s / Page Sixteen X Pistakee Highlands . CUB SCOUTS HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY AT PACK MEETING Hazel %rley H> 7-3320 Kay Sieli'sch Ily 7-3414 I The Cub Scouts • enjoyed a ] Christmas party at the pack j meeting on Dec. 9' at-the barn, j Thei^ww^ a 1 so a jew pareivts j on hand in singing j -Christmas rarnls and refresh- | v ments. ftarhara and . Ronnie j Kolb entertained- Ihe -group with a musical duet and each 1 person brought along a pair of . new s.ocks that were put in a box and will b'e delivered to a. children's home. A^Jboy • from . each den was c)w§pn to take* the box to the Juune. They are ~ Randy KaflsVCiordon Murray and Billy Buii^R^- *S Christmas Vacation Christmas v'acalion lor the Johnsburg school students will begin at 3 p.m. on Dec. 22 anil classes will resume on, Jan. v4. fljat gives tjjlem almost two • weeks to give aH their Christmas toys . <3 real work out. x 1 BirlInlays A, hajipy. birthday to Johnny Lnmmert who was' five years old on JVc.. 1 ^Barbara Kolb celebrated "her." seventh birthday on Dec. 9 with a party with some of her friends. Judy Wilcox had a party on Dec. 11 with her friends in honor of her seventh hirthdav. Happy birthday to JoAnn Zenner who just turned eight years old and celebrated with her friends on Dec. 13. To all those who have a birthday in December^ we wish you all a happy one. Abound our. Community A few families already have their frees up and a few have been busy putting out their outside decorations. We hope to see manv homes decorated again this year. There isn't any contest bu1 all you really need ic the good old Christmas spirit. Carla Bales and J^Qlly Novotny and the fpur children spent last Wednesday near Dundee seeing Santa. They said they enjoyed it as much as the children did. Mrs. McNamara is making plans for a trip to Florida in the-near future. Dick and Lee Conway and Tom and Lois Mason were J§a^ urdav evening guests at the Morleys. E^lores Forniella will give a big Christmas party Dec. 19. Most all the 'teenagers will be invited for a good time. Barb Schlick will attend a Christmas party at the Gibbs Haggenjos home. It will be given by the manager of the store where Barb is employed. Yesterday Lorraine Hurckes and fouf of the b6ys visited with Lorraine's mother, Mx*s. Rix, .irr Chicago./* They went down to the loop where the hoys .had the opportunity' to iiklk to Santa and admire the beautiful decorations on state street." " Jack and Kay Rielly and family spent last weekend in Aurora 'visiting . with Kay's brother. Happy birthday to Craig Thoreii who was seventeen years olitf on Dec. 11*. On Dec. 8. Hazel Martin and Trudy Rogde attended/ the fourteenth wedding' anniversary of their friends.. Mr. and Mv«.. William Kahlcr in Big T,follow. Vi Schuble and Marge Morolh attended a party at the home of 'Mrs. Eric Breanne in •McHenry. Mrs. Br'oapne enterlaitied the sewing guild with a lovely Christmas party.' They, sane carols and each received a eift. . A few of our residents^ have asked' us to please remind you,., the ; parents,- to ask your Children to please stop playing with the mall boxes. We all know the importance of the U.S. mail., --»•'* Our congratulations to Miss Ohrista Thode and Mr. Don Rockel who were married on Dec. 12 at the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry,-iMay your future be bright and happy. Mount Hope Church We would like to remind you about the program that will be given this Sunday by our Sunday School Classes. It will be it 4 p.m. at the Johnsburg school. This is the first Christmis for the Sunday school. On Christmas Eve at 8 p.m. there will; be a candlelight service it the community center. Small Turnout The turnout for the P.T.A. box lunch social wSs quite disappointing to the ways ind means committee who worked so hard to prepare for it. The number of parents present was Geo. R. Men & Son Furniture Store CLOSES FOREVER! Dec 24th McHENRY PLAINDBALER . .. j \ ' Thursday, December 17; 1959k just a small fractionrof those who weren't there. We hope that the next social t(if there is one) will show more interest from more pareiits. Sympathy We wish to extend TKur Steepest sympathy to Muriel Rapp whose mother wjis laid to rest Decf 7. Her mother had been with her only a month. She died at the Woodstock hospi-* tal after a lingering illness. ' Birthday and Anniversary Milestones Happy birthday to Mrs. Emma Roserfgart who celebrates her birthday Dec. 19. and happ\ jkvbirthday to Agnes' Wroblewski who celebrates Dec. 24, Happy, anniversary wishes go to Eric and Charlotte Drockr ner who celebrate Dec. 21, to James and Dorothy Rodarmel who celebrate Dec. 25. Our very best' wishes to you all from all your ^friends and neighbors. ' - , News of Your Friends ' ami Neighbors. • Blanche a n "d- Carl Haefli'ger spent . last Sunday visiting friends" in Meadowdale. They enjoyed a delicfous dinner and jnst gossiping, as all-old friend^/ do when they get tr^ethcrv Saturday they spent the day in Chicago visiting-with J heir sonin- law.' r Mrs. Don Morin p.nd children spent last week in Chicago with her folks. They enjoyed a week of shopping and the kiddies were thrilled to see Santa. Don batched it while she was gone. He went into Chicago for the weekend arid last Saturday night they took Don's parents out ito celebrate their anniversary. Ljl Orlowski's sister, Nettie;, and her niece from t Trevor. Wis. were Suday visitors at the Orlowskis. We .ire happy to report that Jack Rathnow is doing real well after his recent surgery and is anxious to get out of the hospital and back home. He would appreciate a few cards from friends alnd neighbofs. Joyce Heir I has been made the official r|porter for the Cub Scouts and she will see to it that all the news of the Cubs will be Sent in on time. She reports the bowjjng turn-out last Sunday was well attended. There were twenty fathers and thirty boys who bowled at Ingleside. A lot. of the mothers went along to root for their sons:* Dee Gregg spent last weekend in Chicago, where she attended a coqktail party given by* her husband's place of employment. Noel has been attending a two weeks convention in Chicago. Mrs. Bob VanZevern had a ^ery busy week. Tuesday she spent^he day in Villa -Pa£krwhere she and three, of her old girl friends got together for a luncheon. Wednesday she at: tended a Girl Scout's leader luncheon at McHenry^ • The monthly card club met in the home of Marie Schlick. The girls enjoyed an evening of cards and a delicious luncheon. They . exchanged " Christmas gifts.'The guests") for the evening -were Ann Zvblebaum. Toots Spankuch. Audrey Misavice, Merll Fletcher, Dee Gregg and Pat Jackson. Roy Snell has been veVy busygetting his team ready fop/the fund drive. Kay Sieiisch has agreed to help Roy'ft 11 she can. The following folks have volunteered their services: Leo Orlowski. Joselyn Staudehmaier, Jane Malek, Joe Murray, Mrs. Al. Hnyner. Mrs. O'Neill. Mrs. Virginia Karls, Charles Zeman arid Margaret Andrews of Pistakee Terrace. Irene Kolin returned to work after a few days of being home due to illness. M a r'g'e 'vMoreth celebrated her birthday Dec. 8. Vi Schuble and Loraine Lindemann helped her celebrate. Dec. 4, the Conways, Lammerts and Marcia Dowd helped Bill Baren celebrate his birthday. Bill is now old enough to DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry/ (Closed Thursday Afternoons EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTE'I» VISFAI. TRAINING -- VISUAL REHAHII-ITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS - HOTTRS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and I TO ft I'.M FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M EVENINGS BY" APPOINTMFNT PHONE Evergreen 5-0452 A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance bv our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today "and find out for yourself. Brake Sprvlce All Mechanical Repair* Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING' SERVICE 516 Front St. M»*H«»nrv. Ill EVerpreen. 5-0811 Is On the Way ?ir*$tone TIRES Guaranteed to Go Through Ice, Mud or Snow or We PAY THE TOW! Yes, that's right... New LOW PRICES on famous Firestone Town & Country tires! Get set for winter now and SAVE! Also Recapped Mud and Snow Tires All Sizes FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERY AS LOW AS We Allow From M Afi $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery See Us Before You Buy and SAVE! McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, I1L vote. That was the answer to his age. - Mrs. Goque and Mrs. Violpa and, son, Jopy, paid a surprise visit on Roy and Gert Snell last Tuesday. They were neighbors of the Snells in Elmwood Park. After a nice luncheon they returned home in the afternoon. . • - All the ladieis' passed the home nursing course with flying colorg- and they were all veVy proud of themselves and .ire looking forward,to the next course the Red Cross will conduct in the Highlands. Happy birthday to Julie Ann VanZevern who will celebrate her birthday Dec. 18. Julie will be five years old. , Last Reminder The Pistakee Highlands .Woman's club" will hold its Christmas party at the Johnsburg community hall, Dec, 22. Do not forget, to bring' your fifty :ent- gift for the' grab bag. We hope to have a large turn-out for the party, "so please wrjte e date on your calendar and be j4*ere. There's an old sayingvthat s;oes, '[don't call us, we'll\all voir1'.. Well, that .seems toJh true as,) for gathering news to? the column. If you have am ; ,em tof news that yoa would like no the paper or if you know oK^any interesting things going in in your section, a call ( from you would be appreciate, ed. We are always happy to accept your items. That's all for this week. Bye now. By I^ur-othy, Weirhniann, The regular McHenry County. Council meeting was held on Dec. 4 at 'the Crystal Lake home, with Agnes Wappler of Hebron presiding. The Crystal Lake unit served as hostesses for the evening. It was announced that there are 1,249 senior members aitd 148 junior members paid up in the county so far this year,. . All units were asked to contact" the Hartland home to see what is needed in the line of Christmas gifts. Each unit is to furnish gifts, wrap them and they will be placed under th,e tree at the home. Those attending ,f£om our unit were Ruth Mrachek, JOIM Ou«. Cmusimm Marie Howe and Lauretta Homo. There will be no" meeting in January. The next meeting will be in Fox River Grove on Feb. 5. At the close ofUhe meeting, everyone joined in the singing of Christmas carols. There will be a card party at the Elgin hospital on .January 13. Anyone able to go to this party please contact Chairman Helen Golbeck. We are to furnish thirty dozen cupcakes for this party. The Juniors will have their meeting on Dec. 19, at the' Legion home, Pleasd remember ^;o .bring the'gift fdr the name drawn at the last meeting. These gifts are ^not te-^exceed fifty cents. Bring a gift %ith the age marked on is so that everyone will have something vyhen Santa-\arrives. LICENSE .ACTION Secretary of State; Charles F. Carpentier; has announced that a probationary "driver license has been issued*- to Cj|£- vin B. Houser of Pistakee Bay; also the revocation of the license of Joseph Trkovsky of Spring Grove for giving incorrect information on application for license. SHOF^ IN McHENRY •Some people prefer to be counted out when the time Comes to give n,n ;iecounting. McHenry St^te Bank Phone EV 5-1040 thymes with and as far as we know it neper missed m &/TUSSY of course V NYE DRUGS, Inc. 129 N Riverside Dr. S2.SO f>lu* tax .* Phone EV 5-4426 MORE WATER atx&sxfiaaMt with a RED JACKET faibi-teWB" > WATER SYSTEM • CAPACITIES TO wo OAL. RAN HOW • PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 MIT • EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE PROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICE * Doll«r-for-dolUr, htrt It your bctt pump buy. Heavy; dur- •bU construction throughout. QuUt, lubrication -- frae operation -- only one moving part. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 yean' experience In building water lervice products. The Centri-Jet "H8" Water Syirem will more than satisfy you in every Come In and see for yourself. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEftL-WQBK^----, 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS Mchenry County Wed & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN -•We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd - PHONE McHENRY EV 5-S252 .COTjH PING PONG TABLES SAW HORSE BRACKETS WORKBENCHES Plus Oth^r Miscellaneous Items For The Handy Man you '11 like t*) BEAUTY AND QUALITY OF* THE STORM AND SCREEN DOOR JHiHM ; Here b Ihe faleal l*> i expensive workbench . .. perfect for home work, •hop. garage. w«rk desk, j or hobby bench. Rogged* S high Untile rail Meal and excluiive "K" •ign provide rigidity. Kj Can be fattened to waK' for workbench w floor if detired. or hebbr toble Standard* flniihed hi r " j*"|jiVjat attractive foretl green. ' s : Any length to rait jvm i f • apace, and the back* " board can be varied fat UM at a tool hanger. Forniahed complete with pre-cot lumber and all nub, bolta and lewwi included Ur ooly I . (Price 6oaed M 4 fod length. Price* vary tcllh For sorage er profesilonal mochanic. / F U L L l > / s T H I MADt OF EXTRA HEAVY FXTRUDID Our Competent Staff Is Equipped To Assist You With Any Building Problem ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" n Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424 OPEN FRIDAY ^ENINGS 'TIL 9 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS' Unsurpassed in Beauty and Elegance of appearance-- the extra thickness creating a greater depth of the panel inserts--thus achieving a more massive exteior appearance in keeping with „the modern trend in design of exterior doors. Vinyl weatherstrip for "no slam" quiet operation. Rugged construction with heavy reinforced corners-^will not sag. Just one look at the new Crown storm door will convince you of its superiority in design, construction, operation and appearance* See the new Crown--before you buy an afum- '?'m and screen door. \