Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1960, p. 13

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February 18, 1960 THE McHENBY PlAINDEALER McHenry Shores Highlights Of , Snow Storm By Clare Mueller. EV. 5-0553 combination of wind and snow really put a 'dent in activities out here and many of the residents who work in nearby areas had a vacation , for a day or so until the roads were made negotiable again, i The children enjoyed the extra fays home from school as the uses were not operating. It was foresight on the part ot our subdividers to have the tw^new roads out through to McHenry Shores or we would have been bottled up for several days because of the large drifts covering Idvle Dell road. It -was finally opened to one wav traffic Friday. Don't know who was stuck for the longest time but heard tell that Bill Corcoran was stuck more time than anyone els&kThe Crystal l^ake car poo1 sp* yp after almost six hours . of struggle. Art BrUnke. and Bill Dostal headed back for home while Gus ^ Smith and . Clare Mueller carried on to Chicago, arrivins there about 2 p.m. Gordv Hattan thought that he'd have that bank of five foot snow left by the snow plow, across his drive, cleared - off by late Saturday afternoon. Difcyou finish it on schedule, Gorrty ? Speaking of Foresight Now that' the subdivision has -grown in size to the south and west, some thought and possible action could be taken by the residents and Messers Engvalson and Miller about provisions for installation of a re^ room in the area of the beWh and picnic grounds. To those who have enjoyed this spot these past summers, many remarks have been overheard about the lack of facilities, and at times, the stench that comes from the weeds surrounding this lovely recreation spot. It is of the opinion, that the two groups, working together, could arrive at a workable solu| jpn to this now seemingly minor problem that with the expansion of the subdivision, could grow to be a major nuisance. Nearby residents, on many occasions, have offered the sanitary facilities of their homos to the mothers with youngsters. This is all well appreciated, but as the community grows, let's give some thought to^the future. Why not keep McHenry Shores a leader of Civic pride in the McHenry area? Right now would be a good time to dump sand on the ice, so that when the thaw comes, the swimming and beach area would be well sanded. birth of a son. Gregg Steven, %ho was born at 6:22 a.m. on Lincoln's birthday at Woodstock Memorial hospital. Little »Vieki Lynn could- hardly wait for her brother who weighed in at 7 pounds - 6 ounces, to be brought home. Birthdays A belated greeting to Ken Schopp who announced the other nieht that he had a birthday on Feb. 2. . . Robbie Mueller is going to be 5 on Saturday. . . Sunday finds Marilyn Moore and Beverly Verstege celebrating their birthdays . Jerry Mueller reports that thi<- will be the first time that he'!1 be working on his birthdav ac he is scheduled for guard dunon Washington's birthday at the navy base in Jacksonville. . Alice Slmboorger's birthday will be celebrated Thursday Many happy returns of the day to all of you. - Parties Leslie Rrunkc wound up he'- birthday with three parties. The first one was at grandma'? house in Chicago, then an aunt.; Mrs. Dolores Long, also in Chicago, had one for her while mother and sisters with the help of Susie Lamerand. Donnie and Susje Olbiriski. and Karen and Paul Schmitt helped Leslie celebrate her birthday with a party at home. David Miller. Danny Moore, rjon and Cockv Olbinski. all of McHenry Shores with Wavnr Grossick of Emerald Park and Gerry Miller of Edgebrook Heights dropped over to hehi Randy Schramm celebrate his birthday. Shirley Lamerand with Jerry' Olbinski and Elsie Schmitt had a little surprise party for Alice Brunke on her birthday. The following girls were over to help Sherry Schramm celebrate her birthday: Tracy Brunke, Susie Misiak. Shirley Viliam. Barbara Whetherhult. Georgeann Widen of Edgebrook Heights and Nancy Winters. Blessed Event tllan and > Roberta Mieritz proud to announce the Sick List The flu bug had Sam Winters! Daisy Smith, Vi Morris ^nd Alice McKelly down for a few days. Recent Visits and Visitors Mrs. Dilg is off to Fort Worth. Tex., to visit her son, Alan Dilg and while there, will visit her brother who resides not too far from Ft. Worth. .,. The Schmitt s were up to the Callens in Wauwotosa. Wis., and had a pleasant visit with their aunt and cousins. . . Sunday, Daisy Smith will attend the Illinois Department of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Patriotic Conference. Norman Ross will be the guest of the day. . . The Brunkes attended the fifty-fourth wedding anniversary celebration of Alice's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zarnowski. . . The Muellers, while on their way to Chicago to help celebrate ALBERT MATTER AUCTION Gordon Stade & Wm. Stade, Jr., Auctioneers BAldwin 3-5155 Having decided to discontinue farming, the undersigned will sell the following personal property on premises located 3 miles Southeast of Crystal Lake, 111.. 4 miles North of Algonquin, miles South of the intersection of Rtes. }4 and 31. then **> mile East on the Three Oaks Road on the Wildauer Farm. vHtch for auction arrows, on -- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 AT 11:30 A.M. COMPLETE LINE OF LIRE-NEW FARM MACHINERY: 1959 Oliver 880 Diesel, 10 mo. old. 418 hours' with hyd. 3 point hitch, power booster, wide and narrow front ends, double weights; Oliver §japer 77 Diesel tractor. 3 yrs. old with hydraulic wheel weights and fluid and over-running clutch- Oliver Super 55 tractor, 400 hours with Waggoner loader, with wide bucket, over-running clutch and fluid; McC-D tractor with mounted 2 rovy cultivators, 2-14 plow and M & W pistons; 1951 Jeep pickup with 4 wheel drive and new engine: New 4 row Oliver cultivators: 2 row Oliver cultivators; 1959 Oliver 4-16 plow, 3 point hitch with cover boards; JD 3-14 plow on RT with hand or hydraulic lift; JD 2-14 plow on RT; JD 490 corn planter with dry and liquid fert. attachments and pressed wheels: Ottawa DS500 corn sheller, trailer type with Wisconsin engine 3 years old; JD 10 ft. hyd. grain drill on RT with grass and fert. attachments; Oliver No. 3-2 row picker, used 2 seasons with hy. or hand lift; Allis 66 PTO combine with Scour-cleen. pjrkup and extra aprons; Oliver 11 ft. wheel disc with 18 in mKdes: JD 8 ft. wheel disc with 18 in. blades: JD wire baler with Wisconsin engine; MC stalk chopper; Allis PTO sid-' delivery rake: JD 10 ft. field cult, with hyd.; 40 ft. Kelly Ryar elevator, like new; 20 ft. aluminum elevator with motor: 16 ft auger: JD 7 ft. tractor mower; 4 row rotary hoe; 3 section Dunham Culti-hoe; Smalley portable hammermill; Anhydrous Ammonia applicator; 2 4-section wood harrow and 1 4-section steel harrow; IJnight self-unloading box on Electric Wheel gear like n-rw: rubber tire wagon and grain box; Colby wagon and steel box. l^and roller; slip scraper; circle saw; 2 stock tanks; platform s^le: 2 long chains: 150 ft. water hose; tires of various sizes: Lantz coulters: hammermill belt; 2 power grease guns; steel crib vents; 10 rolls snow fence; portable air compressor, new 21" rotary mower, new: Fairbanks Morse riding lawn mower; 2 cabs for Oliver tractor; power cords; coulters; sweeps; spare parts: hog wire and fence posts; pile used lumber: windows: assorted tarps: hydraulic cylinders: many other small items Much of this machinery has been purchased new in the last 2 yenrs and has always been well-maintained and housed This is one of the better lines of farm machinery being offered at auction this season, so if needing farm machinery be sure to attend this sale. # ALBERT MATTER, Owner Lunch Wagon On Premises --«Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS: All Sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the balance in six monthly payments. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. MoHENRY STATE BANK, Clerk Gordon. Stade & Wm. Stade, Jr.. Auctioneers Cirayslake, Illinois Page Thlrltien gra n d m a Mueller's seventyfourth birthday, stopped o£f for a short visit with thg-'Jabinskis. , Mrs. Zeimets was surprised by a telephone call from the depot in Crystal Lake to come over and pick up„ Mrs. Alvida Hansen of Chicago who on the spur of the moment, decided to visit Julia. . . The Starks entei - tained the Whitneys, Olszewskis and Hattans recently, a nice time was had by all. . . The Whitneys were surprised with| vi§ jt from Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dedusek who with their four children, dropped in from Bensenville. Some Breifs Regular meeting of the SSAC will be held Saturday, Feb. 20, at Clare Schweikert's home at 105 Hilltop Blvd. . . Ray Moore. Bob Dobbertin and Art Cicchini had another session with the ten pins. . . The Patties, ^imonser^ and Mueller, just loved .the square dance held at Edgebrook School for the se\i enth and eighth graders of McHenry schools. . . Marie Cicchini and Betty Dobbertin are a couple of the adults who have been taking advantage of the sledding on Still Hill Drive. lit Closing * It was the pleasure of one of your reporters to work with the delegations of youngsters from across the nation that attended the recent National Youthpovver Congress that was held in Chicago. If more adults it was pointed out in one of the discussion groups, took a far better interest in family life, there would be a lot less delinquency. One youngster, after this statement w a s. roundly app'auded, remarked that this would slow down the pace now set by the 'teenagers in changing from childhood to adults and that they (the 'teenagers) are finding out -- too late -- that a part of their lives seems to be missing. Thanks for all the news - keep it coming. CONTEST DEADLINE March 1 is the deadline and judges have been selected for the community achievement contest, sponsored jointly by the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the Sears R o e b u c k F o u n d a t i o n . M o r e ! than 650 Women's clubs in Uli- 1 nois have entered the contest Lilymoor WARN DANGER OF THROWING SNOW BALLS AT CARS by Nancy Ritter EV 5-5889 To children, the mpst enjoyable thing about winter is the snow, but sometimes they use snow for means of destruction, rather than means of fun. It has been called to niy a t t e n t i o n t h a t s o m e o f t h e youngsters in Lilymoor have been standing on the corner n e a r t h e s c h o o l h o u s e a n d throwing snowballs at the cars as they turn the corner. This is dangerous and may cause the driver to have an accident. Parents, please explain to vQur children how dangerous it is to throw snowballs dt passing cars. will help her celebrate at a turkey dinner at the Behrendt home on Feb. 21. Viola De Marco observed he r birthday the same day as the anniversary of Abe Lincoln's birth. The neighbors children helped Viola to celebrate, her birthday and . Mrs. De Marco was on hand to serve cake and ice cream to the youngsters. Vipla's brother, Ricky, celebrated his seventh birthday on Feb. 16. Village of Sunnyside Attendance At Social Is Urged Irma Gunther - Reporter - EV. 5-o484 I Honor Student j Sharon Counley's name was j placed on the "B" honor roll j at the local high school. We hope, that we have a nice turn-out at the social on Saturday. which will be held at our home. Regardless of now bad the weather is, you vyon't have far to go. Florida; Holiday Mr. and Mrs. Sickafoose and th£ir two oldest sons,'Mike ana Danny, spon: a holiday in Fiorina. They ieft fbr the sunshine state on Jan. 15 arid returned on Feb. 1. Miami Beach was their destination and while there.- they participated in deep sea fishing. Mr. Sickafoose and friend, Sam Root, caught a 48*2 lb. kingfish. This is the winning fish so far in a fish tournament. The tournament ends in April. Good luck. On returning home, they brought with them 150 lbs of smoked fish and 50 lbs. of fresh fish, plus a suntan, which we all envy. February Birthdays On Feb. 14. Valerie White >yas a young lady of 13 years. Timothy Farr celebrated his fifteenth birthday on Feb 10. Little Bobby Sickafoose olew out six candles on Feb. 7. Mr. Tobey celebrated his birthday on Feb. 10. Cute Christina Jane Belford was 3 years old on Feb. 17. Mrs. John Behrendt celebrated her birthday on Feb. 16 and Mrs. Behrendt's relatives | Welcoming New Neighbors i We are glad to welcome Mr. \ and Mrs. Burke and children. J Mike and Debbie, into our com- ! | munity. They are presently re-j .siding in Fritzsche's Estates. ' l ' ' ' ! ; Going To Florida j Mr. and Mrs. Haines left forj Florida on Feb. 12. where they : intend to remain for a couple ; of weeks. While visiting om | southern state they plan to dt, j | some deep-sea fishing and visit j j their son. Pete, who is playinr I : with a band in a night club 1 Visiting News > Mr. and Mrs. Tobey had a j | few friends over Saturday j 1 night, Feb. 13, to help celebrate! | Mr. Tobey's birthday and also1 i a friend's birthday. Warning; Parents, please teil your children to be extra careful when out with their sleds because some of the slopes they come down go right onto the roads. We don't want some car to have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting them and perhaps get injured'.themselves'.. Sorry Department I was so busy thinking when Lent'would, be starting when I was writing about the prelenten party the Blessed Virgin sodality was having that I put the wrong date in the paper. It should read that the party will be on Feb. 21 instead of March 2. My mistake, sorry. Belated Birthday Greetings to Mrs. E. Tucker, who celebrated a birthday recently. If anyone has any news, plrase fee' free to call me Thank vou. HONEY PRODUCTION ' lloney production in Illinois J during 1959 totaled 7.3-14.000 pounds. 37 per cent above the ! 1958 production, according to I the Illinois Cooperative Crop I Reporting Service. The aver- | age price received by producers for honey in 1959 was 20 S cents a pound, compared with 22.2 cents received in 1958. He who can take , advice is somet'me« superior to him who can give it. Our Sympathy Is offered to Bud Garrity and the two boys in the loss of their wife and mother. We al! knew how sick Irene was and the many times she had to go back and forth to the hospital She had always before fought her way back home to her family We were all shocked" at hearing of her passing. May our Blessed Savior give the family strength in their hour of "sorrow. - Visiting Sunday Last week my daughter. Dorothy, and I took the train to visit son, Fred, at the seminary. A person doesn't realize The press of the Republic of India includes 6.570 different j newspapers and periodicals. Eighty-one of the country's 476 newspapers are printed in English. ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor S«nders ' to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 P.U m £r So,, OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 how ^spoiled they are driving lintil they have to get around in taxis, but we enjoyed the train ride and had a wonderful visit with Fred. /Good News Department For those of you who are wondering how Linda Casey is doing I would like tp say that she is at home and doing just fine. To see her you wouldn't think that she had undergone s u c h s e r i o u s s t i r g e r y . T h e Casey family is very grateful to the blood donors and they had enough to fill the needed quota, plus two extra pints. ' . Registration News Those ofe you who have no? as yet registered to vote in the primary don't have to go to Woodstock to do so. You may g£t in touch with Dolores Han ahan at 316 Grandview Drive Sunnyside Estates or call her EV. 5-3427. In order to vote in the primary you must register by March 14. We must all he registered in order to vole ir any election so don!t forget to do so by getting in touch with Dolores. Don't forget to keep t'ii. snow away from the mail hoxc so that the 'mailman'can gc< the to you. I'istakee Terrace--- The women of the Terrace should tret a medal for workup so hard to make their -first venture a success. The rum mage sAle brought in close to $150. The women are grateful to the donors, the workers and the customers. When the plans are completed for the dance we .will let you all know. Basketball _ Danny turner, who is a member of the junior varsity basketball team at the Johnsburg public school, called me to say they' broke their losing streak. The coach for these boys is Jim Van Bosch and the players, besides Danny, are Bill Hank. Louis De Francisco, Henry De Young, David Smith, Myron Bentz and Joe Schultz. Congratulations To Karen Bush for being on the honor roll at McHenry high" school. «* Here is an important reminder to persons who are thinking of retiring and filing a claim for social security payments. You can help the social security office get payments to you f a s t e r i f y o u b r i n g i n t h e lames and addresses of all vout' employers during the past 12 months, Also be sure to bring with you your withhold'-, ng tax statements Form W-2 for the past calendar year. F EST A Spaghetti March 1st mm ii ATLAS BUILDERS Have you always dreamed of having a patio, kitchen cabinets, a modern cement driveway? All of these or any * of the following can be made possible by us. Thick Butt Roofing Blown Insulation Veneer Stone Siding Alum. Comb. Windows Septic Systems Bomb Shelters Plastic Tile Bath ' Aluminum Siding Asbestos Siding Fireplace Home Remodeling Swimming Pool Floor Tile Heating Installation Let us help to make your dreams come true Just phone or come in for a FREE estimate NO down payment Balance E.Z. FHA TERMS Phone EV 5-0430 Route 1, Box. Our Prescription Department A P P R O V E D BY THE American Apothecaries Association Meeting the highest standards of excellence in prescription practice -- 1. College graduate Registered Pharmacists on duty at all times. 2. Controlled inventory to insure fresh, potent drugs. 3. Complete precision weighing and measuring equipment for highest accuracy. 4. Proper storage and refrigeration facilities for drugs requiring special handling. 5. Fair and reasonable pricing schedule. 6. Prescription accessories, oxygen and sick room needs available al all hours day and night. Yes, we are proud that we are authorized to use the Seal of Approval of The American Apothecaries Association on all prescriptions we fill--the only prescription department in McHenry County so authorized. Here in our pharmacy your prescription is prepared, filled and labelled by a Registered Pharmacist. Let us fill your next prescription--and look for this seal on your packago. Your guarantee of the highest quality at the most reasonable price. MILLSTREAM DRUGS "Next To Jewel Tea" 315 W. Elm "Street McHenry, 111. I Tempest 425E is Rmtiacs lusty, high-spirited economy V-8 that prefers regular gas. (It's optional at no extra cost on all series: Catalina,'Ventura, Star Chief, Bonneville.) You save the difference between the price of regular and premium- about a dollar a tankful -but you get the kind of performance you expect from premium gas. 11 • i n y?--M«no« Wde-Trock widens the stonce. no' the cor With the w.dest trocii of any cor. Ponrioc g ves yow better $tob<lity, less leori and accurate contrel. Pontiac--the only car with Wide-Track Wheels! SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED'POt-HIAC DEALER . . . WHO ALSO SELLS GOODWILL USED CARS W TH MORE BARGAIN MILES PER DOLLAR 400 FRONT ST. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC C O. PHONE EVERGREEN 5-6000 McHENRY. ILL.

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