Pago Tw«niy-Tw® THE McHENRY PLAWDEALER Sunnyside Estates FILL VACANCIES OF TWO TRUSTEES AT ASS'N. MEET Lois Anderson At this month's meeting last -Thursday 1heie were a number of things discussed. The main business of this meeting of course was* 't he election of three officers for the remainder of the present term which expires June 30. Nominations were made from the floor and the election was held, the esults' of which follows: to fill the two vacancies of trustees t h e m e m b e r s e l e c t e d R a y Bieschke and Dick Janicki; to the office of corresponding secretary, Lois Anderson. The treasurer's report proves what people working together can do. The association is in better financial shape now than at any other time in its history. As we said in a previous issue the rummage sale held last month was a huge financial success. This money has been put into a separate account and will be used for a specific purpose. Bernice Fry suggested the money be used to build some sort of entrance way into Sunnyside Estates. The motion was made and carried that plans be drawn up and this project get under way in the very near future. A motion was made and carried that the January meeting of S.E.H O A. be held on the second Thursday of the month instead of the first due to the holidays. Thursday, December Christmas Party So that you won't forget, the association's Christmas party "is set for Dec. 18. a week from Friday. It will begin at 7:30 at the Johnsburg Community club, the early visit of Santa being the main attraction. Refreshments will be served to young and old and everyone can join in the singing of carols. Party Imagine yourself surrounded by thirteen pre-school children all at once. That's how many Phillip Voight entertained at j If Jt his fourth birthday party last \ 1^1 wpp>k Needless to cay pveryone enjoyed the party fare and Zz gqmes hut these affairs can be i fr$ a little strenuous on moms. j Surprise Package | A package arrived at the An- | vfc derson residence during the i 1$ cold snap we had and we of } Jfc course thought it was an early I * A Christmas nresent. It was ad- | /?» dresspd to Mary but it wasn't | a Christmas present. Her ! grandpa and gvndmn sent an j orange and a lemon, limb and j jjk all, riehr off the trees in their j haek yard. They live in the ; middle of a crove in Phoenix, j Ariz. This will probably be the • /jrj closest tho Andersons will get | to an orange or lemon tree for 1Ihfr a long while. ; (XJ Birthdays The birthday list is all juvenile and all female with the exception of one male who should be first on the list. He is young Jimmy Farley and his twelfth birthday is Dec. 14. The remainder of the list of birthdays consists of Kim Bute who will be 3 on Saturday. Two little two year olds to celebrate are Pam De Francisco on Dec. 14 and Monica Davis on Dec. 16. And last but not least two young ladies who should really get together on their birthdays are Mary Farley and Kathy Palmer. They will both be 10 on Dec. 16, wonder who is the older in hours or maybe even minutes. Happy birthday girls and Jimmy too. Some people prefer to be counted out when the time comes to give an accounting. D0N7 ill ANTI THIS p0,without first having Wif radiator cleaned (§3[aid! repaired! Antifreeze in a lea^y or clogged radiator is money wasted. Our modern Factory Method cleaning and repairing --• ; checked by our In» 1 Hand FLO-TEST | Machine -- costs i little -- protects your \ anti-freeze! UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repaft In Rear of Shilling's "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. _ McHeavy EVergreen 5-0783 CHRISTMAS He Knows Exactly What He Wants ... And So Do We! 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Century Vantage drip-dry $5 Vantage drip-dry * $4.25 Nobelt Pajamas waistband Flannel and Knit Pajamas Broadcloth McGregor^ / Sweaters Crew Neck or V neck $7.95 to $15 McGregor Suede Jackets $25 Drizzler Jackets $10.95 Car Coats from $16.95 to $59.95 Pajamas from Robes Fine Terry Cloth White, Mint or Yellow $10.95 Smart Plaids in Washable Rayons $14.50 Vantage Sport Shirts little or no ironing $5 Silk and Cotton Shirts $7.95 Washable Wool Sport Shirts $7.95 to $15.95 F $4 to $6.95 Coopers Socks Banlon Stretch Socks $1 Argylles from 65c to $1 Wool Argylles $2.95 \ McGregor Cardigan Sweaters Lambswool and Orion $10 Sleeveless Model $7.95 Initial Handkerchiefs Boxes of 3 Linen $2.25 Cotton $1.50 Freeman Shoes from $11.95 Florsheim Shoes from $19.95 Your Gift purchases boxed and wrapped at no additional charge If you are still in doubt Give Him a GIFT CERTIFICATE in any amount you wish McCEE'S 117 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY. ILL. STORE FOR MEN 0 P F N EVENINGS TIL 9 VI 1. II STARTING DEC. 14th