Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1959, p. 9

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Thursday, December 17, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER >nd Park C&UB MEMBERS ENJOY ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Vicfcey Bottari - EV. 5-2262 • many merhbers of the Lakeland Park Women's club held their ""annual Christmas party last Thursday night, Dec. 10 in the American Legion hall. This again was an eve- ! ning enjoyed by all ^pur members and like our dance just a couple of weeks ago the committee- fcft* this affair went all out to make it something to be gembered by all who attend- This committee has as its chairman Jo. Rizzo and she and her girls did a very beautiful job of decorating the Legion Hall, to make it look like . a real old fashioned Christmas what with the. lar^e crib and all the tables aglov^ViijL- candlelight and each place with its own little white angel it was really; something to^ee. rfast but jt^tleast came the., food vyiich was all prepared and served to us this year by Jean Gagnon'and three girls to wait on the tables. The food consisted of the most delicious fried chicken and dressing with brown gravy and so many different kinds of salads such as potato, etc. Take it from me ' that if you have never tasted .Jean's cooking you don't know w&t you are missing. You who are not members of the Women's club come on and join us so that next year you too can partake in the fun of not only the Christmas party but the many other affairs we do have. Games were played and Jo. Rizzo presented flowers to both bur president Helen Strandquist and chairman of the ways aftd means committee Shirley Orog who did so wonderful a job on our last dance with her several committees. Pictures were taken by ,Joan Krater and these will be all shown at our next meeting in January which we hope will be in our new community house so make plans to attend. To Brad Jett who also celebrated his birthday last week. 'Teen Club Dance All you 'teen-agers don't forget the dance which "is being held'by the 'Teen club on Friday, Dec. 18 at the Amer^an Legion hail starting at 7 a ending at 12 p.m^3S>is dan will be properly chaperoned under adult supervision so all you 'teen-agers get- together and have a real nice time. * Pack 454 • .1 Cub Scouts Den 2, having as their den mother Gerry Wagner, and den 4, their den mother being Dorothy Garrison, had a Christmas party with grab bag gifts being exchanged and refreshments served.- At the regular monthly pack meeting which was held o n T h u r s d a y n i g h t , J o h n O'Brien and Eddia Fescarico received their bear Badge. Visiting At the home of^Ir. and-Mrs' Garrison for the\ Christmas holidays will be Dorothy's mother, Mrs.' Clark, from Columbus, Ohio? ' . . Happy Birthday Mgo Lee Glorch who celebrated her birthday here at my house last Monday - afternoon with the following girls of the birthday club getting together and presenting her with an African violet planter: Jean Parisi. Fran Cina, Marge Franklin, Dorothy Humphreys. Rita Zimny, Esther Cygan and Elaine Jett. Birthday and Pa jama Party A combination birthday and pajama party was held by Carol Ann Zimny on Friday evening. The evening, started with twelve girls attenc^Tng the McHenry theater and then returning to Carol's home"1*where her mom and dad had pizza for them and lots more goodies to be consumed and enjoyed by the following girls: Lesley Kilday, Bonnie Einspar, Eileen Homo, Mary Pat Mrachek, Lynn Eichinger, Bobbie Donn e l l y , D o n n a F r e t t , N y l a Witte., Betty Q'Brieyn, Bernadine Reid and Judy Hay. Little or no sleep was had by all the girls but they sure did have a good time. On Saturday the party was continued on for Carol's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.- p. Tews, and her aunts, uncles: and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cygan and their^wo children, Lynn, and Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eller and their daughter, Karen Lee. | Paper Drive I The McHenry Viscounts paper drive was very successful. If at any time you have lots of paper to get rid of call E. Zimny at EV. 5-1104 and he will make arrangements to have it picked "up from you. Marionette Show A marionette show to be held Page Nine by. the McHenry Viscounts at the McHenry' high school this year will be on Saturday, Jan. 2 at 1 p.m. and at 3 p.m. Anyone wanting to purchase tickets can call Carol Zimny at EV 5-1104, and she will see that you receive them. Early News If you have any news to call in this week, please do so before Thursday evening as, the deadline for the paper this week will be Friday, Due to Christmas it will be issued ,early. Thanks. C Christmas Party The annual Christmas party .for the. children sponsored by the Lakeland Park Property' Owners association this year will be held on Sunday, Dec. 20 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in our own community house. Santa will be there so don't forget to bring a 50 cent gift and mark the boys "boy" and the girls "girl". ' * . . Amorist ration , A demonstration was held on Sunday, Dec. 13 at the. V.F,W. hall, the main purpose of the demonstration being to raise funds for the McHenry swimmitig pool. One of .the models was Janice Parisi. SHOP AT ^Jlie d^eauti^ut oude o in Crystal Lake, unois Shop Leisurely In A Home Atmosphere MARBLE TABLE TOPS ,• TV TABLES BAVARIAN AND FRANCISCAN DINNERWARE • LAMPS • DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES And Countless Other Beautiful Gift Items The Peak of Quality! » MAPLE FURNITURE BY Sprague & Carlton j* OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL, CHRISTMAS § | SATURDAYS TO 6:00 35 SH6 E. Crystal Lake Ave • Crystal Lake, III. I R Phone Crystal Lake 666 $ coon CORNER Hamburger ' p&tties are a good standby in case of unexpected holiday guests or regular luncheon dish. You can get five patties out of a pound of hamburger meat The -patties may be served alone on a bun or with cheese as in Cheeseburgers. Fry patties in small amount of fat to desired doneness. Add salt and pepper while frying. When you start patties do this, in pancake griddle place about 1 tsp. butter and spread over bottom. Place on medium heat. Place a slice of American chppse hetwepn two slices' of bread, white or wholewheat. Place on griddle and brown to golden on one side. Turn and brown other side. Take "griddle off "stove and place one hamburger patty on cheese inside each sandwich. Serve very hot with potatq, chips, pickle and slice of sweet onion. Plenty of hot coffee please. REAR THE WANT ADS Get in the Act! i your NORCROSS Christmas Cards Gift Wrings NOW At B0LGERS Green St. Ph. EV. 5-4500 PERSONALS Mesdames John Rit-ter, Frank Beatty. George' H. Johnson, Robert Thompson and Theodore Arvidson of McHenry, were among the more than 450 fypmen who attended the all-day flower show and demonstration sponsored by the Garden Club of Countryside Lake in conjunction with the Nationally Accredited Flower Show Judges of Illinois, Inc.. near Half Day, Wednesday of last week. >' Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds" of Pearson, Wis , spent a„.few days, last week, in the 'home of her parents, Drt and Mrs. C. W. Klontz. Paul Yanda and Paul Raasch of the local scnools-,' attended the mid-weSt band clinic held at the Sherman hotel, Chicago, from Wednesday to Saturday of jlast week. . / Included in a group of friends who enjoyed' a 'social weekend in Chicago, were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Doherty Mr: and Mrs'. Louis Spidalette, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty. Mrs. William Doherty and Robert Doherty. Mrs. Carrie, Covalt left'-recently# for a nolidav visit with her daughter, Mrs. Shirley Blomgren and fartiily, in Norfolk. Va.. before going to Florida to spend the winter at Del Ray Beach. 4 Lt. F. J. Pepping, who has b e e n * s t a t i o n e d a t G r a n d Rapids. Minn., received his discharge frogi service Monday. He. his wife and little son. Gerald, are spending a month with his parents, the Fred Peppings. and her parents, the Herbert Engdahls, before leaving for Wheaton where he will be.employe^ and they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin. daughter, Mrs. Dick Paylik and children. Terry and Richard, of Waukegan. visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Richard Croak of Chicago visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie, Bacon, Sunday. The Howard Dowell family has moved from? the lower apartment in t-h^i Nell place on Waukegan street to the Peter F. Freund place at the corner of John and Center streets recently yacated byf the Mann family. »' Mrs. jQhn Neuhaifth was called to Arizona, the last of the week, by the death of her sister. Aniong the out of town folks here to help Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett celebrate their silver wedding on Sunday were their son. Homer, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry VogeK of Glenview; Mr. and MrS. Ed-JMuchow arid„Miss Matilda Maeges , of^ Chicago and Mr. ajra Mrs. Walter Ewert of DesPlaines. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett were happy to receive a telephone call from their daughter. Uene. who is employed in Denver and was •unable to be present. ; Mrs. Vol a Foute and Mrs. Kat hryn Brefeld. M e H e n r y, wove among a group of students. in a practical nurSe program. pictured modeling new uniforms,, in a recent issue, of a Waukegan pa©er. The program being .give® at the Waukrean,, Township high school is affiliated (for clinical experience! , with Victory Memorial and Lake Forest hospitals. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdah! spent a week, recently, in Houston. Texas, on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mitchell df Waukegan were visitors in the Bob Bacon home Thursday evehing. Mrs. Ralph Justen (the former Rosemary Wiser of Volo) j and her live children, who have been making their home in'onda, left last week by plane for the first leg of a journey to Frankfurt, Germany i to join their husband and fa-J ther. Sgt. Justen, a native of i McHenry, who is making .the Army his career, left the Unit- Mrs. A. P. Freund, daughter, I Margery, and the William .Her-, mann family were dinner gtf&sts in the Richard Frett home in Crystal Laki?, Sunday, , honoring their ,.son, Ricky, who made his First Communion at St. Thomas church that day. Other guests were the George Frett . family of- Woodstock; That evening Mrs. Freund and daughter joined the Joseph Peticlair family of Waukegan and the Marion. Messman family of Woodstock at the Ralph FreUnd home in Crystal Lake for supper. The occasion Ipnorfed Becky.* Freund who • was also a first Cpmmunicant on that day. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Engdahl spent a few days, last week in Danville where they .were called by the- death of his brother. Victor Engdahl. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon" and children were guests of relatives in Chicago Saturday. Bob Bacon and Mrs. Lelah Howard were dinner guesfs in the home of- Mrs. Hazel Langeat ^Wonder Lake Sunday. , '" Wis., Vas-aJrecent cyest dfc fcI- , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl | atives here. visited relatives in Waukegan Sunday. It Pays to Advertise - Steve Adams of Kansasvijlp,^ In; the McHenry Plairidealer RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders EV^rgreen 5-4123 For That" MAN In Your LIFE there's ndfhing that gets so close to a Dad as a gift of wearables. Choose from our complete selections. McGEE S Store for Men 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, 111. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m Sundays 9 a.m. 'trl 12 Noon • >r Grift and will obsseerrvvee' twenty years of service with the armed forces while therey ~r 3 and business, too! B0LGERS THE ST0 R E CANDIES FOR EVERY OCCASION WE HAVE The 'Jeep' Utility Wagon serves as a roomy, comfortable, family station wagon --or, with-the extra traction qf its 4-wheel drive, takes you wherever work or recreation leads you, through mud, ' sand and soft earth -- on or off the road, in good weather or bad. For travel at highway speeds, it shifts easily into conventional 2-wheel drive. It carries six people or up to 110 cubic feet of bulky cargo. For fast, easy cleaning the interior is washable. 4-WHEEL DRIVE \ Jeep UTILITY WAGON ttlLLTS...wsrtd'is larjest inkers of 4-*toel dim nkicln Come in for a demonstration today... BRICK Sunday Evenings; 6=80 P.M. McHENRY GARAGE 600 Frqut St. McHenry, III. PHOXK F.V 5-0403 Tune-In FANNIE MAY FROZEN FRESH CANDIES WHITMAN'S Complete Line DeMET'S TURTLES / Chocolate Covered Cherries "i--• Bolger's Drug Store 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 USE THE FREE GREEN ST. PARKING LOT [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiifiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiii! EFFECTIVE JAN. 1, 1960 On Regular Savings Accounts On Investment Savings Accounts (IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHUllll 206 WEST ELM STREET Otr &&Luidencl incite Goes iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Oar Services - ^Jo ^ ou 1. Travelers' Checks 2. Registered Checks 3. Savings Account -- Regular 4. Savings Account -- Investment 5. Savings Account -- Xmas Club • *6. Home Mortgage Loans 7. Home Improvement Loans llllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!l!!ll!l!!llllllllltlll!lll!l!lll!IIMI ain f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent agency of the U.S. Government, was created by Act of Congress in June, 1934. Today this 9 \ .. " system protects and insures more than 60 billion dollars of savings in the nation's 4,600 F.S.L.I.C. Insured Savings & Loari Associations. In complete Safety you can invest your cash reserves and earn the above average returns offered by these specialized savings associations, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiitiiiiiiiiii' MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N W«TT OF roui units ur to tie.voo Member Federal Home Loan Bank iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EFFECTIVE NOV. 1, 1959 X M A S 3 C L U B Our I960 Christmas Club Savings Accounts will earn a New anticipated dividend rate of 3'/2°/o. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Save For Your Tomorrows-Today! SAVE BY MAIL iiiiiii!iiiiiiii!imiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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