Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1960, p. 2

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two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Miscellaneous Shower 19 Honors Bride-to-be The Misses Ann Lundborg and Betty Holochwost were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower held recently at th^ Legion home, honoring Miss Donna Brown, a bride-to-be. The gift table was attractively decorated with a centerpiece of a lace umbrella filled with pink and yellow carnations. , Thirty-five guests, including relatives, friends and classmates, attended the shower. A buffet luncheon w ac served arid gan^es provided diversion. Prizes were awarded to Marjorie Haydam. Kathleen Anglese, Lovina Schaefer and Martha Bond. Miss Brown will* become the bride of Boyd Lindberg on Feb 27 at St. Mary's Catholic church. Ataim Infant Is Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Adams of Mapie avenue was christened Brian Eugene in a baptismal service which took place Sunday. Feb 14. at St. Mary's Catholic church, with Rev. Harold Ni!- ges officiating. Sponsors for the baby were Harold Diedrich and Joyce May. Dinner was served at the Adams home following the ceremony to the sponsors and these guests: Mr. and Mrs. Irvan May and daughter. Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family of Ringwood, the maternal grandmother. Mrs. Vera Fish, of Mc- Henry and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Adams, of McHenry. Brian has two brothers, Jon and Tom, and a sister, Cheryl Ann. Harrison Son Baptized Sunday The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison of Pistakee Bay was christened Todd Andrew Harrison at St. Mary's Catholic church Sunday, Feb. 14, at 1:30 o'clock, with Rev. Harold N i 1 g e s officiating. Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green. Dinner was served at the Harrison home following the ceremony. The baby was born Jan. 28 at Memorial hospital. He was welcomed home by two sisters and two brothers. Todd's mother is the former Marilyn Schaefer of McHenry. MISS McKINNEY WILL BE GUEST £>F WOMEN'S CLUB Guest speaker at the Friday Feb. 19, meeting of the McHenry Woman's club, to be Held at the Legion home, will be Miss Marion A. McKinney. director of the women's trave department for the Union Pa eific railroad. } The program' she will present, "Collecting With A Purpose", is illustrated with her >wn. collection of objet d'art MARION MeKINNEY and tales of the Orient. Her purpose of collecting has been to bring the beauty of oriental designs, fabrics and colors into her home and life. In keeping with her custom of buying one choice souvenir on each of her many trips, Miss McKinney has Fukien white cup of the Tang Dynasty, with its legends as old as China itself, which was one of her first items. Thereafter followed choice pieces of jade, porcelain, pewter, Chinese jewelry, old and new, as well as exquisite Ghin ese fabrics. Bnenzll Baby Is Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Buenzli of 200 High street was christened James Joseph in a baptismal service solemnized at St. Patrick's Catholic church by Rev. Fr. Eugene Parker on Sunday, Feb. 14, at 1:30 p.m. Sponsors for the baby were his aunt and uncle. Mrs. Adeline Jamrock and Kenneth May. Jimmy was christened in the same dress worn by the m a t e r n a l g r a n d m o t h e r o v e r fifty years ago. A delicious dinner and supper were enjoyed at the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. May. a t R i n g w o o d . A m o n g t h e guests were the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buenzli of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamrock, Mary and Lynda, of Chicago and Miss Penny Anderson, also of Chicago. RATE DEAN'S LIST Richard Vose and R. G. Ullrich were among students at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale who rated between 4.25 and 5.0 for the fall quarter, according to a release of the dean's list. Theatre Guild Will Present Play Feb. 19-20 "Dial M for Murder," the three act suspense drama Frederick Knott, will be presented by Little Theatre of Crystal Lake at Central school, Paddock and McHenry streets, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19 and 20 at 8:30 p.m. It is being directed by Joe Butler. Tickets can be obtained at the box office at the school the nights of the play, by mailing your reservation to Little Theatre of Crystal Lake, Box 372, or by phoning Crystal Lake 2602. M c H e n r y r e s i d e n t s h a v e been active in the guild for several years. NAME WINNERS IN TOURNAMENT FOR POOL FUND Another exciting bridge tournament for the benefit of the swimming pool fund was played last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harner of Eastwood Manor won first prize with a score of 5,420; Rosemary Carey and Rita Martin were second with 4,850; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kuhlman edged out Ruth Buckner and Marion Schoenholtz by ten points with a score of 3.650. Plans for another tourney were made, the date being March 13. Winners are responsible for arrangements and announcements in the paper. It was suggested that other card games be included, so any pinochle or canasta players interested are asked to contact Mrs. William J. Bolger, Evergreen, 5-4400, to help set the prize and manner of playing RALPH BENNETT TAKES BRIDE TO LINCOLN, ENGLAND The Round Lake Community church was the scene of a small, simple wedding solemnized at 2 o'clock last Saturday, Feb. 13, uniting in marriage Mr. Ralph W. Bennett of Lincoln, England, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ralph Bennett of McHenry, and Miss Joyce Miller. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Millar of Round Lake. Only the family and close friends were in attendance. The bride was lovely in a street length sheath. dress of white tulip brocaded satin, istyled with empire- waistline, sweetheart neckline and a fingertip veil with bow of brocaded satin. She carried for her "something old-' a white handkerchief which belonged to the groom's great aunt, Mrs. Ross Wheeler. Her flowers were white roses. The maid of honor was Miss Barbara Cinifro of Mundelein who chose a light blue dress of brocaded satin wgth dark blue accessories. Her flowers were pink, sweetheart roses. Christopher Bennett of McHenry. brother of the groom served as best man. The bride's0 mother selected a beige sheath dress * with brown accessories and a corsage of white camellias. Mrs Bennett wore a beige sheath with pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Following the wedding, a reception was held in the church parlors, after which the couple left for Innsbruck. Austria, where they will enjoy a tenday honeymoon trip, including skiing, after which they will reside in Lincoln, England, where he is a field engineer. • The bride is a graduate ot the Round Lake high school and was employed in secretarial work in Libertyville. The bridegroom graduated from McHenry high school and the University of Illinois. He served bs a lieutenant in the Army before going to England. Residence Change The Carl J. Wagner family is now residing in the Ensign house at , the corner of John and Fourth street. Mr. Wagner is art and crafts teacher at the Junior high scfhool. The Stanley Schaffer family has moved from Main street to the home of the late Henry J. Schaffer at log W. Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Kinnerk and family have moved from Lakemoor to the home of the late Mrs. Mary Weingart on E. Elm street. ATTEND SHOWER Opt-of-towh folks who attended a pink and blue shower for Mrs Thomas Smith of Woodstock, given at the home of Mrs. Agnes Nieman and daughter, Mary Kay, Sunday afternoon, were Mrs. George C. Smith, and Miss Patty Nieman of Woodstock, Mrs. Ed. Winters and Mrs. Judy Peters and son of Crystal Lake. ATTEND WEDDING Kenneth Marshall and son. Dale, of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Koskinski and son, David, of College Park, Md., Zelinda Bennett of the University of Illinois at Champaign, Mrs. William Bamford and daughter, Barbara, and Harold Johnson of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dobrick of Mylith Park, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of Crystal Lake £nd Richard Stilling of Chicago attended the Bennett - Miller wedding Saturday. CARD OF THANKS We want to take this opportunity to thank the manyfriends who remembered us with cards, spiritual bouquets, prayers and other kindnesses extended in our recent bereavement. They were appreciated so very much. The Family of Ted Olhava 42 Looking Por Something Different? Then come to us . . . let us show you the new "American Caprice for 1960". Our beauty technicians are experts in all the newest hairstyles. r ^ t^iverdide J4airAtyiincf Studio Member of N.H.C.A. 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry 111 Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; -Sat., 8-5; Closed Mondays OSftlTAL u&Su McHenry Hospital Patients in McHenry hospital this past week included David Bird, Stephen Colby and Mary Geske of Crystal Lake; Loretta Exline, William Anderson. Ethel Edwards, Patricia Tomasello, Loring Oik, John Dalton, Blaine Day, Paul S c h w e g e l , D e l i a M a t h e w s , Alice XjUstafson, Bernice Fry, Amor Rutten, Susan Matthies, Ingebord Olsen, Shirley Eckstein, Colleen Tranberg, Irma Schiller, John Krai, Jane Walsh, Evelyn Priichett and Helen Birmingham of Me- Henry,Y Ivan Zuelsdorf of Palatine; Bessie Gerhke, Donald Clark and Jeanne . Matas. of Cary; Donna Mahal of Wonder I<ake; Thomas Gurewitz of Ingleside; Mary Talaska of Fox River Grove; Helen Smith of Spring Grove; Daniel G^thman of Fox Lake; John Hogor of Ringwood; Ollie and Cheryl Cox of Round Lake and Ted Dawidbwsicz of, Chicago. Memorial Hospital Patients in Memorial hospital. Woodstock, this past week included Signe Larsen, Ethel McGee, Alice Stamer, Sherry Schfefer and Virginia Grote of McHenry; Frank Richardson. Gerelyn Ahrens. Stephen Ryder and Anna Grosso of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Katherine Kellerimn, Louis Frindell, Mrs. Arthur Stolzke and George Diedrich of McHenry have been patients in Harvard hospital this past week. February 24 WOTM Luncfheon -- Legion Home -- 12:30 p.m. Smorgasbord -- Community Methodist Church -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. -- Serving from 5 to 8 p.m. February 24 St. Agatha's Court, No. 777, Bowling fit Johnsburg Alleys -- 1:15 p.m. March 26 Easter Parade Tot and Teen Style Show and Revue -- High School Auditorium -- 2 p.m. February 28 Smorgasbor d -- C h r i s t t h e King Parish Hall, Wonder Lake -- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Society. C.O.F. State Basketball Tournament. March 1 Annual "Fiesta Spaghetti Dinner" with Music and Candle light -- Legion Home -- Serving from 5 to 9 p.m. -- sponsored by St. Paul's Men's club. March 6 C . O . F . State . Basketball Tournament. March 13 C . O .F. State Basketball Tournament. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all the wonderful people who remembered me while I was confined in the hospital and at home. Your prayers, cards, gifts and flowers were appreciated so much. My sincere thanks. Alida Freund 42 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness and help received during the recent passing of our father, especially to the pastor and priests of St. Mary's church. Children of Louis A. Wolf *42 Lose weight fast with Kessamin-- forget hunger pangs! Now--reducing no longer meant agonixing hunger pangt. Keuamin let* you lot* weight fait without "Reducing Torture." What's, the secret of the Keuaaiia Plan? Remarkable Kestamin Tablet*. They,help control your hunger. Yov (till eat all your favorite food*-- •imply want leu of Item. Kossatote h completely »ofe--- protecss jnf health with vitamins aad kga, Ask your druggist today abM ©• Kmsarain Plan. AB you com torn ti pounds yov doal need. KESSAMIN BETTER... by McKESSON BOLGER'S 103 8. Green St. Phone EV S-4SOO PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. James Wissell of Genoa City, Wis., were visitors in the home of Mrs. William Wissell Saturday evening. Miss Bertilla Freund spent the weekend with friends in Rockford. Mrs. Phillip Ahlberg arid nephew, Ronnie, returned, recently, from a four months visit with relatives in Los Angeles, Calif., for a happy reunion with Mr. Ahlberg who was released from the army, at the same time, after serving two years in Germany. During time off. while across, Mr. Ahlberg did much sight-seeing anrv^ng the places he visited being Lynd o n , E n g l a n d a n d P a r i s , Franoe. Mrs. John Bolger and sister. Miss Catherine Kortendick, of Woodstock, visited their sister, Mrs. Earl Hyland. and their brothers, William and Clarence Kortendick, in Rockford, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whalen and children, Cathy, Monica. Patsy and Johnny, of Elgin. ^Cvere visitors in the Robert Conway home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Angles* and daughter, Kathleen, spent the weekend in Springfield where they attended a Latin convention. Mrs. Nellie Bacon was Sunday visitor in the Harold Bacon home in Crystal Lake and in the afternoon accompanied them to Marengo for a visit in the Carl Courier home. Mrs. Robert Conway and sisters. Mrs. Thomas Spantideas and Mrs, Stella Calbow of Crystal Lake, were in Rockford oh Feb. 7. to help their father, Carl Blarmer, celebrate his eighty second birthday which fell on the day before. Cards have been received from Mrs. F. J. Aicher and Miss Clara Miller who are spending the month at Fort Lauderdale. Fla. They report an enjoyable vacation with ideal weather. Miss Catherine Kortendick of Woodstock spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. John Bolger. Mrs. Mabel Powers, who has been staying with her daiigh-. ters, Mrs. Dorothy Whiting, near Johnsburg, and Mrs. Mary Burge, in Grayslake, since leaving the Woodstock hospital, returned to her apartment on Main street Saturday. Mrs. Powers, who suffered a broken Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heinz, Jr., are the > parents of a daughter, born Feb. 8 at Memorial'hospital, Woodstock. She has been named Mary Lynn. There are four other children, two boys and tw6 girls. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mieritz are the parents of a son, born Feb. 12 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A boy was born Feb. 9 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dye of Wonder Lake., - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blair welcomed a son at Memorial hospital on Feb. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dargatz are the parents of a daughter, born at Memorial hospital, Feb. 11. A son was bom Feb. 15 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Tillerson. Mr. and Mrs.'Phillip Parfrey of Spring Grove are the parents of a son, born Feb. 15 at Memorial hospital. leg in a fall on Oct. 29. is recovering nicely but still confined to a wheel-chair. Sunday guests in her home were Mr. and Mrs. William Powers of Batavia, Mr. and Mrs. David Powers of Woodstock and Mr and Mrs. Joseph Powers of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams, Mrs. Anna Diedrich, daughter. Van, and Jackie Thennes were Sunday visitors in the Thill home in Aurora • where they helped David Thill celebrate his eleventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wojowic and sons of Druce Lake were Sunday visitors in the Leo Blake home. The F. J. Pepping family, who has been residing temporarily with relatives here, moved to Montgomery, near Aurora, last week. Mr. Pepping is employed by the telephone company at Wheaton. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl spent the past week with their daughter, Mrs. Pepping, helping them get settled. Little Gerald Pepping visited his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Pepping, here, during the moving process. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital braved the storm to see Marion High of Woodslock and Beloit Catholic High play bas- THf Are you or your children interested in learning to play t h e a c c o r d i o n , piano, or organ? We have qualified instructors to teach you. Come In Or Phone For Detailed Information One Block East of Bridge on Route 120 . PHONE EV 5-0430 wjgm a Thursday, February 18, 1960 ketball at Beloit Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sharp Jr., visited in the senior Jei ortie Sharp home in Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Math ews of Evanston were weekend visitors in McHenry. Miss Pamela, Walsh of Fox Lake spent . the weekend as a guest in the Alfonse Adams home. Charles Vycital, son, Gary and .Kenny Stilling attended the boat show in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walinder have returned from a trip to the South. They left Jan. .22 and spent a week with then daughter, Mrs. John Wendorf in Atlanta, Ga. They also visited friends in St. Petersburg Fort Lauderdale and Tampa Fla., before returning home Feb. 12. y Dr. and Mrs.. Eugene Unti and. family . of Wadsworth. Kas., visited during the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Unti. Dr. Unti attended the dentists' convention in Chicago. Weekend visitor? here were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Unti and family of Chicago. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown our loved one during her illness; also for floral offerings, cards and other expressions of sympathy shown by neighbors and friends after her passing. They shall always be remembered and cherished. Sydney Smith Phyllis and Richard Nimtz Jerri and Don Doolin *42 4-H News Busy Three Club There w&s a meeting of the Busy Three 4-H club on Fek 8 at the McHenry high schofif with eighteen members and two guests present. T h e 4 - H s k a t i n g p a r t y , dance, and the electrical Classes were discussed. We decided to have our meetings on the fourth Monday of every month. Dave Miller gave a project talk on "Beef" and Ken Etten gave a health talk on "What To Do For Burns". Refreshments were furnishedJay Don Osterby. v. The next meeting will be Feb. 29 at the high school. Norma Anderson, reporter GRANTEt» DIVORCE Bernice D. Nutt of McHenry was granted a divorce from Francis H. Nutt by Judge William M. Carroll in circ^T court. She was permitted to resume her former name of Bernice Hulquist CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all the wortderful people who remembered me while I was confined in the hospital after my surgery. .^Especially those who helped my wife make her regular visits to me. Also for all the get well cards, letters and messages. Bless you all. *42 Stanley Lezak CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking everyone for cards, prayers and other remembrances during the time I was confined to the hospital. I am especially grateful to E& Coakley and Fr. Rennell. •» Mrs. Helen Heuser 42 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who either visited me, called to inquire as to my condition, sent get-well cards" or brought remembrances during my recent stay in the McHenry hospital and since coming back honO and especially the VFW Women's auxiliary members whose visits, calls, cards and presents were a big uplift. Again I thank everyone so much. Mrs. Beulah Vachet 42 Christmas Seals finance a nation- wide medical research program against TB. .{J NO MORE "OVERWEIGHT LOOK" HERE'S TRIPLE-ACTION TRIMMING v. _ ied' cool f»» Unll cotton S /&! ' "How long before I can draw against a check I've deposited with you?" If drawn on a bank other than our own, the proceeds are available to you as soon as we collect from the other bank. The time depends upon just how far away the other bank is. When you deposit a check on another bank, ask our teller "How long to collect?" That way,you can avoid the embarrassment of drawing your own check against uncollected funds and having it returned unpaid ... you can relax and enjoy to the fullest extent the bill-paying convenience and efficiency that your checking account with us offers! McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 •McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution i" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve,,System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 triple-action slimming strength Joins extra softness m Sleex, world's only rubber girdle lined with pure cool cotton ... 77% more absorbent, naturally cooler, softer, easier to slip on and off. here's satin-smooth shaping with 22 hidden controllers molded inside Sleex to trim, slim and firm you front, back, over hips. double life--Sleex never loses its original shape, retains its superb stretch, strength and caressing softness indefinitely. New garters are wafer thin, self-adjusting. Sleex stays fresh and attractive.. . washes and dries in minutes. Ice-White Aire-lon with a rich lace effect SVL*- -fodatif TrMaawk Slip on Girdle or Pantie Styles Zipper Girdle C' or Pantie Stifles g95 |Q95 (XL)«9» (XL) *11* 'For Town & Country" Phone EV 5-2718 806 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Open Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays ^SQ a.m. 'til 9 p.m. -- Closed Wednesdays

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