Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1960, p. 8

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-•--'Wr THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Thursday, March 31. 1960 McHENRY ROTARY TO HONOR VARSITY ATHLETIC SQUADS (Continue from Page 1) sity players wiil receive individual awards. Honored Guests Basketball coaches to be honored will be Cliff Fulton, jack : Thomas and Paul Mandli. Man- I agers are Tom Widhalm. Toe I Etten and Lambert Freund. ; Team members to be honored [ are Tom Creighton, M i k e • Creighton, Jim Hester, Paul J Morenz, Bill Oeffling. Ed. Reid, John Steinbach, Bob Vaupell. John Olson, ,Ed. Samen, Bob •Miller, Roger Swanson. Gary ,A.dams and Mike Reese. The wrestling team has had fiill Hutchinson and Bob Hendricks as coaches and Bill Humphries and Len Filsin^er as managers. On the team were Dan Kinnerk, Ken Lishamer, Bill Anderson, Jim Hansen. Jim Dowhin, Richard, Mercure, George Vergara. Nick Groh, Tony Espey, Joe Cina, Jack Hackmeister, Ken T h o r e n, Craig Thoren. Walt Messel, Ken Young, Bill Marquart, Jerri' Zeiger, Tom Cusack and Jim Templeman. Cheerleaders, who w ere coached by Miss Frantz, were Rosemary Roti. Ann Peschke, Judy Hans, Sherry Evans, Arils May, Janice Scheuler and Joyce Eckstein. Dr. H. S. Fike, as president of the club, has charge of the program. Musin' & Meanderin' (Continued from page 1) CARS APIENTY IN NUMEROUS AREA ACCIDENTS (Continued from Page 1) reason there is much less smog there than in Los Angeles. A recommendation has even been" made to plant at least a dozen trees for every automobile that is produced to take care of the carbon dioxide produced and put back the oxygen needed. We are grateful the smog problem is not ours, but we're happy a few other people are concomel with preserving our trees and planning for the future. As the L?i'ten season progresses, the following thought .shouU? be cf interest: Don't staj- awav : orr church because hypocrit.'y. There's always room for one mo't. . . ' • K. A. F. of^Rt. 4. A Russian scientist recently j duo: through 50 feet of ice in j Siberia, and found a stable made of logs, hewn by crude j axes, containing the well-pre- I served bodies of 10 hoi-ses sad- De Luxe Eggburger Here's how a tasty De Luxe Eggburger will look as you place it before your child for a hearty lunch. A fried egg, is combined with cheese, a slice of Bermuda onion, ail on a split and toasted bun. Once served, this dish will sOon be a family favorite. Eggs are a traditional Lenten food. Many families use them often as a meat alternate in accordance with religious belief and custom; others feature eggs in their early spring menus to brighten meals after months of heavy winter fare. How fortunate for all that eggs are in most abundant supply at this important time of year. March is National Egg Month -- a period for reminding homemakers all over America of the golden goodness of eggs. Eggs offer high quality protein. Hcmamakers with growing children use eggs often as a good way of stretching their food dollars. The versatility of the egg is remarkable. They're popular at breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time, too. Eggs have probably been prepared and served more ways in more homes than any other single food. Eggs around the clock! Serve them often at your home during March -- National Egg Month. „ DE LUXE EGGBURGER For each Eggburger: legg 1 slice onion 1 tablespoon fat for frying egg Salt and pepper 1 round bun, split Watercress, or 1 slice cheese other greens Lay bun halves, split side up, on baking sheet; then on the "top" half, place cheese slice. Toast in hot oven (425"F) or under broiler until cheese begins to melt, and other half is toasted. Meanwhile, fry eggs medium firm; season. Place egg on toasted half. Place onion ring on cheese topped bun. Serve hot, "open or closed". Garnish with watercress. Egps Have Real • . . 3-Meal Appeal WIN A FREE c oh' Drawing To Be 5 p.m. Sat., Apr. 9 You Need Not Be Present To Win! "No Purchase Necessary" DON HOWARD says: We can't clean ladies hats so we have to give them away -- BUT we can do a beautiful job of deluxe cleaning and blocking of MEN'S . HATS -- in time for Easter, too! CLEANING WHILE YOU SHOP I HOUR CLEANERS McHenry. The, accident occurred on Highway. 83 at Peterson road when Milewski, stopped in a line of traffic, was struck in the rear by the Kirschner car. James R. Milboum McHenry, suffered a lacerated lip in a tie-up of five cars about 7:15 Thursday morning two miles north of Algonquin on Rt. 31. No injuries were reported. Seven suffered injuries in a two-car, head-on collision on Rt. 12, south of Richmond, Sunday afternoon. . Most seriously hurt was Mrs. Clara Neimeyer of Chicago, who suffered head and chest injuries. Others injured were her husband, Arthur, chest injuries; Donna Weiland, Chicago, forehead lacerations; and Frances Kirch, Minneapolis, chest injuries. Others who were hurt, were taken to Memorial hospital in Woodstock. Monty Scqtt of Wauconda was taken to fyjcHenry hospital for treaUQpnt of injuries sustained in ai} accident on Rt. 12, near Vo}o, last weekend. The car in which she was riding went out control and crashed into a djtch. REV. W. K. CONWAY, MISSIONARY. DIES AT NOTRE DAME EDDIE the EDUCATOR says £ WNNINOACAINSTODDS A MAN OF VISION In t9S2j AFTBR 35y£A/S AS AtJ our- . STANDINGNEWSPAPERMAN. ISSlllfc SCHL€m&£* WAS STRICKEN BUND. REFUSING TO FOREGO A USEFUL LIFE, MR. SGML ESIM5ER AND HIS SON ESTABLISHED A NEWSPAPER /N WOQDMERB. LONG /SLAND CMY.) AND ACHIEVED PUBUSH/N& success/ Going lo school without a pvr» p»M it lileo tailing a ship without • nidcfor. Parents and Uachert should help pupils determine thoir goals. Illinois Education Association TED STERNE TO HEAD AREA DRIVE FOR CITY HOSPITAL 3J.7 W. Elm St. MrlleQry In The Jewel Shopping Plaza EVergreen 5-2231 Open Dally 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Friday Eves, to 9. P.M. (Continued frcm page 1) Ted W. Sterne has been selected /to" head the Crystal Lake area committee for the McHenry hospital fund raising drive, it was announced today by L. J. Goossens, mayor of Crystal Lake. In accepting the post, Mr. Sterne said that Crystal Lake will help McHenry meet the $200,000 goal for a new eighteen bed building with a maternity department. "Crystal Lake residents represent a sizeable portion of the 1.500 patients admitted to the hospital during 1959," Mr. Sterne stated. "In fact, it's estimated that approximately one out of every ten Crystal Lake families sent a patient to McHenry hospital during 1959. TTiis does not include a large number of emergency cases sent there from our area." I TALENT-PLUS SPIRIT! Seriously injured kuile en route TO ENTERTAIN US. TROOPS INMXU) mtn, JANGFRQNAN FOUGHT HER WAV BACK THROUGH PAINFUL SURGQ& VTHE/mrrM5&7t>- CWSHE/S/&WA HEAfitffteR/ AtTke&ftSRTAIKMBtriibRLB. The family name 'Mussolini' was derived from the same base as muslin, the cloth (which Marco Polo called Mossulini). States. He also served as chaplain at a hospital in Kalamazoo, Mich., and at St. Joseph's in Elgin. Surviving are two sisters and one brother. Mrs. Eleanor Miller. Mrs, Florence Dohertv and LeRoy Conway, all of McHenry; nieces and nephews; also his godparents, an. aunt, Mrs. John Aylward, of .Elgin and an uncle, Martin Conway of McHenry. His parents, two sisters, Sister Marie Gratia, OP, and Mrs. Irene Meehan, and a brother, Ray Conway, preceded him in death. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 8:30 o'clock at the Sacred Heart church in Notre Dame, Ind., with interment in Notre Dame cemetery g,,;Tfiiiiiii"niitiiitiiiiiiiiiTiniiiHiiii!nuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ | VILLA NURSING HOME I OX FISTAKEE DAT NEAR McHENRY ^ • j Home for the Aged 1 SENILE . . .. BED PATIENTS r j Phone EVergreen 5-0461 m e i:ni!ii1 niii!iiiiiniii!ini:u--iii1i i•i i•i.i iii' iitiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii; iHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^p)^ : VOTE REPUBLICAN GOETSCHEL CORONER MIKE DOUGHERTY JIM MORGAN Invite you for EASTER DINING $1.10 $1.25 $1.35 CHAPamu. COUNTRY ClUB Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry, 111. Breakfast served from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Dinners from Noon Breakfast Menu Chilled Tomato Juice , 20c Orange Juice 20c One Half Broiled Grapefruit 35c French Style Pancakes with Currant Jelly Grilled Canadian Bacon and Scrambled Eggs Rasher of pork Sausages \with Eggs, any style Includes Coffee and Toast Buttered Toast -- 15c Sweet Roll -- 15c Dinner Menu FRENCH ONION SOUF* CHILLED TOMATO JUICE BROILED GRAPEFRUIT Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Jelly .... $3.75 Baked Hickory Smoked Ham, Fr. Sauce $3.25 Roast Prime Rib of Beef, au Jus $3.75 Broiled African Lobster Tails, Drawn Butter $3.75 Broiled English Dover Sole Amondine $3.50 Candied Sweets, Whipped or French Fried Potatoes French Cut Green Beans or Buttered Carrots Tossed Green Salad or Cottage Cheese with Fruit Coffee -- Tea -- Milk Ice Cream Sundae - Sherbet - Pineapple Upsidedown Cake " Children's Portion Served for $1.75 Easter Egg Hunt for the Children For Reservations Phone EVergreen 5-2040 A PROGRAM THAT WORKS! GOODW/U INDUSTRIES OFFERS hanokappep PEOPLE ES5ENT/AL MEASURES/NREHABILITATION: WE VITAL STEPS OF TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENTHfatCH GCME AFTER ME&CAL OARS HAS REACHED ITS LIMITS. Writers' Club To < Meet On April 14 The March meeting of the Crystal Lake Writers' club was held at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Yates. Mps. Waynne briefed the club" on the function of the newspaper in preparation for the next meeting April 14. Mr. Jack Vandermyn will speak on "Feature Writing" at that time. Mrs. Katie McFarland of 1423 Floresta Vista will be hostess. „ Further information on the club may be obtained by calling Crystal Lake 712. "DOUGHNUT DAY"" "Doughnut Day," the "annual tag day for the Salvation Army's benefit, will be held on Friday, June lO, in Chicago and suburban communities, Comr missioner Claude E. Bates, central territorial commander, ait nounced this week. ' Best men at weddings are a carry-over from pre-historic raiding expeditions, when a prospective groom needed help to carry off a wife. Queen Anne ,Boleyn. wife of Henry 8th, had 6 fingers on one hand. FREEZER SPECIAL! E%RA FANCY 10 Lb. Box ONLY 102 S. Green St. 75 ib That's Our Giant PRE-EASTER BONUS SALE -- ROGERS Completely Automatic CIGARETTE LIGHTERS FREE 35c Size AQUA-VELVA ™ with 79c' Williams LECTRIC SHAVE Prfi 'gpr Norwich 5 Gr. 100 tabs. Reg. 49c 2 Guaranteed For 10 Years In Writing ummwm Ice Blue iiir 1/2 PRICE BAYER Nasal Spray LANOLIN PLUS Liquid Castile SHAMPOO Reg. $2.25 RYBUTOL Roll-On Deodorant Reg. 75c Size By The Makers of Bayer Aspirin Reg. 59c Now High Potency Vitamins & Minerals Reg. $1.98 29* ea. 20 Personna 49c GLYCERINE Suppositories Infant or Adult Size ADORN SELF-STYLING BY TONI HAIR SPRAY SALE PRICE Single Edge Razor Blades In Dispenser Reg. 89c R«g. $1.50 Size Bell & Howell One Step Sun Dial PT aYTFX HAND SAVER GLOVES OF FABRIC LINED LATEX Sell Regularly Genuine BRIAR PIPES 19* ea. MOVIE CAMERA *34.95 At 98c 100 BEXEL CAPSULES SPECIAL FORMULA VITAMINS AND MINERALS Rw« $5*35 Unbreakable Plastic NOW Consin BABY LOTION for Diaper Rash Rec. 79c BANKS Reg. 980 49* SAVE $1.41 REG. $3.00 BOX OF MONTAG'S SHADOW STRIPE Coty L'Origan Face Powder All Shades Reg. $1.85 Wrtaley STATIONERY ill NOW $1.59 illiiiH li ISSi ISM\WMi VERI-SOFT Water-Softener Bath Crystals 2 \ i Lb. - 75c size BRING US YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION BOLGER'SD™ STORE Floral Fragrance Bubble Bath 8 Boxes /03 S. GREEN STREET EV 54500 McHENRY. ILL use THE ESEB QJUEEN BIUEEI PAttmWfl ihm Plus 10% Nckral Excise T«x on TolUtri«i

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