Thursday March 3, I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nlsif Lakemoor HONOR COURT HELD FOR BOY SCOUT TROOP By Annette Schmit The A to Z club held their last meeting at the home of Mrs. Edna Petlak in Lakemoor. Mrs. Adele Stilling won first place and Edna Petlak made second place in the game. After the meeting was over, «erry cake and coffee were rved, at which time the girls held a surprise baby shower on Mrs. Adele Stilling. Mrs. Stilling received many very lovely and useful things for her . new infant. The. next regular meeting of the A to Z club was held on Tuesday, March .1, at the home of Mrs. Jeannine Steinsdoerfer of Lilymoor, details of which ^jill follow in the next issue., Kandy Roberts, Celebrates • "Look Ma", "Twooo Hands",* is the imaginative thought that must have crossed Mrs. Juanit a Roberts' mind as she watched little Kandy celebrate her first birthday We hear tell that mom had quite a chore cleaning up those two little hands after Kandy got through *ith her cake. Many happy returns, Kandy. The maternal grandmother, and mighty proud to be, too, is none other than our own Mrs. Williams. that day were Waynne and Charlene Kraus. * "Froeliche Geburtstag" In any language, it's someone's birthday every day: From little on we look forward to that one day every year which belongs to no one but us. And this, along with death and taxes, can never be taken from us. On Sunday, Feb. 28, Mrs. J e n n y M c D e r m o t t l i t t h e match which lit the candles for a happy birthday. From Out of Town Here in the village to help Grampa Kraus celebrate his birthday last week were Mr. and Mrs. Curley Kraus of Niles. Along with them was #hn's granddaughter who has just finished the final touches of both chicken pox and the flu. Among other visitors on V.F.W. Bov Scout Troop 161 The Court of honor held at the Lakemoor fire-community house last Thursday evening was a gigantic success. In the future, it is the hope of the leaders that more parents will be present. Without the backing of the parents, the joy for the children is gone. Although leader, Walt Para, was a little late getting there due to> a i train tie-up, the boys carried on splendidly without him. j The boys who passed their J tenderfoot rank were Richard I Heckman, Kenneth Ehrhardt | and Thomas Para. Those passring their second class rank | were Tommy Bossier, Dave ! Heckman and Richard Wolf, j Massing the first class rank were Richard Wolf aftd Lawrence "Skip" Sohuerr. In the , merit badge field, "Skip" Schuerr passed his first aid badge and Richard Wolf passed his leathercraft badge. We are mighty proud of the fine work done by those" boys listed above: Congratulations! The Saturday following the ! big court of awards, the boys j banded together and cleaned ; up the entire hall at the firecommunity house. They also cleaned the hallway and stairs. Scrubbed and waxed no less! Flu Germ Strikes J Ask Mama Pogany how that old flu germ feels. Believe me,. she knows. Got it through the grapevine that she did a thorough job of passing, out and all. Understand the hospital "kept her there for awhile, just to make sure. Relatives Visit Smith Home Mrs. Ethel Edward's sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradford, and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tillier, both of Des Moines, Iowa, visited at the Smith home recently. The family enjoyed a real old fashioned family reunion. , Twas A Boy Ray and Adele Stilling are parents again. On Monday, ing opened his big blue eyes, looked dround, and said. "I got here in a big hurry so just call me Buzz. He weighed in at a healthy 6 pounds and 6 ounces. Mom and Buzz returned home from the hospital on Thursday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stilling are the parents of another child, eighteen months old, who welcomed mom and baby brother home. trip recently where she vacationed in Hot Springs, .Ark. With her was her daughter, Mrs. Leon and her sister. On Saturday this past week, Mrs. Unruh took another trip, this one not so pleasant. She had major surgery at the McHenry hospital and as "of this writing is reported as doing fairly well. Twas A Girl Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Lake Manor (she is Adele's sister, Lucille) welcomed baby- Sharon into the family on Sunday, Feb. 28. She tipped the scales at 7 pounds and 6 ounces. Mom and Dad Smith are "even steven" with three boys and three girls now. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leon of this village who now are the proud grandparents of sixteen grandchil- | dren. Mrs. Louise Unruh on the maternal side is now the greatgrandmother of twenty-eight great-grandchildren. Congratulations to all the Leons, Sellings, Smiths and to Great- Grandma Unruh. Major Surgery Mrs. Unruh returned from a. BETTER-BRAKES... BUICK '60 i BRAKES HATE HEAT! Buick's fin-cooled Aluminum Drums get rid of heat quicker so you're safer! Brakes generate their own worst enemy--terrific heat. Excessive heat is bad because it may cause brakes to lose part of their effectiveness. So the faster you can dissipate it, the better off you are. 'Buick gets rid of heat faster by using fin-cooled brake drums. On the front wheels, where most of the braking is done, the drums are aluminum. •They cost more to make but they shrug off heat much faster than drums made of ordinary metal. Buick is the only American car that makes them standard, at no extra cost, because you will be safer with them. Best time to buy a Buick '60 is now because you will get top dollar on your old car and have a wide selection of colors and body styles from which to choose. You can own a quality Buick for less than you might think, and your Buick Dealer can arrange terms to suit your budget. TAKE A TURN IN A TURBINE DRIVE BUICK '60 R. i. OVERTON Motor Sales Ladies League The Ladies' League of Lakemoor meets twice a month ori the first and third Wednesdays of the month. The first meeting of every month is devoted to business affaire while the second meeting is their social night. There are twenty-six members in all, including the two life members. One of the life membei's is Mrs. Wegner. who is acting treasurer for the association. Although bedridden, she very ably attends to all the book work for the group j and does a splendid job of it. The group is ahv&ys "glad to welcome new members. The April meeting will "hold the election of officers. Details will be forthcoming. Spring Grove HOLD DAY OF RECOLLECTION AT SPRING GROVE by Mrs. Charles Freund A day of Recollection will be held for the Catholic Youth club of St. Peter's on March 11. Members of the Christian Mothers sodality will serve breakfast and a lunch to all 'teen-agers who will be there for this day of prayer. DCCW Meeting An announcement was made at a recent meeting of the Christian Mothers sodality ofo St. Peter's parish that there would be an open meeting of the McHenry Deanery of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. The meeting will be held at St. Patrick's church Return from Trip East . Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McDermott were away for two weeks, having visited in New York City and Wilmington, Dela. Mr. McDermott joined his wife on the second week of the var cation. ' j. president and trustees of the village of Lakemoor was called for Monday. Feb. 29. Details of this meeting will be in the next issue of the Plaiiidealer. Special Meeting Called A special meeting of the March of Dimes- Due to an understandable ovef-sight this rep. . ter neglected to print the names of the ladies of Lakemoor who worked so hard and supported your March of Dimes. Our gratitude goes to Mrs. Marge Nemes, Mrs. Marge Boro, Mrs. Lorio and Mrs. Dralle. B I G F I N A L S A L E All Remaining Winter Merchandise Priced for a Complete SELL-OUT! FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY! * All Ladies' CAR COATS Reduced Vz Price 111 Ladies' - Reg. $2.98 - $3.98 SLACKS Now *1.00 * Men's - Boys' Reg. $1.79 - $2.98 SHIRTS J1.00 * All Children's, Men's, Women's Rubber Footwear '/2 Price Children's - Reg. $2.98-$3.98 SNOW PANTS Now *1.00 * All Boys' & Girls' Car Coats - Jackets fa Price * Children's CORDURdY ITEMS Vj Price * Ladies' - Reg. $2.98 FLANNEL DUSTERS *1.00 Men's - Boys' - Reg. $1.98 WINTER CAPS Now $1,00 Girls' -- 2 to 6X COTTON DRESSES Now *1.00 Boys' | Reg. 98o - 8':-9 only SWEAT SHIRTS j NYLONS Now $1.00 Now 2 for $1.00 403 Front Street McHenry, 111. * There may not be all sizes left but most lines are fairly complete. All Sales Final! 112 S. Green S t . McHenry, 111. Shop BEN FRANKLIN and Save! hall in McHenry on Monday evening, March 14. Benediction at 7:45 p.m. will precede the meeting. An interesting program has been arranged with guests being Mrs. Marie Wilkinson, noted lecturer; Rev. Thomas Brady of the Faculty of Marian Ceneral; Rev. William Kriegsman, Asst. Diocesan Moderator; and Rev. Harold Nilges, McHenry Deanery Moderator. St. Patrick's Party Planned A committee meeting was held this Tuesday to make plans for a St. Patrick's party at St. Peter's Hall on March 15. The menu for the luncheon is chicken ala king, salad, relishes and your choice of lemon and apple pie. Games ofveards and bunco will furnish the entertainment. Many prizes will be given away. Return From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hametiltz returned this week from Arizona. They have been in San Manuel during the" winter months. sons, Richie and Scottie an& Mrs'. Shirley Dawson. '%js Recovery ,, Mrs. Frank May has been released from Burlington hospital. She underwent major surgery a week ago and is doing nicely. She will convalesce at the home of her daughter, Mrs Stanley Freund in Johnsburg Guests Dinner guests in the Charles Freund home on Sunday' were Mr. and Mrs. John McGovern. Along with highway hypnosT is, many expressway drivers suffer from an equally dangerous malady known as velocity tis. According to the Institute for Safer Living, velocities iS^J what occurs when you travel at sustained high speeds, then j turn off on a side road or 1 street and suddenly wake up to find yourself still travelling at sixty or boiler in a 30 mpb speed limit zone. You tend to lose your concept of speed and space, especially if you are driving a larger, late .model car. Even if you do escape art accident, the Institute says it may earn you a ticket for speeding. J FRANKLIN'S . . SALE LASTS 'TIL MARCH 12 "ASAIE TO SAVE YOU MONEY!" WASHABLE! DURABLE! Rugs Skid Resistant Backs! Plain Colors-- Tweeds Rose, Beige, Green, Brown, Gray. Other colors available 9* x 12' *17.88 Reg. $19.98 6' x » 4' x 6 Reg. $12.98 Reg. $4.98 RUG RUNNER sponge back, candy stripe $1.59 run. yd. Reg. $1.79 $1.00 Reduction on all Table & Floor Lamps Selling $5.98 & Up Reg. $4.98 - Full Size Nylon - Rayon BLANKET Selling For $3.99 save! Furniture SA¥E! OCCASIONAL TABLES <8.88 Rag, W.98 Choice of Lamp, Step or Cocktail. Mgh. or L. Oak Deluxe Quality OCCASIONAL TABLES *12.88 Reg. $18.98 Choice of Lamp, Step or Cocktail. Mhg. or L. Oak DeluSceQuallty CH. *44.88 Re*. §l».88 Choice of Brown or Tan buy now for Father's Day Reg. $21.98 - $23.98 Platform Rockers $19.88 Hardwood frame. No sag springs. Cotton, rayon upholstery. Mahogany or Maple. Reg. $24.98 Club Chair $21.88 Hardwood frame. Leather like vinyl. Choice of black, white, tan or turquoise. Reg. $22.98 Swivel TV Chair Hardwood frames. Self leveling legs. Nylon-viscose frieze upholstery. Choice of color Reg. $16.98 4-Drawer Chest *14.88 Finished in Dark Maple J Reg. $19.98 Record Cabinet *17.88 Mahogany or Limed Oak Reg. $17.98 Full Size Crib *15.88 Full Size Mattress $12.88 Ben Fran 112 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. tiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiimii S5.000.00 becomes S6.094.95 In 5 Short Years Based On 4% On Regular Savings Accounts Millions of Americans Save 63 Billions of Dollars In Insured Savings Associations IIIIIIIIIIHIlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIiMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllili SAVINGS AVAILABILITY YOUR SAVINGS have always been ACCESSIBLE . . . WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your request. llllllllllltllillllllllllillllllllllltlllllllllllllltllilllilllllllllllllllMIIIIMUIIIillllllllllllllllll CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.«-- Fridays: 9 a,m. - 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays iiminiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii 206 WEST ELM STREET j~^aauuS6 Save -- lAJhere INSURED SAFETY .. The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent agency of the U.S. Government, was created by Act of Congress in June, 1934. Today this system protects anci insures" more than 63 billion dollars of savings in the nation's 6,200 F.S.L.I.C. Insured Savings & Loan Associations. In complete Safety you can invest your cash reserves and earn the above average returns offered by these specialized savings associations. • Our St &« 181 it Ji A «i A »!< igi ^ serviced 1. Travelers' Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Xmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U.S. Gov't. Savings Bonds MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N INSURED select your own pension plan here Amount You Want To Have at Age 65 Age $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 amount to be saved with us each month 20 $ 6.12 $ 12.24 $ 18.86 $ 24.40 $ 80.60 24 $ 7.57 $ 15.14 $ 22.71 $ 30.28 $ 37.85 28 $ 9.47 $ 18.94 $ 28.41 $ 37.88 $ 47.85 82 $ 11.79 $ 28.58 $ 35.57 $ 47.16 $ 58.95 36 $ 14.91 $ 29.82 $ 44.73 $ 59.64 $ 74.55 40 $ 19.13 $ 88.26 $ 57.39 $ 76.52 $ 95.65 50 $ 40.88 $ 80.76 $121.14 $161.52 $201.90 4% Per Annum Compounded Semi-Annually Get A Check Every 6 Months 4%% On Investment Savings Accounts 4% Per Annum Vz% Bonus Payable at Maturity Member Federal Home Loan Bank McHENRY, ILLINOIS A #