/ f Page Eight THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday, March 17# 1960 & S20.000 GOAL SET IN EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN Program jGives 2,500 Treatments During Last Year Harry Kinne of McHenry this week announced a $20,000 jjoal for the 1960 Easter Seal campaign for McHenry county. Kinne asserted today that the goal represents the amount needed if crippled children and adults are to continue receiving rehabilitation services from the Easter Seal society, and if direct aid is to be extended to other handicapped people not now receiving it. Provide Extension Service In 1959 mom than 2.500 treatments were i?iven .to crippled children and adults under the Easter Seal program at the physical therapy center in Woodstock. These included speech therapy, physical ther-. apy, referred services and itinerant physical therapy, as well, as equipment from the loan pool at the Center. "These programs", Kinne said, "must be maintained and expanded to reach the hundreds of people who need such care." Letters to 30.000 homes in the county were placed in the mails today by the co-campaign chairman. Mrs. Esther Malina, who urges all citizens to "watch for their Easter Seals and respond generously^ to the appeal." JUDGE HULSE SPEAKS TO PTA AT MARCH MEETING MEDICAL SOCIETY TO HEAR WORK OF EASTER SEAL GROUP The McHenry County Medical society will meet on March 17 at 6:3*0 p.m. at the Easter Seal therapy center in Woodstock. The speaker will be Dr. Bertha Shafer, president of the McHenry County Chapter for ""Crippled Children and Adults (frequently refered to as the Easter Seal society) and professor Emeritus of Northwestern medical college. Dr. Shafer, of Richmond, will give a general survey of the accomplishments of the physical therapy center. Working with her, explaining an demonstrating the use of-squipment to aid t h e c r i p p l e d c h i l d r e n a n d adults who have suffered strokes or cardiac ailfnents will be Mrs. E. Jorgenson, registered physcial therapist. The speech therapist, of the Harvard schools. B, Dial, will discuss a survey recently made of the speech needs of McHenry county. Stanley Blumberg of the Mental Health Center m McHenry will give a short talk on the Center. lTE ASKCEEDD FOR TAX GROUP IN COUNTY "Are Our Children Safe From Evil in Our Community" will be the subject of a talk to be given by Minard D. -Hulse, judge of Lake county family and Juvenile court, at the McHenry Community P.- T.A. meeting to be held Thursday. March 24, at 8:15 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. The slate of officers for the coming year will be presented 1 by the nominating committee. All members and interested residents of the area are urged to attend this meeting as some important items of business will be discussed. The Tax Protest Group, organized in July, 1959. has now adopted the name of Government Improvement League of McHenry County and has filed for a,charter in the state as a non-profit organization. This group is now ready to help citizens learn how McHenry county and township tax bodies function and what part each person can take in future spending df tax dollars. The local grdup is now known as the Government Improvement league of McHenry Township. Members hope to continue their aims to inform the public of the "how and wherefore" of good government and would appreciate hearing from all persons interested in the league. Anyone may write the league at Station Box 25, McHenry. SIX WINNERS SELECTED IN POOL CONTEST (Continued from Page 1) tchea; second; Edgebrook; Carol Olszewski, second, St. Mary's; Barbara Cusack, second, St. Patrick's; Jeffrey Thomas, second, Edgebrook; Nora Lee l'etlak, second, Lilymoor; Edward Anderson, first,, Edgebrook; Mary Kay Sarner, first, and Robert Hanford, first, both of St. Patrick's. John Zimny, fourth, St. Patrick's; Kenneth Reid, fourth* Junior high; Steve Cooper, Laura DeLord and Barbara Redetzky. all fourth in Edgebrook; Muthew Justes, third, St. Patrick's; Georgia Fitzgerald, fourth, §t. Mary's; Karen Hay and Cheryl Jones, fourth, both of St. Patrick's; Kathy Francke, fo.urth, Edgebrook. Donna Colborn, sixth. St. Mary's; D^rlene Palis, Loy Wright and Nancy Cone, fifth, ^Landmark; Linda Tychewicz, sixth, Junior high; Mary Sue Weyland and Rosemary Frett, sixth, St. Patrick's; Marilyn Cina, sixth, Junior high; Loreen Getner, sixth, St. Patrick's. Donald M e r c u r e , e i g h t h , Gregory Green, and Patricia Riley, seventh, St Mary's; Carol Ann Zimney and Ricky Prine, eighth, St. Patrick's; Donald Diedrich, seventh, St Mary's; Corinne Frett, seventh, St. Patrick's. PLAN FOR ART FAIR As the Plaindealer prepared to go to press, members of the woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital were planning a meeting at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Gladstone for the purpose of discussing the art fair which will be held in June. Mrs. Eleanor Locker is chairman of the 1960 event. EDUCATOR URGES TEACHERS TO &E LIVING MODELS Only through understanding can the teacher influence the behavior of pupils, and without a behavior change there can be no change in culture, said Dr. William Kvaraceus of Boston university's school of educ a t i o n , who, spoke on "The Norm Violator in School and Community" before members of the McHenry County Education . association in annual meeting last Friday in Woodstock. The outstanding educator urged teachers to serve as living models for young people. At the day long * meeting, Mrs. Carrie Hage of Richmond was elected new president of the association to replace Marvin Wenck of Wonder Lake. Milton Derr of Cary was named first vice-president; Miss Maurie Taylor of McHenry, second vice-president; Miss Ruth Goodsell, Harvard, secretarytreasurer. CHAMPIONSHIP BAND TO PLAY AT JUNIOR HIGH The McHenry Junior high band will play host to the state championship band of Round Lake grade school on Thursday, M^rch 17. The program will be an informal exchange assembly, with the McHenry band returning the call at Round Lake later in the school year. The concert will begin at 2:20 p.m. and is under the direction of John F. Yardas. Mr. Yardas and family are residents of Kent Acres, having lived in the McHenry area for the past six years. \|0"^ REPUBLICAN CROSS STATE'S ATTORNEY Professional Beauty Service Experience is our business SWEDISH MASSAGE ^ STEAM BATHS iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiininniiiHiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiivniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimihiiiiiiniitiiiiir Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. GREEN EV 5-0010 ENTHUSIASM RUNS HIGH IN HOSPITAL DRIVE McHenry hospital's $200,000 fund raising drive for the new eighteen bed building is off and running, according to George P. Freund, mayor of McHenry and general chairman of the campaign. Campaigners are calling on individuals and business houses in the community and will make their first reports at a meeting tomorrow night, March 18. Reports from campaign headquarters indicate a high spirit of enthusiasm among workers and fine cooperation from the community. One chairman orgainzed her subdivision and then volunteered to line up the community across the road. Another is calling on eighty homes. Students have also helped by paintipg posters which were distributed by members of the Viscount Drum and Bugle Corps. STATE HOMEMAKER Illinois' Homemaker of Tomorrow is Mary Anne Lain of Loretto high school, Chicago. Miss Lain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lain, 2456 West 69 street, received the highest rating in a written examination on homemaking knowledge and attitudes administered to 19,548 senior girls in 547 schools throughout Illinois. She will receive a $1,500. scholarship and becomes a candidate with forty-nine other state Winners and the representative from the District of Columbia for the title of Ail-American Homemaker of Tomorrow. Lynne Buckie was McHenry's winner. DEATH CLAIMS PIONEER RESIDENT OF McCULLOM LAKE (Continued from Page 1) many organizations, including Freydis lodge--Daughters of Norway, Osselio Singing Society, Ladies of the Lake, Cullom- Knoll association, Democratic Womenvs organization of McHenry and the McHenry hospital auxiliary. Services for the deceased are being field this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 p. m. at the Peter Justen Funeral home, with interment in Mount Olive cemetery, Chicago. ^ In addition to her beloved husband, Theddor, a local businessman, Mrs. Olsen is survived by three sons, Ole of McCullom Lake, Arthur of McHenry and Capt. Ted of the United States Air Force, based in California; two daughters, Mrs. Theresa Schultz and Mrs. Evalyne Levesque, both of McCullom "Lake; one sister, Mrs. Anna ^|eskje, and onq brother, Lars TOime. both in Nenyay, and eighteen grandchildren. ; STUDENT NUR8B Suzanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Earl «f. Miller of Wonder Lake, is currently enrolled as one of twenty-three women in the nursing school at Northern Illinois university in DeKalb. After receiving her bachelor of science degree with a major in nursing, she will be eligible for the state licensing examination required for registration of jxrofespional nurses. CHAMPIONSHIP BAND . RE-NAMED DAIRY DtRECTOfc Elwood Howell, who resides just off Crystal Lake road, in the Bull Valley area, has been re-elected to the board of directors of the American Dairy Association- of Illinois. He "will also serve on the executive committee. BENEFIT REVUE C On Saturday, March 19, the Crystal Lake Junior Woman's club will present the Mad Hatter Tea, which will be held at the First Methodist church of Crystal Lake. There will be style shows at 10:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m., during which refreshments will be served. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiimuuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii TB is not like any other disease. Having had it gives you no dependable immunity. FREEZER SPECIAL! U.S. GOVT. INSP. EXTRA FANCY CHOICE CHUCKS No Charge For Cutting feels better... because it fits better . * / \j Jockey BRAND T U N D E R W E A R mad* only b y Exclusive tailoring, soft, Absorbent cotton, speciol com* fort features make Jockey the favorite and moft famous underwear the world over. The brief is made of 13 indi" vidually shaped pieces for perfect fit; the T-shirt has a twin-stitched nylon content collar that retains its shape wash after wash. BRIEF--sizes 28-50 • • l i l t $1,25 T-SHIRT--sixes S-M-L-XL $1»50 § 5TORE for MEN 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 3-0047 McHenry, III. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon USE Ting FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA niiiiiiiiiniiiniiniiiiHiiiiiiHiiiifiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiHiHiiu "A Imagine buying bread at one store, butter at another, and sugar at a third place perhaps a mile away! You certainly consider it better to shop at one place, as a means of saving both time and money. It pays to do all of your BANKING at THIS one place too! Here, under one roof, you can have your checking account and savings account, borrow for all sorts of personal and business needs, obtain travelers checks, safe deposit protection for your valuables, financial counsel when needed, and a complete variety of modern banking services. & We invite you to use our ONE STOP BANKING SERVICE! <i 3-•%IN TEREST on SAVINGS! Apy deposit made by the IOth of the month will draw interest from the 1st! m . Our Services include: • Checking Accounts • Savings Accounts • Safe Deposit Boxes • Banking By Mall • Personal Loans • Real Estate Loans • Modernization Loans • Agricultural Loans • Automobile Loans • Commercial Loans • Christmas Club • Travelers Checks • Bank Drafts • Bank Money Orders • Financial Counsel • Guarantee Signatures • Credit Reports • Escrow Agents We are also agents for the purchase or sale of Stocks and Bonds f 1 THE McHENRY STATE BANK IS A FULL SERVICE BANK where you can withdraw your savings with no delay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no Substitute for "MONEY EN THE BANK". Cash and ftigh grade marketable securities of $9,000,000,000.00 offset over 60% of our deposits. "MONEY IN THE BANK" is a quality investment in security -- unequaled by other thri ^'devices such as share accounts, corporate stocks and /bonds and moiM gages. It's cadi where you want it -V availaj&le^wfien you need it. / THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR "MONEY IN THE BANK" MEMBER FJD.I.C. COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE SINCE 1906 McHenry County's Largest •• The Area's Finest Financial Institution McHENRY STATE BANK PHONE EV 5-1040