It's Fully Guaranteed By ALEX AN I IBER CO. Two Cars With Storage . * .you're invited to discover the werfel ©affererae® in o »tractoi You'll to© amazed (afcs Ibig power, comfort and convenience of the mew Ca£3-©-Eiiatic Drive tractor. Until you've tried it, y«m (EQHS'fc appreciate the POWERFUL difference. You'!i»experieace a new kind of non-stop performance ... far greats? oork-capacity . . . operating ease and pcenimna yon dreamed possible. TRY IT! In just 1-bowr on your farm, yom can discover how Case-o-matae Ifeovo oeoMfe imcrcasfd load* instantly . automatically increncsa pull-power up to 100% without clutching or shifting. <Ss& yo6r PROOF Demonetiati&a today! $ Marengo Federal Savings ANO LOAM ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS W2 N. Slate St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A MUTUAL COMPANY SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS SINCE 1925 TRADI AM© GET OUR DEAL YovH gef © lamp'I r rm $ If s our "thank you" for the privilege of demonstrating. Make a date now for your PROOF Demonstration. See or call us today! Geo. P. Freund, Implements 601 Crystal Lake ltd. ~ McHenry, III. Phone EVergreen 5t0420 \ tlCMftOMft •IQUQO VOMMt 1AII AltA L \m MAT Our Competent Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On HifEiwoy 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry; llibois EVergreen 5-1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 "ALWAYS FIRST ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SEBVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" •v T

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