Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1959, p. 14

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f Page Fourteen :Q THE McKENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lake "v TWIN DAUGHTERS ARRIVE ON CHRISTMAS DAY Jane Ducey ! made for the coming year. Rej freshments vK^ill be served, i The sodality will receive holy ! communion together at the 7:- ' 30 a.m. Mass Su/id&y, Jan. 10 Wednesday, December 30, 1959 drew of Woodstdck, and Rev. I Gustavson, Christine Hensel, Jack'* Mclntyre of McHenry/.Carol Lincoln, Mary Lou Hendricks arid Jean McMillan. Others are Kathy Pearson, Vicky,- Rankin, Sandra Baske, CHRJNTENiNGSThey spent 2'^ hours Thursday night covering the contest entries. Mathews hall was the^scene Penny Reynolds, Patty Smith, ol the1 .iight-club-like party aivj Susan Smith, Claudia Strom- Three babies were baptized I ranged by a committee coft-ski, Christine Sullivan, Kathy The nicest Christmas prpseajt. ^ev- James Ynnderpool at ! sisting ol Leo* and Mary Lou Walker. Linda Vecchinoe, Jackof all came late in thf^Jay to Christ the Kiny church S.un- Hartog and Helen 'Reuter. ie Walsh, Frances Wasielewski, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Popelk i day. Dec. 20. ' Tables were set $Siv intimate and Lynn Wines. of Wonder Woods, whose twin James Richard Baudin, son i groupings around a small cen- , ---.-- daughters were born at Mem- <>r FJatrlck. and Mary Lu How-| tral dance floor wtth candles! • Birthday Party orlial hospital for McHenry 'and Baudin, h;TTl for his ^god- providing the entire illumina-i Happy birthday to Gayle County at 10:15 p.m. Christ- father. George Stephens.- with I tion. Organ music was furnish- McComb, daughter of the Kirk mas Day. George L. Burns serving asjed throughout the evening by McCombs of Wooded Shore?, The first baby weighed 5 lbs. proxy. The gedmother "'is Dol- l-Gordon Fossum from an im-, who 'had a party Dec. 22 to 6 oz. and the second! weighed orpS Baudin. ! provised bandstand. celebrate her eleventh birth- 6„lbs. 2 oz. The parents had Caryn Suzrin Hartmann. dau- j Refreshments were served day. Twelve playmates from pot decided on parries 'for 'the uhter of Gt^ge and.Jean Dick-! smorgasbord style with the her fifth grade class and the babies at this writing but they man Haj tmann. had James j food prepared by Flo Dean neighborhood attended the ai. Johnsburg EXTENDS HEARTY WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR tyere seriously considering Jaok Hartmann and Lois Mathews and Jill. The couple has oi'ie foi" her' godparents. • » other child, Betsy Ann. *Who The third baptism was that •is 3 years old. of Colleen Frances Browne. \ The Popelkas have been li\ - daughter of ; Sherman and tog in Wonder Wo6ds. for one Elaine Moffett Browne. Sanajid a* half years. Maternal dra and Gordon Berg, >Jr., are grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. the godparents. wfrf^rHOliday^ forraer!y . of. Winners in"Home Decorating Spring Grove and now living •• . Contest S.J% terlaliv/ranA* • ' • -A Kala party with soft lights T Pnn^lka f c 3 n "S ' ! and sweet music was given bv J. Popelka of Spring Grove. = - th0 w?nder Lakq .chamber of Commerce for the seventy-five contestants who entered th£ Christmas home decorating contest sponsored by the C of C. Highlight of the evening was the announcement of the winners in each of the thrr.e divisions. Winners in the "religious theme" division were, fir^t place to John Miller of Wonder Center tor his Nativitv NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWS The sermon for Sunday. Jan. 3 will be "Behold The^Star " Pastor Schroeder invites all to start the New Year right by going to church. Starting it in this way builds a firm foundation on which to buiid a better life. The "Women of the Church' program will be on missions in , • , , . , T Africa, particularly in, Liberia, I an,d sec f°"d Place to Jay All women are invited to attend and take part in this interesting and informative program. The evening circlc will meet Monday, Jan. 4, at 8 and the daytime circle will meet Tuesday morning. Jan. 5. Don't forget the Community Twelfth-Night Epiphany Worship Service on Wednesday, Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m. CHRIST THE KING CHURCH NEWS e1 nef| Cristy^ also of Wonder Center for hi with the j figure. In the | of house' i went to ined • glass window adonna as a central 'outdoor decoration division, first place Ralph Sprague of Wooded Shores and second to Gene Jacobowski of White Oaks Bay. John Pittman of Highiland Shores won first place in the yard decoration division with a display of deer and shadows; second place went to Elmer First Friday is New Year»'s j Spielman of Wooded Shores •>ay -- the Feast of the Cir-: for his group depicting "SanciunciSDon of Our Lord is a i ta's Coffee Break." Holy Day of Obligation. Mass- i Kay's Gift Shop took the es will be. at 8\alm., 10 a.m.. j prize in the commercial diviand at 8 p.m. Confessions will i sion with a pink flocked Christand Helen Reuter. Fred Zan- teCJchool party. A gingerbread riier, as emcee, did a sparkling hcnTse, shingled with candy jab. The hall was. elaborately mints added a holiday touch decorated -- walls, ceiling, and j to the birthday cake tradition. tables -- by the same commit-j tee of three. The. C of C did | '. Christmas Vacations themselves proud and hopes-. Mrs. Evelyn Peters, fourth the party and decorating con- j grade teacher at Harrison test will become the first of, school, will spend the Christmany. We can t think of a mas holidays in Bermuda. Miss nicer precedent. Christmas Program A capacity audience saw the annual Christmas program ^t Harrison school Tuesday night. We thought the program particularly fine this year, from the little "girl candles" in kindergarten to the upper classmen in the chorus and band. Our band must have doubled! vision, according to a release in size since last year, judging, from the club. There are from the fuller rounder tone'limited number of memberof the ensemble. The newly! ships available in the organi- Janet Swart,hout, who teaches the combination third and fourth grade room went home to California for Christmas. Sports Car Club Has Openings Newly elected to the board of directors of the Lake Region Sports Car Club is Sam Absher of Hickory Falls subdi- Present Comes Early The Si Meyors home was the scene'of much excitement just a week before Christmas. The whole family which consists of ___ . Si Bonnie, Jimmy, Mary Lynn by Betty HettermrffttT^111'1 Patsy, was gifted with an ' I early Christmas present -- and It is most fitting in my esti-,| a real one at that! The Me>'" mation, that I begin this last ! ers family welcomed a new adcolumn for 1959 with a hearty dition td" their family on Dec f i _ * i 17 Thp nou;oct tYiomKat' a Kn\/ organized tonette band was a novel touch. Having tried square dancing last month we could better appreciate the accomplishment of the fourth gr^de class. zation. For further information contactEdgar Peaslee, 113 Main street, McHenry. The phone is EV 5-048^/^ " Five Days In Miami George and Gloria Freund 'Welcome, Troop No. 265 j attended the 1960 world pre- Certi'ficates of membership; mier of 1960 farm machinery be heard from T'to 7:30 a.m. 9 to 9:30 a.m. and 7 to 7:30 p.m. (no later). The Altar and Rosary society mas tree with presents at the base. Honorable .mention went to Jane Waltzak, .Ron Nelsor, E. Perry, James Weisenberger, will have their first meeting i William Lowrey and Carlton of the year Thursday, Jan. 7, j Palmer. at. 8 p.m. in the school hall.4 First place awards were lov- Mrs. Charles Pike, president. ; ing cups, second place/ awards invites all the ladies of the were smaller trophies. Vand hoparish to join their fellow mem-, norable mention awardk<^yere bers for an evening of social plaques. The judges were Dr entertainment. Plans will be Henry Sandeen and Dan Anwere awarded to the girls of troop 265 by their leader, Mrs. Carl Walker, in investiture ceremonies held Thursday at the regular meeting of this Brownie group. The girls also were given their friendship and first year pins, after which Mrs. Walker welcomed each girl pera^nally into the Girl Scout OTga«tea|ion. The twenty=five seven year old girls in troop\ 265 inc])pde Sharon Brenner, Pa Francine Brzenk, Debby Cristy, Diane Christopher, Susan Coburn, Penny Ducey, Mary Lee at Bal Harbour, Miami Beach, recently. 'Accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund and Mrs. Robert L. Freund of McHenry. In addition to the business trip, the group enjoyed five days of en: tertainment at the height of the social season, flying to and from Mi4mir- The men went deep sea fishing, and the women took boat cruises and sight-seeing tours and saw top ranking stars in fh,e nightly entertainment 'was a once in a lifetime per fence," says Gloria. WlLLtfa Bale? Service Ekaoe EV 5-0403 TO OUR CUSTOMERS! We're flying in a special greeting for pretty special \ ^ people... our customers! May you all enjoy the pleasured of a prosperous New Yearl SCHRAMM'S TOTS,,Inc. 301AV. Elm St. Phone EV 5-2535 McHenry ELM ST. BARBER SHOP "BOB" and "RED" McHenry, 111. thank-you to each and every person who cooperated with me through these past twe!\-? months. It has been your phone calls and news items, no matter how big or small, which liav.e kept this column going for almost seven .years. I hope that in the new year ofp. 1960 there will be the same interest in this column as there has been in the past. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a most "Happy "and Blessed.'New Year" to one ahd all. Attends Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Aloys Steffes of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams were in Madison, Wis., last Friday to attend the funeral services of Brother Jacob Freund. Brother Freund was stricken with a heart attack at the Queen of Apostles Seminary in Madison and passed away shortly after. He was 63 years old at the time of death and was a cousin to Mr. Adams. Yulettde Parties The Jak-Ana Heights associ^ ation held its annual Christmas party in the community club hall last Sunday afternoon. Residents ofJ the subdivision and their families were on hand when Santa Claus made his welcomed appearance to distribute gifts and candy. Cake, ice cre^am, pop and coffee were served near the close of the party. Over 100 .ladies were on hand to attend the Blessed Virgin Jjodality Christmas gathering which started out with a potluck supper last Monday evening. Christmas carols were sung after which exchange gifts were distributed. The seventh and eighth graders presented a lovely program for all attending this holiday function. A social evening followed. Special ~ Congratulations Peter Freund, Jr., *was Surrounded by his family when he celebrated his eighty-sixth birthday 6n Dec. 22. We all join in sending him very special birthday greetings. & 17. The newest member, a boy, was. born at the Woodstock hospital. Proud grandparents are Ray Page of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers. Congratulations to all! Tragic Accident Our sympathies are' relayed to Mrs. Liz Smith upon the re-, cent passing of. her sister, Mrs. Mary Weingart. Mrs. Weingart was the victim of a tragic accident that claimed her life last week. She was !&id to rest in St. Mary's cemetery following the services held in the ojiurch. • Sparkle! Sparkle! Among the glitter, of this j season is also the glitter of ! Miss Kathleen Freund's ring j Her parents, Ben and Anita j Freund, recently announced ( her engagement to Glenn R. | ?"oeh!ing of Spring Grove. 1 Plans are being made for their j wedding in late summer. Our wishes for a bright and happy future are. extended to this | young couple.. i Fire and Rescue Squad Calls | The firemen of station 2 ' were called to the home of | Frank Babarsky of Sunnyside Estates last Monday evening. The rescue squad also went along to lend their assistance to prevent further damage and the possibility of the fire spreading to nearby homes. Only two bedrooms of the home were saved while the remainder of the home is beyond repair. Late Monday evening the rescue squad siren sounded and the members were called to an | accident scene near^wChapel Hill. A car had overturned and ' "the occupant was taken to the I McHenry hospital for treat-1 ment. - *. j Tuesday evening the squad was called out during the snow"' storm to an accident scene on j Route 31 which claimed the life j of "P;it" Boley. Mr. Boley, it is j thought, had stopped his, car I to clean off the windshield when he was struck by another' car.. Around the Town Ronnie Smith, Al. C&jthaml and Charlene Freund all put: away their- college books to"! spend the holidays with their! respective families. - Neil Freund is home from the seminary to help, his "family celebrate the holidays. Also home for the holidays is Bill Martinec. Bill is in the Nayy and upon his return Will be assigned to a ship. Making the trip home for the Christmas vacation is Peggy Whiting, daughter of the Sibre Whitings. She is a student of the University of Colorado at Boulder. | Be sure to give me a ring about your holiday company. Everyone does some" entertaining over the holidays so why not share your news with your neighbors. Please call me before my deadline which is noon on Mondays. Thank., you and once again "Happy Holidays'^ PKEPARK FOR WINTER There are six important preparations .to be made for winter driving, according to the institute of Safer Livmgv (1) Have your car safety checked for mechanical performance, with special attention to brakes, lights and windshield wipers. (2) Be sure exhau( pipe, muffler and tail pipe atfe tight and in good condition. (3) In northern areas, equip with chains or snow tires! (4) Equip the car with a bag of sand or other traction producer, and a supply of clean rags for emergency windshield cleaning. (5) Carry flares and a flashlight for night emergencies. (6) Adjust your drivinp habits to slower, more captious speeds. READ THE WANT ADS I ED'S RENTAL | RfNTS Floor Sanders t° ! Rotary^illers EVergreen 5-4123 Thanks a m i l f i o n for 7 i%. . . . to express our sincerest wishes to all our patrons for the most joyous of New Years! May we continue to serve you throughout the months to come! Ace Hardware 130 N. Riverside Dr. Ph. EV 5-0722 be in gso s w e l l i i | the p a s t l It w i l l be fun s e r v i n g you in the f u t u r e ! Loads of luck, h e a l t h , { and wealth to everyone! Ray Grauman, Mgr. , Frank Groth Art and Florence Roth ROTH SHOES Phone EV 5-2027 118 S. Green St. LHEWYEAR H. E. BUCH & SONS Route 120 East M el l on i Phone EV 5-0048 A HAPPY NEW YEAR KLEINHANS BUILDING SERVICE Fvoute 120 East EV 5-07T1 •e McHenry MORE WATER at w sofa ant , with a RED JACKET m-MWB" . WATER SYSTEM • CAPACITIES TO T| 1170 «AL PER HOUR • PUMPING DEPTHS TO U0 KIT y • EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY ^ CONVERTIBLE PROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICI Oollar-for-dollar, htre h your bait pump buy. Heavy, Jurabia construction throughout. Quiat. lubrication -- f^a operation -- only ona moving part. A product of a worldrenownad punsfp manufacturer with ovar 75 years' axparl- 22?..!" w**r product*. Tha Cantri-Jat MB Watar Systarn will mora than latitfy you in avary way. Coma in and saa for yourtalf. JETS • 9 AND ,< Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS Mchenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES .1 PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake tH miles from ^Henry °n the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd PHONE McHENRY EV 5-5252 J

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