Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1959, p. 6

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Page Six --THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wednesday, December 30, 1959 Business Service Plaindealer Ads EVergreen 5-0170 >Jo ad counted less^than 20 els, $1'.C0 Insertion • •• SI 00 rCount 4 "words per line> 23c . service charge on all lind ads. Cash with order. rd of Thanks -- $1.25 minimum iVant ads close promptly at •j a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.10 Gol. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. « Classified Display must inoide a minimum of one head and one 18-pt. signature or its equivalent. Klines of8, pt. allowed per inch. • " ' . • <s» CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted To Rent - Situations Wanted Business Opportunities Automotive REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 blk. East of the river bridge, .pen Weekdays: 9 am to 6 Sundays: 9 aim to 1 pm 44-.f 1952 NASH Statesman. 2 door sedan, radio, heater, blue and4- cream. Excellent body, needs engine repair. $85. Phone Wondfr Lake 3934. *35 Boats and Motors Johnson Motors Molded Fiberglass f Thompson Tempo Gator Trailers Marine Supplies service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED .BANK FINANCING * TRITON MARINE • South Riverside Drive ^ Phone EVergreen 5-1076 1-tf Business Service OIL BURNER^ Service. Furnace or space'heaters. Reliable and prompt: No. extra charge for Holidays. Phone EV. 5-0571. 32-tf NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing difficult mortgages on homes, farms and commercial /buildings. Write Box 42. Fox River Grove, 111. 18tf For Sale Wanted To Buy T For Rent GAS STOVE in good condition, $25. Call EV 5-4228. - 35 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491': 16-tf HOURLY RATES for jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. -Richmond 4381. 26-tf MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Complete Letter Service Addressing Folding Stuffing -- Sealing Photocopy McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 210 S. Green Street PljiONE EV 5-5064 . 31-10 McHenry Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf PAINTING, interior and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard, taping-- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son. 401 Greenwood road,. McCullom Lake, Phone EVergreen 5-4540. 36-tf FLO^^NDI^G and finishing. Tpree estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience;. Distance no object. Hartwig Floor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 24-tf COMBINATION storm doors- $16.75; garage doors, $63.50: wall' paneling! l7!sc per ft.; all -rinds of plywoods, etc. Buffalo and aluminum siding and hard Oak flooring, Pre-hung aluminum combination doors, $34.50. Clarence Smith, Johnsburg. EV 5^4372. A 21-e.o.w. . - BING'S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY, Jr. Quality Fixtures - Radiant Heating - jGas and Electric Water Heaters - Water • Systems' - Water Softeners - Repairs - Free Estimates. • Phone EVergreen 5-3144 j 7-eow business Service Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, oink rodding ana root cutting equipment. Also, septic systems and back hoe work. PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John Street McHenry, 111. 1-tf ALTERATIONS and sewing; experienced; reasonable; quick1 service. In McCullom Lake, j West Shore Beach. Mrs. Mary I Spencer, E\f 5-3966. /24-tf Ceramic Tile McHenry Mosaic & Tile Contractor for ' Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors Bathrooms -- Kitchens Fireplaces Free Estimiates ROBERT PEISERT Phone EVergreen 5-3590 48-tf SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS .OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY AND SUNDAY WASH 25* EACH 8 LBS. DRY 10* 10 MIN. RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 N. Riverside Dr. For Do-It-Yourselfers Plumbing Supplies Gas Pipe Fittings Gas Controls Water Heaters Slip Seal Tile Orangeburg Sewer Tile Bathroom & Kitchen Fixtures See Us Before You Buy H. E. BUCH & SONS Rt. 120 East EV. 5-0048 McHenry, 111. 5-tf RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned an< Pumped Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 33-tf i960 ' License Plates WORTS SINCLAIR , Rts. 12(1 and 31 Phcie EV 5-9856 LICENSED AND4" BONDED 31-tf RAYS BIKE REPAIR - Rebuilt hicycles „and tricycles. Trade-ins accepted. Ph. Wan^ der Lake 5251. B4-2 - ( A GIFT to Enjoy. Beautiful Singing canaries. Home raised. Will hold for ^jfiristmas. B. Wachter, Colby Point, McHenry. Crystal Lake 1311-M-l. *31-4 NEW AND USED furniture and antiques. The largest used furniture store in northern 111. Anything for your hom§, modern furniture to antique buggies, wagons, sleighs, antique cars. We take on consignment anything you want to jBell. Royal, Oaks Sales, Hwy. n4 & 176. Crystal Lake, 111. Ph. 4278. Open on weekends also. 28-eow End Of Year Piano & Organ Sale 50 New and Used Spinets from $275 30 Grands from $195 10 Player Pianos & rolls from $135 Organs from $1J9 BANK TERMS Open Mon. & Thurs. till 9:00 Sunday 1:00 to 6:00 Come-^§^e4-^' Come Save! 2659 Milwaukee Ave, Chicago HUmboldt 9-5700 35-4 DOLLS REPAIRED Doll Clothing and Wigs McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 2 PAIR INDOOR Roller skates. Boy's size 3-4; Girls 5% or 6. Phonp EV. 5-4906. 35 4 ROOM apartment. Utilities included. Excellent location. EV 5-0780.. • 35 USED WESTERN. Black Saddle. EV. 5-0414. 35 TOP PRICES . PAID for "SCRAP IRON METAL and JUNK CARS EV 5-4608 BEFORE 8:30 A.M." OR AFTER 5:00 P.M. H. R. Kefchum aFOR RENT McHenry, 111, IN MCHENRY First floor 5 room apt. with solarium. Vacant. Now. ready to move into. 3 bedrooms. Heat, electricity and one car garage included. .Laundry facilities in basement. Rent $120 per mo. Lease for six months or longer. Children without pets welcome. PHONE EV 5-2252 Day or Night 35 Real Estate Help Wanted 35-10 For Rent LARGE COUNTRY farmhouse, rewly, remodeled. 3 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, modern kitchen. Activity and, powder rooms. Usual out buildings. Immediate occupancy. Near Richmond. Phone Richmond 4381 -- evenings 4681 35-3 IMMEDIATE Opening for women Light production and assertiDly work. See or call Mr. F. G; Peterson - Phone MErcury 9-2361. Coil Craft, Cary, 111. . 11-tf SMALL YEAR 'round cottage in Woodlawn Subdivision. Beautiful interior, gets heat, suitable for one or two. $50 per monlh. Phone EV 5-1667. 35 3-ROOM HOUSE; natural gas heat; automatic hot \^ater; full bath; $60 per,^ mohtih. Immediate possession. Call EV 5 4177. 35-tf NICELY FURNISHED room in private home near depot. Call EV 5-0792. 35 1 Block East of Old Pistakee Road Ph. EV 5-2725 26-tf AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivi-N sion./Phone EVergreen 5-1798. 44-tf SHIRTS FINISHED -- 26c Our Other Services Include Flat Finish Complete Finish Shag Rug Washing A Dyeing and Dry Cleaning RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 North Riverside Drive Ph. EV 5-3115 29-tf Phone EV 5-3115 29-t'J ED'S RENTAL RENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbtr -' Tools , Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5-3232 52-t'f Local and Long Distance Moving Storage - Packing Crating FREE ESTIMATES McMAHON MOVERS CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Ph. C.L. 39j 20-tl SNOW, PLOWING: Driveways, parking and ice skating areas. $2.00 and up. Call Stan. EV. 5- 5164. . 32-tf Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools. Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Fax Street 10-tf WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMlvfegCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. KOTALIK'S STUDIO 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone EVergreen 5-0275 2-tf Phone EV 5-0730 or EV 5-0731 for FUEL OIL WE OFFER: Cash Discount Budget Plan King Korn Stamps McHenry County Co-Op. . McHenry, 111. 21-tf SEWING MACHINE Late Model Singer used in this locality. Also 1959 Zig Zag Automatic \Machine over half paid. Both machines like new, and guaranteed. Small payments on either machine. Write Credit Manager, 1206 N.E. Adams, Peoria, Illinois. 32-3 1V2 ROOM APT. Also \ room apt. suitable for light housekeeping. Buck's Town dub, 201 Riverside Drive. Phone EV 5-3573. 35 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in Volo. Modern, large living room, Auto, oil heat. Rental - $80 with 1 car garage. Catholic if possible. Call after 6 p.m. EV 5-4139. 35 3 BEDROOM new home with garage. Immediate occupancy. Write Box 576 c-o Plaindealer. 35 ACCORDION - piano - organ' teachers wanted. Must be well qualified. Phone EV 5-0430. 34-tf ENGINEER for small electro mechanical devices. Experience with, intricate stamped parts desirable. Trolex Corp., 507 W. Elm street. 35 WANTED: Experienced" shirt presser. Riverside Drive Laundromat, 202 "N. Riverside Drive. Phone EV. 5-3115. 35 COOK for Little Chef restaurant. Apply in person to Otto Edwards, 138 No. Riverside Drive. ' 35 WOMAN to help out in Snack Shop -- Apply Johnson's Snack Shop. 216 S. Green St. 35 4 BEDROOM home, 30 ft. living and dining combination, IV2 baths. One block to stores and schools. Full basement, 4 car garage. $17,000. EV 5-2423. e , 29-tf OWNER WILL SACRIFICE brand -new 3 bedroom home, full basement, iy2 bath, attached garage, Lot lOOxlife, will take-in trade anything, for down payment. Ready to move in. Will finance balance, mortgage at no cost. Write Box 577 c-o "Plaindealer. 35 BY OWNER - 3 bedroom ranch in Lakeland Park. 2 years old, hardwood floors, wall to wall carpeting throughout. Utility Double insulation. Patio. Outside barbecue. Water softener. Natural gas heat! Triple track aluminum storm windows & doors. Landscaped. Nice .drive-, way, lamp post. Formica kichr ?n set included. Only ..$13,000. Phone ifciytime. EV. 5-4508. • 35 NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY MUSIC BY "THE JOKERS" Club Lilymoor Rt. 120 FREE FAVORS Call EV 5-9869 FOR RESERVATIONS 35 Situation Wanted ATTENTION ' Home Owners: All kinds of work done, painting, intspior snd exterior Roofing, chimneys, siding, cement work, light hauling. A-l work. Free estimate. Phone EV 5-5118. 31-tf WILL DO Ironing in my home. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Phone EVergreen 5-4956. 35 Farmers Trading Post HAPPY. NEW YEAR . from CRYSTAL LAKE TRUCK SALES 35 ORDINANCE An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance by increasing tltt license fee of motor vehicle^ BE IT ORDAINED by the President and JBoard of. Trustees oLthe-Vrltftge of McCulit>m Lake; McHenry County, Illinois: SECTION 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 6 -- FEES Be amended by increasing the License Fee of the Motor Vehicles registered as followg; Passenger Vehicles for At private use and trucks of T less than one ton capa- . * ci!ty ... $3.00 Freight or merchandise carrying vehicles one to two ton capacity 5.00 Over two ton capacity 7.00 Motorcycles ... 4....... 2.00 Public passenger vehicles having capacity of seven or less .............. 4.00 Public passenger veh'ic- w ' es with capacity of over seven persons. v. ' 6.00 Automobile dealers .... 7.00; • Section 2. Proceeds from additional Revenue to be used . for Road Maintenance. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be in ^ full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. ^ EMMA B. PYRIlfT Village Clerk JOSEPH R. LEVESQUE Village President PASSED: December 28, 1959 APPROVED: December 28, 1959 ATTEST: Emma B. Pyrits Village Clerk (SEAL) (Pub. Dec. 30, 1959) v . -- i 3 BEDROOM ranch, $75 per month. No money down. 3 bedroom home, furnace heat. Also duplex. 2 room furnished motel apartments. Call EV 5-1079. 35 ROOM WITH private bath and private entrance. Country Club subdivision. Call EV 5- 1328. 35-2 IRONING DONE in my home. Pick-up arid delivery service at no, charge. Phone EV. 5- 1560. 35-2 WORKING MOTHERS! Child's car# in my home. Residence in Lakemoor. Call Crystal Lake 1304-W-2. Reasonable rates. 35 Real Estate 2 ROOM second floor kitchenette apartment in private residence. Stove and refrigerator. Phone EV 5-1413. 27-tf FURNISHED 2 room cottage. Stove and refrigerator. Call EV 5-4398 after 5 p.m. 28-tf FOR RENT WITH option to buy. 3 bedroom ranch type house. Ceramic tile bath, full basement, attached garage. Ph EV 5-0802. 29-tf CARPENTER CREW FULLY EQUIPPED ROUGH WORK OR TRIM ALSO REMODELING ADDRESS 'BOX 578 PLAINDEALER Well Drilling And Septic Systems _ Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone EVergreen 5-2101 1-tf For Sale SET OF 30 encyclopedia Amer icana. Brand new. Cost new $300. Will sell for $200. Phone EV 5-6173. 35 WE HAVE more geese to sell at Steve Danko's. Dressed o live. EV 5-5359. ' *35 McHenry Window and Awning Co. Aluminum Storm Windows and Doors • Jalousies 3 ROOM HOUSE, full . room, 1 bedroom. Large enclosed porch, basement, garage, large yard. Phone Wonder Lake 6893. 31-tf LOVELY WARM 3 bedroom ranch home. Gas heat - loads of extras. $120 per month with option to buy. Crystal Lake 3340 or RAndolph 6-3907 collect. 35 FOR RENT OR SALE to reliable persons, year 'round home, fireplace, balcony, knotty pane interior, .garage. Oakhurst subdivision, 2 Ms miles south of McHenry Bridge on east bank of Fox River. See Fridays to Sundays or phono McHenry EV 5-2822 for information; John Land'graf, owner. 35 CUSTOM BUILT HOME. 2 bedrooms, full basement, basement garage. Natural gas heat. Storms and screens, fully landscaped. Birch cabinets, lake rights. $13,900. Call HYati 7- 3235 evenings or weekends. 31-tf GEO. P. FREUN1 Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE e PH. EVERGREEN^-04'^ 501 Crystal Lake Road 2ft-U FOR,SALE by owner: Beautif u l ^ 8 0 x ^ 3 4 f f . l o t o n h i g h ground in Edgebrook Heights. Call EV 5-1804 between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. 27-tf LOT ON EDGE of McHenry golf course, 100' x 130'. Price reduced to sell. EV 5-5452. 22-tf FOR SALE BY OWNER. 2 story brick building zoned business located at 414 W. Main St., McHenry, 111. This building needs work to remodel. Sale price $7500. Call EV 5- 2458. 33-tf 3 BEDROOM Home can be bought for less than rent. $55 per month. Needs some work done inside. New garage, 20x24, lot 100x100, full price. $8,900. Write c-o McHenry Plaindealer Box No. 579. 35 Porch Enclosures Written Guarantiee Expertly Installed 35 WILSON'S RADIO and^T.V. SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS AND T.V.'s 920 Valley View Road COONEY HEIGHTS Phone EV. 5 -5537 - 32-4 G A R A G E S 14 x 20-ft. with overheacKOoor, concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding and windows. $695 No Money Down - 5 yrs. to Pay W AL-SH Home Improvement -Waukegan FREE ESTIMATES 300 Riverside Drive Phones: McHenry EV 5-1878 Wonder Lake 6113 24-tf Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Door Canopies Convenient Terms No Carrying Charges ARTHUR BOGER ' Phone EVergreen ,5-1180 307 E. Waukegan Road 14-tf Wanted To Buy TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh,. phone Woodstock FE 8-4287. 26-tf GUNS USED, OLD or broken; any condition. Cross Gimsmith Repair. 620 E. Charlotte Ave., McHenry. Telephone green 5-4211. 5 ROOM HOUSE. Pistakee Bay. Call EV 5-0323. 28-tf FOR RENT -- Wonder Lake, 216 South Drive. .Modern 3'& room house and garage. Fu)!y insulated, automatic oil heat, full basement. Furnished or unfurnished. For immediate occupancy. Phone H. Church, SPring 7-2735 evenings, or Mrs. Church, TAylox 9-3100 days. 33-tf 4 ROOM FURNISHED heated apartment for couple. Phone Wonder Lake 5654. 29-tf $60,000 RANCH HOME on Fox River. Carpeted, air conditioned, basketball court, barbecue pit, 2 car garage, full basement finished. Rent $300 per month or reasonable offer. EV. 5-2218! 32-tf ROOM for rent. Kitchen privileges. For Gentleman., Phone EV. 5-2506. 32-tf TWO-B E D R O O M, Heated apartment with garage; stove and refrigerator furnished. Centrally located in McHenry, within walking distance of EVer-1 station, stores and churches. 24-12 Call EV. 5^0094. 32-tf FURNISHED three bedroom home, large living room, modern kitchen, full basement. Attached garage, large yard, 1V> blocks from Catholic church and school, 4 blocks from business district. Plus many features not listed. Write c-o Plaindealer, Box 575. 33-tf R. M. FLEMING & SON 0% I IC NEW IDEA-PAPEC DEALLtf TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service PH. EVERGREEN 5-003o 522 Waukegan Road FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals 9 Removed At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $5.00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-0103 10-tf 3 BEDROOM brick and stone ranch; 2% car attached garage on corner lot; city water, natural gas; landscaped; cement drive, walks and patio. Hardwood floors, plastered walls, built-in oven and range; Anderson windows and doors. Fireplace roughed in, vanity lavatory colored fixtures, large clothes closets, tiled kitchen and bath. This home is well worth $28,000. Will take $21,500. Phone EV 5-0430. 34-tf McHENRY cm LAKE AREiS Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal Homes, farms vacaij^ Home sites. Income properties. JA&OB FRITZ REALTORS Rt, iv ^cHeiyry, 111. Ph. EVergreen 5-0037 9-tf IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Real Estaie Legals ISO. 41' N O T I C E Notice is hereby given that that partnership lately existing between Nettie M. Fleming and John A. Fleming, under; the firm "name R. M. Fleming & Son. was dissolved on the 30th day of December,,' 1959, by mutual consent, so far as relates to Nettie M. Fleri^ ing. who has discontinued Iict part in the busiriess. John A..' Fleming shall continue to operate the business* under the name and style of "Fleming Equipment". All debts due and owing to the partnership are to be received by John A. Fie-* ming.^and all. demands on the partnership are to be present-, ed to him for payment. 1" (Pub. Dec. 30. 1959> 4 SPEED .UP FIRST SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT CHECK~_ Do you plan to retire soon? If you do. there is a way to speed-up your first social s<* curity check. Inquire Before You Retire. Yes. you should visit the social security office two or three months before you retire to learn what proofs; vou will need when you do apply. You should come prepared.? The people at the social security office will want to see your social security card and sofne evidence of your age. They^wiJ^ tell you if further proof T5r your age is needed. If you cannot locate proof of your age, you will be advised what proof of age is required and how to get it. Your recent work will be discussed. If you are employed, sibring a copy of the last Form "jV-2 (Statement of Earnings) you received from each of your employers. If you are self-employed, bring along a copy your last federal income ta* return. You will be advised if there is need for other proofs. The people at the social security office will be glad to help you start work on your claim ahead of time. If you inquire before you retire, chances are you will cut down the time it will take to get your first check after you actually retire. £ Real Estate SINCERE WISHES FOR ' A HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ( MR. HEINEN . OF BAIRD and WARNER, INC. 35 SEASON'S GREETING^ A. H. GALLAGHER AND ASSOCIATES , » 34r8

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