wwm. MuMMtMcaWk TTMIIIM f MFWMW9 MnEWHHtuImMIrI I U.S. GOV'T INSPECTED GRADE A YO OVIN-El G TOMS 18 TO 22 LBS. DY NORTMIHN 10 TO 14 LBS. HENS NORTHERN 4 TO 10 LBS. BEL7SVILLE BROILERS Lb. JUMBO SHRIMP Fancy--Frozen for Cocktails, Salads otSoup 5 lb. Box $3.39 Lb. Breaded Shrimp Smoked Chubs §n)t Lunch Herring 69 Cap'n. John's Vacuum Packed 2 £ T §9C 3 19 lb •lb. jar Center Cut Pork Chops S>uuppeerr--RRigighht--t-1144 to 20 Pound Size ^ShHiniHkI 0^ ** Smoked Ham ^39 Butt Portion ••>. 39c Shank Portion ib. 33' Center Slices h>. 69' Whole Ham ib. 43° Select From A&P's Wide Selection of Famous Brands 9 !® 11 Canned Hams 6-lb. Size 4 Lb. Tyise Braid 3* $279 Canned Picnics Full Flavored Economical 63' 3t $i79 OVEN READY Poultry Values DUCKS Long Island Styf$, 4 to 5 Lb. Average, Plump, Tender, Meaty Lb. 39 •I Oven Ready Roasters Stuffed Turkeys Oven Ready lease 4 to 6 lbs. Armour Star 6 to 12-lb. Size 8 to 14 Pounds Ib, Ib. Ib. 53' 53< SS< PORTO RICAN YAMS Kiln Dried G Golden Sweet Potatoes, Special for the Holidays Lbs. 25 California Grown Hot House Tomatoes 2 ib. 29° fiscal ©el D.JIc Cranberries Lb. 39 Enpiror irsu($ Navel Oranges Sweet & Juicy Seedless 138 Size Fresh, Crisp, Tasty Fresh Large stalk 1 lb. 19 A&P Brand--Our Very Finest Quality A&P Brand--Serve Chilled Juice OR BROVHN 2ife« ZI % Just In Time for the Hpltday--Jack Frost | Powdered Sugar £ Large Grade A, Fresh--Every Egg ©y®rante@dl : SunnvbrooK Eggs ^ 3 9 | lpi®d Cnlapples C ' w tomato Juice TS 2 ^ 45 ! leiffer Pears ™rd ,7ri9c leSiontePaas £2. 2 : 35 i Spiced Peacl tte™ w£ llc Sultana Medium Shrimp 5««'1§ IMimm " !!• Imic SSSTSl S'^H' wW»ttipi Stuffing Bres It's Quilted--Perfect for Holiday Cooking and Baking Kaiser Aluminum Foil Sweet Piellis r t 59< like Mix Nutley Margarine 4 Z. 59c Large lipe Olives ^exo Shortening Vegetable 3 t 59c Sawyer Saltines Dinner lapkani X 27c Uncle Ben Rice 2~29 29 69 46-oz. Tin 75' Roll Ann Page, Yellow, White, 20-oz. AJJj Chocolate or Spice pkg. Wyandotte 7-oz. |*fj( Brand tin |f Fresh Crisp Flavorful Fluffy Flavorful Ib. «25' 451* 28-oz. pkg. Del Monte Brand--Five Choice Fruits Fruit Cocktail Perfect Topping for Crestmon? See Cream pin? ctns. 3 Mildly i@lt@d, Fine Quality Butter j Pumpkin Pie .. 43' ; fell's PouStry Seasoaisg '£'15* "gsial Tissue 2"i43' :: Li w Bleach th££r & 19c O'Cedar Sponge Hop 12 ..c $298 Armour Ireat Armour Clili Armoir Hash Luncheon Meat With Beans Zesty Flavor Corned Beef Armour Brand Tasty Flavor each 12-oz. tin 15V2-OZ. tin 15'/2-OZ. tin 12-oz. tin Broadcast Chile T.r 37< leaua Sausage ""r 'Z 25' Broadcast Hash if "T 39< f a a d e s s t Beef S t e w S 3 5 ' topped Han rr: "r 59. Hornel Spam "Z 4S= 35' Tuna Fish 2'IT 65' 39* Baby Food "-S. 10 99< 49" Haralnallows t- Sr ]9< larlleese Jane Parker Twin Pack Tasty Flavorful Aged Wisconsin 1-lb. box 24-oz. pkg. Ib. 29-®z. lis Lb. Print Cream Rich 49c iottage Cheese Lg. or Sm. CukI ile Ann Page Mayonnaise 59c Warwick Ilin Mints SJOQ 67c* 2 4 9 c 49" 49s qt. M. Hb. box Sunshine lb. Fresh' Flavorful pkg. 49 Hi Ho Crackin Weisin SiSid Oil Graham Crackers h"p^ Z Pure Vegetable qt. bti. Supreme Sweetener Low Calorie 8-oz. Sugar j,t| Substitute 13' 59 31 59' @11-0 Gelatin Instant Coffee HiSii Brothers Pprkay Margar Assorted Flavors Maxwell House Instant Coffee 15c Off Label Colored & Quartered 2 6-0 z. jar 6-oz. jar 1-lb. ctns. 2r ||sO 99c 5? THE G'REAT ATtANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY j - Super 1859 AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT 1959 au pucts gmcnvt tmu novimmi Mi All A&P Stores Will Be Open Till 9 pjn. Tuesday, Nov. 24th