Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Oct 1959, p. 18

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Page Eighteen McttENRY P^lNDiAiLEft McCullom Lake NEW OFFICERS ELECTED FOR Eve Levesque Mrs. Louise Hammerstein will head the women's organization for the coming year. She was elected president nt the last meeting of the Ladies of the Lake, Thursday. Oct. 22. Serving with her will be Mrs. Marge Stacknick in the capacity of vice-president and Mrs Marie Howe accepted the office of secretary-treasurer for another year. We know these women will do an excellent job for the community but they will -need the support of all members in order-to operate at maximum efficiency. The gals, are asking the cooperation of every one in the community . for tho coming "I*Ywl Frolic" which will be held Saturday.' Nov 14 at McDonald's. Tanned goods and staple groceries would be very • much appreciated. Please-bring your contribution to the Victor .Howe residence or to the next meeting of the Ladies of the Lake. • Sincere • thanks in advance from the committee. . Orange Blossoms in the Snow! It may be snowv and cold outside but- it is summer in the hearts of Miss Jean Ann Mc- Ginley and Mr. Elmo Meis as they impatiently await their forthcoming nuptials. They will plight their troth at St. Patrick's church. McHenrv this Saturday. Oct. 31 at 11 am The wedding reception will be held at the Wins n' Fin club at 5 n.m. Best wishes for future 'happiness to the beautiful bride and her handsome groom A pre-nuptial shower was ' held for Jean Ann at the home .of F°v Sirr'th in Sunset View ' subdivision last Sunday afternoon. The luckv s?a1 ws vr^- -sented with a very pretty double gardenia corsage bv the -hostess. TTiocp present i^chided Jean's jnother, Mrs. Walter 'MoGinley. Marion Otto Alary • Kuna. sisters. Mrs. F1ore~",r 'and Phyllis Smith, and Evie 'Hcyt. Several others were linkable to attend. The hostess had fashioned small packets of rice into favors These will be uced hy The guests to fling at 1he newlyweds on Saturday. Cute, huh? Coffee, tea. layer cakes, afterdinner mints and nuts were ^served. Breakfast With the Neighbors This Sunday, Nov. 1, you will have an opportunity to chat with your friends as you enjoy your breakfast and coffee at ^erenicc^wd~Wtiitey's: The McCullom Lake Men's club will again be cooking and serving, j These affairs are proving very 'popular and so many of our villagers look to the once-amonth "get-togethers". Eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, and flapjacks will be available from 9 a.m. Couple Feted for 46th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zody were surprised and thrilled last Friday night. Oct. 23. as they opened the door and heard the merry words of "surprise!" Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nelson, Mary Kintorski. Jo and Bob Loesch. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Oberhuber. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brendle, Sr.. (without Conny who is convalescing after being hospita- 'ized) Petty Poledna. and Mr and Mrs. Ed Hammerstein trooped in bearing "tasty pastry" and other goodies for-the party. The occasion was the fortv-sixlh wedding . anniversary of .the Zodys. on the twenty- second. The very special cake was baked by Louise Hammerstein; Betty Poledna furnished open faced sandwiches; Mary Kantorski brought pies; and everything was heartily consumed. It was a very thoughtful gesture of friendship to a deserv i n g couple. Foreign Jaunt Ends Mr. and Mrs. Carl' Berquist returned recently froin a lour month journey across the ocean to Scandinavia. The Berquists entrained to NPW York andthen boarded the S.S. Stavangerfjord last May. It was Carl's first trip back to Sweden, his birthplace, in fortynine years! What a thrill that must have been for him! The couple spent some' time in Sweden and then it was on to Norway, the country from which Louise hails. It was her first trip in about twelve years. Relatives and friends were visited in both countries. It was a trip of a lifetime., but there is still "no place like home' . as they both agree. Sen. Kennedy Speaks y Mrs. Theresa Schullz and daughter. I.vnne. journeyed to. DeKalb,. on Sunday to hear Senator John .Kennedy (D> of Mass. speak. The gathering of about 10.000 people was held at' the Egyptian theater. his return to good health is a slow. process. He had some work done on his injured nose and as you Can realize, this can be very painful. How about sending -Frank--a--eherry message? We know this "topnotch" guy would really enjoy it. Happy we are to report that another hospital patient, Conrad Gustafson, is home from Waukegan. He came home last Thursday after being hospitalized for a heart attack. The days are long when you must rest and those get-well cards mean so much! Thursday, October 29, 1^59 Mrs. Jim Tallurico, Jr. On Oct. 24, their son, James III, was four while on this same date the great-grandmother, Mrs. -Anna Blazek. Celebrated her '60 License Applications Police Magistrate Victor Howe and Village Clerk Emma Pyritz are accepting applications for your 1960 license plates. They are also cq-.iipped to handle other types of licenses such as fishing, hunting, •nd d'riving. Avil yourself of this service which is so close to home. Service Day Changed As of Nov. 2, the disposal service will collect refuse in the village on Mondays instead of Saturdays. Rec Center Party The Cullom-Knoll 'association will hold another public party at McDonald's on Saturday night. Oct. 31 for the purpose of raising funds for the proposed recreation center. The committee composed of the Polednas and the Hammersteins have planned a "surprise" lunch for all who attend. The last party was held at Berenice and 'Whitey's on Saturday night and as a result the "kitty" is growing! Let's raise the level in the thermometer,. Recovering Slowly Frank Parkhurst was hospitalized for a week recently and Four Generations Celebrate Cakes aplenty have been coming out of the oven at the Tallurico residence this past week. Yesterday, Oct". 28, Mary and Jim chalked up twentynine years of wedded bliss. Tomorrow. Friday, Oct. 30. it will be five years wed for Mr. and BUILDING BLOCKS ME ON IN Drive The Most Beautiful and Economical American-Made Car On The Road Today! It is the New "LARK" by Studebaker for 1960 "Best Deal Anywhere" EDGEI1WN MOTOR SALES Your Authorized Factory Studebaker Dealer Rts. 14 ft 47 Woodstock, 111. Phone FE 8-0965 "George out-did us again! We only got a deer, but he went and got some insulation from WONDER LAKE BUILDERS' SUPPLY!" PULL better in snow or mud GRIP better on icy pavement STOP quicker in the rain RIDE more smoothly anywhere LAST longer than other tires NOISELESS No whine, whir or rumble GUARANTEED TO GO thru ice, mud or snow 6R WE PAY THE TOW ON NEW •••••••• Popular WAI.T before you buy and SAVE! We carry a complete supply of Firestone Town and Country RETREADS In all popular sizes tPR0FE5*T0nRL QIRECTORV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. ft Fri. 10 a.m. to 12 p.ito. 1:30 pjn. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0743 L-60 seventy-seventh birthday!! Best wishes to the entire family. Belated Greetings to Katie Lennert who observed her natal day on Sunday, Oct. 25. It Really Happened! The time change caught at least one of our villagers last weekend. Anne Matthesius called me at 8:10 a.m. and inquired about a driver for the Sunday School kids! They leave at 9! Without turning her clock back, the wee ones were ready an hour early! At least they weren't late. Better break oui. the_"ni:.rad flannels". It's going to be a long cold winter, judging from the first snowfall last Monday! Isn't this a little early, or am I getting old? See you next week. While the greatest property loss from fire in the U.S. is in industry, the greatest loss of life is in home fires. Today, elementary school youngsters ages 8 to 10 volunteer as junior fire marshals to Work in preventing home fires. SHOP IN MeHENRY LEGAL TOWNSHIP TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT Of Funds Received and Disbursed for the Fiscal Year landing March 31, 1959 - STATE OF ILLINOIS • County of McHenry, ) ) ss. Town of Burton ) , Office of Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds of said Town. To the Highway Commissioner, Town of Burton County of McHenry. State of Illinois: I. Charles N. May, Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds lor the Town and County aforesaid, State of Illinois, being duly sworn, depose and say that the following statement by me subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of road and bridge funds on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year above stated; the amount of road and bridge funds received; the sources from which received; the amount expended and the purpose for which expended, as set forth in said statement. Charles N. May, Treasurer, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of October 1959. Date 1958 Apr. Apr. Apr. May May June 18 July 15 July 30 Oct. 3 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 1959 Jan. 13 Feb. 3 Gordon E. Sergant STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS, SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES AND BALANCE ON HAND From Whom Received What For Bal. on hand March 25, 1958 $ Supr. Eugene May Lester Siedschlag-^-culvert Anna Oberg & Jane Agar--fill Z. Ranch Village of Spring Grove--Grading Vernon Kays--Taxes Vernon Kavs--Taxes Vernon Kays--Taxes Vernon Kays--Taxes Vernon Kays--Taxes Vernon Kays--Taxes Village of Spring Grove--Grading Harry Herendeen--Taxes Total Receipts, Summary of Expenditures, Total I 511.37 i I 37.50 12.00 82.50 81.50 92.50 600.00 600 00 48.71 300.00 194.78 100.10 145 88 39.54 2846.38 2664.76 1-gl- DR C. R. SWANSON Dentist j Office Hours: Daily Except Tlnirsdny 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., ft Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone EVergreen 5-0160 2-28-60 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life Ins. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-0953 112 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. DR JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV. 5-0186 Res. Phone: EV. 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. ft Fri. Evenings 6:30 • 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses fitted Repair Service 2-28-60 ft TRUCK and IHMITf LSI: FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS BIY CTHSARGE B «»rR|' From $3 to $6 TRADE-IN For Your Old Battery as low as $16 00 McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND. Prop. 526 IMn Street EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes examined - (ilasses fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 2-28-60 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2583 3-19-60 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-60 Date 1958 Feb. 8 Mar. 10 Mar. 10 Mar. 10 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Apr. 21 Apr. 23 Apr. 23 May 26 May 26 May 26 May 26 May 26 May s26 July 2 July 2 July 2 Aug. 16 Aug. 16 Sept. 2 Aug. 16 Aug. 16 Sept. 5 Sept. 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 18 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 29 Dec. 5 1959 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Mar. 31 Date 1958 June 18 July 15 Oct. 3 Nov. 22 Balance on Hand, ROAD AND BRIDGE EXPENDITURES To Whom Payable What For A. J. Ox toby--Machine hire P. Thiesman--Labor A. May--Labor A. Hackenmiller--Labor C. M. Freund--Truck hire Ted Stanek--Snow plowing Vern The fen--Gravel B. J. May--Salary Pierce's Garage--Chains & Gas Paul's Garage--Gas Cliff's Station--Gas P. Thiesman--Labor A. J. Oxtoby--Truck hire Pierce's Garage--Gas Kruse Hdw.--Paint Paul's Garage--Gas Spring Grove Lbr.--Calcium Chloride Thelen's Sand & Gravel--Gravel & Culvert Cliff's Station--Gas Campbell Cab Co.--Cab repairs C. N. May--Commission Climax Co.--Blades & Signs Jerry Jesse--Mowing weeds P. Thiesman--Labor Pierce's Garage--Gas Paul's Garage--Gas Cliff's Station--Gas P. Thiesman--Labor Thelen S. & Gravel--Gravel Paul's Garage --Gas Spring Grove F. Store--Repairs & Tire P. Thiesman - Labor Campbell Cab Co.- Repairs Jerry Jesse--Mowing Paul's Garage--Gas Cliff's Station-Gas Ben J. May--Labor Spring Grove Lbr. Co.- Calcium Chloride Al's Welding Shop--Welding Paul's Garage -Gas Arthur Oxtoby--Truck hire Spring Grove Lbr. Co.--Chloride Peter Thiesman--Labor hire C* M. Freund -Labor hire Chas. N. May -Commission Total Expenditures Bal. March 25, 1958 ORDERS PAID To Whom Payable What For Special Gravel Receipts V. W. Kays- Taxes V. W. Kays Taxes V. W. Kays Taxes V. W. Kays Taxes $ 181.62 Total $ 30.00 41.00 55.50 9.00 50.50 32.00 322.77 70.00 40.85 21.01 16.20 29.00 62:50 15.32 5.69 20.65 33.04 471.29 10.54 10.00 26.93 40.24 144.73 55.00 5.90 43.25 6.00 52.00 275.00 24.84 117.70 17.50 86.62 14.00 34.26 30.97 51.00 lil.35 4.39 56.88 94.00 22.50 44.50 25.00 25.31 $ 2664.76 $ 561.33 Total 1200.on 1200.00 600.00 936.43 1958 Mar. 3 Apr. 23 July 2 July 2 July 2 July 2 Sept. 2 Aug. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 18 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Dec. 5 Dec. 29 1959 Feb. 21 Mar. 30 Total Receipts Expenditures Bal. March 31, 1959 Expenditures -- Special Gravel Loo Fox--Machine hire Vern Thelen- Snow Plowing A. J. Oxtoby- Machine hire Spring Grove F. Store -Grader repair Thelen S. & Gr.--Gravel Carl Bartel--Gravel C. N. May--Comm. Thelen S. & Gr.--Gravel Thelen S. & Gr.--Gravel Thelen S. & Gr.--Gravel Thelen S. & Gr.--Gravel C. N. May--Gravel Thelen S. & Gr. Gravel & Trucking Thelen S. & Gr.--Gravel & Trucking Theo. C, Stanek--Snow plowing Chas. May -Commission Total Expenditures $ 4497.76 3748.74 LEGAL STATE OF ILLINOIS, Town of Burton County of McHenry, ) ss. ) OFFICE OF TOWN SUPERVISOR The following is a statement by Charles N. May, Supervisor of the Town of Burton in the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him taring the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 31 day of March,' 1959, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year; the amount of public funds received, and from what sources received; the amount of public funds expended, and for what purposes expended, during fiscal year ending as aforesaid. The said Charles N. May, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following statement by him subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand' at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received, and the sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. Date Funds Received and From What Sources Received Amount Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year, commencing the 1958 May 1 May 16 June 18 •Tune 18 July -15 July 30 Oct. 3 Nov. 28 Nov. 26 Nov. 24 Feb. 3 Feb. 3 $ 749.02 $ 256.50 264.09 18.00 177.61 650.89 75.22 28.85 301.11 206.65 409.78 . 400.02 50.55 250.86 | 473.95 ! 140.00 44.66 $ 3748.74 25th day of March 1958 Town Hall rent Town Hall rent V. W. Kays--Tax money Town Hall rent V. W. Kays--Tax money V. W. Kays--Tax money V. W. Kays--Tax money V. W. Kays--Election expenses (Reimb') V. W. Kays--Tax money V. W. | Kays--Tax money ' Harry ^Herendeen--Tax money H. Herendeen--Tax money Total Receipts ^ Total Expenditures Bal. Mar. 31, 1959 $ 2116.94 15.00 3.00 2000.00 6.00 200<100 4<*7 600.00 155.10 87.52 500.00 41.29 43.49 $ 7614.31 3780.16 $3834.15 $ Date 1958 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. A nr. May Tune •Tune June Tune Julv July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dee. Dec. Dec. 19:"9 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 T^n. ?<\ Feb. 12 Fob. 23 Mar." 2 Mar. 3 M-,r. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 19 Mar. 19 Ma r. 25 Mar. 30 TOWN FUND Expenditures Funds Expended and for What Purposes Expended Amount 25 25 25 25 25 1 23 29. 9 2 24 28 28 5 15 1 11 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 10 18 22 25 1 23 30 31 11 20 20 20 20 20 20 11 14 27 31 Thomas McNally--auditing Lester Siedschlag--auditing Ben J. May--auditing Charles N. May--auditing Ren Fout--auditing Ben J. May--Salary J. W. Kruse Agency--Twp. Bonds Ben J. Ma.v--Salary J. W. Kruse Agency--Workman's Ins. Policy Ben J. May--Salary J. W. Kruse--Additional Ins. Howard Peacock--Patrolling road Gus Siedschlag -Patrolling & Mileage Ben J. May--Salary Tray A. Kast---8 Twp. memberships Spring Grove Lbr. Co.--Repairs Ben J. May--Salary Charles N. May--Salary & Com. Ben J. May--Auditing Lester Siedschlag--Auditing Tom McNally--Auditing Charles N. May--Auditing LeRoy M. Smith--Twp. Dues Ben J. May--Salary McHenry Co .Service Co.--Fuel Oil 'Planning Com.--Dues Public Service Co.--T. Hall Electric C. M. Freund--TV Hall repairs Ben J. May--Salary Sunnvside Heating--Cleaning Furnace Central Printing Co.--Annual Report Ben J. May--Salary Alfred Fiegen--Painting T. Hall Charles J. Freund--Judge of Elections Anton Meyer--Judge of Elections Alice Warner--Judge of Elections ^"^"i-Judee of Elections Leah Kautz--Judge of Elections Charles N. May-Election Service Sam DeRosa--T. Hall lights Ften J. May--Salary t- Ha" for T-Ha" Ben J. Mav--Salary McHenry Co. Service--Fuel PMPsei Rudolph--Assessor's S. & farm census Jack Busch--shoveline snow Ben J. May--Salary Feb. 59. McHenry Co. Service Co.--Fuel oil Hall Paul Weber--Town Hall Insur. 1959 Havem^yers--Curtains Town hall Wm. Shotliff--Janitor service McHenrv Plaindealer--Ballots Ben J. Mav--Salarv Mar 1959 Thomas McNally-Town rWk salarv Charles N. May--Salary $75 Com. $55.75 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 96.00 75.00 .940*0 63.00 96.00 23.12 9.00 21.50 96.00 40.00 39 97 96.00 90.43 4.00 4C.0 1.00 4.00 8.00 96.00 27.75 22.50 15.00 37 00 96.00 9,50 96 :W) 192.50 33.60 25.00 25 00 25.00 25 00 6.50 135.00 96 00 29.85 25 i*? 34% 96.00 96 00 30.23 800.00 2 50 96.00 50.07 91.73 75.11 ft 96.00 140 00 130.75 m $ 3780.16 Total Expenditures Financial Statement of the Town „f Burton Relief F^nd From March 25. 1958 to March 31, 1959 1958 Bal' Mar' 25' 1958 $3896.66 Co. Home 5 -tr V. W. Kays--'Taxes 400*1 Arthur Huff 685t) May 1 Tune 18 July 1 Ju'v 15 rw 3 Nov. 21 Dec. 1 Mar. 9 V. W. Kays--Taxes V W. Kavs--Taxes Fred Leuth V. W. Kays--Taxes Fred Senth 400 00 600.00 50.75 636 24 203.20 Mar. 25 A nr. ..28 Mav 9 May 13 May 14 May 29 June 6 June 18 July 2 July 15 Aug. 12 Aug, 21 Aug. 26 Sept. 10 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 13 Dee. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Dee. 17 1959 Jan 1 Jan. 9 Jan. 23 Feb. 10 Mar. 2 Total Receipts S 6261.11 Expenditures 1631.73 Bal. March' 31. 1959 $4629.38 Town Relief Expenditures 1 Roy Smith - for John Ness 30.00 Pov Smith-- for John Ness 30 00 V. W. Kays--Co. Home 25 55 Paul Weber--for Diedtrich Cgasoline) 3 20 Smith's Food Store--John Ness 15.49 V. W. Kavs -Co. Home 17.15 Smith's Food Store--John Ness 14.70 V. W. Kays--Co. Home 21.70 Dr. Harris--medical care for Mike Huff 16.00 V. W. Kays---Co. Home 21.00 V. W. Kays--Co. Home .21.70 V. W. Kavs--Co. Home 20. Olsons Grocery- Carl Schroeder 18 35 V. W. Kays--Co. Home 2170 Dr. Harris -Med. C. Schroeder 9.00 Olson's - C. Schroeder 15.00 V. W. Knys -Co. Home 11150 Pro. & Con. Fuel C. Schroeder 17.30 V. \V. Kays- Co. Home 114.50 Dr. Schwa be -glasses for Popelka girl 17.00 Harry Herendeen--Co. Home 257.30 McCo. Service--Fuel C. Schroeder 12.75 Pro & Con.--Fuel C. Schroeder 13.67 ( McHenry Co. Service--Fuel C. Schroeder 16 80 Harry Herendeen--Co. Home 269.30 Pro. & Con. Fuel C. Schroeder 1367 Harry Herendeen--Co. Home Jan. '59 261.70 Harry Herendeen--Co. Home Feb. '59 225.70 Total $1631.73

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