Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Nov 1959, p. 4

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Pag* Four THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER It must have been lonesome* ness that led us to visit "Muggs" this week. Or it could have been we wanted to tell him about the new fixtures being installed in Bolger's. 'Twas J breezy around there, but the/girls are going to solve Their problems with long red ones with stripes or polka dots as sooin as they can find such numbers. Uncle John Dreymiller came in and announced that he has his eye on a very attractive widow, bijt would tell us no more. The Grant Township basketball team can start singing "The Warriors are a-comin'. There'll be shootin' to-night." We have no idea which team will do the sharpest shooting, but remember some real close games between those two teams. McHenry fans will want to see the Warriors in their first game in the Grant (Fox Lake) gym. After such a terrific season last year, everybody wonders what we will have this season. Better look them over Friday night and come up with your own appraisal. Our hunch is that McHenry will be very proud of its team. Powlers who move to the hend of the class: Joe Etten, "24: Ray Pries. 256-637; D. Burallis, 614. Big league stuff! Remember, our high school basketball teams travel to Woodstock next Wednesday. November 25 for their first conference game. Commercial -- Georges White House 2641-- Bimbo's 2560. G. Barbian 537. McHenry Laundry 2791 -- Wort's " Service Station. R. Pries 209; 256; 637; L. Thennes 201; 578. Brennan Milk Service 2791 -- Garrelts Contracting Co. 2884. E. Amann 215; 554; W. Garrelts 212; R. Garrelts 216; 567. McHenry State Bank 2616 -- Thread and Gage Co., Inc. 2734. J. Martinucci 213; 554; D. Buralli 221; 213; 614. V.F.W. Post 4600 2696 -- Marks Sports Center 2478. R. O'Brien 535. Craft Bulk Coolers 2518 -- K l e i n h a n ' s B u i l d i n g S e r v i c e 2533. McHenry Major League -- W. Webb 194; 212; 266; 672; R. Kuna 202; C. Kopp 221; R. Weyland 207; G. Schaefer 207; M Crouch 215; 226; 629; J. Greene 244; D. Weber 239; 214; 221; 674. Standings W L Ave. Kr'ause Office Supplies 18 9 904 Hans Tavern 18 9 870 Huppy & Leo's 17 10 890 Warren High comes here with their wrestling team next Tuesday. Our town team basketball men travel to Dundee to-night (Thursday) and Huntley next Sunday afternoon. DATI.Y PTNTTPS Wisdom is knowing what to do. skill is knowing how to do It. ambition is definitely getting it done. Feeling you're wanted is all in the game; finding you're noeded is better than fame. Some holiday green grows jn trees; some other emanates '"om the U.S. Mint. The simplest system for widening a narrow driveway is to look at it with a snow shovel n your hand. Mnct pr>nnV dnn't think tl-rv'rn until they """rn't The softpr th#» rumm°r vacation thp Vn^der the fall. Anonymous DUNDEE TOWN TEAM DEFEATS McHENRY CAGERS 90 TO 67 DUNDEE TOWN TEAM -- . By Mickey Schaefer The Dundee town team defeated McHenry here Sunday in the battle of two undefeated teams in league play. McHenry and Dundee both entered the game with 2-0 records. Dundee won 90-67 behind the fine play of Johnny Paul. Johnny Paul, captain of the basketball team at Illinois last season, scored 41 points and set up most of the rest of Dundee points with his fine ball handling and his pin-point passing. Jack Schaefer led McHenry's scoring attack with 23 points. Dick Graham had 17. and Don Bentz had 12. Don Bentz also did a fine rebounding job for McHenry. The loss gives McHenry a 2-1 record ir league play. McHenry's next game is Tuesday night at Crystal Lake Walter Webb, left, and Danny Weber, right, led the major league bowlers at McHenry R e c r e a t i o n l a s t W e d n e s d a y night. Danny rolled games of 239, 214 and 221 to compile a total of 674 while on alleys 1 and 2 Walter Webb rolled games of 194, 212 and 266 to wind up with a total of 672. Jop Etten's Boosters 14 13 859 McHenry Disposal 13 14 880 Thompsen Finishing 11 16 840 McHenry State Bank 10 17 860 Circle Grille 7 20 835 C.D. of A. -- B. Rourke 186; 434; L. Hanley 179; L. Smith 183; 484; L. Braidman 172; 471; J. Pieroni 207; C. Boro 170; 473; G. Sigmnn 170; 461; E. Smithson 197: 467: C Freund 176; E. Wirfs 176; I Thompson 437: J. Kralowetz 191; 465; D. Chelini 437. Ten Pin Queons -- Overton Caddi-Lacs 2217 -- McHenry Recreation 2411. T. Steffan 483; M. Donnelly 220; 197: 574. Snug Harbor Boat Club 2237 -- Merrill Woolen 2343. R. Barbian 181; 488; M. Binner 444. S. R. A. No. 1 2343 -- Bungalow Inn 2476. E. Wirfs 469; L. Berry 189; 498; K. Kurbyun 472. Cristy & Stendebach 2294 -- L. & M. Contractors 2309. N. Cristy 462. Elsie's Charm House 2474 -- Rutledge Caddy Cart 2464. J. Doherty 196; 534; M. B. Fuchs 202; 528; M. Doherty 464; E. Gamen 456; S. McMahon 448. Nite Owls -- J. Rosing 431; A. Schwing] 408; C. Wagner 400; J. Kraus 411; G. Steinsdorfer 424; C. Colman 475; M. Etheridge 180; 440; L. Miller 412; R. Kluk 454; J. Diedrich 446; D. Cusack 189; 476; L. Worts 430; Rosing 420; P. Greene 420 Miller 426; L. Stone 18&f*494; V. Groh 455. Railroads -- A.x Gausden 6- 7-10; D. Cusack 5-7j\P. Greene 3"7"10 Tuesd-ay Thlrty-Niners --\ McHenry Co-op 1935 -- H. E. rfuch 2020. N. Stilling 185; 482; M. Adams 394; H. Busch 214; 468. Nye Drug Store 1877 -- McHenry State Bank 1989. R. Przetacznik 368; B. Gilpin 178; 486; N. Justen 404; L. Knox 202; 497.^ Freund Oil 1974 --- Pitzen's 2096. M. Einspar 394; L. Pitzen 393; C. Freund 399; L. Freund 175; 435. PALACE 7:00 C.O.F. -- F. Gende 204; R. Shine 541; B. Kreutzer 531. 9:00 C.O.F. -- J. Etten 203; 202; 219; 624; A. Schaefer 529. 9:00 Ladies League -- Castle View Inn 2006 -- Mark's 2028. J. Dillon 450. Bake Shop 2019 -- Sportsman's Inn 2217. M. Powers 185; 434; A. Gaulke 197; 473. Monday 7:00 Ladies League W a l s h I n s u r a n c e 1 6 3 9 -- Carey Appliances 1714. L. Crouch 429. McHenry Disposal 1655 -- Elm Paint and Supply 1662. Betty Bockman 431; L. Ferwerda 175; 464. Tavern League -- Holiday Inn 2854 -- Joe's Tap 2906. G. Schaefer 200; 560; R. Peisert 533. Atlas Prager 2835 -- McDonald's 2871. B. Kreutzer 212; 551; F. Matthesius 551. Hans' 2924 -- Fred & Irene's 3101. J. Worm 204; 538; Smialek 202; 567. Whitey's 2920 -- George's 2990. Ed 201; 540; Miller 226; 579. TOMASELLO'S Friday Nite League -- (last week) R. Stilling 212; 583; R. Hill 541; R. Cynowa 202; 534; J. Baldwin 531; W. Kowalski 531; A. Kattner 200. Blatz - 1006 -- Second High Game of Season. Friday Nite League -- R. Cynowa 223; 604; R. Stilling 220; 586; G. Miller 224; 581; J. Baldwin 206 ; 574; J. Romkowski 208; 547; F. Tonyan 534. Blatz - 1024 -- High Team Game for Season. Thursday, November 19, lf;59 McHenry Country Club News By Jack Buckle Lake Region Sports Car Club December Calendar Dec. 6 -- Welcome members and guests to our Death Valley Rally into strange and unexplored places! Time--First car out at 11:01 am register 45 min. prior to starting time. Place -- used car lot at north end of Meadowd^e Shopping Center, Route 25 in Carpent e r s v i l l e . . C o m p l e t e s a f e t y check required, including fire extinguisher and valid driver's license. Dash plaques for all cars registered by Nov. 25. Reservations for dinner at 5:30, Dick Mooy 225 N. Western, Park Ridge. You all come! Dec. 10 -- Board of directors meeting, Chapel Hill Country club, McHenry, 8 p.m. Dec. 13 -- General business meeting, Wauconda American Legion hall, 2 p.m. "Results: Gymkhana, Nov. 15, Crystal Lake. Men's Division --• First, Tom Herdklotz. Woodstock; second, Ray Stephens, Lake Zurich; third. Sam Absher, Wonder Lake. Women's Division -- First, Alice H a y d e n , H a r v a r d ; s e c o n d , Jeanne Bury, Chicago; third, Arlyn Bruner, Lake Villa. There are still a few diehards getting out to play some golf on week-ends but I'm not one of them. Even thinking of golf at this time of the year makes me feel lower than a cranberry merchant. I do wish there were some golf activities throughout the entire year, however, so I could at least have some scores to help fill thi^ column. To take up some of the space perhaps I should list the club committees for the coming year. Almost all members of these newly appointed committees are persons wh<j have never served before; which should give the club some fresh ideas for the com- Funk; Ed Bruns, House; Cr. fullest cooperation and support as they spend many long hours at meetings doing their utmost to satisfy the wants of all members. Here are the committees: Greens: Ch. Len Antonson; A1 Noonan; Dick Hester; Bill Funk; Ed Burns. House: Ch. Vale Adams; Jim Larkin; Herb Reihansperger; Orv Marion. Publicity: Jack Buckie; Membership: Ch. Ralph Bennett; Jim Larkin; Len Antonson. Sports and Pastimes--Greens: Ch. Ed Buss; Matt Hofmann; Tom Evans; George Rink; Don Wattles: Building: Hank Tonyan; Matt Hofmann; Homer F i t z g e r a l d . E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Women: Betty Wilkinson The membership extends its deepest sympathy to our Sunday morning waitress, Adelia "Blondie" Karls on the recent loss of her husband Paul. "Pauly" had many, many friends in this area and will be sadly missed by all. It's about 20 above today with a raw wind blowing, and I just can't help feeling sorry for Ralph and Dorothy Bennett who are enjoying a vacation down in Nassau. Whefl I go South for the winter it's usually down to Algonquin. Remember to phone this writer at EV 5-1125 if £ou come across any items of interest concerning the Club or its members. There are some rumors going around that should be cleared up: Frank Rourke do&s fiol play golf when it's 15 below zero; 10 below is his limit. Sjgim Snead did not learn his golf swing from "Butch" Wattles; Sam had that swing long before he ever took lessons frpm "Butch". Ed Buss did. not try to sell Paul Overton: a Ford; He tried to sell him a ThuiiiUerbird. That's all for this week except to observe that Charles Van Doren probably wishes his name was Mamie Van Doren. McHenry He Rods The meeting of the Tie-Rods was called to order at 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10. The placing of our signs was postponed Sunday due to the fact that lettering was not completed. The signs will be erected on Nov. 29. Mike Niesen was elected into our club after attending three trial meetings. Our skating party did not have as great a turn out as we" expected, but we attribute this to the weather. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 17 at St. Mary's church hall. Phil Baftmann STUDENT MANAGERS OF MCHS LICENSE ACTION Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier announced the following actions by the drivers' license division of his office : Suspensions, T h o m a fiv Friedman, Crystal Lake, three violations, and George Lilja, causing or contributing to an accident resulting in death or injury. Insufficient funds have brought many a pleasant occasion to an abrupt conclusion. 0 Outdoors Jack walab Many leg-weary and disappointed pheasant hunters have asked us why the pheasant limit was raised from two to three per day, when most of them are having a hard time locating even one bird. It is fallacy that out; state is overpopulated with pheasants. The reason for raising the daily limit was to insure a greater harvest of birds in Illinois. The state survey reports an over abundance of cock pheasants in relation to the number of hens. Pheasant season closes November 30, at sunset which leaves us eleven days to pursue ' wily "John Ringneck". The rabbit season opens Saturday, November 21 at sunrise and continues to sunset January 31. Daily kill limit is five and possession limit after opening day is ten. According to all reports, rabbit hunters should fare better than pheasant hunters providing winter is milder than last. The McHenry Sportsman's Club is holding a turkey shoot at their club Sunday, November 22. Prizes will include turkeys, bags of potatoes, half bushels of apples, baskets of fruit and many other items. The public is invited. Here is a fine chance to get your Thanksgiving turkey and most of the trimmings for an afternoon of fun. Here -is- a--little tip to duck hunters. During this cold weather when most of the ponds are covered with ice, try jump-shooting the small creeks and spring holes. When everything else fails, this method is often quite rewarding. Local Girls Among University Debaters Twelve debaters represented Northern Illinois university in three tournaments last weekend. At the Oshkosh branch of the University of Wisconsin, NIU teams faced seven other teams for seven rounds of debate. Included on the NIU team was Pat Raymond of McHenry. When the teams were in Wheat on for two rounds of debate sponsored by the Chicago area debate association, Dorothy Cook of Wonder Lake was a member of the team. The best example of perfect security is a man serving a life term in prison. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE •B •t McHenry (67) • i G FT p ! A. Beck 2 0 l i C Pierce 0 1 o ; R, Mauer 0 0 o : mi D Graham 8 1 3 | D. Bentz 6 0 2 i *< J. Schaefer 8 7 2 ! C. Cuda 1 4 2 S f* D. Cremer 0 0 ° ? D. Roewer 2 0 3 (* 27 13 13 1 Dundee (90) G FT P •tti Nolte - 1 0 2 en Schuring 5 0 4 J. Hopp 8 1 4 Beth 2 3 4 Imhoff 3 0 2 ** Paul 18 5 3 •ft V. Hopp 3 1 3 40 10 22 m McHenry 21 12 21 13--67 Ml Dundee 23 17 24 26--90 The McCullom Lake Men's Club Invites You To Its Second Annual FEATHER PARTY Nov. 21, AT WHITEY AND BERNIECE'S TAVERN Gaines for all -- Refreshments and Music I Mllo East!: of the Skyline DHvp-In PHONE EVergreen 5-2430 iING and BCMK01K1G FOR ALL BREEDS • Stud Service • Heated & Unseated Kennels . • German Shosiltair Pups For Sale Obedience - Hunting - Retrieving A D U L T N I G H T Roller Skating Classes for Adults Only Every Wednesday -- Classes 7 - 8 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday -- 8-11 P.M. 1:30 -- 4 P.M. Saturday Matinee 2 - 4:15 P.M. Sunday Matinee JUST F0S FUN BOILS RINK TURKEY SHOOT for MEN or WOMEN BOWLERS Saturday, Nov. 21 12 Noon to 7 P.M. Sunday, Nov. 22 IS Noon ^46 6 P.M. -- 75% of 200 Pins -- 80% of 200 Pins Bowl 3 Games On A Pair Of Alleys -- $2.00 1 FREE TURKEY For Every 10 Entries No Reservations Needed MEN'S HANDICAP LADIES' HANDICAP M The J 2 Ml A# V eJM Formerly Johnsburg Bowling Resort 2 Ml. North of Rt., 120 at Foot of Bridge JOHNSBURG, ILL. OBITUARY Pictured above are the MCHS student managers who took good care of the needs of the 1959 football Warriors. (1. to r.) Dennis Welter, Ron Marshall, Bill Vavrik and Ted Hornby. KM0W YOUR By Marie Schaettgen Supervisor of Nurses A hospital is a many-faceted organization and each facet reveals a different phase of services offered to the patient by experts. There are many departments requiring the services of highly trained personnel-- the laboratory, the dispensary, the physical therapy and many other departments. All of these services must be coordinated to achieve the best results. One of the most important services requiring a coordinator is the nursing staff. Here it is vitally important that one person have the knowledge and the authority to handle critical situations as well as routine matters. The McHenry hospital has such a person. She is Mrs. Otis Banker of Sunnyside Estates, who is supervisor of nurses. Mrs. Banker moved to McHenry with her husband and 'teenage son not too many years ago. She has been with the McHenry hospital since its founding on September, 1956. At first she was assigned to private duty nursing, and subsequently took over as head nurse in June of 1958. With her extensive experience in hospital work, she is, of course, familiar with many vital aspects pertaining to the operation of a hospital. Her nursing experience covers a wide range of activity. For a period of time she was employed as an industrial nurse in Chicago. In Chicago, also, she was a nurse for the juvenile court, where her duties were concerned mostly with children who had been abandoned by their parents, or those who had become delinquent. These children were required to have a physical examination before being sent to the Arthur J. Audy home. MrssBanker's husband, who is a U.S. Army R.O.T.C. instructor at Taft high school in Chicago, was stationed at Ft. McKinley, in the Philippines from 1948 to 1950. Mrs. Banker was employed at thev army hospital there, as a civilian nurse. It was at Ft. McKinley that the Bankers became acquainted with Dr. Charles Woodhouse, who is now associated with the McHenry hospital. With her long years of nursing experience and the background of such varied duties within her nursing career, it follows naturally, that she is well qualified to be supervisor of nurses. But, there is more to her job than meets the eye. She is a jack-of-all trades. And she must be master of many to successfully fill her own important shoes. She works on payroll and inventory; she does purchasing; she makes up work schedules; -she keeps medical records, she works on the surgery floor and is capable of making quick decisions in emergencies. On occasion she has ridden the ambulance and can drive it if the need arises. Mrs. Banker is another of the hospital personnel who is dedicated to the idea that in a hospital, the most important person is the patient. TWO-YEAR "CARE" AID TO REFUGEES TO TOP $5,000,000 Refugees in a dozen countries around the world will be helped by over $5 million worth of special aid provided by Americans through CARE during the two fiscal years 1958"-60, announced Richard W. Reuter, executive director, at the annual meeting of CARE's Board of Directors and Advisory committee, held in New York. He presented this in a report to John W. Hanes, Jr., administrator of the Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs of the U.S. State Department and top American < official con c e r n ed with World Refugee Year, in which CARE is cooperating. The CARE assistance ranges from food, clothing and blankets to agricultural and vocational tools an equipment, health and educational supplies. It will provide relief aid and resettlement opportunities for refugees, expellees and displaced persons groups in West Germany, Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia, Italy, India (including the Tibetan refugees who fled to that country last spring), Vietnam, Hong Kong, Korea, the Gaza Strip, Israel and Jordan. SHOP McHENRY SH'S RENTAL RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 JAMES CURRABt^ Services were held Nov. 11 for James Herbert Curran, 82, of Grayslake, who died in the Villa Rest Home after a long illness. He was the father of James Curran of McHenr^. Other survivors include a daughter living in Round Lake; seven grandchildren; twelve great-grandchildren and two sisters. Burial was in Ivanhoe cemetery. Ten cows averaging 10,239 pounds of milk a year can give the same return over feeck "ost as 34 cows producing 5T311 pounds, according to a study of 1958 Illinois Dairy Herd Improvement association records. SHOP YOUR HOME TOWN THURS - FPU - SAT NOV 19-20-21 "BATTLE FLAME" also 'SURRENDER HELL' plus COLOR CARTOOM SUN - MON - TUE.«% NOV 22-23-24 * "HORRORS OF BLACK MUSEUM" and "THE HEADLESS GHOST" Hiaanaaanngo &M THEATRE WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS1 Children (Under 12) 20* Open Daily at 6:40 Continuous Sundays From 4:00 P.M. FREE PARKING - 150 CARS Tel JAckson 6-1421 60c Adults -- 25c Childjjen THURS - FRI - SAT*"- NOV 19-20-21 "THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE" with Burt Lancaster Kirk Douglas Lawrence Olivier Thur. One Show at 8:00 P.M. Fri. & Sat. Two Shows at 7 & 9 PMi • SUN - MON - TUES NOV 22-23-24 "BUT NOT FOR ME" with Clark Gable Lilli Palmer Sun. Shows 4, 6, & 8 P.M. 7© Ikoll RATS j&IGl wholesale Insist on CEH0L WA ARIN OR CEN0L WARFARIN BAITS GUARANTEED TO DO THE JOB BOLGER'S Phone IV. 5-4500 • USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREAWED - THURS -- NOV 25-26 Double Feature "SHANE" <m and "TANK COMMANDOS" Proceeds of Wed. Program will go to the Wauconda Cub Scout Packs / Thurs. Shows 4 & 7:30,T)nly Wed. One Show Only at 8j!p.M. FRI - SAT -- NOV 20r21 Double Feature PrograJl? All New! In Terrifying Color "THE MUMMY" plus "CURSE OF THE UNDEAD" SPECIAL KIDDIE SHOW Sun., Nov. 22 - 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. SURPRISE FEATURE Plus Cartoons and Short Subjects SUN - MON -- NOV 22-23 Sunday Show at 5-7-9 P.M. "SIGN OF THE GLADIATOR" (Technicolor & CinemaScope) Anita Ekberg Geo. Marshall TUES - WED -- NOV 24-25~ "A PRIVATE'S AFFAIR" * (CinemaScope & Technicolor) Sal Mineo - Terry Moore Gary Crosby - Christine Carere Excellent Entertainment! STARTS THURS -- NOV 26 FOR 3 DAYS! Both in Technicolor WALT DISNEY'S "CINDERELLA" and "TARZAM, M* THE APE MAN" COMING SOON: "F.BJ. STORY" and :% "PILLOW TALK"

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