Thursday, October 1, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Twenty-Three Pisiakee Highlands GIRL SCOUTS RESUME THEIR TROOP MEETINGS Hazel Morley Hy 7 3820 Kay Sielisch. Hy 7 3414 The Girl Scouts have now t " ^r^imed their meetings which ,• * take place at 7 p.m. at the barn. The first meeting will be held on Oct 2. The scout | leaders want all present girl scouts and any new girls who are ten years old and interested may join the troop. The new leader is Mrs. Mary Seldon and co-leaders are Harriet Wilson and Marilyn Vanfern. This year there will many interesting and exciting things in store for the girls. Camp outs and other things are being planned. Death Everyone down in the valley were saddened to hear about the death of Mrs. Nickelson last week in Chicago. She had been in poor health some time but she always tried to return to Pistakee Highlands, the place she liked so well. Mrs. Nickelson was buried in Arlington Heights on Sept. 25. Our deepest sympathy to the family. Polio Fund Drive Sell Out Marilyn VanZevern reports all the tickets she received for the Polio fund drive were sold everyone who assisted in the drive were most happy all the tickets alloted to the Highlands were sold in a hurry. Squad Fund Drive !>ne has been- wondermuch money Kay Sieturned in from the Highlands on the sale of tickets for Mdance sponsored by the nsburg Rescue Squad. I am happy to report that Kay turned in $296 to the Johnsburg Rescue Squad. Kay and Roy Snell knocked themselves out trying to sell unsold tickets. They make a good team on a drive, Kay was proud of all the Highlanders in making the drive such a success. T£»men's Club Executive Meet Last Wednesday, Sept. 22, the president of the Women's club held an executive meeting in her home for the planning of its next meeting Blanche Haefliger served the girls coffee and cake. Don't Forget It's the October association meeting we are talking about, ftis will be the first full meeting for our new presiden and we hope for a big turn out Mark your calendar to Oct. 7, and come support your association. Mount Hope Methodist Church This coming Sunday our church will- observe World Wide Communion along with *ost other Protestant groups. Oiristian people will begin the world wide communion in the west side of the international date line in the Pacific ocean. Our prayers will be for peace and world brotherhood through | understanding. We offer Jesus Christ as the way. There j will be a special offering for; Methodist overseas relief, for \ t h e M i l i t a r y C h a p l a i n s ' f u r t d . : and for the Military Base and camp facilities. j Our Sunday School meets at j 3 : 3 0 a . m . w i t h Ed T h o r e n , S u -j perintendent. The morning j worship and communion will I he at 11 a.m. Youth Fellow-1 ship on Sundays at 7 p.m. with! O. C. B a n k e r a s c h i e f c o u n -J sellor. Come with us and we will do you good. Rev. James H. Hagerty, JU 7-0250; 913 S. Wilson Road, Ingleside, is our pastor. cf the hospital. If anyone is interested they can get further details from Mrs. Moreth. Mr. and Mrs. Risto attended another family gathering in Libertyville on Sept. 20. Family get-togethers • are always so much fun. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Uloth from LaSalle came for their yearly visit to the Moreths. They will stay a full week vising with Marge and Bill. Reminder to Cubs Here and There Mrs. O'Neil spent last Wednesday in Chicago visiting old friends and shopping. James and Jane Malek and two of their children, Joyce and Jamie, spent a couple of days last week at the Wisconsin Dells. Judy Krumwiede took care of the baby for the two days they were gone. The Janquarts, Erbins and Dob^ckis spent last Saturday night at the bowling alley. Accoiding to the girls, they let the fellas win a couple of games. Happy birthday to C a r 1 a Bales who celebrated on Sept. 24. Dick and Lee Conway attend the wedding of Lee's cous- n, Donna McMullen, in Chicago on Sept 26. Janice and Jerry Janquart spent Saturday in Oak Park visiting with their good friends the Sedlins. Mrs. Lillian Orlowski is doing fine after her heart attack Sept. 6. She is hoping to be home soon. We know that cards from friends would be a great help for Lillian who is unider complete bed rest rules and time hangs heavy on her hands. She returned homfe last Thursday from . the McHenry hospital. A word of warning to all of Kay Sielisch's friends who will be visiting. No candy or cake. Kay is on a very strict diet, and Wally has been busy seeing she doesn't get the goodies. He says he likes having her around and he sees that she follows her doctor's orders to the lettter. Kay has to take it easy for awhile but she will be back at the typewriter for the next issue of the paper. Haze and Dick Morley attended a wedding reception in North Chicago last Saturday evening. Dick Morley spent last Tuesday afternoon taking the family's six pups to Deerfield. It seems all the children would have taken a pup but the parents had their ideas on the subject. A very happy birthday to Johnny Mclnerney who was two years old on Sept. 29. Last Thursday Mrs. Moreth and Mrs. Schuble attended the Pink Lady auxiliary meeting held in Johnsburg. The purpose of the auxiliary is to make t h i n g s to s e l l in t h e P i n k Lady Shoppe for the benefit Just a reminder to all boys between the ages of 8 and 11. If >ou are interested in joining the Scouts you may do so by contacting Mr. Zenner, Mr. Neilsen, Mr. Cinicin or Mr. Fletcher. Attend Son's Wedding ' Mr. and Mrs. Moreth attended the wedding of their son, Raymond Hanson, who was married to Miss Mitsy Toth, in Chicago on Sept. 26. The Moreths granddaughter, Margaret Zacharis, was the flower girl. A reception was held in the evening for 250 guests. Mrs. Schuble was among the guests. D ONLY... : &NLY LIFETIME CHARGE TO© i?roven iattery Additfv© gives you WINTER-START INSURANCE QOUBlfS FREE! m * On your pifMnl Battery regardless of make or age. THIS IS ALL YOU DO: Treat your car battery with LIFETIME-CHARGE Sand Hm box, with your nama and address to MAGNA FLO CO.. Inc., Youngstown 12, Ohio, within <3 hours, enclosing I0{ for postago and handling. Thay will register your INSURANCE. Rrotecting you against battery failure! - YOUR BATTERY GOES WEAD BEFORE SPRING, CALL YOU a GARAGE OR SERVICEMAN. HAVE HIM START YOUR CAR ... and " LIFETIME CHARGE" WIU. PAT THE IILU to TfiDGteidt £ (SIlfES POSTER ^ LIKE im . . . LASTS All milt |«9 Protect Your Car Finish Against Winter FftEE POLISHING CLOTH with all NATIONALLY ADVERTISED POLISH IMMUNE SUPPLY Route 120 East McHenry, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-0778 Open Daily: 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. -- Sundays 0 A.M. - 1 P.M. Teen News Last Monday night the 'teens had a social at the barn. There was dancing and everyone had a nice time just be- •pfl friendly. Gloria Waldin and Honey Rielly went on the train last Saturday to Chicago. Gloria did some shopping for school clothes. Better late than never There was a get-together one evening last week at the Spankuchs' home. A few of the teens in on the fun were Rick and Curly Axle, Darrell, Marion Mueller, Trudy Rodge, Jill and Honey Rielly, Barbara Wolfe, Barb Schlick. Dodie, Janet Peloquin and Butch Mueller. Mrs. Orlowski's. sister from Trevor, Wis., visited last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Orlowski. Bill, Marie and Bobbie Schlick spent last week <n Chicago preparing for the wedding of their niece last Saturday evening. Barb drove to the city in time for the wedding Saturday morning. Kay Sielisch and Marie Schlick have been named as co-chairmen of the bake and rummage sale for the Women's club. A definite date hasn't been set as yet for the sale but it will be some time in October. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sabielny had their infant son, Daniel Richard, christened at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 27 at the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry. £ Mrs. Osweiler from Chicago is visiting with her daughter. Audrey Misavice for a few days. God speed and good wishes are sent out to Bob Messell who left Sept. 28 for Marine training in San Diego. The new officers of the 'teen club will take over at their next regular meeting which wi'l be held the first Monday in October. As always we are happy to £™t news items from our fripnds and neighbors. If you have anything, please feel free to call. We like to keep getting news about all our residents and not just the same ones week after week. Let us know what is new on your block 'Bye now. see you next week. Legals Around The Highlands Dick Madock is spending his vacation at home remodeling his garage. Hazel Morley attended a party at the home of her sister- in-slaw, Glenda Paschke, in Round Lake Park. Pat Jackson was happy to see her school chum, Alveyn Roberts and her two daughters from Des Plaines. Judy Krumwiede spent a p l e a s a n t day w i t h h e r g i r l friend from Morton Grove. She spent the day in the Highlands with her two children. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of RICHARD F. CRONIN, Deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, November 2, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of RICHARD F. CRONIN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry C o u n t y , I l l i n o i s , and t h a t claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance ot summons. BERNARD V. DOHERTY Administrator Carroll & Leali, Attorneys 110 lu Benton Street Woodstock. Illinois Phone: FE 8-1334 (Pub. Sept 17-24, Oct. 1, 1939) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change in Schedules COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY and its Public Ser-! vice Company Division hereby give notice to the public that they have filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on September 16. 1959, a proposed revision in Rider 20, Fuel Adjustment, of their electric Schedules 9 and E-3. The revision, which deals with the treatment of fuel costs at the Company's Dresden Nuclear Power Station and of purchases of power from sources outside the Company's system,* would tend to reduce the amount of the fuel adjustment. Further information with respect to this revision may be obtained either directly from the Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission in Springfieldj Illinois. ; A copy of the proposed revision may be inspected by. any interested party in any business office of the Company. COMMONWEALTH - EDISON COMPANY HUBERT H. NEXON Director of Rates (Pub Sept 24 - Oct. 1, 1959) VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday. Oct. 6, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. <at the j Post Office building, second i floor, in Woodstock. It's a good idea to read a I book, but a better idea to be careful of the book that you read. 1 This is a good tifne to drive ! carefully, avoid risks and save ! lives on the highways. SHOP IN McHENRY BUILDING BLOCKS I "That new waitress is really smart! She tells the customers about the wonderful selection of roofing materials at WONDER LAKE BUILDERS' SUP PLY, and they always leave a tip!" tell my wife!" wp ill iou might tell her that in 15 years the annual death rate has dropped frorri 10.8 to 9.2N deaths per\1000. This means that antibiotics, hormones and other miracle prescriptions helped to save 1,800,000 livies. That's why we say TODAY'S PRESCRIPTION IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN HISTORY. IIVIl'llllll" 11 1 4k AMERICAN -j Flight Stewardesses TO BE IHTERVIEWEOl 8 A CAREER IN THE SKY 1 AWAITS YOU | Fun, Adventure, Travel jj Meet Fascinating People ji You will be trained at our g fabulous Stewardess Col- S lege. As a stewardess H you'll receive a gener- y ous salary plus liberal H expenses, travel privileges » for you and your family. H Openings in immediate H and fuhira class** H FOR APPOINTMENT SEND COUPON Personnel Department American Airlines, Inc. 5245 W. 55th Chicago 38, Illinois I meet all qualification* and am interested ii an interview. • • • • • • Single Age 20-26 (Girfs 19% apply for future claiie«| A High School Graduate Weight 105-135 Height S'T-VV 20/50 vision wMwst glasses (contact Imms •My be considered^ "I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • « I I I I I I I II I • I City 83.06 Another fresh one from Pontiac! *777. The inspired beauty of perfect proportion! The precision control of Wide-Track Wheel Design! The softer ride of supple suspension! TTiie wide choice of vigorous Tempest V-8 Engines toii®r©€S to economy of feSgh performance! The car craftsmen who developed Wide-Tract Wheels, the innovation that brought a new standard of roadability to the American passenger car, present another fresh original for 1960S With clean, crisp lines' they've composed a delightful rightness of form with unity and rhythm. Into the proved principle of Wide-Trade (wheels farther apart for a steadier stance) they've engineered an ingenionsly improved suspension system. This combination of a firm foundation and supple suspension gives you flawless control, more skill in the fine art of driving, smooth stability, bump-yielding softness. The power plant is typically Pontiac. A wide range of restless, groundgaining power packages to choose from. All are husky V-8's, ranging from the frugal 425E economy engine that prefers regular grade gasoline to the fiery Tempest 425. Haven't you been an admiring spectator of Pontiacs long enough? Isn't this your year to become a participant in Pontiac pleasure, to move up to Pontiac ownership, where the enjoyment is the fullest where the point of view is the freshest? \ Wide-Track Wheels give you swayle« stability, solid comfort. You maneuver with skillful sureness, accurate control. It's the sweetest, most precise, most rewarding driving-you've ever felt. www* THE ONDf GAFLWLTH WIDE • TRACK WHEELS % ON DISPLAY TODAY AT ALL PONTIAC DEALERS OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT ST. MCHENRY \ ' *