HtPl .Page Sixteen ' . - • ' * A ' ' ; . ' THE -McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March .3# lSfeO Pistekee Highlands Cherry Tree Sale Aids Local Club JHazel Morley Kay Sielisch Hyatt 7-8820 Hyatt 7-8414 Feb. 24, the Woman's club held its regular monthly meeting. The members bought cher^ ries from the tree anoj many lovely gifts were taken home by the purchasers. The proceeds of the sale will pay for the new cups for the club. The hostesses for the evening were, ^Irene Novotny, LaVerne Ma dock, Hazel Morley and Mary Madock. Rejly who celebrates hers, March 16. < - . Another year of marital bliss will be chalked up for Lou and Toots Spankuch, who celebrated their anniversary March 12; to Tina and Bob O'Malley who celebrate their anniversary March 14. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Roy and Gert Snell left last Monday for Clinton, Iowa. Roy's cousin was near death and they wanted to be with their long time friends. Margaret Andrews spent a few days in Chicago last week, helping her- daughter. Her 1 % year old grandson was confined to the hospital and Margaret stayed home caring for the twin brother. It sedms we have a peeping torn in the Highlands. The Schlicks were the victims and it was a most frightening experience. Gladys and Bernard Mayer a t t e n d e d t h e w e d d i n g o f Gladys' cousin last Saturday in Warrenville. They attended the reception in Hinsdale. An executive meeting of the association was held last Sunday in the home of vice-presi- j your dent Fred Haubold with most of the officers present. The Dowds left last Friday to spend the weekend in Chicago, where they took in a show. Saturday they attended the wedding of Marcia's girl friend, Nancy McCutcheon. We are happy to report that Jack Murgatroyd is doing nicely and has hopes of returning to the Highlands very soon. Barb Schlick attended the wedding of Julie Tonyan in Mc- Henry last Saturday and in the evening enjoyed the reception very much. Mary Lou Sabielny has been making, frequent trips to the McHenry hospital for treatments Judy Krtfmwiede spent last Thursday evening in Lake Geneva visiting an old girl friend of school days. Mrs. William Phillips was hostess to a demonstration in . her home last Saturday evening. News Notes LeRoy Snell attended another hospital fund drive meeting in McHenry, last Tuesday evening. . The post office has granted permission to the residents of Ann street to move their mailboxes from Broadway and Meadow to -Ann' and Meadow. There are still some folks who have taken it up on themselves tS move their boxes. The rfiaHman can refuse to leave you mail. Keep the snow removed on the approach to your mailboxes. Bill Schlick Was treated to a delicious steak dinner with all the trimmings last Saturday in honor of his birthday, complete even to a delicious birthday cake and loads of cards from friends. was baptized Feb. 28 in® the Morley home. Pastor Hagerty of the Mount Hope church officiated. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of North Lake. Mrs. Thompson is Hazel's sister. Afterwards dinner was served to the grandparents and godparents. Brad wore the christening suit that was worn by one of the Thompsons twin sons who are now fifteen years old. Mount Hope Church The first Lenten service will be held in the Ed Thoren home on March 8. Service will begin at 8 p.m. Attention Dog Owners There have been many complaints pouring in to the association that dog owners have been taking their dogs for daily walks on beach number one and the beach is littered with filth. This is a violation to the health law and a public nuisance. The beach is for the use of the property owners and one would like to use the beaches knowing they are clean. If you see this practice going on call township supervisor, LeRoy Smith. If you can catch the dogs on your property make arrangements with him to take them to Dr. Fike in McHenry. Maybe if a-few of these people had to pay to get their dogs back they would keep them in their own yards. Having your dog on a leash does not give you the right to use the beach or private property for j our dog's benefit. Sledding Can be Dangerous -The parents on Ann street are very concerned about the children who slide on that "*reet. When a car is going up the hill the children will not set off the road, they are en- ••^gering their lives, and may cause a serious accident. That hill is very slippery due to the use of it as a slide. Birthday and Anniversary Milestones Birthday greetings go out to Lee Conway who celebrates her birthday March 13, to Kay Second Year This month, March, marks the second year that your reporter Haze has been writing this column. When I took over Wanda Dobecki's place I took it with the idea of just doing it for a few weeks until I found someone else who would like it. Now after two years it has become as much a part of my every week ^chores as washing and ironing. I may add it has been a pleasure writing with Carla Bales and. now Kay. Teen News On Feb. 20 the 'teens held a pot-luck dinner in the Mayer garage. They had a nice time and a delicious assortment of food. Sitting in with the 'teens were Mr." and Mrs. Thoren. Mr. and Mrs Rielly, t,Mrs. Waldin and Mrs. Bentz. Association President McCreery stopped in and offered his help to the 'teens if they ever need it. Join-' ing in the fun-.was Terry Phil-, lips who is coming along quite well on his long road to recovery. Fun Fair Remember the Fun Fair at the Johnsburg school on. April 9. Items are still needed for the white elephant sale. Articles for the sale will be picked up by Mrs, Klotz. Did You Register?? If not, you haven't much time left. You can register here in the" Highlands just by calling Marilyn VanZevern at Hy. 7-3202. Around the Highlands On Feb. 20, Carla and Jim Bales and Don and Wanda Dobecki enjoyed the evening at a Swedish club in Waukegan. Mr. Nickelson and his daughter were out last week for a Short visit to their home. Clayton and Gert Dodge, former residents of the .Highlands, were blessed with their first child, a girl born the end of January. The Dodges are now living in Canada. \ Mrs. McNamara h as returned to snow laden Pistakee Highlands after being in sunny Florida since the first of the year. The M c l n e m e y s r e c e i v e d word from Jim's niece that she had given birth to a second set of twin girls. This makes six girls, fours years old and under. Audrey Morin and her two sons spent five days last week in Chicago visiting with her dad. Our sympathy to Barney Mayer on the death of his aunt. She died im'Woodstock, Feb. 23. ' \ Mrs. Wroblewski has been going to St. Therese hospital in preparation for an eye operation. We wish her the best of luck. • Dee tJree*g spent four days in Chicago last week visiting her dad who underwent surgery. That's all the news for this week. If you have any news we will be glad to hear from you. Bye now, see you next week. SPECIAL FAIR DAYS Illinois State Fair officials announced that Friday, Aug. 19, will be designated "The Golden Age Day" in honor of those persons attending the exposition who are 60 years of age or older. Long concerned with promoting activities for children, fair officials decided to provide something special for older Illinoisans. Among the highlights will be awards to the couple married the greatest number of years, the oldest man, oldest woman, and the man and woman each holding the longest record of exhibiting at the Illinois State Fair. The couple married the longest will be crowned King and Queen of the Golden Age. Baptized Brad Dennis, Tour month old son of Haze and Dick Morley. ED'S RENTAL RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out 'or yourself. All Brake Service Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, EVergreen 6-0811 FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON VI VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, III. Phone EVergreen 5-6260 SVERKERSON AUCTION \\M. RUSSEL, Auctioneer Having fully decided to quit farming, will sell all my' personal property at public auction on what is known as the Yeast Company Farm located mile East of Crystal Lake on State Route 176, on: SUNDAY, MARCH 6th. i960 COMMENCING AT 12:00 NOON John Deere "60" Tractor, like new. with Rollomatic and live power; John Deere "B" Tractor and Mower; John Deere 3 Bot. 14 in. Trip Plow, new; John Deere 6 ft. Field Cultivator; John Deere High Speed heavy duty Wagon with Hydraulic Cylinder for dumping loads; John Deere 1 row Corn Picker; Jcfon Deere 2 Row Corn Planter (290); Promway 40 ft' Elevator; Kewanee Monted 8 ft. Disc; New Holland Baler; Int. Side Rake; Fairbanks Morse Corn Cracker; New Holland Bale Loader, 2 Row Rotary Hoe; New Idea Manure Spreader; Milk testing outfit (never used); Clipper Fanning Mill with Motor; Ireland Hay Hoist; Steel Corn Crib, 700 bu. capacitv; Frame Corn Crib. 900 bu. capacity (2 in. plank floor); 3 Sec'. Wood Harrow; 10x12 Brooder House; Jamesway Poultry Equipment; Steel nests, feeders, etc.; Stewart Cow Clipper; Blacksmith Anvil; Bench vise, drill press; Quantity New Cedar Posts; 500 board feet 3 in. cyprus plank; Large Coal or Wood Heating Stove; Tubular Brass Bed; Walnut Three-Quarter Bed; Extension Table, sawed oak; Walnut Drop Leaf table; Kenmore Sewing Machine. Many articles too, numerous to mention. USUAL BANK TERMS No Property Removed Until Settled For NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS CARL SVERKERSON, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK Clerking Member Federal Reserve Ranir Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation MORE WATER with a RED JACKET WATER SYSTEM • CAPACITIES TO tiro OAL M HOW • PUMPINO DEPTHS TO 120 PUT • EASILY AND ICONOMICAU.Y CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WILL SERVICE Mhhfw^illir, liiw b your b«it pump buy. Heavy, durable construction throughout. Qulot, lubrication -- fro* •porotton--only on* moving part. A product of a world* renowned pump manufacturer with ovar 75 yean' ax par!- enee In building water oarvleo products. The Centrl-Jet "HB" Water Sy*tem wilt more than satisfy you In ovary Co-- In and oee for yourself. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. mom McHINRY CV 5-8252 Holiday Hilb URGE VOTERS TO REGISTER BY MARCH 14 . Rita Oleyer -- EV S-476S March 14 is ^the deadline for registering to vote in the primary elections for this- presidential election year. The primaries will be held April 12, the regular polling place for Holiday Hills being the Island Lake Congregational church basement. Registration Requirements For tho$e people who have never, registered to vote in McHenry County, the following information will be helpful. The local registrars are Earl Walsh, 11? E. Elm street, McHenry; and Mrs. Marjorie Davidson," 9i48 Highland, Island Lake. Mrs. Davidson can be reached by telephone, the number is Jackson 6-7765. To get to her home, drive through Gate 3, cross the bridge, turn left to Highland. days, and 30 days at your present address. In order to vote in a :school board or bond issue referendum, you do not have to register. Woman's Club to Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's club will be held Wednesday evening, March 9, at 8 p.m. at the Island Lake Lutheran church. Election of officers will be the business of the evening. During the social hour, members will continue sewing on the napkins for the retarded women and children of St. Joseph's. Bring your needle. Material will be provided. Sewing Circle Meets Need any help with your sewing and mending problems?' The Tuesday Evening Sewing Circle might be able to offer some advice. This busy group of women have been meeting every other week for purposes of mending, sewing on buttons, knitting, embroidering, etc., all held together with some g oo d, old-fashioned kaffeeklatsching. Members are Eligibility to Vote ' Marge Kubecki, Eunice Heise, In order to vote in a primary Dolly Schmuhl, Shirley Haufe, or general flection you must M Sundby> Florence Petregister at least 28 days before . - ' ~.11.1 . the election day. To be eligible rov,ch' Lucky G'"llar'd' Mar>' you must have resided in the Ortkratz, Bea Musolf, Chadie state one year, the county 90TAry and Lorraine Bemis. Seed Cleaning and Panogen Treatment Spring 1011 «oon be HERE! Avoid that last minute rush. Get your cleaning done now! Increase your yields by using our modern equipment the Panogen way. Turner's Seed Cleaning Service Phone Hebron 2742 Rt. 3, Woodstock, 111. Here and There Eatlilfte Mettelke left Wednesday, Feb. 24, for Dupo, 111., to visit With heir mother who underwent surgery In a hospital there, daughter Rita Ann was treated to an early seventh birthday party, so that she could acconjpany her mother on the trip. Eileen Longfield, Eunice Heise and Lorraine Bemis attended a planning meeting in St. Mary's church last Monday morning, in preparation for the Red Cross fund drive, scheduled for March. Eileen i? the chairman for Holiday Hills. Meet the Perkins Jim and Helen Perkins moved into the lakefront home which they bought from the Robinson family, in August, 1959. They eaftte-^here from Chicago "to live in the coun-^ try.'! The family also includes Jo Ann who is 5% and is a kindergarten student at Edgebrook; Jimmie, 4 and Johnny 2. Helen's hobby, she says, is keeping up with the little boys. Jim is a bricklayer^and looks forward to boating/and sUBnming in the Jake this summer. Right now the family is content to sit in the living room and view the water from their picture window. WRITTEN WITH ENERGY When x-ray film is developed , it is very much like the negative of a photograph. The big difference, however, is that a photographic negative is "\IRtten with light^' whereas an xray film is-^ritten with radiant energy.-' & BUILDERS r Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Bridge ^ Phone EVergreen 5-3976 *70 rotissenes *keep-warm" ovens 01 AH I thermostatic llvW top burners ffcSii K& SS «<C designs meat thermometers flit Fun In Your Life! YouH delight tn ait the new convenience features today's GAS Ranges bring you. They're so truly wonderful, it just isn't practical to cook On on outdated stove. TRADS YOURS IN TODAM Put Funds tn Your Pocket! Fun-To-Cook-With GAS Ranges cost less to buy... less to install... less to use! See the aU»n«w GAS Ranges et your Deatei% or our nearby sterol EVergreen 5-2081 built-in units N O R T H E R N I L L I N O I S Gas COMPANY