Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1960, p. 14

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Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER TJiu^day, February 18, 19§§ Lakemoor SUZIE ATKINS BASKING IN FLORIDA SUN By Annette S?hmtt " Young Suzie Atkins, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Chester Atkins of Northlake road, left last week for a few weeks of Florida sunshine. Suzie has been feeling rather down in the dumps for the past several weeks and mom and dad have been quite concerned about her general health. Last week the opportunity arose for Suzie to go to Clearwater. Fla.. with her aunt and uncle from Indianapolis. She was put on the bus by the folks here and met by her aunt in Indianapolis. On Thursday last they started their trip South. We're sure the trip is all Suzie needs to snap out of her depression and that she will return in a few Weeks loaded down with a beautiful Florida tan and tales of all the wonderful times she's had.Oh. yes. about her school-, ing! Don't think that wasn't carefully planned. I've got a feeling that Suzie is going to have more fun with her assignments than her bathing suit! Gallon Home Burn* At seven o'clock on Wednesday, the villagers heard the fire siren sound. This was the morning that most of the commuters left home confident that they could make it into Chicago. The siren^ended and the truck came out. Watching the truck as it neared our corner we wondered why it was going so slow. No doubt at this very instant many of our commuters knew why any vehicle would be "going slow. The Engine had to fight its way through all that heavy snow and several drifts to make it to the scene. The McHenry truck was not far behind. Although every effort was made, the interior is very badly damaged and the Galions had to seek another place to stay u^- til work is completed on the building. I'll Be Seeing; You! Old phrase, new meaning. Rose and .foe Kinnerk . and i heir sons, Dan and Bud, have left the village for a spell. They left on Saturday, hag and baggage, chair and table into -the home formerly occupied by Mary / Weingart on Elm street in McHenry. This pu's Rose in the center of the shopping district and is she going to have a ball. And Dan will be close' to all his school and athletic activities As for Joe. He's a regular guy with in eye towards relaxing so Iv should b> right at home in his own easy chair no matter where they put it--So. long„ old friends, but expect to see us all at one time or another. Deadline Near inn March 1 has been Set as the deadline for all vehiclc licenses in the village. At' any time after the first of the month r> penalty will be affixed. Trucks depend on the weight. The same deadline has been set for dog lags. It might be a good tirm here and now to mention thr fact that a dog tag does not give a dog the license to run the streets. All dogs, even if they are wearing a tag are to be kept penned or leashed in the village limits. Never Better Marge Beahlor tells me that she heard from her son. Dick by telephone on Sunday. Dick as you probably know is serving with Uncle Sam's Air Force at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. Says he's doing just fine, but just finished k. p. and was at the moment pooped. I kind of figured that sooner or later the upper brass would pick Dick to do some of that Kozy Parading Good luck, buddy, from all of us back home. Happy Birthday There's a fellow, in our neck of the woods that I've just been dying to s&y happy birthday to. He is no longer a voune lad. No sir. He is now old 1 enough to vote, work, marry, and slave for the rest of his life. But there are advantages to being twenty-one. Like being your own boss. Steve V e 11 e r -- Congratulations. You've made it! May you always look back on Feb. 10. 1960 as the day you became a man. And for anv interested females reading this. . . thi«= is leap year and he's one of the most eligible males in to^jv Here's a wee one for you. He's little Brian Kawell. He, like Steve Vetter. has reason to be proud of Feb. 10. 1960. This is Brian's very first birthday. And we hear tell that he really mutilated that cake and that all the other Kawells were coaxing him to blow. A very happy birthday to you, Brian. More Birthdays Little Phyllis Jean Zabroski celebrated her fourth birthday on Thursday. Feb. 11. She enjoyed every minut^ of that day. Anna Winston was four th's past week also. Jack Bryan w^s thirty-nine and a half this week and young i Tommy Bryan was four. Many happy returns to all of you. Callers Callers in the Theodore • Beahlor home last Sunday j were Mr. and Mrs. Stanton i Hatch of M*. Prospect and i Mrs. Margaret Hatch. They all . enjoyed the celebration of St. Valentine's Dav together. Eastwood Manor Urge Attendance At EMPOA Meet Lois Kvan - KV. o-;i877 Tomorrow. Feb. 19. at 9 p.m in the barn in the subdivision the second meeting of this new year will he called to order Will you be there? You stv cordially invited and bring your neighbors. Whether you are a paid up member or not we still would like tip have the pleasure of your company at these meetings. Maybe the one important thing that is keeping you from becoming a full member could be worked out and \pu will see that some of the problems that are so big to us are sometimes really small when they are discussed and worked out. Please give us a try. The tickets for the annual St. Patrick's dance wall be on sale at the.meeting. Walt Garrelts is in charge of handling the t;cke'ts so be sure to contact him at the meeting for yours and ttiose you plan to sell. The dance will be held at the American Legion hall in McHenry on March 12 at 9 p.m. The committee has been vyorking very hard to make this a good evening for you and vour friends so plan to come. The committee met at the Ryan home on Friday, Feb. 12. to make further plans and decorations. Peggy and Walt Garrelts, Len Hansen. Dolores and Len Lawrence. Eleanor and Walter Kuck. Jean Mersch. and Lois and Jerry Ryan were all busy gettine the tickets ready and starting on decorations. This is one of the biggest affairs of the year and we are counting on you to come and have a wonderful time. Women's Club • The Women's club had a short business meeting. In the I absence of our president. Lee ! Landin. who was ill, Dolores | Lawrence conducted a fine ! meeting. Yvonne Davis gave a j very fine demonstration fol- [ lowing the meeting. We were sorry though that all the mem- I bers did not turn out that I night to support their club. , The next meetinc wil be held j on Monday, March 7. at 8:30 i p.m. at the barn. This is to' be [ a very important meeting. Julie Schmidt and (wo year old Gail Engstrom celebrated their birthdays along with St. Valentine on Feb. 14. The Very next day Hugh Saynor, Sandy Radnor and Ricky Woolwinc celebrated. £)n the sixteenth Lee Landin chalked up another year. Now i.f are up to date beginning today with Ronald Tinslev. Tomorrow Tom Birmingham will blow out his birthday candles! On Saturday June Priester and Bob Newlon will celebrate their natal day. Sun- '^cliday Hills Father Oi Local Resident Dies Rita Oleyfrr --- EV 5-4768 Condolences are extended this week to Albert and Lucille Ahlgrim upon the death of Albert's father. Charles T. Ahlgrim, on January 31. He- was 79 years old and a resident of Riverdale subdivision. He leaves with honors from the Univer sity ol' Colorado. School oi Pharmacy. He will continue tc live in Denver until-his wife'^ teaching contract expires it June. Daughter. Joyce Ahlgrim. spent a few days with her par rents recently on vacation fron: her studies at Moixly B:bh Institute. Joyce is a registerec, nurse and supports hersc/.' While attending- school. Boy Scout Calibration Den 1 parents were proud o their boys at the monthly Dedicate Altar Rail The pastor and of St. John's Lutheran up his reserves and threw a congregat ioi. | real old-fashioned, blizzard oui^.? eran church way. It'll be a long time before . Island Lake, have dedicated an - anyone forgets this snow storm I £ ii_ _ _ i i I„ his wife, six children, eighteen day brings birthday time to_l grandchildren and eleven great j Pack 362 meeting, Legion Hali Betty Radner. Matt Oik and! grandchildren. The funeral was on Thursday night, Feb. 2. Un Fred Mueller. Happy Anniversary A belated anniversary wish goes to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shaw who celebrated the anniversary of their wedding day on Feb. 14 and to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogers, who celebrated their anniversary on Feb. 10. Our best current wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt, who \^ill celebrate today, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dethlefson, who Will celebrate tomorrow and to Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Charbonnier, who will celebrate on Feb. 23- Congratulations to all. held from Curran's in Chicago, with burial in Elmwood Park cemetefy. Also from the Ahlgr'm household comes word that son Warren David, has been graduated ner on Sunday at the Fenner home here in the subdivision; On Wednesday Jackie Dalton had his tonsils and adenoids removed. He was safely home von Thursday. The' Ryans played cards 'in Fox River Grove with the John Stephans on Saturday. I Octettes ; j' Bertha S'toil was hostess to Sick List ^ Octettes on Feb. 3. Bertha of the people on this i fjrst prize and Lydia Fenner won second. Most list are better now and we sure are glad about that. Flu hit the Garrelts family in no uncertain terms. Walt and the kids were first. Then Peggy come down with a worse case. She was on the verge of pneumonia. Helen Mathes and the children were all in bed with that old flu bug. Kathv Durkin was home from school with the flu and mama,1 Freida has a- terrible cold. Lois McCormack had a bout with the flu bug too, and so did Lois^ferebs. Marion-"Alford came down with the chicken pox. This and That The Durkins had a surprise visit from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teuber and family from Palatine on Sunday The Garrelts family is enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Farrell from Colorado Springs for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roberl Del Santo and family attended din- In Closing A full report on the EMPOA and the St.' Patrick's dance will. be given next week. Please call your news in. Bye now. See you next week. der the supervision of their leaders, Earline Mettelka and1 Arlene Hill, the den presented a skit based on hats worn by famous men born in February. Tied in with this theme, was the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of tft?y scouting. A tremendous birthday cake fac simile was carried aloft, sport ing fifty paper candles. Ray Mettelka did the narrating and he was assisted by Toddy Qszkandy, Billy Filip. Wayne Lar. ie, Herbie Hill and Mike Janik. Welcome To Tlie Natmiens Official welcome is given this week to Larry . and. Roberta Nauman. who live at .10 S Bittersweet with their sons, Steve and Paul, aged two, and six months, respectively. This young couple moved here from Barrington Nov. 8. 1959. Both are.graduates from the University of Chicago. Larry in business administration and Roberta in science. altar railing in the sanctuary to the memory of Marie Schup pe, who died last October. The rail is natural redwood, to match the decor of the churci and was made possible with the gifts of friends and relatives of the Schuppe family. Personal Item* Connie Abbink was invested into' the Brownies Monday, Feb. 8. bringing the total troop c o u n t t o t w e n t y - t w o g i r l s . Brownie leader Loretta Exline • -m the McHenry hospital. Shirley Haufe has been* appointed alternate delegate to Sybaquay Girl Scout Council conventions for I960. The Clarence Youngs spent the weekend in South Bend, Ind., with Inez's sister and family, helping to celebrate a niece's birthday. Blizzard Blues ,All of us who have been c o m p l a i n i n g s f r i c e O c t o b e r about the lack of a "real" wint e r , a n d t h o s e o f u s w h o thought we couldn't stand the mud and slush another minute, were quieted pretty effectively when the weather man opened especially the husbands who spent all of Tuesday night oi the highways and by-ways of the northwest suburbs just trying to get home from the citv The children, as usual, got best of it. Just think, five days vacation and all that wonderful snow to play in! Woman's Meeting Cancelled The Woman's club monthly meeting was cancelled for February and election of officers postponed until the March meeting. 5" 1 J) The time to relax is wnen ypu don't have time for it. J Chain Saws to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 IN HIS LINE ! m ' Letter From Andy Another letter from Grampn Andy Anderson tells us that of the forty days already this year, they have had thirtyeight of them with full sun shine. He writes that he's never done so much running around and is enjoying every minute of it. Says that last week they took a one hundred mile trip into some of the Indian villages and found them very interesting. He tells of the wonderful party that Thorkel and Catherine Thorkelson had for him in honor of Valentine's day. Andy and his Wife would have celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Valentine's day this year Lou Anderson passed away last year in March. iWho Said Taxis!; i i1 j i | Are A Luxury? it ! i J Add the cost of cleaniu J | I i I t h i s m a n ' s r a i n - s o a k o • • • I clothes and . you'll agrci ! > i • door-to-door taxi uctuallv i j saves money. A cab can J I i • help in a hundred differeni i • i i ways. When you need one. J • i J Bajlo Dispatched * j McHENRY CAB! ! Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 j V.F.W. Troop No. 161 The Father nH Son Bv-quet previously scheduled for last Thursday was held over for a week due to the heavy snowfall in the area. It will be held this evening, Feb. 18. at the Wing 'n Fin Lodge. All Scouts and Cubs from th^. entire Kishw a u k e e D i s t r i c t ^ $ 1 1 b e i n a t tendance. A Court of Honor will lni held for the boys of Troop 161 on Feb. 25, Thursday. The Court will be held in the Fire- Community House here in Lakemoor. Block Rosary The Block Rosary for Tuesday. Feb 23, will be held at the John Sheehv home at J28 Manor Lane. All Catholics of Eastwood Manor are cordially invited to- join the Sheehys and the rest of the group at 9 p.m H:ippy Birtluhty Belnled birthday -wishes air in order for Linda Freckman who celebrated on Feb. 12. On the thirteenth Bob Dethlefson blew out his birthday candles. FIESTA Spaghetti March 1st Our pharmacist is a "Master in his line" he has been thoroughly schooled in his intricate profession. You can place complete confidence in him. So, bring your very next prescription to BOLGER'S drugstore - WELCOME TO-THE GRAND OPENING 103 S. Green St. Use The Green Street Free Phone LV ;-)-4n00 Parking Area OF THE New Addition TO THE CLUBHOUSE POST 4600 ROUTE 120 EAST -- McHENRY, ILL. SATURDAY, FEB. 27. I960 V.F.W. Afternoon: MUSIC -- 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. Evening: DANCING -- 8:£0 P.M. 'til ? to the music of "THE MODERN AIRES" SMORGASBORD The specific cause of tuber-1 culosis is the tubercle bacillus i Contributing causes appear to! be economic, physical and men- i tal strain. ler How fresh is the heated air you breathe in your home? If yonr home is heated by a warm air furnace Send for a free copy of this informative article FRESH-AIR COMFORT 6328 N. Nordica Chicago 31, Illinois OUR FINEST YEAR C Savings Accounts Increased Additions to Reserves Dividends Paid to Members Assets Increased Total Assets. December 31. 1959 $1,556,197.70 117,273.63 355,652.12 1,710,024.93 11,280,603.59 Marengo Federal is proud of its progress in 1959, its long history of proven performance, and the safety provided by the largest reserves of any financial institution in McHenry county. Your Association is looking forward to greater service to you and your community in 1960. Save in person convenience. or by mail with full safely, availability a;id ALL YOUR MONEY BACK if not completely satisfied. Prove to yourself that nothing (not even the sun) dries clothes cleaner • faster • fresher ! (J Public Sendee Company Current Dividend Rate 4% SAfur SAVINGS Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Plione JOrdan 8-725M Total Reserves Over $912,000.00 SPECIAL REPEAT OFFER The response to ^ ™°^"expectaUons! We last fall) exceeded ourbes^ p mis9ed out S"lZ:eTC^ert limited, so see your appliance dealer right away Commonwealth Edison Company Electric Dryer of Satisfaction Thui certificate guarantees that you will be completely satisfied wjth your new 240-voh electric clothes dryer.* within 60 days after installation, you are not completely satisfied notify us nnc^ve will arrange to have the dryer removed and have all the money you paid refunded Standard Dryer Wiring Installation, if you arranged for nuch nn cost of purchase) v Commonwealth Edison Public Service Company Why you'll be happier with an Electric Dryer • Clothes dry sweeter in a clean, fume-free Electric Dryer. • Nothing dries clothes faster! • Fully automatic--no pilot to light or go out--ever! • Dry every kind of fabric safely. And remember, Electric Dryers cost $30 to $50 less to buy! o t > You get this Gold Certificate of Satisfaction when you buy any of the famous make Electric Dryers listed below between now and April 30, 1960. Offer available to any residential customer served by Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company. SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE DEALER NOW Choose from any of these famous makes of Electric Dryers BLACKST0NE • H0TP0INT • RCA WHIRLPOOL • EASY • GENERAL ELECTRIC • KELVINATOR MAYTAG • PHILC0 • SEARS KENM0RE • SPEED QUEEN ' WARD'S SIGNATURE • WESTINGH0USE • WATCH EDISON THEATRE--Friday, 10:00 p-m--ChaiUMl *

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