Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1959, p. 14

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mlags Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 24, 19$!^ Legal* PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Changes in Schedules COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY (Public Service C o m p a n y D i v i s i o n ) h e r e b y gives notice to the public that certain revisions in Schedules E-3 and 8-R, have been filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on September 8, 1959. The Company proposes revision of Hate 1, Residential Service, In Schedule E-3 to eliminate the minimum average charge. will have the effect of reducing billing to customers using over 996 kilowatthours per month. In Schedule 8-R, the Company proposes to revise Paragraph (1.05) by making ungrounded 480-volt delta service available only where a customer installs ground detectors on his system. Paragraphs (5.40) and (5.41), relating to modern-1 ization of wiring, are proposed to be withdrawn from this schedule although the Company proposes to continue its program of assisting in such modernization. Further information with respect to these changes may be obtained directly from the Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Com- j merce Commission in Spring- j field, Illinois. j A copy of the proposed; changes may be inspected by any interested party at any j business office of this Com- j pany. ; COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY (Public Service Company Division) by HUBERT H. NEXON Director of Rates (Pub. Sept. 17-24, 1959) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of RICHARD F. CRONlN, Deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, November 2, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of RICHARD F. CRONIN, Deceased, pending in the County Court, of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date \yithout issuance ol summons. .BERNARD V. DOHERTY Administrator Carroll & Leali, Attorneys 110% Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Phone: FE 8-1334 (Pub. Sept 17-24, Oct. 1, 1959) LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR ORDINANCE NO. 59-O-S GARBAGE TAX LEVY AN ORDINANCE FOR THf LEVY OF A GARBAGE TAX FOR THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN NING MAY 1, 1959. AND ENDING APRIL 30. 1960. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI DENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby levied upon all the taxable pxx>perty within the corporate limits of said Village for the year 1959, in addition to the maximum of taxes authorized for general corporate purposes, a garbage tax of not more than .10 per cent of the full, fair cash value as assessed or equalized by the Department of Revenue pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 40-3, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1951. SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk be and is hereb\ directed to file with the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois. a certified copy of thi? Ordinance as provided by law SECTION 3. That should any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid. SECTION 4. That this Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 59-0-3. SECTION 5. That the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to have this Ordinance 2 -- Oil Burner Service Calls 2 For $12.00 $8.00 for the 1st call -- $4.00 for the 2nd call within the 1959-60 heating season HERE'S WHAT YOU GET ON EACH CALL! • Your hot air furnace or hot water boiler vacuum cleaned • Clean and adjust electrodes • Clean stack safety controls • Clean and adjust draft control i Check limit setting i Oil motor $5.00 -- SPECIAL -- $5.00 • Vacuum home room oil burner t Clean and adjust draft control BESSCURD J. SCHALL Phone EVergreen 5-0571 Bt. 8, Box 156 Griswold Lake Road McHenry, 111. published in the manner provided by law. „ J SECTION 6. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in accordance with the law. CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT President Village of Lakemoor McHenry County, Illinois PASSED: Sept. 10, 1959 APPROVED: Sept. 10, 1959 PUBLISHED: Sept. 24, 1959 Attest: RICHARD J. HYATT Village Clerk (Pub. Sept. 24, 1959) Girl Scouts PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change in Schedules COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY and its Public Service Company Division hereby give notice to the public that they have filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on September 16, 1959, a proposed revision in Rider 20, Fuel Adjustment, of their electric Schedules 9 and E-3: The revision,, which deals with the treatment of fuel costs at the Company's Dresdien Nuclear Power Station and of purchases of power from sources outside the Company's system, would tend to reduce the amount of the fuel adjustment. Further information with respect to this revision may be obtained either directly from the Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission in Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed revision may be inspected by any interested party in any business office of the Company. COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY HUBERT H. NEXON Director of Rates (Pub Sept 24 - Oct. 1, 1959) Frank X. Gregory of McHenry has volunteered to be over-all chairman for Valley View Neighborhood of the forthcoming Girl Scout fund drive. The dates of the drive are Sept. 27 through Oct. 2. This is the only fund drive to be conducted on behalf of the Girl Scout organization during 1959. Proceeds from the drive support the Council activities. Assisting Mr. Gregory are the following local chairmen: Mrs. Hilary Rodenkirch and Mrs. J. T. Mahoney of McHenry, Mrs. Richard Jajnczak' of Lakeland Park, Mrs( Eugene Heir of Pistakee Highland, Mrs. Vincent Weyland\of Holiday Hills and Mrs. Norman Morrison of Lakemoor. The Girl Scout program is far more than educational and recreational. It is a definite community service program. Our local Girl Scouft have worked on a wide variety of service projects for groups such as churches, hospitals, convalescent homes, schools, P.T..A.'s and needy families. Two of the basic beliefs of the Girl Scout organization are that the program depends upon volunteers and relies upon the financial support of communities using it. There will be a basic leadership course starting in McHenry on Monday, Sept. 28, at 1 p.m. at the V.F.W. This course will be conducted by Mrs. Frank Gans, who is a qualified volunteer trainer with many years of experience. Please contact Mrs. Gans at Evergreen 5-1878 to register, or for further information. Courage is that virtue which champions the cause of right. Ed Schlosser's RED STAR INN Junction of U.S. 12 & Rt. 31 8 Miles North of McHenry TASTY FOODS - FINE COCKTAILS SUNDAY SPECIAL COMPLETE DINNER PRIME RIB OF BEEF Natural Juices EVERY WEDNESDAY SPECIAL STEWED CHICK EM AND DUMPLINGS Salad - Rolls - Beverage FRIDAY SPECIAL FISH FRY Fresh Lake Perch Filet -- AU You Can Eat $285 15 $135 COMBINATION PLATE Shrimp, Scallops and Perch Filet WE SPECIALIZE IN BAR-B-Q RIBS HAVE YOU TRIED THEM? CLOSED EVERY THURSDAY AUCTION SUNDAY -- SEPTEMBER 27th 1:00 P.M. KARL W. FREEMAN, Auctioneer PHONE: FEderal 8-2999 Due to the owner moving South, a public auction will be held on th^j Roger Hill farm located about Wa miles northeast of Woodstock on Raffel Road, ^ mile north of Route 120 and near the new Catholic High Shool. Personal property will be sold first and real estate will be offered promptly at 3:00 p.m. Real Estate 3 acres of land with attractively remodeled farm home. Brick veneer and frame construction, pine paneled with 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, large living room with fireplace, modern kitchen, family room with fireplace and flagstone floor, automatic oil heat, attached double garage. Barn 36x80 and chicken house. Grounds are beautifully landscaped and there are about 15 fruit trees. Immediate possession. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 10^ of purchase price date of sale and balance can be arranged on reasonable amortized1 basis. Guarantee Title Policy will be furnished. Personal Property Household furniture; Antiques - glass, china, old desks: 17 TV FM tuner and hi fi components; Lawn tools, mowers and roller; Drum type floor sander; Fire extinguishers; Commercial size fluorescent fixtures and lamps; Southwind truck or bus heater. 18,000 BTU; Skis, sleds, skates; Norge Electrostatic air filter for hay fever - new; Airplane propellor. Cont. 65 - unused; 2 nylon airplane parachutes; H Tractor with front end loader; 4 section drag; Disc; 1 pr. Case Tractor wheels and tires 10x28; Electric fence; Woven wire; Electric motors; Table saw; Welding torch; Titan chain saw; Saddle and harness; Set of bobs; Ice boat; Mead racer, 70 ft sail area: Hollywood Kleig lights, flood lights, and other photographic equipment. Orson Welles' Magic Effects: Egyptian Mummy Case, Box used to saw Rita Hayworth in half, etc. Many other miscellaneous items. ROGER HILL, Owner For further information concerning auction call or see McHenry County Land Company, Agent 106 Benton St. Woodstock, III. Phone: FEderal 8-4211 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking /NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Speedway* Proved for Turnpike 8afety BLACKWALLS It * 6.F@»!S Twbtd BLACKWALLS Village ol Sunnyside P.T.A. SCHEDULES FIRST MEETING OF SEASON SEPT, 28 Irma Gunther - Reporter EV. 5-5484 A last reminder of the first meeting on Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. at the Community club. It is hoped to have 100 per cent membership, all parents should join. You get a chance to meet your neighbors and help your P.T.A. get some of the much needed things for school. Don't forget to get .your recipes in for our cook book which will have to go to press the first part of October in order to be ready for sale at our bazaar. The recipes may be brought to the meeting or given to the school children to give to the Sisters. Sick List We sure were surprised to hear that Harry Mackinson had to be laid up for awhile. He is doing fine but has to take things easy. Irene Garrity has been under the weather and we hope she is better. Little Danny Muleski spent a couple, of days in the hospital where her had his tonsils and adniods removed. The only bad part that he doesn't like is missing school especially now that he is in first grade. lis, was visiting them when she called me. Usually I have to go around and find where the newcomers live and find out who they are but I was real pleased when Mickey called me to say that tljpy were new residents. I don't miss anyone intentionally so if I don't get around to all newcomers then please don't hesitate to call me. Helping Hands I think it is wonderful when neighbors get to-gether to help one another whenever help is needed. Mrs. Mackinson doesn't drive which is bad when you don't live in town and when her friends and neighbors heard abouWHarry's bad spell they all called or dropped in to offer their services for which she will forever be grateful and the same goes for Mrs. Christensen who needed help last month. So don't forget if you need some help call your neighbor and I'm sure that if we can drive you for medicine or groceries of into town where someone is alawys going we will be glad to oblige. Nearly six million motorists are under 20 years of age, according to the National Safety Council. One in 14 drivers is a teenager. Newcomers I would like you to meet the new family that has moved into 64 Sunnyside Drive. Our new neighbors are Donald and Mickey Sellmen and their two children, Connie, who is 10, and Walter, who is just 22 months old. They are a long way from Kansas Citv so all you nice people down that way make them welcome in any way you can. Mickey's mother, Mrs. Richard Davis from Minneapo- FOR THE BEST RATES and SERVICE IN FINANCING Autos - Boats Appliances see the McHenry State Bank BEFORE your car is a victim of "STEERING WOBBLIES" is the time to actl Results of unbalanced or out-of-line wheels, ,they result in too-short tire life, too-dangerous blow-outs too many ACCIDENTSI Play safel See us NOW for a quick, sure safety check-up with scientific BEAR equipment. Thank Your Repair Man Fer "The Accident That Didn'ff Happen" 'Jen McHenry Auto Body 4H NEWS BUSY THREE CLUB There was a meeting of the Busy Three 4-H club on Sept. 15 at Bob and Duane Schmitt's home. There were eighteen members present. There was an election of officers resulting as follows: President, Johnny Smith; vicepresident, Don Osterby; secretary, Carol Jean Anderson; treasurer, Keith Weingart; reporter, Norma Anderson, recreation chairman, Bob Schmitt; federation delegates, Dave Miller and Butoh Gelvin. EPS RENTAL RENTS Electric Hammers to Wheel Chain EVergreen 5-4123 There will be an officers' meeting at Johnny Smith'iff home on Sept. 28. f TAG PROCEEDS "Doughnut Day" taggers in Wonder Lake raised $135.11 for the benefit of the SalvsH tion Army on the annual tj£» day held this past summff! Mrs. James Bell was chairman for that area. SHOP IN McHENR* OPEN mmric SYSTEMS FAST NO DIGGINGI • MIKIVM iludg*, gnai*, or waste • Oyw» «toM>< DnIrDiMI • GIT B0YER Septic lank Cleaner ACE HARDWARE Ph. EVergreen 5-0722 " ISO N. Riverside Dr. McHenry WYiWiO COMPANY 611 Front St. - So. on Rt. 31 Ph. EV 5-0444 McHenry, III SAFETY HEADQUARTERS Everything Must GO! STARTING OCT. 2nd GEORGE 1JUSTIN & SON FURNITURE STORE Cor. Green & Elm Sts. McHenry, I1L Phone: EVergreen 5-2400 9.10x15 Tube Type All Other Popular Sizes Reduced Proportionately •Plus tax and r*cappabl« tir* ""V --y • | •Ti -q&r Igr-ljjLjj "ijt, -IW"-".Plj-inP'•» FOR Passenger# Truck and Tractor Tires All Sizes HET0ME BY 0 We Allow From $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery AS LOW AS 1ATTERY *16 COSMETICS IT'S See Us Before You Buy and SAVE! McHenrf Tire Mart WALT FRECND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, 111. Bolger's ^ Come in and let one of our many cosmeticians help you choose exactly what is right tor you from our complete stocks of the following lines: REVLON HELENA RUBENSTEIN LADY ESTHER MARCELLE HAZEL BISHOP WOODBURY AREX MAX FACTOR RICHARD HUDNUT SHULTON LENTHERIC * FABERGE' YARDLEY HELENE CURTIS SCHIAPARELLI COTY LANVIN DANA EVYAN PONDS PRINCE MATCHABELLI We have the largest stock of the finest cosmetics in McHenry BOLGER'S DRUGS 103 S. GREEN EV 5-4500

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