Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1959, p. 18

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fags BgktoM THE McHENF.f PLAINDEALER Thursday. November 5. 19Q Wonder Lake TELEPHONE HEAD SPEAKS BEFORE CHAMBER MEET by Jane Bucey -- 27S1 Pete Walsh of the General Telephone Company spoke to the members of the Wonder Lake Chamber of Commerce at their meeting Thursday giving a short history of the company and its scope of operation. He said the facilities provided in Wonder Lake are above the national average in the latest type of equipment being used. Difficulties arise from the fast growing area in which it is hard to keep up with the demand for phones in some locations. Some areas are cabled properly, others grow faster than anticipated and faster than adequate provision of cables. Mr. Walsh encouraged the audience to complain about faulty service to the office. He said there is no excuse for faulty conditions not being corrected. Nativity Lutheran Church News The sermon topic for Sunday, Nov. 8. at Nativity will be ."Affliction and Faith". Sunday, Nov. 8. the Chicago Conference Convention of the United Lutheran church men will be held at Norwood Park Lutheran church. Rev. Burton Schroeder will be the speaker at the evening banquet. Care will leave Nativity at 3 p.m. All men are welcome to attend. The Luther League will meet at 7:30 Sunday evening, at which time plans will be completed for "Career and Parents Night" on Nov. 22. The Altar Guild will meet at the parsonage Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. Final selections and arrangements for new altar paraments will be made for the new church. The Lutheran World Relief Thanksgiving clothing appeal has begun. The request is for good used clothing to be given to needy refugees and displaced persons all over the world. Bring the clothing to ..the church no later than Nov. 22. Thursday evening at 8:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Lester C&rlsen will give an informative talk. Two „men will explain "A--A". Hosts for the evening are John Rice and Gerald Palko. Altar boys meeting Friday night at school after the 8 p.m. Mass. First Friday Masses at 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Confessions at 7 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Missionary Conference The Missionary Conference of the Wonder Lake Bible church will be held Nov. 4 through 8 this year. Wednesday, Nov. 4, will be World Vision Prayer Hour. You are encouraged to bring all the names of missionaries that you have on your prayer lists and also those you know who have special needs. Prayers will be offered for them, regardless who they are or what field they represent. Thursday night will offer a spiritual treat in the person of Mrs. Friedriekson, who proved a blessing to the ladies of the Guild at a recent meeting- Friday night, Nov. 6, the Horton family, who is leaving for Panama the first of December, will tell of the tribal Indians with whom they will work. There will be no meeting Saturday night. Sunday, the eighth of November, an instructor of the missionary course at Moody Bible Institute will speak at both the morning and evening services. meeting will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10, (still in the gym) to allow maximum time for the parent education program slated for the evening. A thought provoking movie titled, "Preface to a Life" will be shown, after which Dr. Herbert Ratner, health director of Oak Park, will lead the audience in a discussion of the life situations shown. Hostesses for the refreshment hour will be the room mothers of the seventh grade. Christening On the Feast of All Saint's Day, at Christ the King church, the Rev. James A. Vanderpool baptized Brian St. John Burns, son of George and Betty Melvin Burns. The godparents are Daniel G. Burns of Mt. Prospect and Kathryn Wittmer of DesPlaines. Basket Social An old fashioned basket social has been planned by the ; McHenry Township Republican Women's club for the meet- | ing Tuesday, Nov. 17. at the i VFW hall in McHenry. The : public is invited to come and bring a basket lunch for two-- and a man to buy. Entertainment has been promised and i the auction will begin at 7 p.m. This will be the last meeting : until after the first of the year. tume were as follows: Richard Schultz, of Wonder Woods, age 2Vz, first; Denise Carlson, Wonder Center, age 3, second; in the 5 years and under class. In the 6 to 9 class, Nettie Gable of Wonder Center, first; and Ricky Weeks of the same s u b d i v i s i o n , s e c o n d . O t h e r s were Penny Hager of Wooded Shores, first, and Lee Habich of Deep Spring Woods, second, in the 10 years and up class. In the couples group, Donna Mae Dean and Ronee Sommers took the prize. Judges were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bendl and Mrs. Dorothy Michels. The post wishes to thank them and the many adults who helped to handle the large group. Christ The King Church News The ladies of the Altar and Rosary Society will meet Thursday, Nov. 5, at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. Mrs. Martin Weisenberger, v i c e-president, will be in charge of the program. Colored slides of an Ordination Mass will be shown. Plans will be made for the rummage sale to be held Nov. 21. An invitation is extended to all the ladies of the parish. Refreshments will be served. The Young Christian Students will discuss the "Teenager's Role in the Family", Thursday, at 8 p.m. when they meet in the school hall. A night of recollection is being planned, Details/ wiH be announced later. . . .TJhe men of the parish are invited-to attend the meeting of the Holy Name society next Bible Church News The Ladies Guild will meet Thursday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. to elect officers for the coming year. Hostess will be Mrs. Richard Wright. The usual work projects will be carried on and each person is asked to bring his own lunch. Beverage and dessert will be served. The annual Harvest Home Fellowship supper will be held Nov. 17 with servings at 6:30 and 7:15 p.m. The program following supper will consist of a film titled, "Time and Eternity". The freewill offering will be received for the church fuel fund on this night. The Young People's group reported a very satisfactory Halloween party held Friday night at the Loshbough farm near Woodstock. Legion Post 1169 News A large group of youngsters were on hand Thursday night at Mathews 1^11 to join in the games and compete for the prizes at the annual Halloween party which the Legion post stages for the children of the community each year. Miss Carolyn Taylor very capably kept the noise down to | a dull roar with her planned activities. Bags of candy, apj pies and pop were served to all | the merry makers, with the i leftovers being donated to the I Children's Home in Woodstock. . Several groups of children i entertained with songs. Wini ners of the prizes for best cos- Girl Scout Troop 494 Reporter Pamela Sinclair tells of the fun Troop 494 had at the Halloween party held Oct. 27 at the Tom McMillan home. Starting with a scavenger hunt out of doors, the girls then returned to the house to play games such as bobbing for apples, and eating marshmallows hung from the ceiling with strings. The decorations were done by the court of honor. which is composed of the officers of the troop and their three leaders. Only one scout missed the fun. At the previous meeting Oct. 20, treats of cookies, tootsie rolls and chewing wax toys were brought by Kathy and Carol McMillan. A meeting of the court of honor was held, while all the other scouts played games and sang songs. The flag ceremony was performed by the Angels patrol. News Briefs The Frank Higgins family had a near brush with fire destruction when they caught a furnace fire in time Friday morning at 3 a.m. and were able to keep it under control with a hand extinguisher until the fire department answered, the call. The family is grateful to the Patrick Letizias and Preface to a Life The Harrison school P.T.A. ED'S RENTAL Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 WTTTHJIF* Unbalanced wheels, bent axles, misalined 'frames spell "welcome" to unwolcdme "STEERING. WOBBUES". Once ir your car, they cause excessive wear on tires and steering parts_result ih blowouts, bad steering, ACCIDtNTI Get more SAFE tire mileage, by getting a safety check-up and correction on ,our industryipprpved. BEAR 'equipment. ' . Thank Yur Repair Mai far "The ACO'CHGM That Didn't Happsi»" McHenry Auto Body COMPANY 611 Front St. - So. on Rt. 31 Ph. EV 6-0444 McHenry, 111. SAFETY MSAMIARTERS 2)r. Robert W. Orf Dentist Announces the opening of his office for the practice of General Dentistry Located in the Medical Building with Frank W. Sek, M.D. ROUTE 120 - WEST Phone EVergreen 5-6241 Walter Deans for the hospitality extended them that night. After spending the next night in a motel, they were able to move back into their house. The smoke damage will necessitate redecorating despite the fact that they just finished redecoraing. . . . Eileen Kusch, 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kusch is convalescing at home following major surgery at McHenry hospital. Prizes went to Wonder Lakers at the Moose Halloween party in Woodstock for best costumes Saturday night. . . . the Stanley Wilson family split up this year, Stan taking first prize in his class as a witch (masculine gender), and Harriet te winning second in her class as a Jack-0-Lantern. Gladys Moreton completed the orange and black trio in the guise of a cat. The Halloween party with the most realistic decor that came to our attention was that give^i by Jackie Hill and Judy Harrison for their Westwood school classmates. The Harrison farm was the setting for such realism as straw stuffed, ketchup-covered "bodies" floating in the Lake and hanging from the tree, as well as a headless horseman galloping about on a white horse. Ghosts and witches darted about in the woods and Judy's aunt painted balloons with flourescent paint and stood behind a tree to provide the sound effects of hoots and howls. The twenty guests rode in a hay rack to and from the bonfire around which the refreshments of hot dogs, marshmallows, and cider were. served. Two weeks* of ghoulish enterprise were required to effect this fracas which adds up to a lot of hard work done by Judy and Jackie. Mr. and Mrs. John Sirtak enjoyed a long weekend at Carthage college where they attended the homecoming game and related festivities. Son, Johnny, is studying orchestra in addition to band for his music minor, this year. He won a music scholarship for the sophomore year at Carthage where he is majoring in busi ness administration. Carthage won their game again this year, and Johnny took part in a play put on for entertainment of the visitors, playing saxaphone in a combo in the production. They plan to attend the musicals put on during the winter months this year. The Just for Fun card club met at the John Lefebvre home last week. Rose Weisenberger held the high score and Kay Lefebvre the low. The hostess served a dessert luncheon of chocolate cake decorated with Halloween theme, ice cream and coffee. The next meeting will be held at the Fred Halbauer home. Pvt. Quentin Moeller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moeller, arid Pvt. Ronald Kreutz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kreutz, both of Wondgr Woods, have completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, in San Diego, Calif. Constructionman Richard J. Wielock, U.SNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wielock, reported to the Naval Air Station, Glenview, after two weeks active duty training with Mobile Construction Battalion 1 at Quantanamo Bay, Cuba. Reservists assigned to Cuba received instructions in construction work. Ruth Wenkel of Wonder Woods enlisted in the Women's Air Force (WAF) last month. She is the only young woman to sign up with the Air Force from Northern Illinois during FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, DL Phone EVergreen 5-6260 * & September and October. Twenf* ty-six men enlisted or qualified* for officer training in this servw ice during the period. r Belated birthday greetings, to Jackie Sellek who was 1 year old Oct. 15. DON'T ADD £. ANTIFREEZE THIS YEAR... ft : .•.without first having your radiotor cleaned and repaired i J Anti-freeze in a leaky or dogged rad ator it money wasted. Out modern Factory Method dean* ing and repairing -- checked by our In* land FLO-TEST Machine -- win little -- protect* jrout anti-freeze! UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of ^ Stilling^ "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. McHenry EVergreen 5-0783 R»- FRAME GARAGES NO MONEY DOWN - 5 YF IS TO PAY TABLETS Offer You Same-Day Relief From Pains of ARTHRITIS! Check Yo'ur Points-of-Pain: • RHEUMATISM (stiffness in muscles, pain in the joints) • NSUK8TIS (inflammation of the nervous system) • NEURALGIA (pain following course of a nerve) • ARTHRITIS (inflammation of the joints) Get Mineral-Rich ALFALFA in ALPHA tablets constitute a remarkable compound of pain-relieving, non-habit forming ingredients with vitamins, proteins, and mineral- rich Alfalfa, long recognized as a prime source of vital Amino acids so important to your health. Stomach Upset, Gastric Acidity? ALPHA tablets are so formulated as to offer pain relief without stomach upset or gastric acidity in a form easily and quickly absorbed into the system. ALPHA tablets are sold on a money-back guarantee. 6ET ire TftiiSTS E_J One-Csi? With Stefage "RIGID-FRAME" Construction It's new -- and so different -- and -srwill save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! Compare The Features - Compare The Quality! Compere The Price! And Remember . . It's Fully {guaranteed By ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Two Cars With Storage LGER'S 103 S. Green St. f DRUG STORE Phone EV 5-4500 / HlfioO? caoio SHOPPING CENTER F@R NG MM NEEDS Our Competent Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Hifteway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, llliwis ' EVergreen 5-1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 ---- ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "ALWAYS FIRST ... SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"

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