iSursdiy, December 10, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen £asiwood Manor EMPOA PLANS CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR CHILDREN Lois Ryan - EV. 5-5377 fall so the men can do their work to the best of their abil ity. The annual Eastwood Manor R^perty Owners association's Christmas party beginning this year is for the children of paid up members of the association only. The dues are $3.00 year per home. The Christmas party for t children of the paid .up mei bers will be held at the ban A committee member will contact you, and ask you to make a reservation for your children f^ the Christmas party. Santa Claus and all his helpers will be there with surprises for the children. There will be goodies and entertainment so all we need are guests for our party and that's up to you to supply us with your children. Baptized Craig Roger Lessard was baptized recently with Marion and Murray Alford as his godparents. Afterwards the Alfords had dinner at the Lessard home. Block Rosary The Block Rosary for Tuesday, Dec. 15, will be held at tl^P John Sheehy home at 128 Manor Lane. The time is set for 9 p.m. and all "Catholics of Eastwood Manor are inviited. Faith Presbyterian Church News Saturday. Dec. 12, at 8:30 p.m. the choir will have their Christmas party at the Ferole Tomlinson farm. ^Sunday, Dec. 13. is Universal tiSle Sunday and Rev. Mclntyre's sermon is entitled "The Bible Speaks Today." At 3 p.m. a service will be held at the McHenry County Nursing home. Monday, Dec. 14, at 8 p.m. a meeting of the Board of Deacons will be held at the church. Wednesday, Dec. 16, the monthly meeting of the United Pcgsbyterian women will take plUe at the Faith church at 1 p.m. Sick List Mary Theines accidently put her finger in her electric mixer and had a nail removed and stitches in the finger. This was the day before Thanksgiving and she had a time with the big dinner the next day. Betty Radner's mother broke, her arm recently. She is getting along quite well now. Dick Weigman has been home with a sore throat for several days. It was rough going for. awhile but he's better now. All the Garrelts family was down with the flu bug one after the other. Happy Birthday Today Dick Lahman is celebrating his natal day. Tomorrow David Borcovan will turn six years old, Larry Tucker will turn five and Warren Monahan isn't telling, but he is turning - over another year thjM is. Nancy Lindeman will be four years old on Dec. 12. On Dec. 14 Harold Slove will chalk up another year. Matthew Oik will celebrate his sixth birthday on Dec. 16 and Ray Lessard will celebrate his j birthday on the same day. Cub Scout News Cub Pack 454, sponsored by Faith Presbyterian church, is n^ conducting a candy drive. The boys will be going from door to door selling a famous brand of chocolates. Please help the boys make a success of this drive and buy their | candy. Thank "you. , j At the Pack meeting of Nov. ! 19 several boys received Wolf ! badges and Bobcat pins. The ! boys are John Gustafson, Ran- j dy Warez, Rodney Cole, Tim j MG^tin, John Anderson, Mike | Sobacki, Bob Houser, and Philip Krebs. Congratulations fellows. Snow Removal Many thanks to the men who clean the snow from our streets. One way we could keep these men in their hard work is to try to keep our automobile^ off th^ street after a heavy snow SPECIAL BULLETIN TODAY WE C^N ASSURE YOU IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON PRACTICALLY ALL MODELS OF THE 1960 FORD. THERE IS NO SHORTAGE BECAUSE FORD HAS CONTINUED TO MAKE MOST OF ITS OWN STEEL RIGHT THROUGH THE STRIKE. RIGHT NOW WE CAN GIVE YOU A "BUY-NOW" DEAL UNMATCHED ANYWHERE. SEE YOUR FORD DEALER TODAY AND DRIVE HOME TONIGHT THE FINEST FORD OF A LIFETIME. r.o.A.r. This and That There really was some comings and goings in the subdivision for Thanksgiving Day. Everyone enjoyed the day very much and probably ate too much too. but this they didn't report. What they did report is as follows: The Engstrom family enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klein, Mrs. Martha Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perterson, and Karen and Ricky, and Mrs. Bror Engstrom all from Chicago for Thanksgiving Day and a twenty- five pound turkey. Marge Pickett's mother, Mrs. Mary, Jones from Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke of Lake Zurich joined the festivities at the Pickett home. Pat and Lew Kellogg welcomed their family for the holiday. Carol and John Hayes and family, Pat's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Pat's sister and her family all had a delightful time. Mr. and Mrs. George Weigman .from Fox Lake joined the Richard Weigmans here for Thanksgiving dinner with their son and his family. The Lindeman family had a > lovely dinner at Pre's mother's home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. j McGrane loved having their! grandchildren for the holiday. In the evening the Lindemans journeyed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fleming for supper. The Rvan family travelled to Arlington Heights to have a delicious dinntr at the home of J erry's grandmother. Mrs. Martha Schmidt. Jerry's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan, and his brother. and his wite, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryan, were there also for the day. In the late evening they visited with Lois' mother and her step-father, Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Wonsik, in Fox River | Grove. After the holiday Bob and Pre Lindeman attended a party at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser in South Chicago. On Saturday they attended the wedding of Sgt. Gordon Brewer, th£ir nephew, and Pauline Quinn. in Round Lake. It was marvelous. Lois' and Tim McCormack were spending a quiet anniversary at home when to their great surprise Dolores and Ken Lawrence, Lois and Warren Krebs, Peggy and Walt Garrelts, Winnie and Len Hansen, Rosemary and Bob Newlon and Betty and Ed Radner came to the door with the makings of a party. They had a good one too. The Picket ts had weekend guests in the form of Mrs. Mary Jones, Miss Sharon Burke of Waukegan, and John Woodson of Chicago. Dolores Pickett celebrated her eighth birthday with several girls from school and the subdivision joining in the fun for ice cream, cake and soda pop. - ~ On Monday the Wilsons went to Evanston . to visit Georgiana's sister. Mrs. William Marcum. From there they journeyed to Prospect Heights to visit her mother, Mrs. Frank Biederer. On Sunday the A1 fords had a surprise visit from Murray's sister and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Epich from Oaklawn, for the day. In Closing With the holidays at hand there's a lot of news going on so how about letting us all in on it. Please call. Bye now. See you next week. GRANTED CHARTER A charter has been granted by thp state to'MeHengy Building Materials. Inc.. Rt. 2. McHenry, to^ establish, maintain and operate a distributing business to the.wholesale building trade in which the companyshall buy, sell and distrbute building, siding, roofing and insulating materials on a wholesale basis. HOLD OFF ON BLEACH Clothes" will come out of the wash whiter if you do not add liquid bleach until part way through the wash cycle. A study report made to the twelfth National Home. Laundry conference showed that many detergents contain brighteners that lose their effectiveness if liquid chlorine bleach is added too soon. This is because the brightener has not had time to attach itself to the fabric. Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of Dec. 2, 1909 Peter Diedrich of this city and Mrs. Kate Effinger of Volo were united in marriage by j Rev. Fr. Rempe at St. Peter's j church, Volo, Monday, Nov. 22, J and Miss Ada Westlake of ' Spring Grove became the bride of Ray Dodge of Ringwood in a ceremony performed by Rev. Elmer Williams, a former i Richmond pastoY, at the parsonage of the Grace M. E. church in Chicago last week. The Thanksgiving dance sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, at Stoffel's hall, was a huge success with more than 100 couples in attendance, while the supper served by the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church was considered one of the swellest feasts that the loc.11 public had ' sat down to for many a day. I Bargains at the F. A. Boh- • lander store Dec. 10 and 11 in- ; elude: Ladies long chiffon broadcloth coats. $5:00 values at S3.50: ST.50 values. $5.00: $10.00 values $7.50; $25.00 and $30.00 values. $19.00. Word ha? h^en received of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Jepson of ; North Adams, Mass. Mrs. Jep- I son was formerly Miss Rose j Huson of Volo. i A number of young men of the community have organized a dancing club and will hold their first dance at Stoffel'S-, hall Friday evening, Dec. 10. It will open at 9 o'clock sharp, with a grand march, and continue till 1 in the morning. Although in the form of an old fashioned affair, there will be ample room allowed fhe twentieth century mothod of tripping the light fantastic. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of Nov. 27, 1919 A military wedding of unusual interest and the first to be celebrated in St. John's Catholice church, Johnsburg, took p l a c e W e d n e s d a y m o r n i n g , Nov. 26, when Miss Eleanor Smith, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, became the bride of William Althoff. second son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff. Miss Marguerite Knox teacher of the Emerald Park school, has the distinction of being the first.. teacher in this locality to serve hot lunches to the children in her school. Miss Annabel Heimer and Dr. F J. Aicher were honored at a shower and dance given by Misses Eva and Lillian Stilling at their home on Fox river Wednesday evening. Music was furnished by Miss Louise Stilling at the piano, John Stilling, the drums, and George Heimer, the violin. The ministrel show given under the direction of Miss Marjorie Gurnett and Miss Blanche Pryor at the school auditorium Friday evening was a big success. The many numbers and jokes were cleverly given. Frank Gans is always at home at such a time, also Jennie Mae Cooley. Rosemary Nye gave the dialect reading splendidly and Miss Blanche Meyers made a typical "mammy". Each one deserves special mention. especially the "Gazoo orchestra. A class of over seventy are | now receiving instructions at j St. RJary's church, in preparation for confirmation which ; will be held in the spring. ; Lester Bacon and Walter ! Freund have just "finished a 1 successful season in their bag ' punching act with Hagenbach- Wallace Cirrus. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of Nov. 29. 1934 Authorities in McHenry I county are seeking a man in a I green Chevrolet coach as the | result of a murderous assault ! he made on Stanley Schaffer, I an attendant at the Sinclair , filling station at the intersee- ^ tion of Routes 20 and U.S. 12 about 2 o'clock Monday morning. He received a grazing wound in the back of his head from a calibre revolver as he 1 stooped over to put some air in !a rear tire. | Fish fry at Auto Inn, Friday | night, 10 cents. Chicken ' dini ner. Saturday night, 25 cents. I Orchestra and dancing, i Work w a s commenced this lweek by Joe Holly on a filling station where he will sell Texaco gasoline and other products. His home on Route 20, [ near the bridge, is being re- ! built into the service station. | with also a flat where he will j continue to live. | Frarrk McMillan of Terra Cotta died early Monday morn- 1 ing in Sherman hospital, Elgin, after a long illness, at the age of 50 years. ! Three hundred members of i the Kniglus of Columbus were j present Sunday at St. Patrick s- ; church hall, to witness the exj emplification of the second j and third degr ees to a class of forty-five candidates from McHenry and neighboring 'owns. it Pays to Advertise Geo. R. Justen & Son Furniture Store CLOSES -REVER! Dec. 25th MOEN ^ MEW SINGLE HANDLE FAUCET K3&S IN YOUR SHOWER one handle does the work of two H. E. BUCH & SONS PLUMBING St HEATING Phone EVergreen 5-0048 Highway 120 East dpntu ' spray" mfsf the lovely way to use fragrance Imagine yourself in a cloud of Side Glance, Devastating, Apropos or Celestial. A generous supply of these-famous Anjou Eau de Parfums in a smart shatter proof spray bottle. Devastating or Apropos, $2.25* Side Glance or Celestial. $2.75* •plot tax. NYE DRUGS. Inc. 129 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-4426 HAVE YOU TRIED THE HIU1EW COIN LAUNDRY? 20c A WASHER LOAD 10c FOR 10 MINUTES OF DRYING Each Dryer Holds 4 Washerloads HILL VIEW SHOPPING CENTER RICHMOND, ILLINOIS arrow v.'.v.v.v.v'.v.y; BIAUTY AND j QUALITY OP } TNI CROWN j STORM AND SCREEN DOOR PING PONG TABLES MORE WMi dfxp&efoaw? with m * GbM-JetWB" . WATER SYSTEM © SAPACITliS 7® 1S70 GAL. KK HOUB • PUMPING DIPTHS TO 120 HIT • IASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE PROM SHALLOW TO DEXP WILL SIBVlCa DolUr-for-doller, tor* b your beit pump buy. Heavy, dur- •M* construction throughout. Quilt, lubrication -- (rn operation -»only one moving part. A product of a world* renowned pmmp manuifaefuror with over 76 years' experience In building water corvlee product*. The Centri-Jet "HB" Water System will more then satisfy you b every Come la and tee for yourself. JETS AND Submersible ON D!3PS.AY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK TTAQV TV/TC! McHenry County fell & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENRY EV 5-5252 SAW HORSE BRACKETS WORKBENCHES Plu£ Other Mis^ell aneous Items For The Handy Man CfUIK-BILD Workbench, • Hcrt U the ideal an* : expensive workbench . .. perfect for homo work •hop, garage, work desk, ; or hobby bench. Bogged. ; high (entile tail Meet S and exclusive "KM do* tiga provide rigidity. Can be (aliened to «al For workbench or floor if detired. •r hobby tob'e Standard* fioiihed U \\ attractive fane* green. Any length to rait year •pace, and the back* board can ba varied fat UM ai a tool hanger. Furaiihrd complete with pre-cut lumber and all nult. bolts and actawa for garage OBly « • er professional (Pric* basarf am 4 /oaf mechanic. l>-ngih. Pricm* vary with MAM 0t v iXJUMtAVfl imuDfft ALUMINUM mm mm* I / eigbvflf PAQCJIQO HOWU Unsurpassed in Beauty oad Elegance of appearand-- the extra thickness creating a greater depth of the panel inserts--thus achieving a more massive exterior appearance In keeping with the modem tveod ill design of exterior doors. k Beautifully designed "V Iba? |amb wM> Mr* projecting surfaces and mitered eosnesc weatherstrip fat "no (Ian" opexadoa .! Rugged eonstrucaioo vfafc wfafowj --will not sag. Just mm lock M aw vinct you of to wporiorcty operation md mtoP+mrmum, zsQ y IG CENTER FOlt BUILDUP > Our Compeleni Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Hi<§9iway 31 -- South of y dn Street -- McHenry, Illinois IVergreen 5-1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"