Page Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, December 10, 1999# * DON'T SKID YOURSELF! FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW: COMPARATIVE STARTING ABILITY Traction Ratings, based on hundreds of test runs, measure pulling or hill climbing ability of tires and tire chains on snow «nd ice. Index is expressed at 100 for ragulai tires. OLMt ICE AT 20° t 6 100 200 300 400 500 6 C -Jl I I I I I tafNVMMM BETTER See* Tim 231% Regular Tire Chains 331 BETTER Remlorced Tire .Chains 509 LOOSELY PACKED SNOW 0 100 200 300 400 500 Snow Tim BETTER 313% BETTER COMPARATIVE STOPPING ABILITY Braking Distances in Fed from 20 MPH GLARE ICE AT 20° P ' 50' JOO' 150' 200* Rtfalar Tin CfeaiM Rtinforcttf TiriCkiitt LOOSELY PACKED SNOW 0' 50' IOC 150' 200' 31 RiplarTim Sow Tim Ripl* Tin I Jit Reinfat*! Tin Oaln ©BY PAVEMENT 0' 50' 100' 150' 200' --' I I Rtfnlar Tim EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON BRAKING DISTANCES Speed of 20 MPH en glare ice Ditfoncmt are indicated In M 0' 50' 10I 0' 15( 0* 20t 0' 2I5 0' > ago i 20' 10c AVERAGE BRAKING DISTANCES FOR REGULAR TIRES Um of refnforced tire chains provides shortest slops, about 77 foot, ngordltss of tomporatwM OVERNOR WILLIAM G. STRATTON ASKS MOTORISTS TO BE PARTICULARLY CARE UL while driving during the holiday season. Help Illinois maintain its excellent highway safetj cord. Skidding and reduced visibility are the major added hazards of winter. Remember thes< cts and when driving ... don't skid yourself! , • _ State of Illinois--D. I. S FAITH CHURCH SCHOOL TO GIVE MUSICAL DRAMA "A Dreary Christmas" is the title of the musical drama to be presented by the church school of Faith Presbyterian church Sunday evening, Dec. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary of the church building, just west of the outdoor theatre on Lincoln road. Written by Mrs. Edward Oleyar, the play concerns a group of concentration camp inmates who find the true meaning of Christmas within their own hearts. Speaking roles will be handled by members of the junior and junior high departments, with stilllife portraits of the Bethlehem scenes by children of the primary department. Mrs. John Hughes and Mrs. Elmer Urban, teachers. Special music will be provided by soloists and a mixed quartet under the direction of Mrs. Calvin V.vduna, and bykindergarten children, Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and Mrs. Elmer Borcovan, teachers. Dale Mauls will be in charge of lighting effects. The entire production is under the general supervision of Mrs. David Hadley, church school superintendent. The public is cordially invited to attend and celebrate the coming of the Christ-child with the congregation of Faith church. HUGE CROWD AT DEDICATION OF MARIAN CENTRAL SOCIAL SECURITY CALLS FOR REPORT ON DOMESTIC HELP A large number of McHenry area folks were among the estimated 2,500 people who attended the dedication of the new million dollar Marian Central Catholic high school, held last Sunday afternoon. Officiating at the dedication was His Excellency. Loras T. Lane. D. D., bishop of the Rockford diocese, who also was celebrant at the Pontifical High Mass which followed. Among the clergy present were most of the pastors of the Catholic churches in this com4 munity and also Rev. Eugene Baumhofer, former assistant pastor of St. Mary's church in McHenry and now superintendent of Marian Central. Members of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus formed an honor guard for Bishop Lane as he entered the large gymnasium, where an altar had been set up on the stage. Every available seat was taken and many were forced to stand up during the Mass. Following the service, a tour of the building was conducted by Marian students. However, because of the large crowd and the fact that many were unable to make the tour, a second open house was announced for Sunday, Dec. 20. The Waukegan social security office has reported that many housewives in our area are not reporting household help for social security purposes. "As little as $4 per week in cash earnings totals more than $50 a quarter and should be reported to the Director of Internal Revenue," Manager Bernard Barnett said. Mr. Barnett explained ' reporting is easier than many housewives think. Upon request, Internal Revenue Service mails a report form each calendar quarter as a reminder. The report has the form of an envelope. The housewife enters the worker's name, social security number and total cash earnings. She puts a check or money order in the pocket to cover the social security tax and mails the sealed envelope to the address already printed on it. The tax rate for 1959 is 2Va per cent for employee and 2 *<2 per cent for employer. This rate will increase to 3 per cent each on Jan. 1, 1960. No detailed bookkeeping is required. The fact that a household worker is also reported by another employer makes^pio difference in reporting responsibility. Proper reporting establishes social security credit for retirement, survivors, and disability insurance benefits for the household worker and her dependents. ASSIST ON TAG DAY One of the latest projects of the Future Homemakers of America was assistance with the cerebral palsy tag day which was held Saturday. Dec 5. More than twenty girls gave of their time to help this worthwhile cause. Council Representative David Fantus of McHenry is serving as an independent representative to the Student Council governing body at Millikin university Mn Decatur. Dave is a sophomWe accounting major at the University. He is the son of Mr. ant* Mrs. Herbert R. Fantus of Route 6, McHenry. READ THE WANT ADS VETS' CRAFT NOW ON DISPLAY AT LEGION HOME (Continued from page 1) the hospitalized vet receiving $20 or less per month government compensation, is allowed to select, without cost to him, gifts for members of his family. Auxiliary members wrap the gifts and the veteran encloses a card he has personally signed. The package is then wrapped for mailing and sent on its way, without any identification of the sponsoring organization attached, thus giving the veteran an opportunity to have done his own shopping and giving. This is one of the most worthwhile programs conducted at Christmas time and one which merits the support of the public. A special shop is being set up at Huppy & Leo's store from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5 this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Musin' & Meanderin' (Continued From Page 1) the local high school and the daughter of Mrs. Louise Williams of Rt. 2, who was selected for the title by sailors serving aboard the destroyer, John W. Thomason. Miss Williams' picture was submitted by her fiance, Dick Schafer, and it now hangs in the ship's office. FLARES ARE SAFETY AID Every car should be equippel with approved flares for wintertime stopping emergencies, advises the Institute for Safer Living. In case of a stop, they should be set up well to front Tnd rear of the car to alert nassing traffic. ED'S RENTAL REITS Floo? Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 KNOW YOUR mm F4D SKYRAY <wmgm Wm-y ST. PAT FIVE WINS OVER ST. THOMAS WITH STRONG RALLY LOOKING LIKE THE GIANT MANTA RAY FOR WHICH SHE IS NAMED THE SKYRAY RANKS AS ONE OF THE WORLD'S FASTEST FIGHTERS. HIGHLY MANEUVERABLE AND FLYING AT FAR MORE THAN SUPERSONIC SPEEDS, THE FAD CRUISES HIGH ABOVE THE TASK FORCE READY TO INTERCEPT AND DESTROY ENEMY AIRCRAFT. THE SKYRAY IS ARMED WITH AIR-TO-AIR MISSILES TO MAKE IT A POWERFUL WEAPON FOR DEFENSE AGAINST ANY ENEMY THAT MIGHT TRY TO PENETRATE OUR FIGHTER SCREEN. C/f»f Loafing With Tuna The thoughtful menu planner selects canned tuna as the base for a main dish loaf. Baked tuna loaf has heartiness and can be sliced neatly. Its flavor is liked by all members of the family, and the ingredients are readily available and economical. Canned tuna comes highly recommended as an excellent source of complete and well-balanced protein, and every bit is edible. Since tuna is canned in salad oil of vegetable origin oils which do not increase the blood cholestrol... the tuna oil Is used in the loaf to give moistness and additional flavor. SAVORY TUNA LOAF 3 canau(6% or 7 ounces 1 egg, well beaten each) tuna 1 tablespoon minced parsley V4 teaspoon Tabasco .2 tablespoons minced onion % cup evaporated milk % teaspoon salt 2 cups soft bread crumbs Turn tuna into mixing bowl; add Tabasco, evaporated milk and bread crumbs. Mix with a fork until blended. Add egg and remaining ingredients; mix well. Turn into a foil-lined loaf pan, lx/% z 3% x 2'/2 inches. Bake in a moderate oven (375°F.) 40 minutes, or until center is firm. Serve with * Parsley Sauce. •Parsley Sauce 1 can condensed cream of celery soap % cup light cream 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Combine soup and cream; stir over low heat until bo1 Add parsley. FOR A HOME? Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA \r Conventional Financing 3 Homes in various stages of construction open for inspection LEE COONEY. Contractor Phone EVergreen 5-4345 200 SINGERS TO I PRESENT ANNUAL HOLIDAY PROGRAM (Continued from page 1) Saints". Special organ music will be provided between chorus selections and at intermission time, including numbers appropriate to the holiday season. After the large choruses, soloists and ensembles wiii make an appearance in a section of the program called "Carols of All Lands", narrated by Lynn Brubach. Later, the singers will appear in costumes of another era as they portray, in song, "An Old Fashioned Christmas", concluding with the well known "Twelve Gifts of Christmas". TEST DRIVE THE AMBLE AMERICAN "America's Economy Car" 2-Dr. Sedan -- Factory Equipped as low as *!^9500 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll If you need a Second Car, be sure to check our line selection of Top Quality Used Cars iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii SEIBEL MOTOR SALES Phone 405 W. Elm St. Phone EV 5-5361 McHenry, 111. FOR F U E L O I L WE OFFER Cash Discount -- Budget Plan King Korn Stamps McHenry County Co-Op McHENBY, ILL. After a slow start, St. Pat's basketball team rallied to defeat St. Thomas of Crystal Lake 35 to 26 in their first home game of the season. A large, enthusiastic crowd was on hand to see the local lads present a well balanced scoring attack, led by the terrific rebounding of center Joe Blenner. In the Junior Varsity game, a smooth working Crystal Lake five easily defeated St. Patrick's^Junior Varsity. Next Sunday, St. Monica's of Meadowdale will travel to McHenry to meet St. Patrick's in the old gym at the McHenry High school. OBITUARY LOUIS J. KREC Louis J. Krec, 74, of Vero Beach, Fla., died unexpectedly Sunday, Dec. 6. He had been in poor health for several months. Mr. Krec was born Nov. 22, 1885, in Fox Lake and moved to Florida four years ago. A member of the Fox Lake police force for thirty-one years, he had been a chief of police for several years. He was also an honorary member of the Fox Lake fire department. Survivors include, his wife, Betty (Duda) of Vero Beach; two daughters, Mrs. Joseph (Lillian) Brefeld of McHenry and Mrs. Ella Mann of Deerfield; two sons, George of Fox Lake and William of Lake Villa; also five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The body rested at the Justen- Hamsher funeral home in Fox Lake, where services will be held Friday at 1 p.m. Burial will be in Grant cemetery. Doh'i Go Shopping For Accidents/ Police Warn "Don't go shopping for an accident," McHenry Police Chief Joseph Grobel warned holiday shoppers. Mr. Grobel appealed to motorists and pedestrians to assist in the efforts to keep the streets safe for holiday, shoppers by obeying all traffic laws and by extending courtesy to motorists. The chief noted the statewide traffic safety campaign, Project Salad is now in effect with the goal of saving thirtyone lives from traffic accidents by the end of the month. Salad stands for Save-A-Life-A-Day. If the Project Salad campaign is successful, there will be thirty-one fewer traffic deaths in Illinois this month than in December last year. SERVICE NEWS VA ASSISTANCE ? A Veterans' Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Dec. 15, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will baton duty from 10 a.m. to. 4 p.mrat the U. S. post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. DRIVING TIP When motorists find it necessary to make roadside stops during dark and stormy or snowy weather, they should make sure that their vehicle is clear of travel lanes. The Institute for Safer Li£iig warns that many drivers fail to do this because of fear of getting stuck in snow or slushy shoulders. Donald Irvin Rockel, seafnan apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rockel of Pis- ! takee Highlands, has been at- ! tending the radioman school, Norfolk, Va. COMPLETION OF FARM CENSUS IS EXPECTED DEC. 15 (Continued Prom pt*ge 1) sus will not only help in keeping costs down but will aid in prompt publication of the results, the field director said. He urged local farmers who have not already done so to complete the census questionnaire and have it ready when the census taker calls. ON HOMECOMING COMMITTEE Gordon H. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Ryden of Rt. 4, McHenry, served as a member of the Phi Delta Theta homecoming float committee at Lake Forest college. A sophomore physics major, Gordon is a member of the men's glee club and Pi Alph Chi, honorary music fraternity. He is a graduate of McHenry ommunity high school. Ronald E. Brown, son of Mrs. Helen J. Brown of 201 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, is scheduled to graduate from recruit training Dec. 11 at the naval training center. Great Lakes. The familiar Christmas kettles of The Salvation Army can be found on street corners all over the United States, whereever the Army is at work. EDDIE the EDUCATOR) Chang* K part of MM Anwrtcaa way. Good school* proparo pvplli ta adapt themiolvM toward Mflitnic- Bvo chango. Illinois education Anoelotlaa N O T I C E JU-AL BEAUTY SHOP ' announces its new location at 210 S, Green St. -- Rooms 8 & 9 Fitzgerald's Professional Building EFFECTIVE DEC. 15, 1959 Phone EV 5-00S5 Santa's Coming to Ruck's Hardware 501 W. Main Street McHenry, 111. Sunday, Dec. 13th 2 P.M. to ,4 P.M. cACft/uAtwai Gtji m SINGER MAGIC MITE - World's best, tolling hand vacuum cleaner. Now SPARTAN* -- low In price, high in valuo. $59.50 foil Power CANISTER CLEANER - Full sot of attachmentt. £49.50 YOUNG BUDGET Portablo Beautifully Styled, thriftily priced. $124.50 GOLDEN GLIDE* VACUUM CLEANER -- Smooth, Powerful -- triple capacity disposable ma* FEATHERWEIGHT* PORTABLE -- lightweight, heavy dutY- $54.50 YOUNG BUDGET Console Two gifts for the price of one. $164.50 SLANT-NEEDLE Deluxo with ZIGZAGGER -- lowest priced of the new Slant-Needle line. $196.50 ^ FEATHERWEIGHT Tablo Model -- Portable machino plus utility tablo. Ask about our Special Holiday Payment Plan. C©i^E TO YOU El SIN6ER SiWING MACHINE CO. PHONE FE 8-0294 221 Benton Street Woodstock, III. J