V Thursday, January 14, I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Ringwood Reporter Returns From Vacation £ Ruby Shepard Well folks, here I am again aftjer a pleasant holiday vacation with my son, Howard and family in Atlanta, Ga. I went down there in a jet from O'- Hare Field in 1 hour and 15 minutes so I don't feel they are too far away. 500 Club ^Irs. Lester Carr entertained .her 500 club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. H i g n score went to Mrs. E. E. Whiting and Mrs. William Cruickshank. Community Club The Ringwood Community club received a telegram direct from Santa Claus at the l^Wrth Pole.; Santa asked' that public apologies be made to Evelyn Harrison. Santa was so' • sorry he had to interrupt her reacBng of the "Littlest Angel." He hoped she would understand that with his busy schedule he just didn't have time to wait for her to finish. The Christmas party for the children of the Ringwood comlmnity was held Dec. 22 in the cnfirch basement. The decorations for the party were beautiful; Many thanks to those responsible. The program as usual was in charge of the teachers and as usual was a delight to watch and hear. Saturday Evening. Duane And- ' reas showed pictures he took] of Rome and Spain \\Hen he| was stationed in Germany. Mr. I and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington were hostesses. , Birthday • Miss Jackie Aissen celebrate^ her sixteenth birthday Tuesday. Personals I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking- j ton have gone to Scottsdale. I Ariz., for three months. ,,* * Mrs. J. C. Pearson spent Sat-; urday in Chicago. | frank Walters of New Lon-j don. Iowa, and Frank Hawley j of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Tuesday. j Jim Pearson, who is attending college at DeKalb, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and family of Park Ridge spent Suncfety with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank. Mr*, and Mrs. Tom Huemann and children of Johnsburg spent ] Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas,. Mr. and - Mrs. -Russet. Soddy of Kenosha spent Saturday in I the Dr. Hepburn home. j Mr. and Mrs. Alan Aingerj and family, Miss Kathy Schuld ; and James,? Hilton of Hebron I spent Sunday with her mother,' Mrs. Ruby Shepard and cele- j brated Mrs. Anger's birthday.'! Mr. aind Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, visited Mrs. | Flora Harrison at Round Lake j Thursday evening. j Mrs. Olivia Bauer and Mrs. j John Justen of McHenry were » callers in the William Cruick- j shank home Saturday evening | Mr. and Mi's. Waller of Wau-; conda spent Sunday in the Dr. Hepburn home. j Mrs. Laura Smith of Crystal j Lake is spending a couple of i weeks in the Roy Harrison home. Mrs. Betty Treton and children of Woodstock spent "Sunday > evening with her parents, Mr. i and Mrs. Bvron Sowers. ! Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Des Plaines were visitors in the Dr. Johnsburg SQUAD MEMBERS SOLICIT FUNDS FOR BUILDING by Betty Hettermann As most of us know by this time, the rescue squad members have been auite busy recently with their fund raising campaign. The squad members have requested the help of seertain persons throughout the area to lend their assistance in soliciting for donations. These donations will-enable the squad to erect a building on a plot of ground located on Bridge View drive here in town. The building will be started and finished we all hope, with the generous assistance of donations . from people within this vicinity. The building itself will be erected by the volunteer help of persons, in the building trades and by memVjffP of our squad themselves. Ijpcnl details" on this worthw®e project appeared On thejgpont page of this paper last wfjpjk. When a volunteer. calls upon you for a donation, please give as much as you can. no matter how small or big. 'Keep this thought in mind at all times as how these members of the Johnsburg rescue squad answer all calls free of charge. They do not charge for any service rendered in time of emergency. They exist strictly on donations "from the generous givers. Everytime you hear that siren blow, remember how lucky we are to have a group of squad members who are so willing to answer the call of those in dist ress. Girl Scouts and Brownie News The three troops in our town settled down to their-regular schedule last week after enjoying a little vacation over- the holiday. , On the fourth j of January troop 408 meft in the community club hay where they held election of officer^.- Newly I elected into office were Vir- . ginia Karls as president, Theresa Daly as vice-president. Barbara, Ogelsby as treasurer, MaryLynn Meyers as secretary and Sheriy Oeffling as j scribe. Serving on the ' nominating committee wer£: Linda ! Mangold. Laura Schn)t7, jnd i Patty Voight. Following the : serving of refreshments the • girls had fun dancing. I Troop 295 met for the first time last Wednesday afternoon j in the basement of 'the home : of their co-leader Mrs. Bill i Barth. The girls spent most of the meeting time just getting i organized in the new survoundf ings. Judith Strogil treated the i group ; to cookies during this ! time! . ' !' Election of officers also took i place last week for Troop 378. i Chosen to ser\;e for this period were president, Frances Klotz; vice-president. Denise Korh; •treasurer. Sheila Marshall and , cookie chairman. Patsy Mey- ; ers. The girls enjoyed looking i at pictures which were taken at the troop birthday celebrar : tion last November. The troop also listened to stories and later played games followed by ! the goodnight club. | Lady Forester Meeting I The officers and members of : St. Agatha's court No. 777 will i hold their regular meeting next ! Tuesday evening, Jan. 19, in j the community club hall. To serve on the refreshment com- 'mittee for this particular meeting are the following ladies, Evelyn Deidriek, Mary Hettermann, Mary BR Schmitt, Clarice Freuna. Helen Ogelsby, Amelia Smith. Clara Tonyan and Mig Joyce. Members are reminded that there is stil> time to enter the card tournament now in progress. Congratulations Corner The young - son of the Bud Meyers' and Joel Wakitsch share Jan. 21 as the second natal day. ^ Gloria Pechous also has reason to celebrate on Jan. 21. Belated greetings to Mrs Helen Pitzen who had a birthday on Jan. 10. . Congratulations are in order for-Bud and Shirley Lies^r who celebrate six years of Wedded bliss on Jan. 16. Best wishes to all! Presented at Font The infant son of Si and Bontrie Meyers was baptized in a serv ice performed at St. John's church on Sunday, Jan. 3. Jeffery is the name chosen for the young fellow. His sponsors were Walter Freund of McHenry and Mrs. Leona Meyers, an uncle and aunt. Members of | the family gathered in the Meyj ers home later in the day to celebrate this event.' I Last Sunday afternoon at 2 .o'clock. Father Blitseh baptized the newest member of J the Cletus La Fontaine family. , The young lady will answer to | the name of Cynthia Mary. Acting as godparents for the infant were Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Page Five nold Michels. Dirfner was served to 'the La Fontaine family and Mrs. Helen Pitzen at the Miehels home. Besides the baby's baptism, Mrs. Pitzen's birthday was feted also. - Sunshine Seekers Bob and Flo Nelson of Sunset View are among our latest travellers. They left shortly after New Year's to spend a few months soaking up the Florida sunshine. Flo's niece and her family are "keeping the home fire's burning" while they are gone. week for Great Falls to spend about two weeks getting acquainted with their new grandson. Maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs., Ben De Ciceo of Laakkeemmo or. Congratulation to allj--^ Team Champions Congratulations to the John's team who were champs in the recent seventh annual K. of C. basketball tournarhent. They won in the parish division while St. Marj's of Woodstock won in the grade school divi-. sion. St. Every refo^gp was once a private opinion. Sad News There ,are times when, words pome hard and this is one ot those times. It is quite hard"for me to write of the recent passing of Joe Himplemann. Joe passed away last Thursday evening at. the Woodstock hospital following* a lengthy illness. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy, and eight children ranging in ages from one to fifteen Joe was 41 at the time of his death. It is with a heavy heart that each one. in our community extends his deepest sympathy to his surviving family. Family Tree Grows Word comes from Great Falls, Mont., that Bill and Jud> Iluemann have added another branch to their family tree. A son was born to them on Jan 10 weighing a husky 10 lbs., 3 ozs. This is the second son for the Huemanns. Paternal grandparents, Joe and Vera Huemann, expect to leave next King Size The HOOVER '/Constellation Double stretch Hose NEW PRICE! Walks on Air Picks up dirt and lint faster and easier because it's ax HOOVERS $59.95 CAREY APPLIANCE, Inc. 119 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. •j Phone KV 5-5500 or EV 5-5501 CARD OF THANKS M.Y.F. The Senvoi- M.Y.F. held a progressive supper Sunday evening. They went to the Sowers home for appetizers, to the Skidrnore home for saiad, to the Walkington home for the main course and to the Thomphome for desseit and Igjje ^ wish to extend a^sincere meeting. I you to all our friends j l and neighbors for the beautiful | Cookie Party I flowers, spiritual bouquets and I The Sunday school pupils of' many expressions of sympathy Mrs. Bobbie Fossum 'and Pat I at the time of pur bereave-1 Hogaft held a cookie bake and ment. • j party at the church Saturday . Special thanks to Fr. Anger i mojTung. _ Land Fr. Blitch. . ' - , -j I *37 Ben J. Schaefer family' „ Round-up Club J :-- j The Round-up club met at j Man is always attempting i ch u r c h r e c r e a t i o n r o o m s > t h e i m p o s s i b l e a n d a c h i e v i n g i t . • LOOKING FOR A HOME? Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Six© FHA or Conventional Financinff 3 Hoirtes in various stages of construction open for inspection < i I EC rACMCV , LLL ItWNklf VUSIIiaUUI Phone EVergreen 5-4345 FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES At Your Friend} CERTIFIED FOOD STORE where each and every customer is given friendly, personalized attention. NO GUESSING ^ what's on ihe other side of the roast, chops, etc. at our (fresh cut) service meat counter. Top quality meats cut to your exact needs. SWEET APPLE SMOKED HAMS Pre-Cut SHANKLESS or BUTT PORTION PORTION 39 Tfe FREE -- FREE Package PANCAKE MIX \ - with purchase of 1 Pound. Rath Blackhawk SLICED BACON 55* Select Tender CALF LIVER 89 REGISTER THIS WEEK FOR BU S BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Saturday, Jan, 23rd, I960 No Purchase Necessary You Need Not Be Present To Win! . FREE FREE T-BONE STEAKS AND NYLONS EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR GROCERIES HAH STEAKS 2 $100 100% Pure .GROUND BEEF Extra Lean 2 & $1M BEEF MINUTE STEAKS 6 .« $100 Home-lVfade Mild ITALIAN SAUSAGE PRODUCE Extra Fancy Cello CARROTS 2 fo, 15c Extra Fancv CUCUMBERS 2 <o, 15c Red Label Oleomargarine Red Label FAMILY 15 Libby's TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. tin 3 for 89° FLOUR 10 bag 69° 25 lb. bag $1.59 Hills Bros. COFFEE Farm Fresh Meds Size EGGS 2 $100 Red Label 2 lb. tin SWEET PEAS 303 Tin for 49® USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA OR THE NEW FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA YOUR NEW SUPER CERTIFIED FOOD STORE OWNED AND OPERATED BY LOCAL FOLKS Cor. Green & Elm Sts. EVergreen 5-0080 McHenry^ II) I A In ness of fen strikes suddenly and It's best to be prepared. Check your medicine chest - then come to BOLGER'S and stock up. Keep your medicine chest full and help keep your family well. DRISTAN Nasal Mist V2 PRICE SALE POLISH REMOVER 500 5 GR. TABLETS Relieves Head Cold ^ HAND & BODY LOTION Giant Bottle Full Pint! HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Germicide LADY ESTHER PURPOSE FACIAL CREAM Cnewable Candy Vitamins for Children Antiseptic 50 $1.49 JAR TABS. 4-Way Cold Tablets Dristan Tablets 85c Tincture of Benzoin $7.93 Rybutol Vitamins 65c Alka-Seltzer, 25's 40c Sucret Throat Lozenges 75c Polident Denture Cleanser PERTUSSIN ELECTRIC ROOM HEATING PORIZER 3 HEAT SWITCH *5.95 CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN Reft 2 for 43* DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 59 4 MEDICATED SPRAY. Relieves Cough & ICold discomfort* $7.95 Value 37c Bottle NOTE STATIONERY FAMOUS NAME BRANDS COLD CONTROL ANALGESIC RUB TABLETS 98" Regularly Prieed At $1.00 Per Box WHILE THEY LAST 29° wassage YEAS TABLETS 340 Smq $2 49 The Modern, Informal Way To Correspond MEDICATED BODY RUB BOLGER'S drug store TES-TAPE CONVENIENT DIABETIC TESTER J 03 S. GREEN STREET gy 5JJ5QQ USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING ARK.A McHENRY. ILL Plus 10% Fed^al Excise Tax on Toiletries j