'v; # Pag* Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, October 8, 1959 Wonder Lake |*OCAL CANDIDATES yiE FOR QUEEN AT WOODSTOCK HIGH by Jane Ducey -- 2781 ' Homecoming queen candidates at the Woodstock Community high school J'Ann Wrede, daughter of the Gail Wredes of Wooded Shores, and Carolyn Green, daughter bf the Frank Greens of High-' land Shores. Crowning of the queen will culminate activities J|t the pep rally in the city park Thursday night. The parade starts at 7:30 earlier in the Evening. The queen will then ueign over the game Friday JJight and occupy her throne at She dance in the gym Saturday Jlight. Teachers Present Program ^ Three members of the Harri- Son school faculty' will tell and social at this meeting, and plans will be completed for the Halloween party, and a career night to which all parents will be invited. TheSVltar Guild will meet at the parsonage Wednesday, Oct. 14. at 8. All ladies are invited to enjoy and help in this imporlant service of preparing the Lord's house for worship. The Program will be the continuing of the series of filmstrips on the life of Christ. ible, and Mrs. Healless asks any parent of a child interested in this special group to contact her at W. L. 4712. ing the Yacht Club, Olaf Nielson. Christ the King News "The Relationship of Parents and Children in the Family" is the theme of the lectures to be given by Rev. William I. Joffe, associate editor of the Observer. at the Cana Conference at Christ the King church Sunday, Oct. 11. from 1 to 5:30 p.m. Rev. Joffe's informative and interesting talks will conclude with a question and answer period. The purpose of this workshop on marriage is to help make marriage happier Jhow parents and teachers can ^ more joyful During inte,._ • jfrork together" at the Oct. 13 meeting of the P.T.A. Mrs. Emma Stork, who teaches kinfiergarten; Mrs. Lor rai.no Wenck. third and fourth grade mission n buffet luncheon will he served. •> Reservations may be made : by calling any member of the . teacher; and Randall Josser- committee which consists of and, seventh grade teacher, ^r- anf] Mrs. S. Ru^gero, will-tell the audience ways /to registration: Mr. and Mrs. Anmake school a meaningful Jrni thon^ M>slak- *ene™l arr T an^c" ^il- ; mrnts: Mr. and Mrs. I^eroy ^McCall, food; Mr. and Mrs. Kiwanians Hear Rev. Stevens The Rev. Weston Stevens of the Congregational-Universal- ' ist- church in Woodstock, who spent the past summer touring Europe, will present pictures and commentary to the Mc- Henry Township Kiwanis Club Monday, Oct. 12, at LaGreca's Lake Vfcew Inn. | Rev. Stevens travelled extensively in the Soviet Union and was present at the opening of the American ExpositioK^lat which time he met vice-president Nixon. "We feel very fortunate", said President Fred Zandier, "that Rev. Stevens has been able to find time for our club in his heavy schedule". Monday is also Kiwanis Ladies night, and anyone interested is invited to attend. Attending the Kiwanis District convention in Chicago over the weekend were Joe Sullivan, Fred Zandier, Lt: Gov. Select George Pedersoii. immediate past president of the township club. Wpvne Ryder and Mr. and Mrs. happy experience for their cr dren. . The meeting will start at 8 _ ^ „ p.m. in the gvmnasium. Other George Freund. publicity; and business of the evening will be •Mr- and Mrs- Francis H.ggins. the adoption of the budget for i AH married couples are corthe year. The hot dog program 1 dially invited and welcome to will continue as the fund rais- attend. in project again this year, it Y. C. S. Youth Group will was decided at the board meet- ; meet at the school Thursday in Monday. night at 8. for their first meet- Mrs. George Street has ac- ing. All high school students cepted the appointment of | should attend these discussions. treasurer, replacing Mrs. Paul Schwegel who moved from the community. The room mothers of the eighth grade class will be hostesses for the refreshment hour. Rev. James Vanderpool is chapplam. and Miss .Mary Jean Berner, moderator. Holy Name Society Meets Rev. James Vanderpool will begin a series of lectures on "Man" at the meetings of the Holy Name society. "The Na- Nativity Lutheran Church News The sermon topic for Sun- ; fure of Man" will be the sub day, Oct. 11, will be "Invita- joct of his talk Thursday night, i tion Accepted". All a$? wel-iOct. 8. at the meeting in the1 come to either of the two wor- j parish hall. All men in the parship services. , ish are ^urged to attend. Re- Attendance awards and pro- freshments will be served by KYiotion certificates will be pre- hosts. Ernie Schultz, George seated at Sunday School on Halbauer, and Elmer Raske. Rally Day, Oct. 11. All children ; Yacht Club Dinner Party The annual Yacht Club dinner party was held at the Wing 'n Fin Saturday, attended by forty-two members and guests. Officers elected for the next season were: Commodore, Peter Georgeson; vice-commodore. Mr.' Thorsen; rear-commodore, Olaf Nielson; secretary, Don Coumbe. The racing committee is composed of Nielson, Bill Silk, and Lee Strom. Sr. Trophies for the season's racing were presented at the banquet. The first went to "Fancy Pants". "Blue Jean", second, and "Wet Pants" third. This year the Woodwards received a "nice" trophv, according to Ruth (not the fur-lined cUp), for the "most improvement". The furlinde cup? That went to Chais lie O'Shea. An extra trophy was presented this year, to one of the most active members, and the most instrumental in re-build- | Girl Scout Intermediate , Troop No. 494 | Girl Scout troop No. 494 met i at the home of Mrs. Tom McMillan Sept. 22, for their first meeting of the fall season. The troop is divided into three patrols. The "Witch Doctor's" patrol has Mrs. Charles Paetow for its leader; the "Ani gels" patrol leader is Mrs. Al- I bert Topp; and the "Shooting Stars" patrol has Mrs. G. Maxsteadt as leader. The following officers were elected: Bobby Hansen, treasurer; Phyllis Reuter, scribe; and Pamela Sinclair, reporter. Hot dogs, pop, and potato chips were enjoyed by the seventeen scouts attendings the meeting. 'The girls met the following week at the McMillan home at which time dues for the year wete collected. The Girl Scout laws were reviewed.. Mrs. Topp's "Angels" presented the flag ceremony. T he meeting closed with community singing refreshments, and the singing of "Taps". ^ - Wonder Workers Elect Officers The Wonder Workers 4-H grouo held their first meeting of the season last week and elected officers for the year. President is Jackie Hansen; vice-president, Krysia Oleszczuk; secretary-treasurer, Ann Pliner; and reporter, Leanna Sellek. The two federation delegates named are Jackie Hansen and Donna Mae Dean. Substitutes are Kathie Ahrens and Leanna Sellek. The group leader, Mrs. Jay Hansen, gave the girls record books from last year. Projects for this year's program were discussed and each girl told Mrs. Hansen what she would like to work on. The club wishes to thank Mrs. Hansen for serving as their leader for another year. The next meeting will be held Oct. 26. SCOUT ROUNDUP PRECEDES 1960 50th ANNIVERSARY j As the Boy Scouts of Ameri- ! ca approaches its golden anni- , versary in 1960 with nearly five million boys and adult : leaders enrolled, the Blackhawk Area Council, with headquarters at Rockford, is launch- ; ing a "roundup" during the fall j months to welcome hundreds j of new members into existing Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout troops, and Explorer units as well as new units being organized. "For All Boys" is the solgan of the roundup. Past experij cnce shows that many boys fail to join Scouting merely bej cause no one invited them. * Periodic tests over the years 1 show that three of every four boys want to become members. The organization now enrolls one of every two boys of scouting ages. Each member is being asked personally to invite a boy to his meetings and join in : the fun! i Boys eight through ten years of age may join Cub Scouting. Cub S,couts are constantly oh the go, working on various requirements called for in their a c h i e v e m e n t p r o g r a m : . C u b Scouting is a typically American home-centered neighborhood program in which mothers serve as den mothers or help in other ways to see to it that a wide range of interesting activities are conducted. Dads sign up as den dads or pack committeemen and help make it possible fjor Cub Scout dens and packs to go pi acqs, see and do things. The Blackhawk Area Council has 5,2ob Cub Scouts in 116 Cub Scout packs. ) Boy Scouting for those |1 through 13 now has more members than ever before in its nearly fifty years of history. Boy Scout troops carry on a year-round program of camping in all weather. Members are taught to be self-reljiant, resourceful, and to acquire, many useful skills. Know Your Hospital There was an average of one emergency patient treated every three and one-half hours during August, 1959, at Mc* Henry hospital^ according to figures released by hospital officials. The 20^ emergency cases set a record monthly high since the institution was established three years ago. The total represents a 21 per cent increase over August, 1958. The number of emergency patients treated during the first seven months of 1959 were: January, 87; February, 94; March, 104; May, 122; June, 169; and July, 137. Results of a recent survey showed that almost 90 per cent of the emergency cases treated here are residents of McHenry county. Most of the remainder live in neighboring counties. DIVORCE ACTION Mila Kotiw of Lakemoor uCs : granted a divorce last Friday from T. Kotiw. They were married in Germany in 1947. A sep- ! arate maintenance degree was ! entered on behalf of Denise ' Thompson of McHenry against Roy Thompson. i Fire breaks out every 37 sec- ! onds in some U.S. community. ' Millions of junior fire marsha^ i in these communities are work- „ ing voluntarily year-round to cut down losses from fires. Latest world Scout membership in 69 associations show 7,589,183 boys and leaders. Traffic accidents, the National Shfety Council says, injure 150,000 children 5-14 years of age each year. of the community are welcome •to attend as the new Sunday School year officially opens. The Luther League will meet Sunday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m. and they invite all young people of high school age to at- New 4-H Group to Start Mrs. Dale Healless has been accepted as the leader of a new 4-H group to be started at the Lrke for boys and girls who are mentally or physically handicapped. The youngsters tend. There will be a program L must be 10 years old to be elig- Finance It At McHenry State Bank "Yes ma'am it's National Pharmacy Week!" We pharmacists are proud to be a part in the field of modern medicine which has conquered many dread diseases in recent years, and added 10 years to man's life expectancy. YOUR PHARMACIST WORKS FOR BETTER COMMUNITY HEALTH YES FOLKS... Expense-paid trip for 20 farm couples! BIG BERMUDA HOLIDAY In February, 1960, 20 winning couples in the Allis-Chalmers Fall Purchase Contest will vacation in balmy Bermuda and visit fabulous New York City. Contact Is »oiy to ontor-- by doing part of your Spring equipment buying now. Real opportunity to win-- entries are limited to Allis-Chalmers customers whose buying qualifies them between September 25, and the end of the year. Be A WINNER! Plan to join the other winning couples for a week of fun and sun. SEE US FOR THE DETAILS RIGHT AWAY! Contort wblact to federal, rial* and local law*. Ask us about the Allis-Chalmers plan to flnanc* your tlm* purchas* of farm oqufpmMf. ALLIS-CHALMERS SALES AND SERVICE R. M. FLEMING & SON SALES & SERVICE Phone Evergreen 5-0033 McHenry, IIL WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE OUR DUE TO UMBTiD FLO@R SPACE, WE WERE UNA1LE T.0 DISPLAY OUR.ENTIRE INWI&TORY. WE NOW HAVE SPACE FOR MORE OF OUR TOP-DUALITY FUMTUlg TAKEN FROM OUR WAREHOUSE. WHICH MEANS MORI MONEY-SAVING VALUES TO YOU! COME EARLY AND RESERVE YOUR CHOICE Bank Financing Available Hours: Daily, 8 - 6 -- Fridays, 8-9 GEORGE R. JUSTEN & SON Cor. Green & Elm Sts. Across From The Bank FURNITURE STORE McHenry, III.