Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1959, p. 11

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V} O Wednesday, December 30, 1989 \ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER r McCullom Lake DIANE TABOR " ENGAGED TO AL HORN. JR. Eve Levesque Christmas Tree Lights , Are getting competition Even their wedding day was not as important They were wecl in Europe before they departed. One • realizes the thrill they feel of living in a country free frdfh tyranny and fear, merely by talking to them. They truly know what oppression is! The Oberhubers have been from the gleam emanating ; American citizens for one year from the eyes of Miss Diane j as of Christmas Day. Tabor and A1 Horn, Jr. Diane Margaret is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Nick J. Tabor of Lakewood Subdivision and Al's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horn, Sr., of Worfder L&e. A1 proved his devotion <vith a gift of a gorgeous one-carat diamond solitaire--set in white gold---to his beloVed, the other evening. The presentation was made at a party given for Al's Upon arrival in this country, they settled in Boston for eight months-- then came to .xhis area where they have "put-dowr their roots". Congratulations on this very special anniversary! 'Nuther Special Occasion Elma arid Earl Nelson and sons. Ken and ^on, celebrated an anniversary that has nothing to do with wedding bells aunt, Mrs. Amy Hines of Chi- j either. On Wednesday, £)ec. 23, cago. on her natal day, Dec. ; the four of them feasted at 19, So it turned into a double Dundee in honor of their sevcelebration. 4 Miss Tabor, a member of the N^ipnal Honor Society, graduated from McHenry high, class enth year of settling in McCullom Lake. 'Twas a happy day for them when they, took up residence out here and we're of June '58. She then attended .mighty lucky to have them as Northern University in DeKalb^neighbors- Both have been acand was pledged to"sigma*"Kap- ;tixe in C*V|c affairs since their pa. The young miss is current- j ai'rival. ar,d readers of the^col- 1y employed as a secretary to i umn have been treated to Elthe laboratory of the McHenry I ma s f6ady wit 011 several $if- Medical Group. Her fiance, Mr. |>erent occasions. Best wishes Horn is an alumnus also of !lo this family and here's hop- McHenw high, class of June they "hang around to cele- '57. then attended the Univer- ; brate for many more years! ol Illinois and Northern * - -- U. His fraternity is Chi Sigma Home for the Holidays Nu. He is employed by his fa- Lpoking handsome in Air ther, a real estate broker in , Force Blue is John Bjork who Wonder Lake. J arrived home from Lakeland The young couple can hardly "• A. F. Base on Saturday before be classified as impulsive be- > Christmas and is scheduled to cause they have been dating depart on Jan. 2. His mom and for the past four years. Their i pop have been mighty proud to nuptials are being planned for j show him off and we don't sorhctime in (he fall. Congratu- blame them. The girls, Diane 'a^ons and best wishes! and Berenice, feel mighty spew . • cial having him for a brother, Everyone Invited • too. At the germination of his To attend the monthly break- furlough. John will report to fast given by the McCullom Omaha, Nebr., for . further Lake Men's club on Sunday.duty. Jan. 3 at Berenice and.] Another former resident of Whitey's. j the community came home to The men will again <lon ap- j spend the holidays with his rons and preside over the cook- | family. Don Hayes has been ing and serving. The menu will j living and wqrking in Chicago, include toast, hotcakes, eggs, | but had his Christmas turkey sausages, • bacon and plenty of j with sister and husband, Mr. c*ee. In fact, it is strictly ! antl Mrs. Bill Reid of Spring '•'all you can eati" Come your- Road, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave celf--and bring the kiddies. Reid. Home and Healthy Happy to repferf that young Bobby Schmidt, Glladys and Men's little guy who made a quick trip to McHenry hospital r&centlyi is home again and" completely recovered. Emily Stevenson, will 'he .79 oh Jan. 4. „<?QSusan Beth Cable, who will soon, be joined by another brother or sister (if she hasn't already 11 be 2 on, Tuesday, Jan. 5. Best wishes to all. Yule Dinners The festive board was spread at the Leo Sales home for the entire family- including Mr. and Mrs. Bob^Sales of Rolling Meadows, Helene Kolin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack--Mr. and Mrs. Jim--and Chick Sales and his fiancee, Miss Caroline Mellies. There were seventeen places set when all sat down to dine-- including the wee ones. - The Don Parenti family journeyed to the city to share "groceries" at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lillian Parenti. and four brdthers and their families. Theresa and WiUard Schultz spread the "welcome mat" for Ma and Pa Olsen and shared their turkey and other "goodies". With everyone "dreamin' of a white Christmas" it REALLY happened! Hope the coming !. year . will be filled wifh peacer j happiness, and all the gocfa ! things of life for each and ev* ery one of you and please accept my wish tor a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Headlines : will be back on schedule with news in by Sunday, Jan. 3 and ^ paper out on the seventh. See | you next year.' Your Co-Operation Requested LLakGITlOOr ,Noyv that winter is upon us, wringing with it plenty of \'J t and snoW the plows will be busy from time $o time. Please cooperate and keep your cars OFF the street during the next few months. Your help in this matter will be much appreciated! Lilymoor By#Nancy Ruter EV. 5-3889 Party for "Toddler, and Trike" Set Little Peggy O'Halleran. who became six on Monday, Dec. 21, played hostess to eight of her playmates, in honor of the occasion. Present when t h*e treats were handed out were Mary Ellen Aalto, Yolanda and Gloria Fernandez, Dierdre Levesque. D;uvn and Don Parenti and cousin, Michelle, and Peggy's brothers, Stevie <jnd Gregory. They pfiayod games, of course, then filled their tummies on the traditional fare of cake 'n ice cream. Summer Resident Passes Away News was received last week of the untimely death of Robert E. Got hard of Brookfield, 111. He was taken ill suddenly of a stroke and died .Sunday, Dec. 13. Services were held, on Tuesday in Chicago with interment in a Chicago cemetery. Mr. Goth&rd is survived by .his widow, Marybelle, andt brothers and a sister. > . j The Gothards ,had spent I much t ime and fllfbney fixing j up their voUage on Park View j and had planned at some tjate ' to make it their permanent 1 home. Unfortunately, the Grim Reaper stepped in befotpeMr. Gothard could enjoy his country dwelling. The delight of Christmas has passeqtTTjie children's stockings were "filled' and- their :3§$fts opened, , but the New Year is soon upon us. May .you all have ;i Happy and Prosperous Now Year. Brownie News • At the last meeting of t Bfownies for this year, they made handkerchief boxes for their-mothers lor Christmas presents and made, handkerchief holders for their lathers "Cookies were passied out to-the girls ait the close qf the meeting. The next Brownie meeting will be Jan. 5 on Tuesday after school. Birthday Candles Monday, Dec. 28, meant many celebrations locally. It was the natal day for Susan Ingersol who turned 9- Jack Osterby became a man of 21 brother, Don Osterby, marked his thirteenth year--Clemencia Fernadez was feted by husband Bob-- and Bill Brennan received a "smooch" from his ever lovin* Dorie. all on this date. Industrious Plaindealer carrier boy, Ted J^lsen will "hit on Saturday. Jan. C&e for Celebration^ Mr. and Mi's. Alfons Oberhuber of Maple h\u Drive celebrated the memory of the happiest moment of their lives 'on Saturday'; ~ Dec. 26 with" "dinner out" for the two of tl^m. The youngsters were left irmhe care of a sitter because the occasion was special only to Erma and Al. It is exactly nine years ago on this date, that the couple first landed on the shores of the United States. the tee ready sm Clever Cards Were distributed by Mr. and 1 Mrs. Art Stuhlfeier of Orchard ; Drive. Art who is the owner | and publisher of the Newsletter, used the pictures of people I and places that he snapped '.during the year, had them mounted in a "season's greet-'® ing" folder and mailed them out to each individual family. Real thoughty! and certain not to end up in the scrap heap. Health and Happiness DR. HENRY FREUND 136 S. Green St OPTOMETRIST EV 5-0432 McHenry i»eem like a year al-. this reporter "made the headlines" instead of writing them!/Our pride and joy - Matthew Jonathan, will be one on Sunday, Jan. 3. P r o u d g r e a t - g r a n d m o t h e r . Infant Succumbs Our deepest sympathy- to Lorraine and Ray Deskis in the recent loss of their son who was born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock on Friday, Dec. 18 and succumbed on the same day. The young cduple was rejoicing in the coming event-- thinking how nice it would be to have a little brother for their wee daughter, Susan Marie, who was one in August. Condolences also to the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deskis ,of 309 Oak street, in the village and to th^ maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walte^ Wollak of Lilymoor. A bit of good news was forthcoming to Lorraine and Ray lasi week. They were informed that the Christmas decorations on their house took second place in the judging in the1 "simplicity" category, in the city of Woodstock Congratulations on their ingenuity. Birthdays ^ A belatetf birthday wish lo Beverly Eggert who was six years old on Dec. 6 The neigh; borhood youngsters helped celebrate her birthday and were served jake and ice cream. Another birthday wish goes to Mike Ossler who celebrated his ninth birthday on Dec. Happy Birthday to both of you. ORGANIZATIONS HOLD CHILDREN'S • CHRISTMAS PARTY ByN^nnette Schmit I The Lakemoor Children's Christmas party held at the IFire-Community-house on E|ec. ! 20, W'as a l\uge i, success. The hildren swarmed in promptly ' at 2 p.m. to "see what Santa had lett-^-ffiem. We understand that with 285 village children in attendance it would be putting it mildly to say that order could be maintained. We all think that tTit*-fine men and women who drganized order on that day deserve a medal for bravery, and a purple heart for 1 starrtina. Each little boy*. and girl received a gift suitable for his age group. Many calls this week to this reporter, haVe been from parents of the children who were calling to make sure that the village organizations were commehded for this fine party. Our thanks to all who worked/ so • hard for . qui' children. ' ! Happy Birthday I.uefcy young Billy Schuerr miissed Christmas by one day to celebrate his birthday. The stork, when Billy \vas due to ' ar-rrve on earth, decided that bringing Billy on Christmas 'would be a pretty bad thing to V Page Eleven do considering presents, and all, so he brought him the day aftet Christmas. Billy was twelve years old on Dec. 26. MaTt^Tiappy returns of the day. Bill. Holiday Hoppers Visiting, the Schmit home for a pret-holiday visit were Mr. and nMrs. William Schmit of Chicago. They spent the afternoon of Dec. 20 with the family. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schmit and quinete spent the afternoon and evening of Saturday, Dec. 20, at the home of Annette's mother, Mrs. Martha Herrmann, in Dovvners Grove. County BB League In the McHenry county amateur basketball league Wonder Lake Jost to Woodstock by a score of 104 to 85 in the game played at Harrison school? Thursday night. Len Spence was high point man. for W.L. with 22 points; Bob Anderson was second with 18. b ! Insufficient tun'ds have I brought many a pleasant oc- ; casion fo an abrupt conclusr i ion. "Amen EDDIE the EDUCATOR says Quite a small and sorry column for this week, folks. Ah, but wait til next week. Bet the newfe comes over the wires fast after the commotion of the holidays. How about that fine snow storm the week of Christmas. Just in> time to instill in us the spirif*of Christmas. And ho\j>about all those resolutions you've been promising to,make. Everybody getting ready to break them? Have a very happv New Year, all! Call me at EV. 5-5239. V Well defined porpo>e V* Broad program • Opportunity for all k' Competent teachon High Standards of instruction f" Well planned building. •"High quality texts and materials In the home, 28,000 persons died accidentally in 1956, the National Safety Council says, while 14,300 died in work accidents. SHOl* IN McHENRY Home for Christinas Second Corporal Gary Krumwiede. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Krumwiede. is home for the holidays after being stationed oversea.^. He will spend Christmas and New Year's with his family and friends before returning to duty in the Marine Corps. A number of our college students in the community are home for the holidays. These students are Dave F^uitus. Howard Segermark and Rosemary Mcreure. May these students have a pleasant vacation If anyone has any news pleas e c a l l m e . I h o p e \ o u a l l had a Merry Christmas. THE McHENRY BAKERY WILL BE C L O S E D New Years Day'and Sat., Jan. 2nd Open Sun. Morning, Jan. 3rd HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 124 S. Green Phone EV 5-0190 Sdraot* mutt provide •durational opportunities for all pupils, tiny mast not raAin Mm quality of learning for any. . Iflinoii Education Association ^ ^ w -«v HAPPY NEW YEAR 13 SCHROEDER. IRON WORKS Route 31 South EV 5-0950 MtHenrv Here comes L960 . . . and we'd 4 like to celebrate by extending 4* ' our greetings and best wishes 1 4 to you. May the New Year be good to you! KNOX REAL ESTATE Phone EV 5-1)421 405 Richmond Rd. McHenrv a DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry. III. Hours: Moil., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. *7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0743 • 1-31-60 DR C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:3fl Mon., Wed., & Fri." Evening By Appointment Only Telephone EVergreen 5-0180 2-28-60 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You -Need Insurant* Any Kind * Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-0953 lis E. Elm St. McHenry, lit • "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" v- -:M -4 There's a ragged 'Jeep vehicle for your jobs! Rugged 'Jeepi vehicles have the extra traction of 4-wheel drive to deliver your payloads to areas ordinary trucks oan't reach--shift easily into conventional 2-wheel drive for economical highway travel. And with power take-off, they operate many kinds of special equipment. There's a 4-Wheel-Drive fcjeepJ vehicle to fit yow specific needs! We»hope you will all stop in at Nye Dings the next fewdays, so wG^eaii personally wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. • 1 Forward Control 'Jeep'Trucks.;; unequalled combination of maneuverability and pay load capacity! Universal 'Jeep'... does hundreds of jobs! 'Jeep* Utility Wa^on „ d ual ..purpose *eh iole- for- - - business and famiiyj (ft*/ The jeep family of 4-Wheel-Drive vehicles WHYS--wrttPs brgest nuBfacttrws al 4-Whnl-0i»9 vchiciss Gat as drauastratioa today! Tune-In i I MAVERICK -Sunday Evenings, 6^30 P.M. i McHENRY GARAGE 600 Front St. PHOXF. 5-0403 McHenry, 111. «*•» HEST0R OIL Service Stations McHenry, III. 1 3 Loeations Phone TV ;V0*i40' Riehmond. III. \ DB JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV. 5-0186 Res. Phone: EV. 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Cl«sed All Day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses fitted Repair Service 2-28-60 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 2-28-6C GEORGE J. CASTLE. Agent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness. A Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2533 SCHROEDER IRON WO Ornamental' & Structuralist Visit Our Show 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1- GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Prop rams' Riehmond 4193 '$3;mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - YYilmot Road 4-30-60 DR. RDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 113 Main St., McHenry. 111. Office Hours 1 Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-049S v 5-19-61

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