«J r> 0 0 Aj Thursday, March 24, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDFALER Eastwood Manor ST. PATRICK'S DANCE PROVES SUCCESSFUL Lois Ryan - EV. 5-5377 After the ball is. over, as the saying goes, we can sit back and say that we all had a wonderful time. The committee in charge of the festivities did a marvelous job. Peggy and Walt Garrelts, Dolores and Len Lawrence, Walter and Eleanor Kuck, Rosemary and Bob New- Ion, Jean and Matt Mersch, and Lois and Jerry Ryan showed all of us a lovely time. Can't wait till next year. Faith Presbyterian Church News "Thursday, March. 24, the Midweek Pastor's Bible Study will meet -at 8 p.m. and they will discuss Luke 9:52 to 14:35. March 25, at 8 p.m. the monthly meeting, of Cub pack 45S will take place. ' March 27, Sunday, the sermon Is entitled "Eyes of Faith" based on the book of Job, At 3 p.m. of the same da\ there will be a McHenry County wide Evangelism rally a' the high school in Woodstock sponsored by the McHenr; County Ministerial associatior Special music will be presented by the combined choirs frorr Harvard. The guest speaker for the af ternoon is Dr. Carl S. Winters noted minister and world trav eler from Oak Park. March 29, the choir wil practice at the church. Happy Birthday Today, March 24, Marissa Mclntyre is three years old Tomorrow Olive Mueller wil' blow out her birthday candlealong with Peggy Garrelt? George Thienes and Kathleen Rogers, who will be two year:- old. On March 26 Mary Elizabeth Sheehy will be fifteen years old. Lynn Newlon will turn eight years old and Jimmy Fultz will turn seven on March 28. The twenty-ninth of March brings birthday bells to Roy Carlson and Tracy Phillippe. Tracy will become two years old. On March 30 Louise Weigman will celebrate her natal day. ® Octettes The Octettes met at the home of Bertha Stoll where Lillian Zgorski was hostess for the St. Patrick's Day party. Shamrocks were all over the place -- on the table cloth and on the plates, along with green hats. The table prizes were shamrock earrings and shamrocks with pipes and hats. The cake served was a golden layer Cake with shamrock in the middle. French pastry in the same motiff and coffee and pineapple juice and lime sherbert punch. Lillian Zgorski won first prize and Vern Bauer won second. Block Rosary. The Block Rosary for Tuesday, March 29, will be said at the John Sheehy home at 128 Manor Lane. All Catholics of Eastwood Manor are invited to attend this gathering at 9 p.m. Welcome Wee One Amolee Mclntyre gave birth to a sweet baby girl on Wednesday. March 16 at 8:52 ajn. in Woodstock. Nancy Beth weighed all of six pounds. That makes it three girls for the Mclntyres. Congratulations. Sympathy We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the Noonan family. Florence's mother, Mrs. Estelle McKeon, passed away while residing in Florida. The funeral services were held in Lansing, Mich., on Saturday. This and That The Kuck family had a sur- Now Available at Sunrise Grocery 1 Block East of New Bridge THE BIG BARGAIN! >G FULL OUNCES £ Gettelman MIIWAUKCI l l l l Pius Deposit fidelman A MTTCLMAN BREWING CO. MILWAUKEE A family ftwd Brwuy Sinn 1854 • Complete Line of Packaged Goods prise visit from Mr. and Mrs. Weyee from Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Koczar and their daughter, Helen, also from Chicago for the (day on Sunday. The Ryan family-enjoyed-a surprise visit from Jerry's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ry&n of Arlington Heights, on Sunday. Page Thirteen COURT BRIEFS peared in court Saturday. A sixteen-year-old girl was arrested for speeding on Green street last week and appeared in? Wednesday night court'. She was fined $20. In Closing It looks as though spring has really denied us her beauty this year, but she will be coming and with her the all important clean up job. Please be ready to do your part to make your home a show place in the subdivision when the time comes and we sure hope that it will be soon. Next time a report on the EMPOA meeting and a run down on some of the coming i events for the year. Bye now. See you next week. Another motorist was charged with disturbing the peace by driving with a noisy muffler and also with having no state license. He was fined $25 and $5' costs, with the $25 being a suspended sentence. One driver paid a $16 fine The Amazon Valley produces for speeding and another re- 19.619 of the 22,760 classified ceived a fine of $1 and $2 costs j species of plant life, 8,000 varifor driving in the city with a eties of trees, 700 of butterdefective muffler. They ap- ' flies, and 1,800 varieties of fish. Lemon Dessert Blooms In Spring ADVANCE CENSUS REPORT FORMS ARE BEING DISTRIBUTED Many Attend Funeral Of Henry J. Kennebeck Many relatives ad friends from out-of-town attended the wake and funeral of Henry J. T\ennebeck. Among them were Messrs and Mesdames John °iStone and Sandra. A. Fowler. vi'liam Wienke. Jack Young. Manus, Art Wagner. R. E. *ea. Mrs. Elizabeth Andersen >nd Mrs. E. Johnston of Chi- •ago; Kenneth Bolev of Silver Springs, Md.: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bauer. Mrs. Elizabeth "raneor. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. 'titcliell. Mrs. Dorothy Freund, Kenneth Freund. Mrs. Vern loberts, Mrs. Ruth Jones, Mr. \nd Mrs. Thomas McCabe and Mrs. Roslyn Anderson of Wau- ';pgan: Mr. and Mrs. Rollin "ckstrom of Elgin: Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Wagner and Mr. nd Mrs. Buss Amann of Mun- 'elein: Mrs. J. Wickersham of Mbertvville; Mrs. Bud Lumber ind Mr. and Mrs. J. Bauer of Tngleside. Also William Kennebeck of Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Elmer Kennebeck of Wauconda; Mr. and Mrs. Tack Vogelsang, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speiker, Mr. and Mrs. Don Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund. Mrs. Verena Ketterhagen of Burlington. Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Specker and Harold Phannenstill of Keno-, sha, Wis. Advance report forms for the 1960 census of population and housing will be distributed by post office employees March 23 to 26 to all households in this area. District®Supervisor Ernest C. Waggoner has announced. The advance report form is a n e w c e n s u s - t a k i n g d e v i c e which is designed^ to speed up the field canvass and provide more accurate statistics. Distribution of this form before the start of the house-to-house canvass Ejives the family a chance to assemble information about each member in advance of tho census taker's visit. The district supervisor urges all residents to fill out the form and hgve it ready for the cerisus takers when they start-their rounds On April 1. The advance report form contains" seven questions about every person in the household and six questions•* about the household's d w e 11 i n g. The household •information- asked for. is name, address, se\, color or race, month and year of birtto, whether married or single. and relationship to head 06 the household. The information required about the dwelling is the number of rocms. e o o k i n e f a c i l i t i e s , p l u m b i n g . artd whether rented or owned. At eyery fourth household, the census taker will leave a census household questionnaire which contains additional questions covering population and housing characteristics which are being asked of a 25 percent sample of the nation's population. Householders are requested to fill out the household questionnaire and mail it within three days to the local census district office. A preaddrese^. postage free envelope is being provided for this | purpose. ! The "sarapl e" population ^questions include inquiries on country of birth, mother tongues of foreign born, schooling, employment, income and related items. The additional I housing questions relate to rent ox value of dwelling, heat- ; ing equipment, water supply, and other facilities and equipment. . The district supervisor, pointed ouf that information about individuals and their homes furnished to the Census Bureau is kept confidential under fed- , eral law. Only statistical totals and averages are published, NO individual person can be identified m published reports and •census information cannot be used for regulation, investigai tion. or taxation. ^ Opportunity may knock for IN OUR DAK 55 CONSTRUCT/CM OF WORl&S OLDEST Ht&fWAY„ APPtAN WAY.WAS PA/0 FOR WITH SPCMLS FROM THE ROMAN PEFEAT OF PYRRHUS, AT/A/& Of* • EP/RUS. THE APP/AH WAY NAMEP FOR FTS CREA TOR APPtUS CLAUPtUS CAECt/S, FAMEP ROMAN AUTHOR ANP CENSOR, SET THE PATTER# FOR THE H/GHWAY NETWORK THAT WAS TO BMP TOGETHER THE GREAT ROMAN EMP/RE. AFT! US P/EP ABOUT 2BOS.C.-- THEAPPfAN WAY WAS CONT/MUF0 3Y THE CAFSAKS WITH SPO/LS FROM SUBSEQUENT cOHQuesra. /RST GASOL/NE TAX WAS LEV/EP /N /9/9 /N OREGON /T HAS S/NCE SPPEAP TO All 'SO STATES. GASOC/NE LEWES TOPAY PROPUCE MORE REVEHUF • hAN THE TAX ON ANY OTHER &NGLE PROeucr. MODERN U. S. XfGHWAYS • ARE PA/P FOR By MOTOR/STS... LARGELY THROUGH TAXES' ON GA^OL/NE... THE /C& A GAUON TAX CU.S. AVERAGEJ W/LL BR/NG /N AN EST7MATEC7 &S.400, OOO, OOO . v TH/S YEAR TO FEPERAl, STATE AMP LOCAL TREASUR/ES. , THE AVERAGE (J. S ' MOTOR/ST .PAYS . TAX OF Sf ON EyERY <0 GALLONS OP GASOL/NE HE 8UYS "A soe/o TAX H/KE //V THE LAST PECAPE, Springtime is right for a fluffy lemon-coconut dessert. The light creaminess of the dessert comes from whipped nonfat dry milk crystals: the refreshing flavor from frozen lemonade concentrate. Unflavored gelatine assures the smoothness and lightness of this spring treat. Lemon Coconut De»scrt ' 1 envelope unflavored gelatine *3 cups whipped instant non- 1/2 cup sugar fat dry milk crystals 3/i cup water V& cup toasted coconut 1 can (6 ounces) frozen lemonade concentrate Mix together gelatine and sugar in saucepan; stir in water. Place over low heat, stirring constantly, until gelatine dissolves. Remove from heat; stir in undiluted concentrate. Chill to consistency of unbeaten egg white. Fold gelatine mixture into whipped milk. Turn int§ a lVi-quart serving dish. Sprinkle toasted coconut around edge. Chill until ready to serve. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. •To whip instant nonfat dry milk crystals: Mix cup instant nonfat dry milk with cup ice water in bowl. Beat until soft peaks form (3 to 4 minutes). Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Continue beating until firm peaks form (3 to 4 minutes,longer). Gradually add Vi cup sugar. M0TF.C Troop 162 The weekend of March 12 and 13 the troop braved the cold weather and had -a weekend camp-out at Dennis Martell's farm at East River Road. The boys had a wonderful time those two days, even if the temperature did go down to 5 above that Saturday night and the snow was more than knee deep. The following Scouts qualified for their membership in the Polar Bear club: Maynard Devos, scoutmaster; Jim Kirk and Fred Durrenberg. assistant scoutmasters; Otis Banker, committeeman; Dennis Martell, Jr.. senior patrol leader; also Scouts Jim Devos, John Beato, Denny Banker, Ricky Moore, Denny McGowan, Howie Griffith, Keith Jensen, Bob McDonald, Paul McDonald. Greg Green, Bill Simson and Mike Phelen. S W I V E L S T R A P LOAFER Strap op .. ,'tfeSkt dressy; strap down . . . looks sporty! She can wear this Step Master to suit her mood - or the occasion! Flexible, durabl* . COmfortib/t f $1.00 -- DESERT FLOWER Bfl° DEODORANT ** 98e -- 200 TABLETS am ASPIRIN $1.39 -- ASSORTED CHOCOLATES aqi WHITMAN'S $3.58 -- 200 TABLETS $|T» ASCORBIC ACID * $1.49 HALO SHAMPOO 1 A TYPICAL Sap/lfM&t VALUE AT Careful Fitting ROTH SHOES 118 S. Green St. McHenry, III Phone EV 5-2027 A very special car for a very honest price . . . * THE CHRYSLER TV SPECIAL Thl» the same exciting Chrysler that was the star of the TV Guide Awards Show. No Chrysler ever bultt has given you more car for the money! •TV means Total Value. Add It up: TorqueFItt* Automatic Transmission Pushbutton Condttlbnalra Haatar Constant-Control Powar Staarlng Torsion-AIra Rkla White SMawall Tlras And every wonderful Chryslar valua feature you would want ia your carl Drive it! Price it! Own it! I r«fto!V pHtl Twxipm luJ'nyv Koto and loeof if any, •vtro A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, INC. McHenry Phone EV 5-3100 Open Mon. - Wed. - Fri. 'til 9 -- Sat. 'til 6 Closed All Day Sunday 0 REG. 60* 15 OZ. PINK PAMPER SHAMPOO 2FOR98 $ PR00FER SPRAY BOMB \STS FOR ONE YEAR $1,69 ily needs savings SNUB-BEE Revolver Style Water PISTOL Shoots Up To 80 Feet mm Repeated by popular demand. Kol>nos CAPSULES TOOTHPASTE MI GIANT SIZE 53* TUBES 50i, Empirin Compound Tabs .... 45* $1.10 Lustre Creme Rinse .... 76c 60$ Vaseline Hair Tonic ........ 53$ 59$ NR Laxative Tablets 53$ 65$ Fizrin Instant Seltzer 54$ 35$ Caldwell's Senna Laxative .. 29$ 40$ ZBT Baby Talcum 33$ 98c Siopette Roll-On 69c WOOLENE HALEY'S FLAVORED M.O. 33 COLD WATER WOOLEN WASH CENOL OACH SENT0R ACNE STICK LOW PRICE *1.50 TUBE ARRIVE BEAUTIFUL! New Nail Color Wand! 9 Dries in seconds 10 exciting colors Easy as writing * Dress your nails in with a fountain pen colors from the stars ENERGINE BUBBLE Fireproof Cleaning Fluid Now Just SPECIAL s Re* 98* 59c Boxes BOLGER'S DRUG STORE J 03 S. GREEN STREET EV 5-4500 McHENRY, ILL. »!•( 10% fetfcral Ekim T«i on TaiUtritt Ufi>£ TUB fREt* UiU^CuN BAlvti,! FAKK1M4 A lit'. A