Page Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, February 18, 1960 0 Wonder Lake RESUME SKATING INSTRUCTIONS IF WEATHER PERMITS J»ne Duoey homeowner's advisory board is making every effort to salvage what may be left of the skating ^season by getting a rink in -condition for skating at one of the beaches. If , the weather cooperates, gets cold enough for one thing. . . the instructors will be engaged for this Saturday. The peak Saturday saw 197 voting people turn out for instruction. Collectively this is a lot of weight for ice weakened by rising temperatures. SO. . . you are asked to check the Wonder Center beach first and then .the beach at Look Out Point this Saturday, if the weather has been favorable. One of tfye t\vd> beaches will have been prepared. The advisory board is interested in recent suggestions from the 'teens that a youth recreation center be provided at the lake. Big obstacle is the building with regard to rent, central location and suitability. The youth- committee of. the board would be glad to see to the ping-pong an$ pool tables, coke machine and music, as well as the adult supervision. L Anyone who has suggestions ^tebout where to house this rec center is asked to call Bob Kiddell, W L. 7683. snow removal done in Wonder Lake and the township. Considering the labyrinth of roads m the many subdivisions in Mcrienry township, all wanting immediate ' service, who could ask for a more efficient operation. Community Planning Surprise of the week was the refusal of the board .of supervisors to grant a petition to reclassify twelve lots in Oakwood Shores from residential to business. The denial was made at the recommendation of the zoning board of appeals. What puzzles us is why the business zoning of lots in Wonderview was approved less than two years ago. in the face of about fifty objectors who appeared at the hearing plus a fistful of petitions signed by many Lake residents, as compared to the seven objectors to the Oakwood petition. Reason given by the -zoning board in the case of Oakwood Shores is that the "property should continue to maintain a residential .character". It's a nice thought, but a little late. Not pnly is there business zoned property to the South in Widoff's subdivision, but lot> in Parker's Highlands to the North" were granted .a "B" classification about 4 years ago- , Extra Holiday A new found quiet prevailed in Wonder Lake homes Monday, marking the end of a five day holiday from school, which was set off by the "big snow". The road from the Sinclair station to Harrison was one of. the better examples around the county of what drifting snowcan do. Two cars and two trucks combined with the snow ' to block the road in front of Thompsons and it was not un- ^ til late Thursday evening that the vehicles were removed and the snow plowed out. The General "telephone trucks came through Thursday morning when Route 31 from Richmond to Ringwood was opened up. However, communications were not a problem In this storm nor was there interruption in Public Service facilities. Rumor has it that Van Kanegons ran out of LP gas. . We were impressed with the prompt and efficient job of Board of Education Candidates School board elections are coming up again. On the Harrison board the terms of Mrs. Maxine Lichtv and George Rink expire. Mrs. Lichty says she will not be a candidate this spring. Mr. Rink, however, plans to run for re-election. To date, no petitions have been picked up at the school office. New Business Feb. 8 saw the opening of a new business in McHenry, the McHenrv Personal Loan Corp. located in the Welter building at 105 Richmond road. Incorporated under the State of Illi- ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 nois, this loan service has for its secretary and manager, our own Walter Dean. Change PTA Date It has been necessary to change the date of the March P.T.A. meetinV' The executive board- voted to have the general meeting March 1 instead of March 8 to enable Dr. , Ratner to serve as discussion leader. Ratner was called out of town for the March 8 date. Added attractions at the February meeting was the organ music of Gordon Fossum who played before the call to order, and again during an intermission to enable the members of the panel to assemble for the program. We hope he can come again and play during the social hour following the meeting. Also at the February meeti n g. nominating committee chairman. Jean Decker, announced the proposed slate cf officers for 1960-61. All incumbent officers have agreed to be candidates-again; .^Nativity Lutheran Church * ' News. v "Getting Full Value" is the sermon title for Sunday. Feb. 21 Attendance at:church and Sunday School* for 1960 has been fine so far. Pastor Schroeder says. The Chicago Conference of the United Lutheran church men will have their convention at Redeemer Lutheran church in Chicago on Sunday. Feb. 21. All men who would like to attend are to contact Ken Gabel, president of Nativity's "Men of the Church". Both circles of the "Women of the Church" will meet together Tuesday evening, Feb. [ PRESCRIPTIONS. __ YOU CAN' A MORE RELIABLE PLACE THAN M/USTMAM DRUGS - FOB THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS e LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS nujl'll i - m t ' H A t r H A H E M A K K S . tnc 23, at 8, for a special quarterly meeting*. Mrs. Virginia Young will review a new and interesting book on Africa, which is the year's mission emphasis. The Grace Circle of Grace church, Woodstock, has been invited as guests for the evening All ladies are welcome to attend. The married couples club, the "Nativity Mates" will have a bowling party Saturday evening, Feb 27. All couples of the church who would like to go are asked to meet at the church at 7:15. Bible Church News The Youth for Christ group is going to Barrington Saturday night, Feb. 20. Dr. Bob Cook, president of Youth for Christ International; will be the speaker. Dr. Cook recently addressed an interesting challenge to the 10.000 youth who met in Washington. D. C., with vice-president Nixon as guest. There will also be outstanding youth talent and special music. - Pastor Wright has been asked to serve ori the executive board of the Northwest Suburban Youth For Christ. This is an important responsibility as the organization reaches 500 'teen-agers in the area. The meeting of the Missionary Guild was cancelled because of the bad weather. Christening William Donald Lowrey, son of Donald and Lillian Gustafson Lowrey, was baptized Sunday, Feb 7, by Rev. James BEFORE YOU CRACK UP! Keep control of your sleering . . . keeo out oL trouble . . . keep "STEERING WOBBLTES" OUTI ANY steering difficulty warns of these motoring menaces, of wheel unbalance and parts wear of possible steering control loss, blow-ou'S, ACCIDENT. Fool 'emI ... Let us correct your car with our foolproof, scientific BEAR equipment NOW! Thank Your Repair Mai Far "The Accident That Didn't Happen" Vanderpool. His grandparents, William and Mary Lowrey, were also his godparents. Holy Name to Meet Thursday The meeting of the Holy Name society was cancelled due to weather last Thursday, and postponed until tonight, Feb. 18. Gerald Palko, president, will call the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. in Mathews Hall. Mrs. Dale Healless will speak fo the group on the subject of retarded children in the county. News Briefs Richard Schultz of Wonder Woods, who was 3 years old Feb. 13, had his first real party Valentine^ day at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schultz, Sr. The snowy weather kept the Chicago relatives from attending. Guests included brother, Ernest, age 7Mrs. Bernie Misiak and children. Pat, Mark and Paul; Miss Estelle Richardson; and Mr. and Mrs. George Kuehn. Delicious whipped cream cake was served. Mi*, and Mrs. Stanley Cwan of Chicago, Richard's godparents, came to see him for a few hours the preceding Monday. A flying trip to Florida was taken by Skip and Maxine Lichty just in time to avoid the snow. They caught a private plane flight down to Jacksonville making the trip in 6 hours, and broke in a new car on the drive back. It was cold in Florida too. TWO PETITIONS ARE SCHEDULED IN AREA MARCH 1 Two petitions for re-zoning are scheduled for March 1. The first has been filed for Joel A and Sharone E. Adams for a zoning re-classification to "B-3" commercial district. 'The petitions make this request specifically to enable them to erect on this property a building for the light fabricating of iron into small garden and lawn equipment. The property is located on the corner of State Aid Rt. 23, known as the Johnsburg blacktop^ The- hearing will, be held Tuesday, March 1, at 3 p.m. in the city hall, McHenry. The second petition has been filed for Charles H. and Amanda Fritzsche, asking for a. zoning re-classification to "B-3" commercial district. The property is located in Wegener's subdivision in Section 5, and the north part of these. permises border upon Lily Lake. The hearing will be held at 3:30 in the lunch room of the recreation building of Fritzsche's Estates. It is the height of art to Conceal art. A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us , today and find out 'or yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical- Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE McHenry Auto Body COMPANY 611 Front St. - So. on Rt. 31 Ph. EV 5-0444 McHenry, 111$ SAFETY HEADQUARTERS' 120 of Route 12 - Volo, 111. Phone EVergreen 5-6260 TAKES HOW AND TOILS! Famous Tinstone CHAMPION GROUND GRIP No other low priced tractor tire gives a deeper center bite... No other tractor tire gives so much for so low a price 516 Front St. McHenry, 111 EVergreen 5-0811 Spring Grove Skating Party Planned For CYC by Mrs. Charles Freund Ti\e Catholic Youth Club of St. Peter's will enjoy a roller skating party at Rollin' Wheels Rink in Twin Lakes on Sunday evening, Feb. 21 at 7:30. Bus transportation will be furnished The party will be chaperoned by Father Lawrence London, their chaplain. Come all you members and bring your friends. All are invited. J Hospitalized Mrs. Frank May underwent surgery at Burlington hospital on Monday. Lawrence Onesti has been^ hospitalized the past weeks in a Chicago hospital. He is now convalescing following surgery. Illness Those who have been sick are Anton May, Mrs. George W. May, the Joseph Browj^ family, Chuck Gerbig. Robe™ Oxtoby and quite a few others in this area have been victims of the flu. Winter Vacationers Return Mr. and Mrs. William .Shotliff returned from Florida on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders terminated their California vacation returning home last week. A successful man keeps looking for work after he has found a job. [ [ We Specialize in Tractor Tire Repairing! Truck, Tractor and Passenger Car Tires - All Sizes SPECIAL PRICES on all PASSENGER CAR TIRES See Us Before You Buy and SAVE! FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERY We Allow irom $2.00 to $6.00 on Your Old Battery DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES! McHenry Tire Mart MORE WATER ... eZwsaZbaaMt with « RED JACKET Qnm-Jst w . WATER SYSTEM-^ • CAPACITIES TB 1170 GAL. KKL HOUR • PUMPING Dirnu TO 120 PUT • IASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE Mt«M SHALLOW TO \ OOP WILL SSKVlfel Dollar-for-dollar, tor* b your b«it pump buy. Htiijy, durable contfrucfion throughout. Qulot, lubrication --- fr«* operation -- only on* moving p«rt. A product of * worldranownod pump manufacturer with over 75 yaara' aiparione* In building water service product*. The Centrt-Jet "HB" Water Syitem will more than satisfy you In e\ery Come in and oee for yourself. m cz6 W. Main St. WALT FftEUND, Prop. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, 111. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 8% miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. ' HONE McHENRY EV 5-5252 Of course you wouldn't pay $1.25 for a 254 quart of milk. What about clothes .drying? Would you pay 5 times what it's worth, load after load? Actually there's no need to! A GAS dryer will dry your clothes perfectly--so soft, so fresh--yet it costs only 1/5 as much as any other kind to operate. You'll find economical GAS makes it practical to use your dryer as much as you like, as often as you like. And, with GAS you save enough to pay for your dryer in just 6 years. . • - only GAS dries clothes so well for so llttlel PLAN TODAY TO ENJOY A GAS DRYER. VISIT YOUR DEALER OR OUR NEARBY STORE. NORTH ERN I L L I N O I S Gas o COM PA NY Jos. FRETT & SON , BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone EVergreen 5-3976 II1 ^ \ 7 it I