Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1959, p. 9

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Tifesday, December 22, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry Shores S.S.A.C. MEETING FOLLOWED BY .CHRISTMAS PARTY By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 Surprises galore greeted the members of the Shores Social and Athletic club as they gathered wjth theirs wives at the Pinkons(!y jiome for the regular monthly meeting1. The Ne\y" Years Eve party 'was discussed and plans made for the coming bowling party to be held in January. The more athletic inclined members plan on a basketball game in the near future, this shotild be-ctan to watch and we'll try to keep you posted as it is developed. • After the business of the evening was transacted, the/,ladies joined their husbands in the cafe setting downstairs. At one end of the recreation room a log fire crackled in the •heaEt^Kand the other end was decorated with a beautifully lighted Christmas tree. Refre^ ments. music and dancing prevailed. The evening was Climaxed with a well enjoyed buf' fet supper! Assisting Marge and Pinky' as hosts with this unusual C h r i s t m a s s u r p r i s e we^e t h e Cicchinis and Starks. let's Introduce Deputies Last week the column carrifjA the story of a prowler and mentioned that one should contact a local deputy. To those of you who have moved in recently. the deputies are: Eimer Grdnso, EV 5-2587, Jack Ftisting, EV 5-1916 and Fred Wfetzel, EV 5-1917. fom Burke, a state trooper, -resides here and his home telephone number is EV 5-6521. Please feel free to notify any-one of them if anythSuspicious is going on in the area. ^Birthdays Mrs. Hawks who is visiting her daughter. Helen Smith, celebrated her eightieth birthday Dec. 15. Vicki Mieritz, Karen and Pauly Schmitt were over to help Christie Cicchini celebrate her & birthday last week. & t Here and There The Gransos and Ri^tings hjad an enjoyable time^jfi Springfield at the .dinner held jw-frionor of Governor Stratton. The Dennigans, Poggensees and Tanners started the holiday seasoij^ early toy attending a dinner last Saturday at the Wbme of the McG la/res who are summer residents of 'McHenry Shores. Sunday the Tannej& drove up to Wisconsin to with Bob's folks. Daisy .^Sjnith received an award at an employees Christmas party held in Waukegan. While on the subject of awards, Mrs. Korczyk , received one from the V.F:W. auxiliary, for her outstanding work at the Downey V e t e r a n s h o s p i t a l , At t h e Christmas party held last: she helped entertain th< made patients with her accordion playing. The McHenry Choral club also entertained the boys with Christmas carols. Chuck and Audrey Whitney had a nice time at a Christmas party- held recently at Fox Lake. Page Nine tsweek, hfr 170 In Closing it would be nice if all of us sat down and wrote out a card to forward to Ruth Dodge Ruth has just undergone another opei%tibn and is convalescing at Passavant Memorial hospital. 303 E. Superior Street. Chicago, Illinois. t. If ypu should meet up with Mr; and Mrs. Robert Pinkonsly, have Bob introduce you to his lovely bride, Audrey. Now that you've all completed the many holiday chores, your publicity committee hopes you will be able to relax and enjoy a hlERRY CHRISTMAS While relaxing, pick up the telephone and report on your holiday visits and visitors. PLAN HOLIDAY SAFETY During the coming Christmas holidays. Illinois state troopers will receive no time off to'spend with their families. Instead they will he patrolling highways, working extra shifts, and in general prqtecting motorists from their own carelessness whicfi might land them in the hospital ... or the morgue. All commands have been ordered to maintain strict law enforcement durfng the most dangerous holiday period of the year. In addition to the no time off for troopers, all leaves have been cancelled. The new state police aviatioh section of four planes will take to the air to radio to stand-by patrol cars to apprehend motorists who are observed breaking the law. No warnings will be issued; motorists will b$ arrested on the spot for violations. Twice Told Tales -- i "FIFTY YEARS AGO I Taken From the Files of Dec. 16, 1909 McHenry lost two of its most esteemed citizens when Eugene j Wheeler passed away at his' [ home. east of the river, last i Sunday and Rcibert Sherburne i answered the final summons at , his home on Maple avenue Sati I urday afternoon. | A deal w&s consummated j last week, whereby R. I. Overr | ton, whb during t^e past sev- ! eral months "has b£en cooducti ing the Riverside livery, has •' become* the owner of the West | Side livery barn now occupied by W. F. Holtz. Liicile, the eldest daughter ! of Mr. and Mrs. W! £). Wenti worth, passed away at the home of her parents last eve- I ning, after a very short illness. |~ Twenty-five schoolmates and | friends of Clinton Martin gave I him a pleasant surprise at his i home west of town, last evei ning, in honor of his fifteenth j birthday. The driv^ to the Mar- ' tin home was made in bobs and was highly enjoyed ^y all. j The only minister this sec* | tion ever had who worked without compensation, the Rev. Joseph Owen, died at Eureka, I Kansas, at the age of 86. j At one time, Rev. Owen, i with meager compensation and | wholly without charge, ministered to the churches at Antioch, Gurnee. Nunda and McHenry and his labors were erowned with success. Hexamethylenetet/amine is the name of a CTerrrtan chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney remedy now being sold at the Masquelet drug store. This is the time of year when one gets that peculiar Christmas feeling and wants to do a whole l o t which one c a n n o t a f f o r d . And t l \ e n t h e r e i s t h e father class who can afford it but don't like to let loose'. The latter are to be~pTtied. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of Deo, 11, 1919 Fred Justen. one of McHenry's most popular hotel men, has purchased the Riverside House and will take possession Jan. 1. Landlord and Mrs. F: 'parents. They expect to arrive O. Gans, who have conducted in McHenry next Tuesday, the Riverside, the past several i The Mothers' qlub wilj hold years, will retire front public ! its. annual Christmas party at liW but contihue to make their j the home of Mrs. George John-, home here for the presentl ; son, with Mrs. James Perkins, The members of the "Just : chairman of the program, and Us" club were entertained at : Mr s. Glen Peterson in ..charge the home of Miss Lillian Heim- of games.^There will be no (gift1 er last evening. The' guests 'exchange but each members came in stag attire arid'one can asked tj/ bring a gift and\a easily imagine the hilarity that donat'rit.-'bf food for a ChristV prevailed during the jivenihg, j?mas basket. which w as passed in playing I ' -- sSi,7sS,C and a nun,ber ofj TRUCK .OWNfeRS Miss Varina Brefeld, who has MUST REGISTER been teaching iri a rural school, ! VEHICLES JAN. 1 near Alden, has resigned. Her place has been filled by Miss Inez Bacon 'of this place. Word ha? been received here of the marriage1 of Miss Ber- \ Secretary of State Charles F.< Carpentier has reminded trualv owners who plEfh to regtha Nelson, sister of Magnus j's*^ their vehicles under the I Nelson of McHenry, to Mr. | John Carlson, which took place | at New Rockford, N. D„ Nov. by Jan. 1. mileage tax option -they . must have their applications si^b-, Lakemoor YOUR REPORTER WISHES YOU A BLESSED XMAS By Annette Schmit This reporter ' wishes eatfh and every readen_and friend in the area a very happy and blessed Christmas. My hopes for all of you are that you vyill ! find a stocking under your tree that eyes alone can not see. A spiritual stocking, filled with all the good things in life. Instead of candyrmay your stocking contain blessings abundant. I Instead of toys, ma^ yours be joy and happiness. And instead 1 of games, may God bestow on iyou all the graces needed for i a . rich and full life, both here • and in eternity. wilTBe given to a charitable or- ' ganization. For information, call this reporter. 1 _ _• ' i Do£s i Several notices have appeared in past issues, regard; ' ling dogs running loose. Ordin- | ances in this village have been created for the protection of property owners. Unless animals a r e k e p t l e a s h e d o r j p'enrfed, the animals can be picked up and removed. Several near accidents oh the highway have been the cause ; of animals running loose, and ! the auto drivers attempting to j avoid hitting the poor* creatures. Please, take heed if you are a master. 24. The stepped-up enforcement READ THE WANT ADS B MIKE DOUGHERTY AND JIM MORIQAN INVITE "YOU TO ATTEND THEIR New Year's Eve DINNER DANCE AT THE Chapel Hill Country Club McHenry, 111. Dinner Served From 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. ^ Dance to the rfiusic of "THE HALF NOTES" By Reservation Only! $10.00 Per Couple Phone EV 5-2040 Only A Litriited Number of Reservations fcrft! Make Yours Today! New Year's Eve Party Bv Reservation ONLY! Members of the Social Wheel j program of recent years will met at the home of Mrs. George ! be ' continued and expanded. Lindsay Thursday afternoon, i Mr. Carpentier said, and urged when ' the following officers ] owners to be prompt in forwere e l e c t e d f o r t h e ; coming | w a r d i n g a c c u r a t e- month 1 y year: President, Mrs. J. B. Per- : mileage reports, ry. vice-president. Mrs. N. H. i A smaller and simplified re- Petesch; secretary, Mrs. port" form, which will be used George Lindsay and treasurer, ; for the first time in. I960 and Mrs. William Cowen. j need not be notarized, will aid TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO j in Verification of the mileage Taken From the Files j reported, «he said. Additional y of pec. 18, 1984 j safeguards have been devel- McHenrv escaped a blizzard j oped to detect inaccurate rethat swept Chicago Monday, I porting, he added. causing suffering and blocking Under the mileage weight traffic. While the sun was shin- option, owners register their ing here, more than t^n inches vehicles at a reduced annual of snow fell in Chicago. j fee, but are limited to a maxi- . A gay party will be held at j mum mileage, ranging from the Oak Park hotel, Pistakee j 2,000 to 5,000 miles depending Bay, Saturday, Dec. 15, where upon the weight of the vehicle. t)on Will Return | Rumor has it that our village .wrestler, Don Kibbe. will be | coming out of sick bay pretty i soon. As soon asschool re- I sumes after the "holidays Don lis expected to be able to | wrestle again. The McHenry j team has been waiting patient- | ly for his dislocated shoulder j to heal and it looks like he'll be back in the running before too long. | Child's Holiday | The next two weeks are 'children's weeks. Santa,,- was created to keep little children happy for the weeks before Christmas, * but what of the weeks after, the holiday and'before .school starts again. The little ones will no doubt be about their usual, winter, time sports and activities. There wili be snowmen to build and. sleds to ride. If you are a motorist please put on a second or third pair of eyes'to make sure that w;e have no fatalities in the village at a time of year when everything should suggest joy. The little ones don't, think. "They leave alt that tc the adults. Earlier Deadline Next Week Due to the New'Year holiday, my deadline will be set back ta-fFie Wednesday before ' Christmas. Anyone having news for the New Y&ar issue | will have to contact me the I evening that this issue appears, ! Dec, 23. Because of the strain ;of tht^ holidays this and the I next holiday report will be I rather skimpy, but I'm . sure we'll all get back to -normal, .eventually. Don't forget to call me at EV. 5-3239, Of the 95,000 accidental deaths in 1956, 28,000 occurred in the home -- second only to the highway as No. 1 booby trap for Americans, the NationaL Safety; Council reports. Good Deeds a special turkey dinner will be served for 25 cents. Santa Claus< may • not filL^j\n additional tax per mile is Glen Wattles' stocking Christ mas eve, but Glennie won't care. No sir, not he, because he was lucky enough to bowl a 200 game last Monday night, the first -one in his long career as a bowler. And.he still speaks to the rest of the boys on Main street. A tele? .im was received by the groom's sister in McHenry Wednesday, stating that Lisle Bassett, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Bassett. was united in marriage on that day to Miss Vivian Sweitzer of Houston, Tex., at the home of the bride's Secret4ry Carpentier explained, charged for any mileage in excess of the maximum. Monthly mileage reports are required and must be filed with the Secretary of State's office before the 10th of the following month, even if the vehicle has not been driven. Operating the vehicle with a disconnected or broken speedometer and failure to file the monthly reports on time are clause for revocation or suspension of the registration, Mr. Carpentier said. Several of the young lads around town became endowed with Christmas spirit this past week and have paddled themselves with quite a job. Deciding that they have wonderful things and other children are much less fortunate, they band- |ed together and started their own scrap drive. These young lads would appreciate any scrap iron that they can get. ^ffter selling it,- the proceeds A CHAT WITH US Regular fcheck-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for. yourself. Brakes-Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 .516 Front St. TOWING SERVICE McHeifry, 111. EVergreen 5-0811 SHOP IN McHENRY »?U i PABK1N BLOCK. USE THE F RT GREEN STREET PARKING AREA While Shopping The Green Street Merchants wish to take this opportunity TO remind you of the large free parking a rep provided for you on Green Street >r yogr shopping convenience Entrance driveway next to Mi-Place Tavern Enjoy meter-free parking -- Shop Leisurely from AT CHRISTMAS TIME WE REALIZE MORE THAN EVER HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO HAVE THE FRIENDSHIP AND GOOD W4MT( OF FOLKS LIKE YOU PLEASE ACCEPT OUR SINCERE THANKS AND GOOD WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FURNITURE ANDI C(/AARRPREETTIINNGG 133 North Riverside Drive, McHenry, Illinois v PHONE EV "5-2923 • "IN THE OLD POST OFFICE* iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiii EFFECTIVE NOV. 1, X M A s 3'/> c L u B Our I960 Christmas Club Savings Accounts will earn a New anticipated dividend rate of 3'/2%. Illllllllllllillllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliili Save For Your Tomorrows-Today! SAVE BY MAIL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|riiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 206 WEST ELM STREET ? ^' Our h and id extenclecl in ^rienddhip . . . with best wishes for the to Happiest Holidays you have ever had. Nothing could please us better than to visit with you and express our greetings in person. Since this is not possible, we want you to know that our' thoughts are with you at this Holiday Season. MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N unais uf TO 110.000 Member Federal Home Loan Bank iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiH! EFFECTIVE JAN. 1, 1960 On Regular Savings Accounts On Investment Savings Accounts iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirffiiiiiiMiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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