Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1959, p. 6

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V n r. Pi$» Six THE McHENftY PLAINDEALER Thursday, December 17, 1959 Business Service i Business Service ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. ; OiL u'oijJSfER Service. Fur- Indusirial, commercial and do- nace or space heaters. Reliable For Sale V Rent ! mestic. Rickert Electric 480 and prompt." No extra charge Will hold for. Christmas. B. puppies. Tiny black and tan | , Help Wanted A GIFT to Enjoy: Beautiful GIVE A GIFT of love this. 5 ROOM-HOUSE. Pistakee > v.. lvioirlER wants Singing canaries. Home raised. Christmas. , Toy Manchester I Bay. Call Ey 5-0323.^ 28-tt babysitter 5 days weejk. Phohe 3laindealer Wnn* Ads EVergreen 5r0l70 No ad Counted less tjjpan 20 ds. SIX J minimum. Insertion,. $1.00 (Count 4 words" per lineT fnc seivicc charge on all ind ads. Cash with order. rd of Thanks -- ' Business Service Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-849K ' 16-tf NEED MORTGAGE money? \\% specialize in placing diffi- Klmball 6-4247. *2.' v'artt ads close promptly at * . a.m. W&dnesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.10 Col. Inch- <2 Inch Minimum Classified Display must in- .ude a minimum of' one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt.' signature oi^ its equivalent." 3 lines wof 8- . pt. allowed per inch. ' ^ CASH WITH ORDER On' following classifications. Wanted-To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities yuU' b""n?fS-! cult mortgages on homes, n A TnS p er l'» Sl"c - y , Confidentially. _E. A! Schultr.- i farms and commercial build- ings Wrjte B(JX 42 Fox River I Grove, 111. _ 18tf ALTERATIONS and jewing; experienced; reasonable; quick service. ' In McCullom Lake, West Shore Beach. Mrs. Mary. Spencer, EV 5-3966. 24-tf HOURLY RATES" for ;ackhammer service. Call us foi^ the hard work. Arnold N. May $1.25 minimum | Bldrs.. Inc.. Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf Automotive REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 hlk'East of the river bridge, jpen Weekdays: 9 am to 6 . m Sundays: 9 am to 1 pm . 44-\f 1951 PLYMOUTH 4 door. Radio, heater, good tires, Good running condition $75. Phone Wonder Lake 2841. *32 1953 PACKARD Clipper, autom a t i c t r a n s m i s s i o n , power brakes. $95. Phone EV. 5-5953. 32 1959 CHEVROLET. 2 door Impala. Low mileage. Call FEderal 8-5119. ' f 32 MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Complete Letter Service Addressing -- Folding Stuffing -- Sealing Photocopy McHENRYCOUNTY. LETTER SERVICE 210 S. Green Street PHONE EV 5-5064 ** .31-10 PAINTING, interior arid exterior, Paper hanging, wallbdard taping-- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Green- /.vopd road, -McCullom Lake, Pbpne EVergreen 5-4540. 36-tf '56 CHEV HOPPED UP -- 3 carbs. hot valve train, ignition, fuel, etc. S. W. gauges, other asses. No body changes W. W. red & white. Leaving for service. EVergreen 5-1248. 32 1953 DODGE. Can be seen at Wort's Sinclair Station in Mc- Henry. 33 1957 CHEVROLET -- 2 door sedan. Standard shift, heater and defroster. Perfect conation. Or\e owner. Price $1400. Phone LlbertyvHle 2-1876 evenings. 33 1959 PLYMOUTH Savoy--pov er steering and brakes plus many extras. Call EV 5-4832 after 2 p.m. - 33 1952 PONTIAC 4 door sedan; radio, heater, 8 cylinder, standard shift. Reasonable. Call EV 5-6236 between 5 * and 6 p.m. *33 Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Wate'r Systems Installed . Walter M. Garrelts MqJIenry, 111. Phone EVergreen 5-2101 I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks^ ' N G, A. Douglks Lakeland Park Subdivision \ Phone EVergreen - 5-1480. of 5-2711 Station Box 38 38-tf FLOOR SANDING and finishing. Free estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance no , object. H^rtwig Floor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 24-tf •ACCOUNTING andj bookkeeping services. Phone EV 5-3007 after 5 p.m. *31-4 BING'S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY, Jr. Quality Fixtures - Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters. -" Water Systems - Wirer Softeners - Relairs - Free Estimates. x PlHjpe EVergreen 5:3144 7-eow , 1960 " License Plates WORTS SINCLAIR Rts. 120 and 31 Phone EV 5-9856 LICENSED AND BONDED 31-if McHenry Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL. SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave.' 47-tf Local and Long ^Distance Moving Storage - Packing Crating FREE ESTIMATES McMAHON MOVERS CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Ph. C.L. 3975 20-tl for Holidays. Phone EV. 5-0571, 32-tf SNOW ^LOWING ^Driveways, parking and ice skating areas. $2.00 <and up. Call Stan EV. 5- 5164. 32-tf COMBINATION storm doors-- $16.75; garage doors, $63.50; wall paneling, 17 %c per ft.; all kinds of plywoods, etc.^Buffalo and aluminum siding and hard Dak flooring. Pre-hurig aluminum combination doors, $34.50. Clarence Smith, Johnsburg. EV 5-4372. 21-e.o.w. $5.50 PER MO.for all the soft water you can use. with Permutit's new fully automatic wjater softener rental plan. No lease required. For information call J. W. ' Anderson, EV 5- 5191. 33 RUSSELL RHOTON Septic* Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Prompt - Reasonable TTtiiri 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 33-tf For Sale HTDE-A-BED and matching chair. Best offer. Phone EV 5- 0612. * 33 AMANA deep freezer. 16 cu. ft. $350. Phone EV 5-4047. 30-tt 1950 DODGE 1 ton truck with me.tal grain box and cattle rack. New paint job. Motor in very good condition.. Good iires, brakes and batteries. EV 5-5175. 33 Sewers Clogged? ED'S RENTAL HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1955 Hudson Hornet .... $595 Custom -- Conv. Trans. 1954 Ford Cust. Fordor Conv. Trans. $550 1954 Dodge Coronet ... $395 Fordor -- Conv. Trans. L953 Mercury Fordor ... Mercomatic Trans. Complete electric sewer, jink rodding and root cutting equipment. Also, septic systems and back hoe work. i PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 .John Street Miilen^y, 111. 1-tf For Do-It-Yourselj/ers j Plumbing- Supplies Gas Pipe Fittings ! Gas Controls - ( Water Heaters j Slip Seal Tile ! Orangeburg Sewer Tile | Bathroom & Kitchen Fixtures See Us Before You Buy H. E. BUCH & SONS $3751 Rt. 120 East EV. 5-0048 McHenry, 111. 5-tf RENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools •• Plumb( r •' Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Hi isehold Equipment Party --- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FflONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5:3232 "52-tf DOLLS REPAIRED Doll Clothing and.. Wigs McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL $ 1 Block East of Old Bridge Pistakee Road Ph. EV 5-2725 26-tf AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar SuB3lt^ sion. Phone EVergreen 5-1798. 44-tf WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM D$PT. KOTALIK'S STUDIO ,117 jN. Riverside Drive Phone EVergreen 5-0275 2-tf . . . . E V . 5 - 5 9 4 8 a f t e r 5 p m . * 3 2 - 2 Wachter,; Colby Point, Mc- males. Will hofd until Christ-1 FOR RENT -- Wonder Lake, ^ ^- -- - - ^ g. Henry. Crystal Lake* 1311-M-l. ' mas. CaJIWonder Lakfe 2042. ! 21<> South ,Drive. Modern 3V° CLEANING WOMAN wanted. 'i • *31-4i 32-21 room house and garage. Fully Apply Oak Park Hotel. EV 5- -- =r---- I -- 1 ! insulated, automatic oil heat, i 0176. . 33 CHRISTMAS Trees. Balsams, FREE -- Small tube-. Bryl-.j fujj basement. Furnished o scotch pine, blue spruce and cr^am. Circle Barber Shop, j unfurnished. For immediate pcred pine. Over 1,000 set up in I x*32-2 cupancy. Phone H. Church, our yard. Our trees are fresh- fKENMORE automatic fanYoi^' SPring^-7-2735 evenings, or ly -axt. _FIocking aiso done. M ^n^Siurch, TAylor 9-3100 Royal Oak Sales. Hwys. 14 ^ 176. Phone Crystal Lake 4278. Open every day and evenings. 32-2 70 BQXES of Coral Stone for sale* Cheap. Phone EV. 5-2218. . 32-2 FIREPLACE wood for sa4 $17 per • ton. •'"Hughes. EV 5-1178. 3^. NEW AND USED furniture and antiques. The largest used furniture store in northern 111. Anything for your home, modern furniture to antique buggies, wagons, sleighs, antique cars. We take on consignment anything you want ta sell. Royal Oaks Sales, Hwy. 14 & 176. Crystal Lake, 111. Ph. 4278. Open on weekends also. 28^-eow COMBINATION ..organ and hifi, $695.; 25 pedal note Hammond organ, save $600; Story $ind Clark pianos, save $200; organs available for Christmas delivery from $995; Chordi organs available . for Christmas delivery, $159.50. Mc- Hprtry Organ Center, across from the Jewel Food Store on Elm street. Phone EV 5-2253 or EV 5-0202. '33 8 WEEK OLD female Beagle pup. Also 14 month old male Beagle. AKC registered. Call Wonder Lake 5972. ? 33 NEW 30-30 Marlin carbine and ckse. Cost $95 -- will sell for $60: Phone EV 5-0742. 33 DOUBLE CONCRETE laundry tubs with stand. Used one month. $15. Call EV 5-5059. • • r ... *33 NEW PULL ; CHAIN fireplace screen, size, 38x31. Never been used. Phone EV 5^2913. . 33 MAHOGANY china cabinet) -- like new. Originally $150 -- 2 yrsX old. Sacrifice $75. Navy bluie men's' suit; size 32-tall. Worn twice. $30. Curtain stretchers. Phone EV 5-4859. 33 TWO 7.50 x 14' white wall snow tires, used; two 8.00x15 white wall nylon tires, new; one 5 h.p. Wisconsin engine, air cooled, new. One 14 h.p. 2 cylinder Wisconsin engine, air cooled, new. Phone EV 5- 2023. days. " 33-^ LOVELY WARM 3~bedroom ranch" home. Gas heat. Loads of extras. $120 per month wft'h option to buy. Crystal Lake 3340. or RAndolph - 6t3907 collect. ^ - *33 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in Volo, Modern, large living room, auto, oil heat. Rental -• $80 with 1 car garage. Catholic if possible.. Call, after 6 p.m. EV 5-4139: " . . 33 FOR RENT OR SALE to reliable persons, year 'round home, fireplace, balcony, knotty pine interior, garag£. Oakhurst subdivision, 2% miles south of McHenry Bridge oi east bank of Fox River. See Fridays to Sundays or phone McHenry EV 5-2822 for information. John Landgraf, owner. V« • 33 l1^ ROOM apt. Also 1 room apt. suitable for light housekeeping. Buck's Town Club, 201 33 Riverside Drive. Phone EV 5- • WOMAN, 35, desires office po- 3573. 33 sition. Reception, {payroll, light, AUTO MECHANIC: for progressive Ford dealership. Steady earnings, good pay, paid vacations and the best working conditions, latest equipment. A good job for a goo$ man. Se& Bob Hendrychs at Hendrychs Ford1 on Route 14, Woodstocju 111. H. Situation Wanted mi. ATTENTION Home Owners: All kinds of work done, painting, interior and exterior. Roofing, chimneys„ siding, cement work, light hauling. A'-l~ work. Free estimate. Phone EV 5-5118. 314f IRONING Done in my home. Pick up and delivery service at no charge. Phone EV. 5- 1560. *32-2 GENERAL HOUSECLEANING desired. Have own transportation. Please call EV 5-6367. 33 SECRETARY ER with 10 yeai desires part tiiVie 0572. SEARS single ba^^ kitchen mixer faucet. Never^ used; original carton. Cost $18. Will take $12. Phone EV 5-0391. 33 2 METAL twin beds, coil springs, 1 walnut bedroom set including full size bed, coil springs, vanity and dressers with mirrors. 1 drum table, small buffetv Small kitchen wooden drow leaf table and 4 chairs. All/reasonable. EV 5- 0433. 33-2 Wanted To Buy ONE WHEEL trailer -- very good condition with spare tire. Phone EV J3-4632. *33 BEAGLE PUPPIES, 7 weeks o l d . AKC r e g i s t e r e d . Your choice, $25. Real cute. _ Also trained gun dogs, $40 ana\ up. EV 5-5482. 33 SIZE 18 ladies Persian lamb coat in fair condition.' Reasonable. Call EV 5-5391. *33 TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone WoQdstock -- FE 8-4287. 26-tf GUNS 'USED, OLD or broken; any. condition. Cross Gunsmith Repair. 620 E. Charlotte Ave., McHenry. Tf '.ephone . EVergreen. 5-4211. 24-12 TOOLS OF deceased tool and model maker. I)rills, tool bits, taps, micrometers -- all kinds, caliperer indicators. Estimated value $475. No reasonable offer refused. Call EV 5-1933. *^3 2 SUITS, one blue, one gray, size 40: Also pair iceman'i pants,, size 36. All practically -new. Phone Crystal Lake 1329- W-l. 33 1963 DeSoto Fordor ... $375 Powermaster Six WONDER LAKE MOTORS Wonder Lake 2832 <« 33 Boats and Motors 12 FT. OZARKA runabout boat. Reinforced with special transom and 3 knees to tak a Mark 30 Mercury outboard, also included. Both are 1957 models. Will reach 43 m*p.h. New gas, tank with lin^-ii^ eluded. Plus accessories/^ All this for only-$395. Ca/l Hebron 3241. 33 SHIRTS FINISHED -- 26c Our Other Services Include Flat Finish Complete Finish Shag Rug Washing St Dyeing and Dry Cleaning RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 North Riverside Drive Ph. EV 5-3115 29-tf Ceramic Tile McHenry Mosaic & Tile Contractor for Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors Bathrooms -- Kitchens Fireplaces Free Estimates ROBERT PEISERT Phone EVergreen 5-3590 48-tf Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Tempo Gator Trailers Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW - USED BANK FINANCING ' TRITON MARINE South Riverside Drive Phone EVergreen 5-1076 1-tf Peter A. Freund j SANITARY SERVICE i I clean and pump septic tanks* & cesspodls. Ph. EVergreen'5-1819 Residence Fox St6bet 10-tf SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY AND SUNDAY • WASH 25* EACH 8 LBS. DRY 10* 10 MIN. RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 N. Rivsrside Dr. Phone EV 5-3115 29-t G A R A G E S 14 x 20-ft. with overhead door, concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding and 2 windows. $695 No Money Down - 5 yrs. to^ay WALS H * , Home^mprovement - Waukegan -^FREE ESTIMATES 300 Riverside Drive Phones: McHenry *2V 5-1878 Wonder Lake 6113 24-tf SEWING MACHINE Late Model Singer-rUSed in this locality. Also 19^Zig Zag Automatic Machine oj/er half paid."* Both machines like new. and guaranteed.' Small payments on either machine. Write Credit Manager, 1206 N.E. Adamst peoria, Illinois. 32-T McHenry Window and Awning Co. Aluminum . Storm Windows and TDoors • JalSusifes V/ • Porcli, Enclosures TOP PRICES/ PAID / for SCRAP IRON METAL and JUNK CARS EV 5-4608 BEFORE 8:30 A.M. OR AFTER 5:00 P.M. H. R. Ketchum McHenry, 111^' X 25-10 Wanted To Rent eded in Miami Beach, F1 a Available from Jan. 1 to Feb. 15., Rent $150. per mo. plus utilities. Call EV 5-4219, 33 FOR RENT with option to buy. 2 bedroom house, attached garage, furnace heat, newly decorated and remodelled. $85 per month. Phone EV 5-4807. 33 2 BEDROOM house and garage. Automatip gas heat, hot vifiater and dryer. Will hold until after Christmas for anyone desiring to rent. $85 per month. 5 miles south of McHenry. Ph. EV 5-3209. ^ 33 FURNISHED FLAT. 3 rooms and bath. No pets. 513 Waukegah Road. Phone EV 5-0772. . 33 [ bpokkeeping experience. Fast and accurate typist. Knowledge of shorthand. Phone EV 5-6231. *33 Real EstJe # VACANT LOT ori Fox River. 110' of river frontage f5r oniy $3,600. EV 5-1126. 33 FOR SALE by owner: Beautif u l 8 0 x 1 3 4 f t . l o t on high ground ,in Edgebrook Heights. Call EV 5-1804- between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. 27-tf TEACHER would like small kitchenette apartment in or near Johnsburg. Call Mr. Prince at EV 5-3731 between 315 and 4:30. Later call MErcury 9-7797. . 33 NEW 3 Bedroom modern, all electric home. Very reasonatflL terms." Phone EV. 5-2485' or Crystal Lake"2305*J-l.. 32-tf CUSTOM" BUILT HOME. 2 bedrooms, full basement, basement garage Natural gas heat; Storms and screens, fully landscaped. Birch cabinets, lake rights. $13,900. Call HYatt 7- 1 3235 evenings or weekends. 31-tf 35MM ARGUS C-3 camera For Rent with case and flash gun. 2 place aluminum hull skeeter ice boat, 20 ft. Mast and all hardware with new steel runners. Best offer. EV 5-0743 or EV 5-0347. 33 . WISHING""YOU™"a Merry] FURNISHED 2 room cottage. Christmas arid a Happy New: Stove and refrigerator. Ca'l Year. Ray's Bike Repair. 33-2' EV 5-4398 after 5 p.m. 28-tf ~ 3 2 ROOM second floor kitchenette apartment in private residence. Stove and refrigerator. Phone EV 5-1413. 27-tf TOYS, DdLLS, GAMES -- Excellent condition. Blackboard, $1.75; washer, $1.50; cradle, $3; bell ^>rgan, $4.50^ stove, $1.25; toy chest, $1.00; ice cream maker, $1.60; Tower flash camera. $6.50; portable radio, $7.50; ant farm, $1.35: archery set, $1; Mr. and Mrs. Potato, $1.25; blender, $1; Mi^ ckey Mouse camera; $1.50. Wonder Lake 3984. 33 2 SNOW TIRES. 6.40' x 15. Excellent condition. $12 for both. Wonder Lake 3564. 33 •FULL 120 BASS Stradovox accordion and case. Perfect appearance and condition. $95. Phone EY 5-2794. 33 FIRE Wf^)D $16 per ton delivered on weekends only. Mostly oak. Call Wonder Lake 3748. 33 LIKE NEW Kenmore electric dryer, $75. Phone EV 5-4753. 33 BDRM. ranch home, full bsmnt., strms & scrns. Nat. gas heat, immed. poss. 1 vr. lease w/option to buy. $100 pes month. EV 5-1125. IMMEDIATE Opening for women Light production an/a assemDly work. See or caA Mr F. G. Peterson - Phone MErcury 9-2361. Coil Craft, Cary, 111 11-tf EXPERIENCED CH ed for well establish ness. Reply c-o Box 57$> McHenry Plaindealer. 33 GRADUATE ACCOUNTANT young man who is interested in accepting respqi^sitjility. Trolex Corp., .507 West Elm St. / 33 McHENRY anc1 LAKE^REA <^Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal Homes, farms vacant. Home ites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS , Rt. 5, McHenry, 111., ^ Ph. EVergreen .5-0037 r^r^T 9 MONTH Hoi stein bull, about bs $100. Phone EV 5- 5007. WILSON'S RADIO and T.V. SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS AND T.V.'s 920 Valley VieW Road COONEY HEIGHTS Phone EV. 5 -5537 32-4 Written guarantee Expertly Installed Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum (Awnings anch iDoor Canopies Convenient Terms No Carrying Charges ARTHUR BOGER Phono'FVcrgreen iy-1180 307 E. Waukegan Road 14-tf CANARIES - Guaranteed singers. Red-orange. 1108 Clay st.. Woodstock. FE 8-2411. *o3 LOVABLE COLLIE puppie AKC Registered. Reasonable. Earl Tessendorf. l1^ miles south of McHenry'on Hwy. 31. east side of road. Phone ,EV 3 3609. 33 Phone EV 5-0730 or EV 5-0731 fQr FUEL OIL / WE OFFER: Cash Discount Budget PUn King Korn Stamps McHenry County Co-Op McHenrv, 111. 21-tf <it Pays to Adverti?* FOR RENT WITH option to buy. 3 bedroom ranch type house. Ceramic tile bath, full basement, attached garage. Ph EV 5-0802. { 29-tf PUNCH PRESS dperators 33, light machine work. Hospitalization and insurance benefits. Trolex Cbrp., 507 W. Elm ^St. 33 4 ROOM FURNISHED heated apartment for couple. Phono Wonder Lake 5654, 29-tf OFFICE SPACE Available. Convenient location. Call EV. 5-0780. 32-2 $60,000 RANCH HOME on Fox River. Carpeted, air conditioned, basketball court, barbecue oit, 2 car garage, full basement finished. Rent $300 per month or reasonable offer. EV. 5-2218. » ' 32-tf ROOM for rent. Kitchen privileges. For Gentleman. Phone EV. 5-2506. 32-tf TWO-BEDROOM. Heated apartment with garage; stove a n d refrigerator furnished. Centrally located in McHenry, within' walking distance of station, stores and churches. Call EV. 5-Q094. 32-tf 3 ROOM HOUSE, full bath room, 1 bedroom. Large enclosed porch, basement, garaeo large yard. Phone Wonder Lake 6893. 31-tf FOR RENT IN McHENRY First floor 5 room apt. with solarium. Vacant. Now ready to move-into. 3 bedrooms. Heai, electricity and one car garage included. Laundry facilities in basement. Rent $120 per mo Lease for six months or longer. Children without pets welcome. PHONE EV 5-2252 Day or Night *33 ENGINEER for small electro mechanical devices. Experience with intricate starjnped parts desirable. Trolex Corp., 507 W Elm S t . 6 33 WOMAN for general office work and personnel records. Ability to work, with figures. Typing required. American Terra Cotta Corp. Crystal Lake 2400. > 33 Experienced Lathe Hands Experienced All Around Machinist NORTHERN ILLINOIS MACHINIST 405 Crystal Lake Road McHenry, 111. EV 5-2060 33 n^O P. FREUNl Authorized Dealer for Key Punch Trainee (Female* Learn To Operate IBM Machine Complete Training Provided Permanent Position Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday BARCO Manufacturing7 Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington. Illinois DUnkirk 1-1700 s SALES & SERVICE PH. EVERGREEN 5-0& * 501 Crystal Lake Roac' 24-if R. M~ FLEMING & SOI* « »*• NEW IDEA-PAPEC DEAL*urt TRACTORS SALES. & SERVICE A Complete Faim Impleme Service PH. EVERGREEN 5-003o 522 Waukegan Road * t 33 FARMERS Dead and-Crippled Animals Uemov'">d At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $*.00 Sc \ :cv 'Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-0103" 10-tf S P E C I A L 1-350 Utility ^ Last Year's Model • , # Loader Work • Second. Tractor Brand New SpecialTPr^ce CRYSTAL LAKE TRUCK SALES Ph Crystal Lake 1631 31-tf 3 i --* /

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