THE VAST NUMBER Of- LOW PRICES MAKES YOUI INGS WORTHWHILE AX A»P! Thur8day- February 4. 1960 THE McHENBY PLA1WDEALEH Page Eleven Sure as 2 and 2 make 4 -- you save more, shopping at A&P! It's a fact that's backed up by a storeful of low, low prices every day! Typical good values are. the quality famous A&P Exclusives: delectable Jane Parker Baked Goods, Ann Page Fine Foods, and "Alive With Flavor" A&P premium-quality Coffee! .*«*• -V.V.V, •v.v *y.v« EVERY DAY IS SAVINGS' DAY ON ine New and Improved CREAMY SMOOTH 12-OZ, JAR 29-55 24-OZ. JAR The middle name of dozens of snacks and sandwich treats. Made of choice, fresh-roasted peanuts .. . won't separate, stays fresh! ANN PAGE New-improved "Salad Dressing 45* ANN PAGE l.LB. PICO. Pure Egg Noodles 25* Apple Jelly £ T29< * Ann Page Ketchup qX 2 ^ 39c Prepared Spaghetti- ^ ,5«*r 25 APPETIZINGLY GOOD BUYS ON... GOLD or MARBLE Pound Cake HALF RING--REG. 39c Marble or gold . . . no finer sold! Try it toasted and spread with ice cream or preserves... or serve "as is." Wonderful all ways! JANE PARKER Glazed Donuts PKG. OF 12 REG. 39c 35« JANE PARKER Cracked Wheat Bread REG. 21^ EACH 16-OZ. LOAVES 33 Light, moist texture in every golden brown slice! You get the utmost flavor for your money and full nutrition, too, when your bread is Jane Parker cracked wheat bread. . Mom fine ft>octo % MecfntSe BcpenSMS # Blackberry Pie Iced Raisin Bread Jane Parker Reg. 59c Mch Jane Parker Reg. 29c each 25* ig Dollar Day Sales Event Broadcast Brand CORN BEEF HASH 1$ oz. tins $|00 B. C. Cocktail ORANGE-APRICOT 46 ozl tins $J0Q Iona Brand PEAS io ".r *i°° Iona Brand PEARS 16 oz. tins $|00 For Baking or Cooking MILHOT 10 "2.- 'WmmM: jHi SUNNYBROOK GRADE 'A' FRESH Large iggs 3 DOZEN IN DATED CTN. 'It's hard to find fresher, finer eggs than A&P's Sunnybrook. TJiey're tasty as can be... and best of all, they're priced for savings! SILVERBROOK 90° --(FOR TABLE OR FOR COOKING)! Butter Brick Cheese POUND 1 PRINT Far\cy Wisconsin 67' n>. 45c Large Size Select Quality 17-oz. tin Red 2 16-oz. tint 27' 2 Hel-O-Bit Gheese SlicesX 25' Thin Mints ~ ^39* Covered C h e r r i e s 4 5 ' Pure O 1-lb- 0 IHE GREAT ATLANTIC X PACIFIC TEA COMPANY fHi: tores OEKNDABi^roOb RETAILERS SINCE *S5? ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU FEB. 6th Iona Peas Iona Tomatoes Green Beans French Style Nutley Margarinewj*, Sultana Rice 22 % £ 25c Cake Mixes o£KT £25« dexola Salad Oil Bright Sail Bleach Baily Bog Food 6 £45 Non- Saturated » gallon 35' McHenry Shores Give Details CM Valentine Party ' By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 What could be a nicer valentine for the woman,, of the house than taking her out for an evening of dining and dancing with friends and neighbors. Members and friends of the Shores Social and Athletic Club,,have a valentine program all lined up for Saturday, Feb. 13. Ttfe party consists of dinner at 7:30 with dancing the rest of the everting at the Mbose Lodge in Crystal Lake. Those who are not able to make the dinner are welcome to join the group later for dancing. Dinner reservations can be obtained from Chuck Whitney - EV 5-2536, Bob Tanner - EV. 5-4688, Fred Stark - EV. 5-2602 or Clare Mueller - EV. 5-0553. Help the Mall (Jet Through A message to the. netver residents of McHenry Shores who are spending their first winter out here, In case of a - real heavy snowfall, your postman . will not deposit mail in any box he is not able to drive up to., Sp - if you want mail delivered, keep the road cleared in front of the mail box in order that the mail ° man's car can be driven right up to the \ box. Sick List Rose Siemens, who had been in the McHenry hospital for observation, underwent a serious gall bladder operation. Bernice MacCallum had a nasty fall and broke her right arm. At this writing, she was still hospitalized but hopes to be home soon. New Resident Welcomed Marilyn and Ray Moore are happy to announce the addition of a 7 lb., 5 oz. daughter, Terry Christine, who was born last Wednesday. Jan. 27 at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. Ray survived the ordeal and reports that mother and baby 1 are doing -well. | Recent Trips and Visitors S Margaret Denigan jetted off I to Lexington, Mass., to welj come home her seventeenth grandchild, a baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Denigan. . . Jerry and Ed Olbinski with the children were out BOUND In// hcm&v Compounding prescription! is more than a business... it is q moral obligation. The community depends on it's pharmacist for much more than a mere supply of drugs, Each prescription is his sacred trust and he is honor bound to study it seriously and fill it precisely as the doctor intended. . BOLGER'S Phone EV 5-4600 to Buffalo Grove to visit with Jerry's sister. . . Julia and Sam Ziemets attended the wqke of Harry Wilson in Chicago, he was a friend of long standing who died of a heart; attack. On the way home they stopped in Schiller Park to see the new Bocza baby, Michael. . . Marie and Dave Addante, while in Chicago, dropped Tn on Dave's brother, Nick. . . Mi*, and Mrs. Reznicek were two of the twenty-two people present at the twenty-fifth . wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare in Stickney. The two girls are sisters. . Irene and Clare Mueller, with Robbie and Pat, enjoyed an evening of bridge at the ^likals in Elmhurst. . . Mr.- and Mrs. Ted Guy drove over to Glen Ellyn to help their granddaughter, little Jan Guy, celebrate her first birthday. . . Elsie and Jack Schmitt and the youngsters were ov<#r to friends in Arlington Heights. . Joan Wilson and her cousin, Judy Lowing, of Chicago, spent a day of sled riding dpwn Still Hill Drive. The sledding was fun, but oh -- that bike back up. . . The Nagles of Chicago were out to spend a day, with the Schramms. . . The Schmitts were surprised to see Jack's brother, Nick, the other afternoon. The visit was short but pleasant as Nick had to leaye for Washington the next morning. . The Reznicek boys, with their families, while out visiting their parents," went ice fishing The grandchildren, Judith, Karen, Jane and Gary, were so 'hrilled with the they caught that they want to do it again real soon. . The Bob Schweikerts of Chicago dropped in on Agnes and Clare. . . Old college friends of the Winters, Lt. Gol. and Mrs. George Spiering of Menomonpe Falls, Wis., with their children, dropped in on Louise and Sam the other day. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Misiak of Chicago spent an enjoyable evening with Un Stan Misiaks. . . Donna and John Pheiffer of Melrose Park, with their two youngsters, spent a day with the Whitneys and enjoyed the skating and ice fishiiig. Very Important Data* Besides Lincoln's and Wellington's birthdays this month, one finds that there will fee a loij of birthday parties out in McHenry Shores also. Saturday, Feb. 6 ~ Ciarence Schr wqikert will celebrate his and cm Sunday, the seventh, there wi^l be three parties, one for Lu • Eva Kleine, another for Leslie Brunke and also our Junior Vice-President of the McHenry Shores Club. Marge Olszewski has a birthday. Monday, the eighth will be Bill Lqkay's and Randy Schramm's while on Tuesday, the ninth there will be Joan Wilson's and Wednesday, the tenth, Sherri Schramm and Alice Brunk5- will celebrate theirs. A very, very happy birthday to all of yqu and a belated birthday to Jaihn Smith. Thursday, the eleventh will be the wedding anniversary of Carl and Jane kleine. Congratulations to the both of you. Just News . <• Mr. Whetherhult called ancf wished to express his t^ank& ( to. the SSAC for their generous? contributions to the Scoutsl Art Cicehini, Bob Dobbertii* and Jack Schramm had anoth4 er. bout with the ten pins. thejfc should be in excellent shape feoff the next group get-together. Have you been down to Stark'sr Park lately? Adults and chrl-j* dren alike are enjoying the> smooth ice down there. * And in Closing Your reporters, Betty Dobbertin, Louise Winters, Ton£ Burke and Clarence Mueller, were well pleased with the news response this week. Coul<£ it be the result of that extralong column of January 21?? We really enjoyed the jingling of the telephone this pastweek. * HURT IN APG1DEW ; Etyine S. Geiger7 of Rt. 5* McHenry, was treated in Sher-^ man hospital. Elgin, for lacerations abKHit the face as the result pf an accident which occurred on Highway 25, near Meadowdale road in Carpen-I tefsville, last week- According to, authorities, Mrs. Geiger ,w«f travelling north on Rt. 25 and was unable to stop when she came upon three halted cars. "I LIKE ITS SMALL SIZE!" "I LIKE ITS SMART STYLING!" "I LIKE THE DIAL THAT LIGHTS UP!" new -i - * IW/iii MA* 6 Tht Princeu fiAooe is now being inpqjyqej if All over town the lovely, little Princess phone is attracting attention and making friends--because it offers so many features that people want in an extension telephone.. It's small--to take up less room on desk or table. The dial lights up. It glows in the dark so you can find it quickly and, when you lift , the receiver, lights up brightly to make dialing easy. It's modern -- styled to go anywhere in your home, and go beautifully. Take your choice of five decorator colorswhite, beige, pink, blue and turquoise. See the Princess phone at our business office. Or ask a telephone installer to show it to you. phone with dial and night lights built in costs only pennies a day after a one-time charge. Your choice of five colors. ILUNQI$ BELL TELEPHONE