Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1960, p. 8

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w>, ,A Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER BED SHORTAGE REMAINS NO. 1 HOSPITAL PROBLEM (Continue^ from page being made to gather sufficient funds to start construction of ah eighteen bed addition, Mr. Underwood said. This onestory building, covering 13,000 square feet, will be constructed along Boone Creek, adjacent to the hospital's present ' location, he reported. Plans have been completed and approved by the hospital's board of directors >nd the Department of Public Health, State „ of Illinois, he added. Many Are Generous Reporting on fund raising activities. Ed Lucht told members of t the association thai since Sept. 30, more than $40,- 000 had been collected from generous members of the community who pledged during the 1957 drive, many of them paying their pledges in advance of the due date. Others who pledged because of their deep interest in providing the area 'with heeded beds are urged to boost the fund total, Mr. Lucht said. Even though another fund raising drive is contemplated, construction cannot begin soon without borrowing a substantial sum. The board of directors is seeking a source for a k loan to enable the hospital to meet the emergency with an early construction date. There were 130 members of the McHenry Hospital association at the meeting in person or represented by proxy. They elected the following directors. Ralph Bennett, Henry B. Tonyan and Doctors Alvarv and Lee Gladstone, McHenry; Joseph A. Conerty, Jr., Woodstock; Kinley L. Engvalson. Ringwood and James M. Lennon, Volo. MusiiT & Meanderin' (Continued from page 1) The ANC system will fit in with a world-wide numbering system when international calling is possible. Another very logical reason fbr the change is that more telephone numbers will be available. Under the exchange name system, a total of 540 usable exchange names are available but ninety of these are undesirable because of the possibility of misspelling oi misunderstanding. The * ANC plan provides 800 more usable codes. EXPLAIN SERVICES OF MENTAL HEALTF CLINIC IN McHENRY All McHenry arQp residents who are interested in the problem of mental health and existing facilities for treatment are invited to attend the second meeting of the season sponsored by the parent education committee of the McHeifry Community P.T.A., Thursday evening. Feb. 4 at 8 p.ita. at the McHenry Junior high school library. Dr. Lee Gladstone, local physician and vice-president of the McHenry County Mental Health association, will explain the operations arid services of the recently opened mental health clinic on Waukegan road. One of twenty-eight aided community clinics in Illinois, it has been established in this area largely through the efforts of physicians, ministers and laymen alert to the need for such facilities. For parents of school children, this will be a good opr portunity to have all their questions answered on a person- to-person basis.with a man who has been instrumental in the establishment of. the clinic here. Board Briefs ANNOUNCE CITY, COUNTY RECEIPTS ON SPECIAL TAXES (Continued from page 1) One must endure the long hours of waiting for just one encouraging word about a child^who is critically ill or injured to know the anguish of a father or motheer-ltnowing this, we can understand the appeal for prayers being made by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund, whose son, Eugene, has failed to regain consciousness since an auto accident last Saturday. The board voted in favor of using the service of a bonding house in connection with the April bond issue program, as it has in the past. If the bond issue is approved by the public, the money will be used to build a new ten-room school west of the city, near Sherman hill. The school will accommodate grade pupils from the Lakeland Park, Wonder View and McCullom Lake areas, thus eliminating the cost of transportation into the city. The amount of the bond issue has not yet been determined. District 156 At last week's District 156 (high school) meeting, the financial report from the treasurer was presented for discussion. ' . • As in the case of District 15, the high school board, too, found it necessary to pass a | resolution for borrowing money to pay a part of the January bills. In District 156, $18,000 is being held in protested taxes. The date of the February meeting has been changed to Feb. 9 because several board members are planning to -attend the meeting of American Association of School Administrators, to be held in Atlantic City. /r~~~ At the January meeting, there was a discussion concerning the possibility of completing work on a new baseball diamond .at McCracken field sometime this next summer. McHeftry will receive $6,- 260.37 as, its share of the city sales tax collection totalling $ 5 , 0 0 2 , 8 7 5 . T h e c o l l e c t i o n s from 1,081 cities and villages represent a tax on October retail sales at one-half per cent. McHenry's share ran just slightly behind,.the leaders, Crystal Lake with $6,849.80 and Woodstock with $6,768.16. Other amounts received by the various municipalities included Algonquin. $1,274.98; Capron, $168.51; Cary, $1,413.- 73; Fox River Grove, $667.85; Harvard, $3,049.51; Hebron $361; Huntley $955.71; Island L a k e , $ 2 8 0 . 2 7 ; L a k e m o o r . $289.82; Marengo, $2,435.78; R i c h m o n d , $ 5 6 4 . 1 5 ; S p r i n g Grove, $355.80; Union, $171.97. Of the total of $163,974 collected in county sales tax under the county retailers' occupation tax, act, covering October sales Ijj^etoJlected ,the following month, McHenry county reeved $5,984.95. HOLD OPEN HOUSE IN NEW DISTRICT GAS HEADQUARTERS Northern Illinois Gas company has invited the public to look over its new Lake district headquarters in Crystal Lake. District Manager Clem Jones announced the public open house will be 2 p.m. to 5p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31. The threebuilding headquarters is at 300 West Terra <Cotta avenue (Route 176) in Crystal Lake. Visitors will be conducted on a tour of the recently opened facilities. According to Jones, they will see "how well we're equipped now to give our customers even better service." Hostesses \&ill demonstrate the newest in gas appliances in the modern model kitchen. Visitors also will see organization and equipment of the customer service, appliance service, sales, construction, maintenance, and transportation departments. DR. RUGGERO NAMED PRESIDENT MEDICAL SOCIETY Our "Twice Told Tales" column doesn't carry items of twenty years ago, but a local resident found this old clipping from a 1940 issue which they thought might be of interest. .We think so too, for the little boys mentioned are now big mien, each busy with his own business interest: "Billy Landgren celebrated his fifth birthday Jan. 24. Foulittle guests played games and enjoyed the big birthday cake with its five lighted candles. Billy's little friends were Jackie Laures, Jackie Pepping, Bernard Buss and Donald Wattles." K, A. F. Many Contests Await Primary Dr. Santo Ruggero of Wonder Lake was elected president of the McHenry County Medical society at a dinner meeting held last Thursday at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County. Dr. John Tarn bone, past president, presided over the business meeting. . Also elected with Dr. ftuggero was Dr. James Harris of Richmond, vice-president, and re-elected as secretary-treasurer was Dr. Jim Mijanovich of Marengo. Thursday, January 28, ~ 196Q^ COOn CORNER by Marie Schaettgen District 6, PMA, Holds Annual Meeting Jan. 30 Set a pretty table for February parties and the occasion will be happily remembered. Golden pineapple carmel pie is an elegant dessert whether you're honoring St. Valentine or a president's birthday. It makes a nice coffee and dessert treat for afternoon or evening entertaining. Pineapple Carmel Pie % cup brown sugar 3 tbsp. cornstarch % tsp. salt 1 no. 2% can crushed Hawaiian pineapple 1 tbsp. grated orange peel 2 tbsp. butter 1 recipe pie crust (lor 2 crust 9-ineh pie) Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt. Blend with a little of pineapple. Cook, stirring constantly until thick and clear. Stir in orange peel and butter. Cool slightly. Line a 9-inch pie pan with pastry, leaving inch hanging over edge. Lay five strips V2 inch wide one way across filling about % inch apart, twisting strips as they are laid. Lay five more strips diagonally across. Seal and flute edges. Bake at 425F. about 35 minutes. Six servings. AWARDED DAMAGES A jury in circuit court has returned a verdict in favor of Adeline Yurke in the amount of $6,500. Defendants in the $30,000 damage suit brought by her were Richard Lewandowski of Carpentersville and Rudolph Johnson of Wheeling, formerly of McHenry. The suit involved an accident on the Bay road in 1954. The plaintiff was a passenger in a car driven by Lewandowski when it was involved in a collision with a machine operated by Johnson. SHOP IN McHENRY District 6, Pure Milk association, will hold its annual meeting at Westwood school, one mile west of Woodstock on Saturday, Jan. 30. Charles Weingart of McHenry is vicepresident of the district and Sibre Whiting is secretarytreasurer. A. L. McWilliams, PMA general manager, will be featured speaker. • President Avery A. Vose of Antioch will review operation of the PMA during the last year, including the negotiations for an improved price to dairy farmers shipping milk to the Chicago market. Conduct Polio Drive In McHenry Tonight GLADSTONE'S (Continued from page 1) ament next month and from a solicitation to be made at the local theatre on Jan. 30. The New March of Dimes is used not only for polio treatment- but also in the medical fight against birth defects and arthritis. INSURANCE PREMIUMS Gov. William G. Stratton announced reductions ranging from- 20 to 30 per cent in insurance premiums applicable to a new revised homeowner's policy program. The reductions, the ' governor said, depend on the type of construction, class of protection and amount of insurance in each individual case. The Homeowner policy program is a "package" program covering the home, contents, personal liability on or away from the premises (including on premises medical payments for persons other than the insured or his family and voluntary property damage), glass breakage, and theft on or away from the premises. James ,M. Lennon New 'McHenry Hospital Head (Continued Frcrr Page 1) ponents, Malcolm Shroyer of Hawthorn Woods and Lee R Fleming of Zion. All are from Lake county. In the same district, there are two Democratic candidates, Joseph Armondo of Fox Lake and John G. Green of Mundelein. From the 14th congressional district, William J. Bolger is one of four candidates who have filed for two delegate posts. Three Democrats have filed for alternate posts in this district, including Arnold *J. Ilauen of McHenry. Charles Adams of McHenry and Thomas Hanrahan, Jr., of Woodstock have filed for Democratic representative committeeman from the 32nd district. For That (Continued fm~> Page 1* singing, dancing and comedy routines. Following the election of officers, the board of directors expressed appreciation to Mr. Tonyan, the retiring president, for his devoted service to the hospital since its foundine in 1956. SHOP YOUR HOME TOWN 106 S. Green St. WHITE FEATHER FARM FRESH ROCK CQRNISH ROASTERS 4 - 5 l b . a v e r a g e McHenry, III McHENRY AMERICAN LEGION POST 491 GAY 49'ER NIGHT COME ONE! COME ALL! SATURDAY, FEB. 20th DONT MISS this fun filled night of unusual entertainment Continuous Entertainment -- Public Invited Free Square Dancing Lessons given by Bill Althoff In Your LIFE % and QEAKDPA loo...* There's nothing that gets so close to a Dad as a gift of wearables. Choose from our complete selections. McGEES Store for Men 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, I1L Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon ?lou,Qrp en NEW Self Service Laundry 24 Washers - 8 Dryers 10 Pound Washers 100% Soft Water McHenry Coin Wash 520 WEST MAIN McHENRY, ILL WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING SHOES FOR THE FAMILY SALE STARTS THUR., JAN. 28th VISIT OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE FOR LEADING BARGAINS CLOSEOUT CLOSEOUT ONE GROUP SOME SIZES LARGE SELECTION Most Sizes Values *2.99 - $5.99 ^Ou 4.S CLOSEOUT CLOSEOUT LARGE SELECTION MOST SIZES LARGE SELECTION MOST SIZES ONE GROUP OF MEN'S OXFORDS and LOAFERS KCJW?. wsef!wr» GLADSTONE'S! 'STORE FOR EVERY- ONE # 203 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE EV 5-0182 Open 7 Days A' Week m

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