Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1959, p. 15

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Joan py t0 If you Page Fifteen tr] AS PabarSi? Lois Anderson ragedy struck our little community just four days beore Christmas. *Fire broke otft in the garage of the Babarskv home at 30#r May fair drive around dinner time on Dec. 14. /The blaze destroyed the entire north half of the house &hich included the garage, kitchen and living room; The bedroom and bath which remained were ^maged, by smoke but that Wrt of the house still stands. Firemen from McHenry Station No; 1 and Johnsburg Station No. 2 and the Johnsburg Rescue Squad worked diligently against terrific odds of low water pressure and high winds. Thcv were also concerned with keeping the blaze from spreadlng to the Bierchen residence next door. j^Franlc and Sophie and their ^iteen year old daughter, A>rlene, all got out of the house unhurt except for the shock of what was happening to their home. They spent the " night with the Bierchens and will reside in Fox Lake temporarily. They plan to rebuild however, possibly within a few weeks. When asked about their Christmas, Frank said, "the kids will just have to settle for smoky •esents". Their neighbors and residents of Sunnyside Estates offered help and shelter. How big hearts can be in time of tragedy. leceive it afSHJ^fime can't see her before the next n leeting you can pay it then. As we said before this meetini was changed to the Thursday of January which is the fourteenth, at the public school. Association News The Christmas party sponsored, by the S.E.H.O.A. was a huge success' again this year. The children enjoyed the cartoons after which Santa arwed and distributed his gifts to them. Each child was called by. name and greeted Santa around the tree. He was assisted by Legs Bute. Refreshments consisting of cake and coffee and very delicious homemade Cakes and cookies were served to young and old alike. Upon leaving each child was given a box of candy fThe association can be proud this Christmas party and anks are in order for the committee who served. They Were: Dick Janfcki, chairman, his wife Alice, Ray (Santa) and Alice Bieschke, June Banker, and Joap_.^Walszynski. A . Another Year And .another gift from the Plaindeeler for these attempts at writing your news. It's nice to be remembered for any reason but for doing something which Js ^so enjoyable is just the most. My public apreciation is hereby written and may We all, Lord willing, have another year of pleasant association. Holiday Celebrating Please remember if you plan to drive New Yearns Eve be careful. We want to have you around in 1960. Birthdays Two people who were almost born in tie next year are Jean Gerks and Gus Morresi; they tolh celebrate New Year's Eve. And happy birthday to Lorraine Major on Jan. 5. Two young 'teeti age gentlemen celebrating this week are Bob Kelso wh» Will be fifteen on Jan. 3 and Eddie Brink who will be thirteen on Jan. 6. Happy new year birthday wishes to these ladies and gentlemen. Hospitalized We are sorry to report at this writing that George Owen had to re:urn to the hospital. He was tfaing sp after his recent appendeetonfy* but other complications made it ncessary for his return to the hospital. We hope his stay there will be a short one and he will once more be home. Happy New Year Here is my wish that your new year will be a completely full and prosperous one. May you enjoy good health arid realize many of your fondest dreams. Happy New Year! With the com not resolve to make i to attend your community meetings that are held ev< month on the first Thursday of each month. These meetings are held for your benefit as a resident and for the good »of the subdivision as a whole. If we work together now, our much larger problems of the future will be ironed out more smoothly as they develop. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening/Jan. 7, 1960 at the V.F.W. clubhouse in McHenry. Vehicle license will be available and the awards for the best Christmas decorated homes will be issued. Birthdays' and an' Anniversary Little Jimmy Burke will celebrate his birthday. New Year's eve. Some years back. New Year's day welcomed in two of our better known residents -- Ing Corcoran, recording secretary for the McHenry Shores club and Rav Olszewski, chairman of the beach committee. The MacCallums i will be starting another year of married bliss together next Monday. Christmas Here and There The Olbiniskis spent Christmas eve with Jerry's sister in Buffalo Grove. The Starks of Gregg Drive spent an enjoyable evening at the Schmitts on Miller Drive. Ken Schopp visited many of the McHenry Shores homes in his heart warming roll of Old Saint Nick. The Yule eve also found the Schrams with Gloria's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Nagle, in Chicago -- Christmas day was spent with Jack's folks in McHenry. The Dobbertins were on the go as they visited with Bob's folks in Chicago -- Christmas, Betty had a turkey dinner for her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murawski, her sisters, Margie and Christy, and her grandmother, Mrs. J. Pawlwski -- the Cicchinis and BEFORE YOU CRACK UP I j Keep conlrol of your steering . . . keeo ! out of trouble . . . keep "STEERING WOBBLIES" OUT! ANY steering difficulty warns of these motoring menaces, of wheel unbalance and parts wear of possible steering conlrol loss, blow-outr., "IDENT. Fool 'em! ... Let us correct car with our foolproof, scientific equipment NOW! Thank Your Repair Maa For "The Accident Thai Didn't Happen" tin BtST WISHfS McHENRY LUMBER CO. McHenry McHenry Auto Body COMPANY 1 Front St. - So. on Rt. 31 EV 5-0444 McHenry, 111 AFETY HEADQUARTERS 611 W. Main St. PHONE EV 5-4600 le •ouis to with " their ren. The Zeimets' riwmas turkey was enjoyed by the Hattans and the Whitneys. The Dostals spent Christmas in Chicago visiting Bill's and Joan's folks. The Burkes were also in Chicago over the h o 1 i d a-y-.- Qw^ence. Mueller's mother was <&S\' for Christmas eve -- their daughter and het family from Carpentersville enjoyed Irene's usual Christmas turkey -- Saturday found the Muellers in Western Springs visiting with Clare's cousin, Frank and his family, while Sunday was spent in Elmhurst with Irene's sister's family, the Mikals. Just News Hope all of you enjoyed the caroling of our silver and golden throated young- ladies as they travelled through the subdivision singing songs and hymns last Wednesday evening. Aliee Brunke, Helen Misiak and Gloria Schramm celebrated the end of their Christmas shopping spree with a sigh of relief as they relaxed at a well enjoyed luncheon in a neighborhood shopping center. It was a pleasant surprise to be routed out of bed Sunday at 1 a.m. to welcome home our son. Jerry Mueller, from Jacksonville. His leave came through unexpectedly so he's home Tor the holidays. SSAC members -- there is still time to make plans for that New Year's eve party, if you've changed your mind and are coming, let one of the boys on the scrciat"committee know or better yet drop over. In Closing At this writing, the prowler has not been apprehended and another report has just come in that he is still active. Your lommittee, in les you A HAPPY TAR and hope that you 'make just one' more resolution and that is to keep us posted on what's what and who's who for the coming year of 1960. Tax Facts Interesting facts arie revealed in a recent Bureau of the Census report, "State and local government finances in 1942 and .1957," the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois said today. The study brings together, for convenient comparison and analysis, state-by-state1 aggregates of state and local government finances for the -years 1957 andp 1942. The increase in per. capita general- revenue of state and local governments, during this fifteen,,, year .. interval, ranged from 125 per cent in New Hampshire to 350 per cent in Georgia. The, increase in 11 li nois was 159 per cent. In the nation as a whole, general revenue of state and local governments increased relatively more than did personal income between 1942 and 1957. Statistics for the period show a 29 per cent rise -- from $85.10 to $109.69 per #1000 of personal income -- for statelocal general revenue. All state areas shared in this trend - in each of them there was some rise in the amount of state and local general revenue, relative to personal income. In Illinois the increase was from $80.63 to $88.24, a 9.4 increase. Total general expenditure of state and local governments ranged widely among the ^states, both in per capita terms and in relation to personal income. In 1957 per capita general expenditure varied from a low of $143 in Arkansas to a high of $367 in Nevada. Those two states, stood in the same r tl i§§ ik positions in 1942, with governments and the late sending $30 per capita in Arkansas and $114 per capita in Nevada. For Illinois, the figure was $71 in 1942 and $225 in 1957. In practically all the states, both in 1942 and 1957, the programs receiving the greater amounts, of state and local government" expenditure were education, highways, . public welfare, and health and hospitals. In the United States as a wjiole, all educational programs received 35 per cent in 1957, arid 28:1 per cent in 1942; highways received 19.4 per cent in 1957 and 16.2 per cent in 1942; public welfare received 8.4 per cent in 1957 compared to 13.3 per cent in 1942; and health and hospitals received 7.9 pei4 cent in 1957 compared to 6.4 per cent in 1942. Illinois compared to the nation as a whole as follows: 34.6 per cent of general expenditure of State and local governments for educational - programs in. 1957. 29.3, per cent in 1942; 19.1 per cent for highways in 1957. Il l per cent in 1942; 7 per cent lor public welfare in 1957, 17.3 per cent iri 194^; and 8 per cent for health and hospitals in 1957 compared to 5.8 per cent in 1942, EDITORIAL Far from limiting the im- ; portance of - religion, modern i'scientific advances underscore, j the need for a more dynamic: | and vital religious faith. In, I the race to conquer space, we should not lose sight of moral j and spiritual values. Fdr, when the count reaches zero, all. we can do is pray. ; Certainly the U.S. needs the best possible system of milt-, t a r y d e f e n s e . B u t o u r r e a l ' security is based on the spiritual strength of the American people. Fundamentally, we grow stronger as we come to depend more upon God's help for the courage and patience to live' through these testyig times. . That is why we cannot entrust the safety of our future solely to our growing military establishment. Our future is in God's hands, and wo must look to Him in prayerful humility for the disciplined strength1 of character and spirit needed to win through to a world of peace and justice. We are living in a truly remarkable age. Now that satellites are commonplace, and the Since 1946, population has 600,000 to 3'» mainly to the w from Red China in Hong Kong ed among the sands of whom by CARE Food ages. Hong Kong's soared from million, due ave of refugees CARE's work is concent ratrefugees, thouare kept alive Crusade packenergy of the atom is being used increasingly for peaceful purposes, we can look forward hopefully to even greater scieiw. tific revelations and. achiev^ , ments. ' Tiiese will be further evidences of not only what man can achieve but afeo of the marvelous universe God has create^ As the universe yields; its secrets, new and immense dimensions will be added tc man's knowledge oi .God's Creation That, is why the national Religion in American Life Program calls upon all Americans to worship regularly in the House of God. In acknowledging that all final power over thi<$^j&vorld remains in God's hanrds. it is possible to "Find the strength for your life." Join Christians across McHenry county who are putting God first in their lives by regularly worshipping Christ in the4 church of your choice. liiformation about the Simultaneous Evangelism' Emphasis (SEE) for McHenry County may " be obtained by writing Rev: John Paul Eddy, publicity director of SEE. •Community Methodist church of Greenwood Rt 3. Woodstock, 111. (M edical Mirror WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT: McHENR^DISPOSAL SERVICE Wm. DeVries Phone EV 5-2221 TONYAN'S Home Furnishings 214 S. Green. St. McHenry Phone EV 5-0917 HAPPY T-V Not All Good -Not All Bad • Big Veins • Fits Q. What general effect does viewing television have on a child? Is it good or bad? A. From one recent study it seems that viewing T-V is neither as bad as sopfte say nor as "broadening"/as others would have us brieve. There was no. evidenge-^nat viewing led to eye-' strain,"' sleep disturbances, or lack or concentration in school. The investigators concluded that if television is . a window on the world, it gives a view not so different from _ that provided by books, comics, films and radio programs. On the other hand, the ability of T-V to "broaden" a child's mind is not very different from that of Juiy other form of mass media. Q. What is the cause of enlarged veins in the baek of the hands? Is there a care? I enjoy reading Medical Mirror.--Mrs. B. A. Thanks, Mrs., B., for this interesting question. Items like this appeal to many observant readers such as yourself. Prominent veins can be a. sort of family trait. If the veins are large and, i close to the surface they tend to stand out. As we get older there is a tendency for the tissue just " below the skin to lose fat. This further increases the prominence of the veins. Prominent hand.. veins are in themselves harmless and require no treatment Q. Our year-old son had a spell that looked for all the world like epilepsy. We were told at the hospital thai the fit teas due to low blood sugar. Is this possible? A. Of course. To many people, any sort of convulsion or seizure means -epilepsy^^lrhis is not the case at all. For example, in typical instances of coma (loss of consciousness) due to low blood sugar, a previously well child • who for some reason hasn't eaten well, gets sick. He may become irritable and develop twitching or jerking movements of the face, legs and arms. The skin may become cold and clammy and the - eyes roll in a peculiar manner. • Convulsions are common. Any type of seizure, of course, is important and you were wise in getting medical assistance. Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be in- „ corporated in these columns when possible. fifty e** DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. YEAR ANNOUNCING G A L A 10th ANNUAL V. F. W. NEW YEAR'S EVE & Dance Goodby, Old Man 1959 ... it was great to know you! Hello, Young Fellow 1960... come on in and take over. Be sure to bring with you 366 days of progress and prosperity ... health ond happiness ... hi short, the best of everything ... for afl of our friends. Goodby, Old Man 1959 . . it was great to -know you! Hello. Young Fellow 1960 . . . come on in and take over. Be sure to bring with you 366 days of progress and prosperity . . . health and happiness ... in short, the best of everything . . . for all of our friends SCHREINER'S STANDARD SERVICE Front Street "Near the National Tea Food Store" Phone EV 5-0720 McHenry Route 120 -- East oi McHenry ENJOY NEW WONDER BAR and * COCKTAIL10UN6E dance to BOB FREUND'S BAND "Tops in McHenry Land" FOOD and FAVORS Make Reservations Now! s 5s CITY COUNCIL GEORGE P. FREUND, Mayor $2.50 per person Tickets at Club Aldermen: William Js iBolger Charles D. Brown Warren S. Hollv Harry M. Conway Theodore N. Pitzen Edward J. Thennes Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk Thomas F. Bolger, Treas. John E. Looze, Attorney

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