Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1959, p. 18

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Page Eighteen THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday, December l0;£ lfs9 Pistakee Highlands CANCEL MEETINGS OF ASSOCIATION FOR TWO MONTHS Hazel Murky HY 7 3S20 Kay Slelisch HY 7 S414 Thp December association mertifig was called to order at 8:15 p.m. on Dec. 2. Roll call of officers was held and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and the same with the treasurer's reporl given by Lorraine Hurckes. Jim Malek save a' brief report on the findings of the fact finding committee. He slated that out of the questionaires that were sent to other subdivisions, a few have been returned and he has also received six copies of by-laws from other communities. The next slep to be taken is io compile the facts. Gladys Mayer reported that 112 .vacant lot owners have paid their dues. The motion for cancelling the January and February meetings because of the heating problem w a s voted on and passed by a 13 to 9 vote. However if anything important should arise in the meantime, a special meeting will be called. The blockade at the top of Rroadway was discussed and there should not be too much concern about it anymore. A Christmas party will be hold for ore-school through fuiirlh grade children of only members in good standing. It will he held at the barn Dcc. 19 at 10:30 a.m. Refreshments will be served and the kiddies will get a chance to talk to Santa. Lorraine Hurckes and her committee are making all the arrangements for a sue-, cessful party. Th^\meeting_was adjourned and the announcements were made. The Women's club will have its Christmas party on Dec. 22 at the Johnsburg community hall. Ed Pfingsten. Skipper of the Sea Scouts, is in need of three men to form an activities committee to asist him with his group of young men. This committee will help raise funds, organize and assist in projects and provide transportation. These three men are badly needed if the Sea Scouts are to remain active. At the meeting Ed was fortunate to have Mr. Croasdale volunteer his services and two more are still needed. If you are interested in keeping our Sea Scouts going give Ed Pfingsten a call at Hy 7-3172. , The snow removal for the entire year has been taken care cf and you can relax and be sure of getting in and out come the next heavy snow fall. Dick Morley resigned as adult activity chairman. Birthdays Happy birthday to Gregory Mayer who was eight years old on Dec. 8. He had a party with a few of his friends. To Don Hensley we wish a happy ninth birthday on Dec. 3. He had a party last Saturday with his friends in the neighborhood. Also a happy birthday to Dick Morley who celebrates his birthday today, Dec. 10. Jackson is home from the hospital. She had a Very bad case of pneumonia and was quite sick for awhile. We hope yqu feel much better soon,. Pat. Janjce Janquart entertained her card club last evening in her home. On hand enjoying Janice's delicious refreshments a n d e x c h a n g i n g C h r i s t m a s gifts were Dot Erbin, Carla Bales, Dolly Novotny, Wanda Dobecki. Marilyn (Geo) Van Zevern. Lois Mason and Hazel Morley. Belated birthday to Kip Novotny who was three on Nov. 28. He had a party with some of his friends on the block . Congratulations to Mrs. Day who welcomed a new grandson. Her daughter gave birth to the youngster the last part of November. Jeanne Barron and children spent last Thursday visiting with Marilyn Lammert. Barb Sisk was kept busy last Wednesday with friends coming in to get a peck at the newbaby. Just a few were Tina O'MaUy. Carla Bales and Hazel Morley. Dick and Hazel Morley spent last Thursday evening at the shopping Plaza in Waukegan. The big event of the evening was taking the boys to talk to Santa and putting their orders in early. Mount Hope Church Christmas at the Mount Hope church will begin with the regular service on Dec. 20 at 11 a.m. and at 4 p.m. also on the twentieth there will be a special Christmas service for the family at the Johnsburg school. In addition to numbers by the Sundav school classes there will be a lovely colored movie called. 'Holy Night'. It starts with the Prophesies of Isaiah down to the birth of Jesus and the flight into Egypt. The whole community is invited to attend. It should be very heart-warming and make us realize the real meaning of Christmas. On Christmas Eve at 8 p.m. a candlelight service will be held at the community center. We hope many of you will be able to attend. M.Y.F. On Dec. 13 tho MY.F. group under the supervision of Chet Banker, are invited to the Ingleside church at 7 p.m. to join in with them in their regular meeting of, games, prayer sessions and refreshments. The M. Y. F. group from Lake Villa will also be guests for the evening. On Dec. 6 the youth of the church enjoyed a movie in Ringwood. This is a fine group of young peqple. one the church can certainly be proud of. Around the Highlands Lois Mason spent anost of last week in the McHenry hospital where she underwent Several tests. While she was there Lee Conway and Alice Burke took care of baby Shirley. We are happy to say Pat Still Hospitalized James Rathnow is still confined to the Columbus hospital in Chicago. He has been taken off the critical list but is still seriously ill. Mrs. Rathnow has been staying in Chicago so she can be with her husband every day. All your friends and neighbors in the Highlands wish you a speedy recovery. Just a Reminder If you haven't as yet started your Christmas shopping we woujd like to remind you that there are just two more weeks until Santa will be making his visit. Items of Interest Around the Highlands During the cold weather months, the Brownies will meet TO SET HER HEART SIN6ING ANJOtTS IMPERIAL SPRAY MIST-This handsome, refillable, golden cylinder holds 3 oz.--1500 sprays of Devastating or Apropos, $5.Q0; Celestial or Side Glance, $5.50 ^ ANJOU'S FOURSOME GIFT SET-Her own perfume bar set up with her favorite Anjou fragrances: Apropos, Devastating, Side Glance and Celestial. $3.00, Nye Drugs, Inc. every Tuesday after school at the home of Dot Jenkins. Dot has opened her home to the girls since the community center is so cold. Dpc. 9, the Cub Scouts and their parents were asked to bring a pair stretch hose with them for the meeting, so the hose can be delivered to the Childrens Home in Woodstock. This is very commendable xor the boys. Dec. 6. the Cub Scouts and their dads enjoyed an afternoon of bowling at a local bowling alley. Each boy had to be accompanied by his dad and the turn out was pretty good for a change. It is nice when the fathers and sons can do things together. Lorraine Hurckes held a meeting last Monday in her home for the members of the Christmas party committee. Among those attending the meeting were Marie Schlick, Ann Mclnernev, Gladys Mayer and Blanche Haefliger. They all agreed the party would be held for the children up to and including the fourth grade, and for the children whose parents are association members only. This is very fair and if you're not a member in good standing, the children will be turned away. There can be no other course to follow. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Jack Rathnow who has been confined at the Columbus hospital with pneumonia, underwent surgery for kidney stones last Saturday. Jack is getting the works, and we all hope this will be the end of it. and that he will be home for the holidays. Janet Thoren was home from school a few days last week and was a pretty sick girl. We are happy to say she is back at school and feeling fine. Rev. Father Cletus Anger has been making house calls in the Highlands to the ones he missed, and the new people who have moved in. Father Anger is a most welcome visitor in any home out here and he is well liked and well received. He has made many friends here in the Highlands. Blanche Haefliger and Anna Cohrs took a load of clothing to the Old Peoples Home in Woodstock last Tuesday, any time you have good clothing for children or older folks give Blanche or Anna a call and they will see to it the things get to the two homes. Many times we have good things we do not know how to dispose of and there is no better way than this, so save all the things for the two homes, it will be greatly appreciated. Mr. Lucht, the public relations man for the McHenry hospital, picked Roy Snell up at his home and escorted Roy to the dinner at the McHenry Country club Dec. 1. Roy volunteered his services as chairman for the McHenry hospital fund drive, in the Highlands which will begin in January. Roy has to get a team of workers to help him. Anyone interested in helping Roy may contact him at Hyatt 7-3323. He will be most grateful for all the help he can get. Mr. Widlock returned from Cary where he spent a week and a half having a ball visiting old friends. He returned in time to find the fish biting like mad. He and a friend have been fishing and have brought home their limits in perch and blue gills. Kay Sielisch spent last Saturday visiting with her friend, Mae Pinkham. in Ingleside. They spent thp day catching up on all the news. Dates to Remember The Girl Scouts Christmas party will be held Friday, Dec. 18. The parents of the girls are invited. The association chilrRETT & BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east ol Fox River Bridge Phone'EVergreen 5-3fF6 "He'll graduate in tie class rr Of course it may quite as likely be "she" as "he". But either way, this farsighted expectant father has already taken steps to provide for college costs by setting up a program of systematic savings here where his money will earn MORE! CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 4% SAFtlT SAVINGS Marengo Federal 12.9 X. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-4426 AMD LOAN IfliiyS ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS" 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A MUTUAL COMPANY SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS SINCE 1920 dren's Christmas party will held' Saturday, Dec. 19. be Local News Around the Highlands Nov. 22 Barbara Wilson was confirmed at St. Alphonsus church in Chicago. Her aunt Loretta was her sponsor. Many of the high school students attended the turn about dance at the McHenry high school last Friday evening. The girls had a ball asking their boy friends for dates and the girls had to pay for the evening. Mrs. Tenpera has been confined to bed for a few days with very high blood pressure. The Bill Schlicks and the Walley Sielisches will be dinner guests of the Haefligers, Dec. 12, at six o'clock, they will enjoy Carl's music. The women who have taken the Red Cross first aid course will all be hoping to receive their graduation slips Dec. 4. They have all worked very hard at it and we hope they all graduate. We will print the names next week in the meanime good luck to all of them. Marcia Dowd has been a real busy gal. Last Sunday she accompanied the George Lammerts to the O'Hare airport .-ind they enjoyed watching the planes land and take off. From I here they went visit ing Marilyn's mother, George's mother, and Marcia's mother. It was a wonderful day for all three and the kiddies. Last Tuesday Marcia and Earline Wehrestein spent the day shopping in Waukegan. Dec. 5, she and her mother-in-law took the children to see Santa and do some Christmas shopping in Chicago. Sunday Dec. 6, she attended a bridal shower for her girl friends, Nancy McCutcheon. Last Monday she was a dinner guest at the Jim Bales home along with seven other guests. How busy can one girl get? Don and Earline Wehrstein were very upset when their dog was missing. By the time they found the dog had been taken to McHenry it was too late to do anything The dog had been kept three days* then destroyed. RUBINOFF IN COUNTY The Kiwanis club of Crystal Lake will bring to that city one of the finest concert artists of our times in the person of Dave Rubinoff, who will appear there on Tuesday, Jan. 12. Mr. Rubinoff's stay in Crystal Lake will be for the entire day as he visits each school in town putting on a half hour program for the students of all schools in their own auditorium. In the afternoon Mr. Rubinoff will offer a full hour's concert for the high school students. In the evening at 8:15 a full concert for the public will be presented in the auditorium of the Crystal Lake Community high school. A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for vourself VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Dec. 1, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents, and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. Post Office, Woodstock. Marines first became a part of a Navy ship's delachment when a unit was assigned to the "Cabot" in December 1775. HOW TO ROAST TURKEY Youp Christmas turkey can be roasted to a nice uniform brown by covering it loosely in the oven with a "tent" of foil. Sometimes it may be necessary to foil-cover parts that are browning too fast and to t^sh the skin with fat. Basting is not necessary. Geo. R. Justen & Son Furniture Store CLOSES FOtEVER! Dec. 25th McHenry State Phone EV 5-1040 Brake Service All Mechanical Repaint Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 516 -front St. HOUR TOWING SERVICE EVergreen 5-0811 McHenry, III &ag mpmj Cffrtstmas to your wife witli this most unusual gift aDIBiaDDDiD EBDE1BIII1 An unusual gift that will be unusually welcome... a bright new Kentile floor for any room in your home. YOU PICK THE FLOOR NOW. SHE PICKS THE COLOR AFTER CHRISTMAS. And you get a novel plastic "toy bouse"to put under the tree, complete with gift certificate, the famous Kentile guarantee and a sample of the tile yon Select. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT I NIESEN'S FLOORS 523 W. Main c ~ v."' St. Ph. EV 5-0038 >LEVM West McHenry > v - w '• W.t V -C YOUR HUSBAND'S COFFEE CUPI) #!« ^ |||| o o A short note about a few things our family loves (in case you're in a quandary about what to put under the tree, this Christmas ...) loves rotisserie-barbecued ribs I (saw a new GA§e^> range with a rotisserie--and automatic features to make cooking delicioUsly easy!) •%I\B : ill 1<\ . |?5 actually likes hot showers! (wish we had an automatic GAS water heater--then there would be enough hot water-- --all the time!) r ,n •0 adores pretty dresses!' (understand new automatic GAS dryers dry clothes ready-to-iron, miracle-fabrics wrinkle-free-- for only a penny-a-load!) would "help" me with the garbage chore if we made it easy with one of those new GAS incinerators. (I hear they're automatic--even get rid of bones, too!) 00* (or is it I)--well anyway, I can't wish for anything more than doing what I can to keep my family happy. Oh, maybe a little extra relaxation (like I'd enjoy with the wonderful GAS appliances they're showing now.) The people at the GAS Company told me they and all GAS Appliance Dealers are offering special-for- Christmas values. And-- with budget payments so low, anyone can afford them I T^E IOAEE. YOU. AM, wm NORTHERN I L LI NOIS spill C

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