Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1959, p. 4

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,Page Four THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ' Former MCHS Athlete Wednesday, December 30, 1^9 WtdUh. K. Of C. PARISH TOURNAMENT FINALS AT MCHS GYM NEXT SUNDAY. JANUARY 3 'Tvvas the night afteV Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring. Too tired^/ Another Hay-- of days has passed and it ran true to fgrm. We were pleased to receive some nice socks. Old Santa left some very nice gifts for which we are thankful. Ev?n got a nice hat so.Mama wpn't have 1 over the past wee^k-end as the to sputter about that "old 1 Parish Tournament brought wreck" that has been worn ! out some close and Interesting long enough to be a-eal com-; games. fortabie.. . - ! A look at the lineups and ---- | scoring will give you an idea Another thoughtful gift is a , of. the games coming yp next pair of«field glasses' Bet we won't, miss a punch in the line when next, football season arrives. > Basketballs were flying fast Quarterfinal Results Parish Division • McHenry High School St. Thomas, Crystal Lake (561 over St. Mary, Woodstock (45). St. Thomas (56) And, just*what we wanted! A reprint of headlines- of last September 23rd on a china iish -- "White Sox Win ;Pen- Vt /clever gift was a belt with a place to carry an extra car key. In case we should ever lock ourselves out, you know. There w^re other thoughtful remembrances, but let's not go on too far. Of ^gurser-it wasn't all receiving gifts'at Christmas time. We happen to carry our billfold in our hip pocket so just ! Christ the King, Wonder Lake guess where we got Santa's , (40) over.St. John, Johns- Sunday in the semi-finals and finals. Those games should be good all the way. The sponsoring Knights of Columbus hope to see a fine turnout next Sunday for bath the grade . school . and- parish division games. RESULTS OF TOURNAMENT Quarterfinals Grade School Division ^ Held at Marian High School, Woodstock. St. Thomas, Crystal Lake (38) over St. Mary, Elgin (16) ^ Scoring: St. Thomas -- Vertalka (20), Reinert (6), Trownell (4), Moeller (3), Naughton (3», and Thurston (2). St. Mary -- Hannell (12 > and Wallensack (4). G. F.T. P. Reading 4 6 3 Rooney - . " 1 < 1 2 Slieehan 8 7 4 Peterson 1 5 0 Parsley 4 1 2 18 20 11 St. Mary (45) G. rvr. P. May 4 0 <2 Gibbs 0 0 1 Sheanan 1 0 1 Parker 11 5 3 Nelson 1 b 1 Drafforn T. 1 0' 4 Draffom J. V 1 0 4 Power 1 0 5 20 5 21 St. John, Johnsburg (54) boot. over (40). St. Patrick, McHenry St. John (54) Schmitt burg (15) Oeffling Scoring: Christ the King i Freund L. Kush (24), Farr (13). and j Huff Etheridge (3). , ' " Brennen St. Johns - Smith (7), J. | Bentz > Daly, Schmitt, and Hiller (2) I Hiller Note to "Schmaltz" Miller: The day after you left for Florida our snow, all melted awav. we%ri;Lgr-d> 8Tm^!-h. Nickels and Oeffling ,1, Freund, M the lawn. 'ea G ' ' St. Joseph, Elgin (52) over .. _ ... L St. Maryv McHenry (41) Scoring: St Joseph Kelj. ley.(.23), Wehrle (16).. O'Boyln (7), and Alters (6). Adams (19). Newkirk (5), Colts turn into wild 'agaiiist vlie New York vjiants football team Sunday. The line ; gt ^arv play was terrific. Johnny Uni-| M fieJd (*5) ha5 fi. ^5eP-Sy„S/„e™„ a^l ! Meyer (4), Justen, Funk, and Nitze (2) each, and J. Blakr Schaefer Thelen G. F.T. P. 1 0 1 0 3 5 6 1 3 2 4 1 3 0 0 7 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 iiiili RON MAY Ron, a senior, is majoring in physical education and minoring in accounting at NIUr'He is working on his fourth varsfty basketball letter. Ron is a graduate of McHenry High. School; where he won letters in basketball and baseball. He is the son of George May. R.R. 1, Ringwood. WARRIORS TROUNCE TAFT IN TOURNEY AT NILES. 75 TO 57 By Lambert Freund 13 his own in the early stages of the game. When he couldn't find a pass receiver in the clear, he chose to keep it and get smeared for a loss. But, he still had the ball. 21 12 St. Patrick (40) G. F.T. P. and ^ennebeck (1) each. St. Krary, Woodstock (41) j over St. Patrick McHenry (35) i Scoring: St. Marv -- Bradj ford (12), Burg (12), Parker _ . , . I (6), Murphy (6). and New- Those pros smack em real . mflipr (5) St. Patrick -- Meyer (16), Blenner (12), Niska (4>, Walsh (3 >. Semi-Finals Held at McHenry High School, McHenry Grade School Division Christ the King, Wonder Lake - (16) over St. Thomas, C. L. (15). Christy the King (16) G. F.T. P. hard, "but"'injuries are not too i numerous. Passers are great, but the kickers make you realize that the game is still > foot-ball. We j You should see real good games in the "Parish Basket- | ball Tournament" next Sun- I day. Some pretty sharp players have turned up this year and play is above average. Justen Pierce Nolan Eichinger Schaefer Busch Aim Mauer Bolger 14 12 12 St. Mary's, McHenry (58) over St. Peter and Paul, Cary (36). St.JVfary (58) G. F.T In the opener of the Niles Holiday Basketball Tournament the McHenry Warriors defeated Taft of Chicago, 75- j 57. The two teams were even in size but the quintet from Taft lacked the speed necessary to stop the running Warriors. The game was very close the first half because the Warriors failed to take advantage of all their chances and didn't capitalize on the Taft errors. In the second half they came back strong to score the smashing victory. The 75 points scored by ^McHenry tied the record for points in one game of the Niles Tournament. Since John Steinbach, still injured from football, was Unable to play Bill Qefftmg t^ok over the reins oif the team' as he came up /with 11 buckets a'hd 5 fx~eethrows for a high of 27 ^points. His! 11 field goals one short of a record of 12\sef last year in this tournament. Jim Hester had 16 points for McHenry/ ; Taft FPht--41 percent of their shots from the floor while, the Warriors hit at a 46 percent pace. , _ . _ Monday mgHTlhe Warriors meet St. Thomas of Rockford. From here on in one loss woulij put the Warriors out of tlie tourney. 199 in her third game at the Palace for a 521 series. Whoops! Here's another 199. just a little more wiggle (on the pins) for 200. A t M c H e n r y R e c r e a t i o n Maureen Doherty picked up the 6-7-10 and Clare Rietesel took 'em 6-7-10. Now and then somebody wants to know how come wc didn't mention how- they picked up a hard set-up. All we know is what your secretaries list on the sheets that are turned in to us. This is the time of year to make resolutions. There are very few we^haven't made before, but we're off again! 3E RESOLVE. To lose weight (That was easy. We used il every year). To drop in and say hello to friends we have missed. To get Ed Doyle and Larry Nimsgern into Comiskey Park. (That'll be the day!) To order World Series tickets early for games between the White Sox and Giants. Not to smoke a cigarette all year. To take a vacation. (No remarks from the sidelines, please). To go into hiding the next time we try to write a column. (Too many interruptions this "time). Happy New Year! CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking everyone for gifts, visits and prayers while I was confined to the hospital, and for the many gifts and cards received at Christmas time. These remembrances of liny relatives and friends were so greatly appreciated. Mrs. Mabel Powers 35 Etheridge 1 3 0 Dickman 1 1 1. King 0 0 1 Kush 3 2 Lundborg 0 0 1 Sorenson 0 0 1 Farr 0 0 1 i Baerwadt f*. • 0 0 -5 6 St. Thomas (15) G. FT. P. Moeller 0 0 2 Thurston 0 0 2 Vertalka 3 0 4 j Reinert 1 0 0 1 Trownsell 1 0 2 | Naughton 1 1 1 ] Kain 0 0 0 Jackson \ 1 0 1 7 1 12 St. Mary; Woodstock <37> over St. Joseph, Elgin 1351 St. Mary (3T) G. F.T. P. Bradford 2 1 5 Parker 7 2 5 Burg 2 2 2 .Nevvmaier 3 1 0 Murphy 1 0 2 Carlisle 0 0 0 Brown 0 0 0 Schmitt 0 1 1 15 7 20 St. Joseph (35) G. F.T. P. Alters , 6 6 4 O'Bovle 0 1 1 Witt 0 0- 1 Kel ley 4 3 2 Wehrle 1 1 1 Pompa 0 0 1 Karp 1 0 2 12 11 12 Hauser Beck Vycital Kennebeck Pinkstaff DuPont^gjji Graham j? Nolan T 25 8 8 St. Peter and Paul (36) G. F.T. P. Feffer J. ffel Paris Kvidera Jelinek " Filter Krause Feffer E. Lisi PHEASANT HUNTERS SPARED THE BIRDS IN 1959 SEASON • ' ^ Pheasant hunters 15 6 Grimes to be played Sunday, January 3, 1960 at McHenry High School. Semi finals -- Parish Division 1:30 P. M. -- St. Peter, Springy Grove vs. St. Thomas Crystal Lake. 2:45 P.M. -- St. John, Johnsin eastcentral Illinois could have harvested twice as many cocks as they shot in 1959 without hurting prospects for, next year's hunting, reported Ronald F. Labisky, assistant wildlife specialist of the Illinois Natural History Survey, after interviewing hunters on a 37-squaremile area. About 40 per cent of the cocks in the area were shot in the 1959 season. "A kill of 80 per cent would have damaged the 1960 pheasant prospects," Labisky says, "as only one cock to about eight hens is needed to assure good repro- 8 | duction." » The,1959 pheasant season is notable for the lowest rate of crippling that has occurred in the past four hunting seasons on the area studied. To every 100. cocks bagged 18.additional cocks were lost thrbugt^ crippling. Finals in the evening 7:30 P.M. -- Championship in the Grade School Division. ^St. Mary, Woodstock vs. Christ the King, Wonder Lake. 8:30 P.M. -- Championship in the Parish Division. Winners of the semi- finals. CARD OF THANKS Our grateful thanks to all who remembered us so generously during the Christmas season. Our Franciscan appreciation will be a daily prayer for you. • Sisters at St. Mary's 35 McHENRY RECREATION Commercial -- McHenry Laundry 2-1 -- Marks Sports Center 1-2. L. Bacon 536; J. .Osterby 220-222- 606; L. Thennes 200-525; R. O'Brien 226-564. Gairelts Contract Co. 2-1"--- Craft Bulk Coolers 1-2. E. Amann ,200; R. Garrelts 212; C. Greefi 531. \ McHenry State Bank 2-1 -- Bimbo's 1-2. R. Nimtz F. Petersen 536: D. Houghton 547. Brenrean Milk Service 1-2 -- Thread & Gage Co., Inc. 2-1. R. Kick 203; L. Nimsgern 554; G., Viscouriti 210; F. Klapperich. 213-200-595; D. Buralli 204- 587. V.F.W. Post 4600 0-3 -- Kleinhans Bldg. Service 3-0 I. Cooke 233; J. <^lark 206; R. Low 206-200-598; A. Otto, Sr. 210-594. George's White "House! 2-1 -- Worts Service Station 1-2. R. Blake 211; J. Wegener 200; E. Freund 543; R. Pickrum 201. Ten Pin Queens -- (last week) Cristy & Stendebach 3-0 -- Merrill Woolen 0-3. M. Cristy 190-526; P. Wight 180-447; E. Cross 427. Snug Harbor Boat Club 2-1 -- McHenry Recreation 1-2. R. Barbian 177-182-500; T. Steffan 420 r M. Donnelly 440. S.R.A. 1-2 -- Elsie's Charm House 2-1. E. Meeker 468;. S. McMkhon 465; E. Petersen 465. Bungalow Inn 2-1 -- Rutledge Caddy Cart 1-2. M. C.oss 460; J. Doherty 189-469; M. Doherty 431; L. Michels 201- 495. L & M Constructors 2-1 -- Overton Caddi-Lacs 1-2. S. Lamerand 431; M. Cone 438; W. Gehrke 430; D. Overton 433. Ten Pin Queens -- S.R.A. 1-2 -- Rutledge Caddy- Cart 2-1. E. Meeker 175-466y M. B. Fuchs 222-542; M. D<5herty 431. Bungalow Inn 0-3 -- McHenry Recreation 3-0. M. Goss 440; T. Steffan 430; J. Rink 177-483; M.. Donnelly 490. Snug Harbor Boat Club 2-1 -- L & M Constructors 1-2. Z. Rutheford 189-442; R. Barbian 485; B. Miller 437; S. Lanerand 198-430. Cristy & Stendebach 1-2 -- Overton Caddi-Lacs 2-1. M. Cristy 176-487; M. Cone 189- 483; W. Gehrke 463; D. Overton 496. Elsie's Oharm House 1-2 -- Merrill Woolen 2-1. M. Amour 442. PALACE Palace Wed. N i t e Ladies League -- (last week) Buss Motors 1-2 -- Hettermann's 2-1. T. Steffan 468; B. Hettermann y83-515; M. Smith 475; M. Hettermann 464. McHenry Country Club 0-3 -- Blatz 3-0. M. Kelly 443; V. Johnson 432; N. Larkin 190- 458; B. Meath 454; V. Herdrich 185-451; T. Meyer 199- 509; E. Justen 435. Palace Wed N i t e Ladles Ladies League -- (this week) Blatz 3-0 -- BusP^Motors 0-3. T. Meyer 461; E. Hester 434;; E. Justen 439; T. Steffan 188-t1 177-481. Hettermann's 1-2 -- McHenry Country Club 2-1. B. Meath 185 482. 9:00 Ladies League -- Castle View Inn 1-2 -- Mark's 2-1. J. Dillon 426; D. Kelsey 455; E. Winkcl 199-521. Sportsman's Inn 3-0 -- Riverside Bake Shop 0-3. A. Gaulke 415; M. Powers 429. 7.00 Monday Ladies League -- Elm Paiht & Supply 1-2 -- McHenry Disposed 2-1. B. Bockman 179. W a l s h . I n s u r a n c e 3 - 0 -- Carey Appliances 0-3. L. Crouch 181-483. Railroads: M. Bowker 5-7-10; t,. Crouch 6-7- 10. 9:00 C.O.F. J. JSt'ten 517; A. Schaefer 213-574; R. Justen 51Q; jr. Herdrich 545. C.O.F. Juvenile -- (last Week) R. Justen 168-462; B. Gende 167-434; C. Adams 169-403. Wm. E. Whiting Is Dead Ai William E. Whiting, 91, %of Crystal Lake, for seventy-eight years a resident of this community, died Dec. 24 following an illness of only a few weeks. Services were held Sunday at 2 o'clock from the Peter Mi Justen "chapel in McHenry, with Rev. George Martin officiating. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. He was born April 17, 1868, the only son of Amos D. and Lois Bassett Whiting, on the Whiting homestead on the Crystal Lake-McHenry blacktop. He attended the Universalist church of McHenry "as a child. % After completing high school, he started a four-term course at Northern Indiana Business college at Valparaiso, graduating June 7, 1887. The next two winters he attended a business college in Chicago, helping his father in his brick yard in the summer. In November, 1891, he was united in marriage with Nona D. Guerin of McHenry and started farming with his father in thg years when oxen were still in use. After twenty-four years of marriage, Mrs. Whiting died, leaving three children, Norma and Charles, now deceased, and Eva. A son, Lloyd, and a daughter, Neva, passed away in infancy. When he took over the farm from his father in 1895, he formed a partnership of Page ;d Whiting, doing custom ork in the surrounding area. This ended only with the untimely death of Charles L. Page in 1923. It was while engaged: in this line of work that Mr. Whiting lost his left hand in a corn shredder in 1914. Ho continued his interest ih progress, -always working for modern , machines and methods of operation. At the age of 21 he was elected to the Clemens school board and served * fifty-four consecutive years, the last sixteen as board president, and with the aid of other school board members kept the school up Jo curriculum requirements. Needless to say, • he served as a^balance wfyeel in community affairs, and Was never too busy to lend a helping hand. It was with real regret that he saw the Clemens school closed only two years after he moved to Crystal Lake after residing for seventy-e i g h t years at the place of his birth. an 'WO IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved mother, Christine Stilling, who passed away seven years ago on Jan. 1, 1953. A precious one from us is ' gone A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our midst Which never can be filled. Children and Grandchildren 35 Shop at Home CARD OF THANHS The family of the late W. E Whiting wishes to thank Rev Martin for his comforting words, and relatives, friends and neighbors for their many kind expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement. _ „ 35 ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4122 Mr. Wmting was a 4-H leader, arid at one time was pn the executive board of the 'Farm Bureau, where he still maintained a membership at the time of his death. He did much to further the cause of the milk market for the farmer and wias a livestock breeder of note. In 1916 he was' married to Clara Aj MUler, a registered nurse' ofvJRichmond and Chicago, who survives him. The couple often visited the home, farm in recent years, where he noted with pleasure the improvements that had been made from time to time. One sister, Mrs. Cynthia Freyer, preceded him in death in 1947 at the age of 86. Other survivors are his sons, Howard E. of Crystal Lake, George M. of McHenry and , Eva Bohl df South Elgin; four grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Bell Merkee of Belleville, Mrs. Lois Senne and Mrs. Arthur Wilmington, both of Crystal Lake; also a host of friends who look back with satisfaction on his long life so fully lived. Pallbearers were Howard Wattles, Robert Thompson, Seth Richardson, Art Hoppe, Ray Page and Earl Pomrening, all of McHenry. ST. PETER'S TO HONOR DEPARTING PRIEST ON SUNDAY OBITUARIES I'ASQI AI.K LJCASTRO Pasquale Licastro, .79, a resident of Lakeland Shores for the past year and one-half, di^d early Sunday morning, Dec. 27, in McHenry hospital, where he had been confined a little more than two weeks. A retired tailor, Mr. Licastro was born Feb. 25, 1880, in Italy. Several children survive, including a son -in this commum ity. The body was taken to the George R. Justen & Son funeral home and then removed to the Barron chapel in Chicago, where last rites are to be held today (Wednesday). Burial will be in Mount Carmel cemetery. The Holy Name society and the Christian Mothers' sodality of St. Peter's parish, Spring drove1, will honor Fr. John L. Daleiden, pastor, at a fare\®ll reception Sunday, Jan. 3. The reception will be held in- the name of all parishioners and friends, who >vill bid him goodbye and God's blessing M iiis new pastorate. Fr. Daleiden's many friends are invited to join in honoring him at this time. The reception hours will be from 2:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon and frorn 7:30 to 9:30 in the evenfi|j. There short "presentation" program , a b o u< 9 o'clock. • Fr. Daleiden has served as pastor of St. Peter's church for the past twenty-seven ye^rs. Reed the Want Ads 3s: CATHY ANN MARTIN Graveside rites were held Sunday afternoon for Cathy Ann Martin, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Martin, Jr., of Lakemoor. The baby died shortly after birth Saturday, Dec. 26, in Memorial hospital. Besides her parents, she is urvived by a brother, Charles W. Martin, III; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Martin of Woodstock, and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, of Sacramento, Calif. • Rev. Robert Hooker, pastor of Grace Evangelical Lutheran church, officiated at last rites in Memorial Park cemetery. "S ADUNLT NIGHT Roller Skating Classes for Adults Only Every Wednesday -- Classes 7-8 P.M, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. Saturday and Sunday -- 8-11 P.M. 1:80 - 4 P.M. Saturday Matinee 4:15 P.M. Sunday . Matine JUST FOR FUN v Happy New Year RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In PHONE EVergreen S-2436 TRAINING and BOARDING FOR ALL BREEDS */Slud Service • Healed & Unhealed Kennels 9 German Shorihair Pups For Sale Obedience - Hunting • Retrieving 'ifi- To Ml the joyous voices saying, "Happy New Year," we want to add ours, with thanks for the privilege of serving you. JACOB FRITZ REALTOR Phone EV 5-0037 Johnsburg -Art & ee J 204 RIVERSIDE DRIVE INVITE YOU TO ENJOY THE FINEST FOODS NIGHTLY SERVED FROM 5 P.M. TO 10 P.M. -- SUNDAY FllOM 1 P.M. GaSa New Year's Eve Smorgasbord Party We will serve dinner New Year's Day Your host and hostess Art & Lee COCKTAIL LOUNGE OPEN DAILY FROM 11 A.M. TIL CLOSING FOR RESERVATION PHONE EV 5-0841 THURS - FRI - SAT Hope Lange - Stephen Boyd • l' in • - ~"*v. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" SUN - MON . Ql "TARZAN THE APE MAN" plus "HOUSE OF SEVEN HAWKS" TUES - WED - THURS "A MAN CALLED PETER" also TD CLIMB THE . HIGHEST MOUNTAIN" ELM THEATRE TUES - WED - THUR? DEC 29-30-31 "IT STARTED WITH A KISS" starring -Glenn Ford - Debbie Reynolds Tues & Wed: ONE show only starting at 8:00 P.M. Thurs., New, Years Eve: TWO shows -- 7:00 & 9:00 P.R^ FRI - SAT - SUN - M6N ~ JAN 1-2-3-4 ' 1V . "tTL ABNER" Fri. NEW YEAR'S DAY siurTI ' at 4:00 - 6:00 - 8:00 !. SAT -- JAN 2 Special Children's Matinee Doors Open at 1:00 P.M. Show Starts at- 1:30 P.M'. ONE SHOW ONLY 0 "ROCKET MAN" & SIX (6) COLOR CARTOONS MANAGERS NOTE "It Started With A Kiss" and "Li'l Abner" Not Recommended for Children Have children come to the Special Children's: Matine*. Saturday, Jan. 2nd, 196^ T&aaaiaiaciniESD McHENRY THEATRE 518 So. Gr. Ph. Ev. 5-014 WED - THURS -- DEC 30-31 Giant Double Feature Program 2 Outstanding Comedy Hits! Each feature shown only once each evening "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" -- - Dan Dailey - Cyd Charisafr 1 This Feature Shown At 7:15 P.M. plus "TUNNEL OF LOVE" Doris Day - Richard Widmark This Feature Shown Once At 9:15 P.M. Special Matinee Sun., Jan. 3 -- 3:00 - 5:00 "IT'S A DOG'i Edmund Gwerui THREE CARTOONS 5 DAYS FRI, JAN 1 thru TUES JAN, 5 "LI'L ABNER" (Technicolor) Peter Palmer - Leslie Parrish PLEASE NOTE! This is At^lt Entertainment! Weekdays: 7 - 9:15 S u n d a y 5 - 7 - 9 STARTS WED, JAN 6; FOR 4 DAYS "WARRIOR AND® SLAVE GIRL" and - - W "THE BAT"

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