Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1959, p. 2

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#age Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. September 10* 1959 Barbara Doering Honored At Shower Miss Barbara Doering was guest of honor at a pre-nuptial, miscellaneous shower held recently at the home of Mrs. Cathy Boro in Cooney Heights. Other hostesses were Ruth Ann Schoeriholtz and Angela Parratore. Miss Doerin-g was presented with many lovely gifts by the thirty guests who attended and Racine, Wis., enjoying games and a delicious lunch. Miss Schroeder will become the bride of Dale Benson of Crystal Lake on Sept. 26. Richard Marshal, Alfred Oeffling, Tom Oeffling and George Oef fling. Luncheon, Party At St. Peter's Hall The Mothers'-club of St. Peter's parish. Spring Grove, will sponsor a luncheon and card parly, starting at noon on Sept. 15. Mrs. Frances Kabot is chairman of the event, Court Joyce Kilmer Has Busy Month September is proving to be a busy time for members of ! Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Court Joyce Kilmer. C.D." of A. to Mr. and Mrs. John Mischke. On the second, eleven mem- j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Richbers visited Downey hospital, . ardson of- Wonder Lake wel- A boy was born Sept. 4 at A tasty lunch was served taking with them refreshments corned a daughter on Sept. 3. from an attractively decorated table at the close of the party. Miss Doering; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Doering of Lakeland Park; will become the bride of Raymond Martin on Sept, 12. ; • • Miscellaneous Shower For Dorothy Whlttemore Mrs. Dorothy Justen Whittemore of San Francisco was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the Legion home last Thursday^ evening. Twenty-six guests' were presen1 to honor the recent bride. Hostesses were Mrs. Joseph Justen of Richmond and Mrs. Elmer Justen of McHenry. who arranged a decorated cake as a centerpiece on the luncheon table. Games provided entertainment. Mrs. Whittemore has been visiting her parents, the Nick M. Justens, on Green street. Past Oracles At Holly Home The Past Oracles club, R.N.A., met with Mrs. Joseph Holly last Sundpv. Members were present from Harvard, Algonquin. Crystal Lake. Woodstock and McHenry. "Pot-luck" was enjoyed by all after the meeting, and Mrs. and cigarettes \^hich were very | Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Wickmuch enjoyed by the veterans, j las are the parents of twin Sept. 3, Grant Regent Made- ; girls, born Sept. d at Memorial line Mayfield presided over the hospital. business meeting. Honoring A son was born Sept. 6 at them with a visit were the Memorial hospital to Mr. and state regent. Miss Eleanor Mrs. Vernon Thurneau of Won- Quinn, and the district deputy, ; der Lake. Mrs. Ethel Ronan. : Mr a n d Mrs- Bernard , . . . . Peschke are the parents of a The ocal court has been so- p Memorial iected to be the court hostess ' for the joint conference of the 10®P' a • courts in the Peoria and Rockford dioceses, which will be held Sunday. Oct. 4. at St. Mary's school hall. Miss Quinn A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Krepel afi Memorial hospital on Sept. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Voigt are the pnrents of a girl, born save a summary of what »fl - Memoria, ho ital on Sept Ik. 7. be expected from the cou hostess and what the program will'consist of at the conference. \Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber of Barrington are the parents of their first child, a daughter, Fr. Nilges spoke briefly Catherine, born Sept. 6. Mrs. ibout the National Office for weber is the former Marya Decent Literature and its im- gousser of McHenry. The maportance in the community. : ferna] grandparentsxaiy Mr. Bette O'Brien and Isabel • and Mrs. E. Joseph Bousser Thompson and their committee ; and the maternal great-grand- ?erved refreshments. "Luncheon Is Served At Lutheran Church M r s . G r a y c e <?p'icnl Lutheran church, Rt. 120. will be held Thursday. Sept. 17, at 12:30 o'clock at the Holly treated those attending' church. Tlr^e w'11 ho a bake to a beautiful birthday cake, sale and entertainment. Games were enjoyed by the Persons interested in attendmother is Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Griffith are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital The original "Luncheon is j Sept. 2. Served", sponsored by the j a boy was born Sept. 1 at Friendship guild of Zion Evan- | Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bruscato of Wonder Lnke. Mr. and Mrs. (5layton Holmes assembled guests evening. during the ine are asked to call Evergreen 5-5575 for tickets. Daughter Of Former Local Teacher Engaged W.S.C.S. Opens Season Sept. 17 The Women's Society of . Christian Service will open the j Qf interest to McHfenry fall season with a luncheon I[ friend.s is announcement of the meeting on Sept. 17 at noon in the room of the Methodist" Ct^cll.JKlose attending are asked to wear novelty aprons for a contest. After the meeting, these aprons will be donated to the fall bazaar. As part of the program, Ann Varese will present Sue Ambrose. a lay preacher and also a member of the church, who will speak on "Stewardship". Officers Hostesses For Luncheon Meeting Officers of the McHenry Woman's club will be hostesses at the fall luncheon meeting, te^^e held at 12:30 o'clock Friday, Sept. 11, at the Wing 'n Fin lodge. They are Mrs. Herbert M. Engdahl, president; Mrs. Fred Svoboda. vice-president; Mrs. Clyde Bailey, second vice-president; Mrs. Carl Weber, secretary; Mrs. E'mer Winkelman, treasurer; M r s. August Smith, Mrs. John Ritter and Mrs. George Johnson, directors. Flower arrangements for the program, featuring the singing and dramatic talent of Sada Benedetto, are being handled by a club member, Mrs. George Johnson. engagement and approaching marriage of/Miss Nancy Karen Rogan, da tighter of Mr: and Mrs. Harold Rogan of Chicago, to Peter Lems, Jr., of Evanston, son of Mr. Lems of the Netherlands. The wedding will take place in St. Tarcissus church. Chicago, Sept. 19. Miss Rogan is a graduate of Rosary college. Her fiance studied in Europe and now is a design engineer in Chicago. Mrs. Harold Rogan will be remembered as the former Marion Johnson, a teacher in the local high school many years ago. Pauline Kalemba's Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kalemba of Lakemoor announce the engagement of their daughter. Pauline, to Mr. Charles Oborny. son of Mrs Anna Oborny of Wav^kegan. Plans are being made for a wedding late in the fall. v ore the parents of a daughter, born Sept. 1 at Memorial hospital. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Peschke W Wonder Lake at Memorial /hospital on Sept. 1. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baird are the parents of"a son, born Sept. 3 at Memorial hospital. A son, Kevin Michael, was born at Merriorial hospital on Sept. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. John Shay. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bykowski and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Harry Shay of Johnsburg. Greatgrandparents are Mrs. Catherine Kieras of McHenry and Andrew Bykowski of Chicago. Mrs. Shay is the fprmer Alyce Joyce Bykowski. Kevin Michael is the first child of the Shays and also is the first grandson and the first greatgrandson on the Bykowski side of the family; Bride-to-be Honored At Miscellaneous A pre-nuptial miscellaneous shower was given at Zion Lutheran church hall in McHenry recently for Miss Judith Schropder. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Schroeder of Crystal I "ke. Hostesses were her aunt, Miss Florence Antholz, Mrs Ruth Voeltz and Mrs. Pearl Patzke. Twenty-three guests attended frbiti Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Wonder Lake, McHenry Community Club To Meet Sept. 14 The next meeting of the Johnsburg Coriwnunitv club will be held Mondaj^ Sept. 14, at ^:30 o'clock. AH members are •nvited to attend. Refreshments will be served by the following committee: Clarence Michels. Steve May, Peter Miller, LeRoy Marshal, CARD OF THANKS In leaving McHenry we would very much like to express our sincere thanks to the rifle squad for the surprise farewell party; also the neighbors and friends in the McHenry area for the kindness shown during our nine years of residence here. We are most appreciative for having made so many fine friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Soucie and Son *19 RICHMOND '49 CLASS ENJOYS 10-YEAR REUNION The first class to graduate from the new Richmond Burton Community high school building held their tenth year reunion and dinner dance at the Wing 'n Fin club, Volo, recently. Sixteen members of the class of twenty-two graduates .were present with their husbands, wives or guests. Class members found their places by looking for their senior pictures bursting out of a rose-shaped nut cup. Everyone also received a red rose boutonniere (the class flower). A business meeting in charge of the class vice-president, Jerry Vogel, was opened with a word of welcome to everyone and a moment of silent prayer in memory of Theodore Busch, class president, only deceased member of the class. The class also had a special Mass said for him in Spring Grove on Saturday, Sept. 5, at 8 a.m. Jerry Vogel read the class history, after which Joanne llolinaro Sutton read the class will and prophecy. Special prizefe for the evening went to La Verne Reich Buetow for coming the greatest distance; Georgia Schmitt BauCT for having the most children; Martha Cairns Betts, married the longest; Joanne Molinaro Sutton with the voungest infant: Walter Thornis and Don Huff (the only two bachelors) for the baldest heads. Other prizes awarded which brought much merriment to fhose present came in the form of that well known TV program "It Could Be You." Audrey Aubert Barber acted as MC. Everyone received a funny little gift to remind them of some incident of their school days. At the close of the meeting, a committee was formed and olans were made to hold a 1964 reunion, after which everyone enjoyed an evening of reminiscing and dancing. A special "thank you" goes to the self-apoointed commit-; *ee Mr. and Mrs. Jerrj/ Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barber, for a job well done. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings received during the illness and prssing of our lov&J one. Your kindnesses haVe\ meant so much to us. OurSp£|' cipl Thanks to Reverend Holcomb. Family of Mrs. John Thompson 19 Worried about . your child catching a contagious disease at school? The Institute for Safer Living says that you should do most of your child worrying about the possibility of accidental injury. Latest figures indicate that more children of school age die from, accidents than from all diseases or other causes combined. OSMTAL •8 ovu Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Karen Kollar and Lois Madsen of Crystal Lake; Robert Glueck, William Wilson, Colleen Miller, Berton Cady, Emmett Hansen, Mary Schneider, Thomas Weeks and John Engeln of McHenry; Trent Middlekauf of McHenry Shores; Elaine Godina and Lance Parks of McCullom Lake; Harvey Jones and Kenneth Petska of Ringwood; Patricia McDowell o f L a n s i n g , M i c h , ; H a z e l Schmaling of Wonder Lake; Terry Morrison, Janice Parisi and Phillip Bartman of Lake- 'and Park; Anna Wardy of Richmond and Charlotte Kruth of Round Lake. Robbie Hollander, 2-yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollander of Fox street, was in McHenry hospital for a few days suffering frorti an intestinal infection. 1 Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospilal. Woodstock, this past'Week included Andrew Kneckstedt and Patricia Reymann of Wonder Lake ;. Beula Hoard, Peggy Marchi ahd Alice Gast of McHenry. AMANDA ARNOLD BECOMES BRIDE OF WILLIAM HOLLY In a quiet wedding ceremony performed in a Grayslake church on Monday, Sept. 7, Miss Amanda Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arnold of Grayslake, became the bride of Mr. William Holly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holly of McHenry. The bride was attractive in a white, street length dress, with which she wore a white crown headpiece and carried a white bridal bouquet. Fbllowing the ceremony, the two families and the bridal party enjoyed dinner near Half Day, after which the couple left on a wedding trip into Wisconsin. They wall make their home in a new. trailer located on Rt. 120, near Round Lake. The groom graduated from the McHenry high school, served with the Army in Germany and is employed in his father's service station in McHenry. Mr. and Warren Holly $nd the bridegroom's grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Holly, attended the wedding. MOVE TO MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. William Soucie and son, Teddy, have moved to Ishpeming Mioh.. from their home in the Country Club Estates. "Sarg" Soucie has been transferred to K. I. Sawyer Air Force base from O'Hare International Air base after nine years spent there. He had been active with the rifle squad of the Legion, and both Mr. and Mrs. Soucie were very interested in all veteran activities. New Td Faculty POLICE URGE DRIVING CARE AS SCHOOL OPENS MARRIAGE LICENSES CI Norman M. Peterson, Round Lake, and Kathleen Keller, McHenrv. It won't kill you to be care ful. Bmmmwmm NDITI0NIN6 V* « IOC HI T*M>EM»I«K* H. E. BUCK SONS PLUMBING'HEATING CONDITIONING EVergreen 5-0048 SALE-A-TH0N NEW ELECTRIC PORTABLE MACHINE by Singer YOUNG BUDGET PORTABLE MACHINE At a Savings of FULL VACUUM CLEANER Special Trade-in Machines -- $19.50 to $29.50 Singer Sewing Machine Co. STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Daily Claire B< 200 S. Green Steppe EVergreen 5-0010 EXPERIENCE FOR PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY SERVICE Call Us Today For An Appointment Steam Baths Swedish Massage AIR CONDITIONED 221 Benton St. Woodstock, III. BER-JAN STUDIOS OF D ADULT BALLROOM LESSONS E Semi-Private or Class Lessons in: CHA CHA CHA - RHUMBA - JITTERBUG - TANGO SAMBA - FOX TROT - WALTZ - POLKA and the NEW ENGLISH QUIK STEP Begin now and you will dance for the Holiday Season. Our first Dinner Dance is in December. Free printed Dance Notes for home reference. PRE-TEEN CLASSES IN BALLROOM (10 through 14) TEEN-AGE CLASSES IN BALLROOM (14 through 17) We have taught quite a few of you parents in the McHenry Area to know that dancing is fun. Currently it is "right with the Teerys" to dance. Let's teach them to dance well and we will have happy teens. Free printed booklet of dance steps and Teen-Age Etiquette. Proper manners taught and practiced at each lesson. HALLOWE'EN - CHRISTMAS - VALENTINE And SPRING GRADUATION COTILLION Dances CHILDREN'S CLASSES BALLET - TAP - TOE - ACROBATIC - CHARACTER MODERN - BATON TWIRLING and ADAGIO Very tiny tots (2Vz) to Teenagers Free printed notes of Dance Lessons. REGISTRATION -- Studio phone EVergreen 5-0349 If no answer call EVergreen 5-4694 MERLE GARDINER Merle Gardiner of Marshfield, Wis., is one of the new faculty members at the local high school, teaching chemistry and senior science. A graduate of Platteville, Wis., State T e a c h e r s ' c o l l e g e , h e h a s taught for the past year at Stratford, Wis. September 11 Women's Clubt-- First Meeting of Year -- Wing 'n Fin Club -- Luncheon. September 15 Regular Meeting, Rivefview Camp, R.N.A. -- K. of C. Hall September 11 Original Luncheon Is Served -- Zion Lutheran Church -- Sponsored by Friendship Guild -- 12:30 p.m. October 1 CI. D. of A. Business Meeting October 4 Joint Conference of C. D. of A. Courts -- St. Mary's School Hall. October 14 McHenry County R.N.A. Convention -- Social Hall, Huntley -- Afternoon and Evening. October 15 C.D. of A. Card Party -- St. Patrick's Hall. Overheated Motors fkcChto 00 the, ffaul A dogged radiator caii mcidn real damage Inland'* Factory-Method flow Test assures 100% cooling efficiency. RADIATOR Cleaning and Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RATE PRICES With the Opening of school on Scyt. 8, Police Chief Joseph Grobel reminded motorists to slow down and be extremely cautious while driving in the vicinity of schools. "Many youngsters will be going to school for the first time and in their enthusiasm they may dash into the street, cross intersections against the light, or cross streets in the middle of the block," Chief Grobel said. "The motorist must stay constantly alert when driving in school areas," he added. "He has a moral as well as a legal responsibility to protect children going to and from school from any possible accidents." The chief said that while parents, schools, and the police department are working constantly for greater child safety on streets and highways, there are many problems yet unsolved. One of the major problems, he said, is coping with the impulses of children and training them (iff safety precautions from, jpre-school age through adolescence. "The only way to tackle this problem of unpredictable behavior in children, especially in crossing streets, is to urge that motorists keep a sharp lookout and drive slowly through school and playground areas, especially during the peak hours of school traffic in the morning and afternoon," Chief Grobel said. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev arrives in the (J.S. on the anniversary of the day that . Russia was proclaimed a republic. Hie provisional government of Aleksandr Kerensky inaugurated the republic on Sept. 15, 1917-- about two months before the Bolshev^s came to power. Between 1957 and 1958, dairy foods prices increased 2 percent, whereas prices of "all foods" increased by more than 4 percent, reports the National Dairy Council. Oh, yes, we in E S C R I P T I O N S • Because of our large prescription volume, we maintain ample stocks of medicinals, including the newer specialties. Thps we can compound even unusual prescriptions without delay. Our prices? You willfl find them uniformly fair. Millsiream Drug* Next To Jewel Tea 815 W. Elm Street and Cilmtafm mefRS UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of Stilling's "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. McHenry EVergreen 5-0788 FALL COATS Really Sparkle after our SANITONE Dry Cleaning 1 • Spots or# gone • All dirt removed o Colors sparkle o Soft-Setto Finish restores look and feel of nearness Try this service just once and you'-ll never be happy with any other. It keeps all of your clothes fresh and new-looking longer. Call us TODAY SANITONt Save 10% -- Cash *n Carry Same Day Service Available RAINBOW ANERS Around Corner North of National Tea North Front Street Ph. EVergreen 5-0972 Open Friday Eve's, 'til 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FItEE PARKING AT RAINBOW DRIVE-IN BAKERY McHENRY GREEN ST. WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Regular Store Hours: 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sundays: 7-12 Noon D McHENRY BAKERY EVergreen 5-0190 k (Wf is"-;. £ % | j i * x "What advantages does your auto-financSf&g plan offer?" , The principal advantages of financing a car "die bank way" are these: Credit requirements are simple; the over-aH cost of borrowing is low; the initial car insurance premium may be included in the loan; the loan-processing procedure is brief; credit is advanced promptly on approved applications; repayment is convenient. If you have decided on your next car, may we suggest that you visit our bank, to talk "dollarsand- sense' with us, before you decide on a financing plan?. It may pay you, in a number of ways, to do so! McHENRY BANIC Established Since 1906 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040

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