Thursday. November 5, 1959 THE McHENflY PLAINDEALER Pagd Three ftahnysid** Estate RUMMAGE SALE B£LD AT FRY HOME. NOV. 10-11 Lois Anderson of Santa Rosa. Calif., were guests here. While here they visited other relatives in their /The committee handling the riBnimage sale reports that there are things galore just waiting to be purchased. The prices are moderate and we are sure everyone will find something to buy. Remember it will lje\held for two days, Nov. 10 and 11 in the Fry basement on Mayfair. If you have any last minute items contact any one of the committee, they are: Iternice Fry, Carol Kennebeck fietty Lakowske. Cake and coffee will be served for a small fee while you do your shopping. Bazaar Sunday is the day for the annual bazaar sponsored by the St. John's Home and School a s s o c i a t i o n ( f o r m e r l y P . T . A . I . There has been much publicity ahout this big day and we n^ht take a minute to compliment all the children who made the posters which are displayed in the various places of business, etc. They are all quite good. There will be assorted items for your budget, plus games for the children. Why not set aside a couple of hours on Nov. 8 to browse around the Comnumity club and dfo a little stropping. Christening ; On Sunday, Oct. 25, the new baby at the Voight residence was christened at St. John's church. God-father for Theodore Alexander, Jr., was his paternal grandfather, Ed Voight, and god-mother, his : ^unt on his mother's side. Garol Price. A family dinner fWlowed the ceremony at church. i° Birthday Party Johnny Lakowske celebrated His sixth birthday with some of his friends joining him for an early supper. He chose his own menu and he and his sister, i Mary Jane, had the fun of putting up the birthday decoraifens. Of course this was a • "boys only" party and each boy joined in the garrtes and received his prizes and favors. Visitors The greater part of October was quite busy for Kelly and ; Lavern Noah. Kelly's mother and sister, Mrs. La Ranee Noah and Mrs. Katherine Haggard. home town Galena, 111., and friends in Milwaukee. Other guests for a weekend were Kelly's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Schulting of Dubuque, Iowa, who are no strangers to i Sunnyside Estates. ! Mrs. Haggard's hobby is | photography and since they arrived the day after our big tornado she had some interesting subject matter. She also had slides from the plane they ! enme in on and some of the | Illinois Tollway at night. Stay- ! ing here for a length of time j enabled her to have the film i developed so that everyone got to see them. I For their return trip to Sanj ta Rosa they could only get | reservations on a jet. The j whole Noah family went along | to O'Hare Field to witness the j takeoff which was breath-taking and very exciting. Birthdays Our birthday list each week has some sort of pattern. This week is no exception, the pattern being all the birthdays are Tor adults with the exception of one. The only little miss on the -list this week is Mary Jane Lakowske who will be 7 on Nov. 9. Other birthday wishes go to Cliffar Sabby on Nov. 6. Ted Bierchen on Nov. 7. and Margaret De Francisco on the ninth. Two on the tenth are Alice Seheibe and Tom Hanahan and last but most assuredly not the least, Marcella Miller on Veteran's Day, Nov. 11. Speaking Of Veteran's Day, remember when you faced east at noon on this day. Of course then it was known as Armistice Day. Wo wonder if many people in America still observe this custom which was so inspiring to us as children. Association Meeting This is association meeting night. See you-at the Johnsburg school at 8 p.m. McHenry Shores LAUGHS GALORE AT COMMUNITY PARTY AT V.F.W. By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-055S Didn't check the figures -- but the crowd that attended the Halloween party at the VFW sure had fun trying to guess who was who. Prizes went to the four Harem Girls as portrayed by Elsie Schmitt and Delores Stark who with their husbands were all dressed alike -- the Mechanical Robot with his flashing antenna was our mechanical genius, Gordon Hat tan -- the spry elderly couple was none other than Ray Olszewski as the buxom blond and Chuck Whitney as her bearded escort. The Dobbertins came as Tricks and Treats bags, Burkes as a French couple. Wetzels left home in a rush and Fred forgot his pants while Doris arrived in a beach towel, Schramms as pirates. Hicks as an organ player and . monkey, Coates as Spaniards -- Cicchinis as farmers. Poggensees as cow pokes. Moore as a sheriff and the sack with him was Marilyn. Gus Smith as the roly-poly Chinaman. Bob Tanner as Missed Universe I96012, Darlene Hattan as the ghost -- Daisy Smith is the Japanese girl. Irene Mueller as the korn likkered TTill-Billy, Ing Corcoran as a Chinese Lady, Ev Tanner as Humpty-Dumpty, Marge Olszewski as the little Indian Princess, Audrev Whitney as a Happer and the Pinkonslys and the Ristings and the Simonsens and the Gransos and we could go on and on. Daisy Smith changed to her Hawaiian outfit later on in the evening and entertained all with the hula-hula dance. The fast and snappy then low and slow strains from Bob Pogfxensees' accordion kept the floor filled with daners Hope all the pictures lurn out good for the camera man. Jack Schramm. Thanks to the ways and means committee for the decorions, games and abundance of delicious food that was enjoyed by everyone. j Bonnie and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. ! Sam Zeimet and of course Chuck. Seen Here and There It is nice to see that the folks of McHenry Shores take an active interest in church and civic affairs as noted by these recent events in McHenry. Some of the workers at the PTA Carnival were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Barrows and Louise Winters who had charge of the swap room. Ken Schopp and Clarence Mueller entertaining as clowns, visitors noted -- the Newmans and the Starks. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winters and Lon and Laura Smith at the hay ride given by the Home Builders club at the Methodist church. The following women were noted in attendance at the card party given by the Altar and Rosary Society at St. Patrick's church: Mrs. Hogan. Mrs. Middlekauff, Mrs. Mueller. Mrs. Rode and Mrs. Tanner. Recuperating Trent Middlekauff from a serious operation last Tuesday and Linda Schopp from an e m e r g e n c y a p p e n d e c t o m y a week ago Sunday. Birthdays and Parties H a p p j' birthday greetings this week to Mrs. Ellen Duncan on Saturday and to Lee Lokay on the twelfth. A good time was had at the belated birthday party of Audrey Whitney by the following people: Charles Whitney, Sr.. Karen Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Whitney with their three daughters. Judy, Janis and Lois, Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Weber with their children, Just News Mike arfd Jimmy Whether- ! hult had their pictures in the i paper with the Mayor of McHenry as a start of the Boy j Scout Fund campaign. Virgie Verstege had the following ladies over for an afternoon of canasta recently: Ella Grever, Tillie Koerber, Helen Paas and Helen Schroeder. Keep the news coming to Louise Winters, Retty Dobbertin, Tom Burke or the writer.. PUBLIC PULSE X•Jl'lt iiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiimtitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiriiiiiTitiiiiiTiitiiiiinTiiifitTTiiiiiiittii VILLA NURSINd HOME ON PISTAKEE BAT NEAR McHENRY Home for the Aged SENILE . BED PATIENTS | Phone EVergreen 5-0461 1 = 5 s e 71 MOEN NEW SINGLE HANDLE FAUCET IN YOUR KITCHEN - \ ALSO FOR LAVATORY ANO SHOWER I H. E. BUCH & SONS PLUMBING & HEATING Highway 120 East Phone EVergreen 5-0048 RIMMAGE SALE A rummage sale sponsored by the Sunnyside Estates Home Owners' association will be held Tuesday. Nov. 10. and Wednesdav. Nov. 11. from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. in Fry's basement. 206 Mayfair drive, Sun-, nyside Estates. Miscellaneous articles will be offered. Cake and coffee will be served. Donations are gratefully accepted. Shop at Home (The Plaindealer invites the public fo use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too. that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. Wo re- k servo the right ,t^? aei?te i any material which we consider libelous or in obi jectional taste.) I * THE POOL LOCATION ' To Whom It May Concern: j Three cheers for the swimming pool project! It is a wonderful idea for both the prospeiiiv of. our community and ; the health of our children. The proposed piece of land is supposedly east of the McHenry high school. But why do we have to have it in one of the most congested spots in McHenry, With the high school there by itself, the parking problem is terrific. With McHenry^ hospital" "sa close it would seem silly to put an open swimming pool where the noise will be terrific and in supposedly a quiet zone. It seems best for the sake of parking problems, pro p e r t y owners and the McHenry hospital and financially too. because I suppose this being a private project and not a city project, the piece of land being talked about would cost a lot more than land that is not right in the heart of town. It seems it. would make a lot more sense to obtain a piece of land away from this congested area, probably just as ample and for a lot less money, thereby alleviating the problems mentioned above. Mary Lou Briihn. McHenry I ATTEND DAPS' DAY j Two dads from McHenry wiTl"Be~the guests of their sons when they attend Campus Dad's Day weekend, Nov. 6 : and 7, at the University of II1 i- 1 nois. Attending from McHenry are C. C. Meyers. Route 2, I whose son. Chuck, is a member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, and Clifford F. Kiehl, whose son, Clifford, is a mem- : ber of Beta Sigma Psi. PLEDGES FRATERNITY Richard J. Smith. Chicago, is a. fall semester pledge of Pi Kappa Phi social fraternity at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Smith, Sr., 214 Maple avenue, McHenry, is a freshman in the electrical engineering department. He is a graduate of McHenry Community high school. ' For That MAN In Your LIFE udGHUDPitoo There's nothing that gets so close to a Dad as a gift of wearables. Choose from our complete selections. McGEE'S for Men 117 S. Green St. PHONE 47 McHenry, 111. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon To kill RATS and MICE wholesale Insist on CEN01 WARFARIN CONCENTRATE OR CENOL WARFARIN BAITS GUARANTEED TO DO THE JOB BOLGER'S Phone EV. 5-4500 ISF. THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREAALL OUR TOYS AND LIONEL TRAINS 20% OFF ON MLL TOYS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST OFF -^©N ALL 0 LIONEL TRAINS and ACCESSORIES TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR LAR@ER SUPPLY OF SPORTS WEAR - HOS8Y SWfLES AND SPORTING GOODS BUY NOW FOR XMAS AT THESE SAVINGS AT MARK'S SPORT ENTER 212 SO. GREEN ST. PHONE EV. 5-1000 McHENRY, ILL. r